American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 156 The Blood God is about to reappear in the world

Drake was caught off guard by the sudden happiness.

The more unreasonable it is, the more fishy it is.

How could the ancestor Lilith be so kind to help him with a hybrid? Once she merged with the power of the blood god, it would be an uncontrollable factor.

"It seems you don't believe it."

Lilith looked confident, as if she had already guessed Drake's concerns.

However, Drake pointed to his ear and then pointed to the distance, indicating that someone was listening.

"Don't worry, I've set up a soundproof barrier so no one can hear our conversation." Lilith said.

As the ancestor of a vampire who has lived for a long time, he is so thoughtful that he pays attention to every detail.

With his extraordinary perception ability, he has already locked the exact location of the snooper.

"Your Majesty, I find it difficult to believe your words."

Drake spoke his mind.

Thousands of years ago, the pure blood hunted him until he had no way to go to heaven or earth, and was finally sealed and imprisoned underground. How could he easily believe the words of the ancestor Lilith?

"It is indeed empty talk."

Lilith still said: "Between you and Dracula, if you have to choose one to obtain the power of the Blood God, I would rather choose you."

Drake was silent.

Naturally, Lilith meant that he was weaker than Dracula.

Dracula is a pure-blooded prince-level existence, and coupled with the power of the Blood God, he does have the ability to threaten the ancestors.

And he only has pure-blood Duke level combat power. Even with the increased power of the Blood God, he may not be able to treat Lilith as an equal opponent.

Of course, everyone's last name is De, and Drake is not willing to admit that he is weaker than Dracula.

"If you agree, I will secretly help you obtain the power of the Blood God. At that time, you will serve as the fourteenth prince of the blood clan. The prerequisite is to sign the scarlet contract."

Lilith said elegantly, her words full of bewitching charm.

"Scarlet Contract?"

Drake is a standard physical warrior, relying entirely on his talent in combat. His weakness is that he does not have blood magic, otherwise he would have been ranked at the prince level.

Dracula is gifted with magic, so he is respected as a prince among vampires.

"It is a contract that guarantees the relationship between king and subject. If both parties do not violate the regulations, there will be no backlash."

The most important thing about Lilith choosing Drake is that he is not proficient in magic and is just bullying the illiterate.

After struggling for a while, Drake finally made a decision.

"Your Majesty, I promise you."

The power of the Blood God and the supreme power are not exactly what he dreams of pursuing.

Now, with so much available to him, Drake had no reason to refuse.

Joining the so-called midnight bully team, after many days of observation, he felt that it might not be possible to get what he wanted, because Allen was not doing anything right and seemed very unreliable.

"Congratulations on making the right decision."

Lilith pulled out a scroll and spread it out on the paper to write the terms with magic.

Immediately, the scroll floated in front of Drake.

"Take a look, I think it's okay to add a drop of blood."

Drake carefully read the regulations one by one, followed the agreed content completely, and did not hesitate to shed blood to conclude the contract.

Lilith nodded with satisfaction as she retrieved the scroll.

When the scroll was closed, the words on it were rearranged, but the change could not be seen from Drake's perspective.

Arkham Fortress.

Midnight Bully returns after a busy night.

Everyone sat around the metal round table and told what they had discovered during the night.

"I smell more vampires, and the number has increased more than ten times." Russell said with a frown.

He has an extraordinary sense of smell and basically relies on scent for tracking.

Huo Ran found that the number of enemies was not right, so he stopped hunting pure-blood nobles, fearing that he would be surrounded by the opponent's trap.

"In recent days, the Claw Legion seems to have deliberately avoided me." Orm said boringly.

He single-handedly sent hundreds of Talon warriors to Blackgate Prison, with the entire Talon army surrounding him.

He is simply a natural nemesis, facing him head-on is like killing someone.

The Court of Owls naturally realized the problem and ordered the Talon Warriors not to cause trouble to Orm.

"I fought Dracula several times. If he hadn't had magic to fly, I would have caught him long ago." Drake said proudly.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes focused on him.

He just watched quietly without exposing his pretense in person.

If Drake could beat Dracula, maybe His Excellency the Earl's coffin lid was not closed and he caught a cold while sleeping.

"Well done to everyone."

Allen spoke to ease the embarrassment and said: "Gotham did not fall into chaos, and everyone here deserves a lot of credit."

"Unita Sensen."

"I'm here, Commander."

The holographic projection appeared next to Allen and handed him a document.

With the unremitting efforts of the three Robins, the Clown, the Riddler, and the Penguin, they kidnapped more than 80 dignitaries. Under Akatsuki's persuasion of emotion and reason, they awakened their inner justice, voluntarily joined the funny group, and decided to Overthrow the Court of Owls' control of Gotham.

No one wants a disgraceful embarrassment to be made public.

Just the death of society is not a big problem, the key is that the prosperity and wealth will be wasted along with it.

Therefore, he resolutely devoted himself to the cause of justice.

"Report the analysis results."

The intelligence information provided by more than 80 dignitaries was analyzed by artificial intelligence Unita data, combined with various factors such as Gotham's city layout and data network, and finally the key content needed was obtained.

"Your Excellency, Commander, after data analysis, we have concluded that there are two locations for the Blood God Ceremony. One is on the top floor of the Wayne Building, and the other is in the Century Museum. Both have transportation records with unknown information. Moreover, Wayne Group The Court of Owls has infiltrated it and deliberately concealed it to confuse the public. As for the Century Museum, it is the property of the Court of Owls."

The Blood God matter is not a threat in Allen's eyes. After all, he has been defeated once.

The key lies in how to capture it.

"Tomorrow night, first destroy the ceremony in Wayne Tower and catch them all in the museum."

Allen didn't play the trick of a cunning rabbit and drove him directly to a location.

"Is there any news about Aba?" Allen asked.

Allen has always been worried about Bruce's whereabouts, and he really can't decide when the dark multiverse will come.

"Sorry, no more clues."

Unita hacked into Gotham's entire surveillance camera network, never letting up for a moment to observe, and was never able to find her target.

at the same time.

All thirteen pure-blood dukes captured by the Court of Owls through secret channels have arrived in Gotham.

Looking at the sleeping sacrifice.

Dracula's eyes could not contain the enthusiasm.

The Duke-level sacrifice and the summoned power of the Blood God must be even more powerful.

Dracula even considered using a pure-blood prince as a sacrifice, but after thinking about it, he thought it was unrealistic.

"As agreed, I will help you hold a ceremony tomorrow night."

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