American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 155 The First Ancestor Lilith Arrives in Gotham

"Shut the fuck up!"

Thalia roared angrily.

Allen's description was getting darker and darker, and Damian's eyes were full of resentment, as if his inner world collapsed in an instant.

It is estimated that no one can accept such a devastating reality.

"I hate you."

With tears in his eyes, Damian angrily turned around and jumped to a tall building nearby, as if escaping from the unacceptable reality.


Thalia hurriedly caught up.

If this is not explained clearly, how much psychological shadow it will bring to the child.

Allen quietly watched the mother and son chasing each other, not wanting to get involved blindly.

It seems that Thalia herself admitted that he was just a bitch for a moment.

After reading films for many years, Allen had quite a lot of knowledge on the issue of human reproduction, but he had never put it into practice, so he naturally knew that there would be no results that night.

As for Damian's true identity, you have to ask Thalia herself. According to Bruce's character, he must have done a genetic test.

Back to the streets.

"Who did this!?"

Allen saw a sharp sword stuck in the front wheel of the bicycle, and the steel wire supporting the outer ring was broken.

Therefore, he asked the killers lying on the ground extremely angrily: "You have to fight against my bicycle, right? Do you have any sense of public morality, do you have any sense of morality? You bully a mentally ill person who can't drive a car, and then attack the bicycle. You are really despicable." ,spit……"

The killers immediately covered their faces and howled.

The main one is not to admit it.

During the fight just now, who would pay attention to a bicycle? The sword that flew from his hand accidentally got stuck in the front wheel of the bicycle. It was an uncontrollable thing.

"It's so annoying, you unqualified killers."

Huh ha...

Allen rode away on a wheel, tomahawk steak always in hand.

Look at his back.

The killers were filled with emotion.

Truth be told, assassination targets are a little hard to kill.

"My thigh is broken."

"You broke your arm."

"I don't care, I won't be able to attend the next mission."

"No, no, I have one row of broken ribs, and I feel severe pain and cold breathing when I move the slightest bit."

"In that case, my kidneys are failing."

The killers have a tacit understanding and collectively pretend to be sick.

It was obvious that the other party was showing mercy, otherwise there would be corpses all over the ground.

Although the injury was not serious, he could not recover from the injury and was injured again.

Gotham Port.

A cargo ship entered the port at night.

The captain ordered the crew to unload the cargo, and the heavy wooden boxes were moved to the shore with the crane.

Waiting for the unloading to be completed, the captain and crew could not wait to drive the cargo ship out of the port.

They are shipping ships under the control of the vampire industry, and they know exactly what they are carrying into Gotham.

Therefore, once the hungry vampires wake up, they are very worried about giving them as their first meal.

The wooden box was opened from the inside, and pure-blood nobles crawled out of the soil.

There was a thirst for blood in his eyes.

At this time, they were guarding a dark coffin with gold rims.

As the coffin lid slowly opened, a graceful and luxurious woman sat up.

The delicate face is full of girlish charm, and the figure is too exaggerated, as plump and tall as a ripe peach.

Suddenly, a group of bats flew from the sky.

The next moment, the landing turned into what it should have been.

"Prince Ferdinand, pay homage to His Majesty the First Ancestor."

The vampire girl is the ancestor of all vampires.

Prince Ferdinand leads a pure blood team of his own to Gotham, and things develop beyond expectations.

I originally thought that relying on myself and a group of vampire subordinates, I could easily capture Dracula.

As a result, before he could take action, he was attacked by Morbius. Not only was he seriously injured and unable to perform his mission for a while, but he also faced the encirclement and suppression of the Claw Legion.

It can be described as a situation with heavy casualties.

In fact, pure-blood nobles also have vampiric weaknesses, so if you prepare for the weaknesses, you will inevitably be weaker.

"Is there any trace of Drake?" Lilith asked calmly.

Originally, Lilith, as the ancestor, had no reason to get involved. At most, she would consider ordering the other princes to rush to Gotham together.

But in Prince Ferdinand's report, Azur Drake actually escaped.

Two special existences of mixed race appeared in Gotham together, and they had to pay attention to them.

Anyone who obtains the power of the Blood God will surely be promoted to a threat to his own existence.

"Drake is wandering around Gotham City. His apparent target is Dracula, but he is actually hunting purebloods."

Prince Ferdinand was dismissive of Drake and could suppress him by himself.

But the problem is that Morbius steps in.

Dr. Night, who looked like a vampire, confused the purebloods on the spot.

They are similar in ability and have the same blood-sucking habits, but they don't have the weaknesses of vampires, not to mention how annoying they are.

Moreover, his combat power is close to that of a pure-blood prince.

After thinking about it for a moment, I felt that God was unfair.

"Gotham looks like a lot of fun."

Lilith put on an intriguing smile.

Over the long years, many things had made her uninterested, and it was rare for someone or something to excite her nerves.

Immediately, she transformed into a swarm of bloody bats and rushed to Gotham City.

The black robber dropped the leather bag in his hand and took out the cash with satisfaction, not caring about the woman who had a bloody head and fell into a coma.

As soon as he turned around, he saw a horrifying sight from the black robber.

One's whole body was wrapped in armor that resembled an overgrowth of nails, and his ferocious mouthparts opened up and down.

Before he could scream in terror, the other party's tongue suddenly sprang out like a python, biting his throat.

The python-like tongue slowly wriggled, sucking the blood from the black robber.

Within a moment, the black robber rolled his eyes and lost the breath of life.

Drake glanced at the corpse with disgust. When it came to blood food, he would rather feed on young white people. He was psychologically disgusted with black people and always felt they had a dirty smell.

If Allen hadn't warned him and Morbius was secretly listening and monitoring, he wouldn't have cared so much.

When he thought of Morbius, Drake had the urge to taste his blood.


Drake turned around and saw a girl with an proud figure.

It was night now, and Lilith was holding a lace and embroidered parasol, giving people the look of an aristocratic lady traveling.

When their eyes met, Derek couldn't help but tremble all over.

It was suppression from the bloodline, as if one should naturally surrender to the person in front of him.

Suddenly, a name popped into Derek's mind.

All because someone as powerful as a pure-blooded prince couldn't make himself feel awe, the only possibility is that he is the source of all vampires.

"It's a perfect masterpiece."

Lilith couldn't help but envy Drake's talent of immunity to sunlight, even the ancestor of vampires could not be exempted from this weakness.

"Your Majesty, what are your orders?"

Derek couldn't stand it anymore.

He dared to say harsh words when meeting a pure-blood prince, but in front of the ancestor, he immediately turned into a docile little sheep. It was true that his life and death were no longer under his control.

Lilith smiled evilly and asked, "Do you want to obtain the power of the Blood God?"


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