American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 115 Allen: I am the Snake Team

"From now on, I will take over Hydra. Those who agree sit down and those who oppose it stand." Allen said.

The next moment, the five living leaders immediately sat down.

They have no ability to resist at all. Psychic storms are implanted in their minds. Once they disobey orders, they will die.

"Let me introduce, my name is Allen. I served as a Hydra agent during World War II and achieved important espionage results." Allen slowly and slowly recounted his glorious deeds.

"Iron Curtain of the Empire, Allen!?"

A leader suddenly remembered that he saw the code name and name in the dusty files.

"Have you heard my story?"

Allen's eyes lit up, and he suddenly felt that he was quite famous.

"Have seen a little bit."

The leader responded awkwardly, not daring to tell the true record.

In the file, it is described that he was a double agent, serving both Hydra and the Soviet Union. He also rebelled and surrendered to SHIELD, taking away the artifact that was supposed to reverse the situation.

Moreover, it is suspected that he defeated the old god Ares.

Of course, there is no way to verify this matter. According to eyewitness accounts, the battlefield of the Battle of Turning Point was so thunderous that ordinary people could not get close to it. Lightning and thunder could be seen and heard dozens of kilometers away.

"Don't talk too much about the past, work seriously, and stop flattering."


Allen waved his hand like a leader, making the leader pick his feet in embarrassment.

Who wants to flatter you?

Please restrain yourself.

The spirit disk was shocked that Allen actually participated in World War II, but the question looked like he was only in his twenties, but he was not interested in asking too much. He simply guessed that it was to extend his life through mysterious power, perhaps at a mental cost.

"Send the news about Stryker."

Allen kept the key to the first step of the plan in mind.

A leader immediately reported: "Stryker has resumed his original position and has been transferred to a military research base on the Canadian border. He is preparing to restart the X weapon program."

Sure enough, it was exactly as Allen guessed.

The spirit disk couldn't help but feel chills running down his spine, and even felt fear in his heart for Allen.

Not only is he a terrifying strategist, but more importantly, his brain is abnormal and he cannot understand the angle from which to calculate and arrange the next step.

"Put him on the top list of observation targets."

Allen held his chin with his hands and said sadly: "The fish is too small and needs to be fattened up."

To the leaders, Allen did not tell the whole plan, he just asked them to complete it as ordered.

"Design a suit. I don't want to hide my identity as the captain of Hydra."


I have never heard of the Hydra captain. This character has never been born since the establishment of Hydra.

Only last time, Allen visited S.H.I.E.L.D., shouted the name of Hydra randomly, and heard the title of Captain of Hydra for the first time.

"The Brotherhood of Mutants and the Hellfire Club are listed as secondary observation targets."

Basically, Allen has completed the current layout.

At the same time, here is a list of Hydra's top combat forces.

On the list, there are two categories: personal strength and intelligence.

A mature super villain organization not only needs force, but also a think tank to provide advice.

On the force list, active agents have basically infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D., so they cannot be easily transferred. Once they follow orders, their identities are very likely to be exposed.

Read on.

Impressively listed were six Winter Soldiers in sealed state.

There is more than one Winter Soldier, which is an important project. In the end, there are only six Winter Soldiers, and Bucky is one of them.

In this way, Bucky has not woken up and has not yet met Baron Moser.

"Kiba, it comes in handy."

Allen already has the Winter Soldier in mind.

Further down are the names to be recruited.

Natasha Romanoff (to be recruited)

"Sister Widow!"

Suddenly, Allen thought of his old acquaintance Black Widow, touched his chin and said: "Hydra is really big-hearted and wants to recruit Natasha."

There's no doubt Allen has him on his list.

I casually flipped through the intelligence list, and there were all names I didn’t recognize.

Arnim Zola (archived)

"Another old acquaintance."

Allen couldn't help but think of the memory of the mission assigned by Dr. Zola.

At that time, Dr. Zola should be in his forties, and he should be dead of old age now.

"Damn it, he mechanically ascended."

Allen slapped his thigh and recalled that in the movie, this guy's consciousness was uploaded to the computer to achieve immortality.

In the file, it was recorded that Dr. Zola was in the safe house.

Immediately, Allen decided to meet his old friend.

The spirit saucer sent to monitor him stayed by his side silently, listening to Allen's soliloquy, and remained indifferent from the beginning to the end, patiently looking for excuses for him.

In the safe house, there are not many agents to maintain operations, all of which are back-office functions.

I don't care much about the change of leaders in the organization. I feel like I just go to work and get paid.

To be honest, the current Hydra is almost idle.

When you are in silence and hiding, and you want to show off your skills, someone will immediately come out to hold you down and advise you to stop making trouble, otherwise everyone may die together.

basement one.

Large chassis are placed in rows and columns.

The performance of electronic products in the 1960s and 1970s was limited. To support the rise of machinery, it was ultimately necessary to maintain the quantity of equipment.

Pull the switch.

In an instant, rows of lights came on.

Following this, the host fan begins to cool down.

In the middle, a computer monitor lights up.

First, a torrent of green data rolled from top to bottom, as if the system was booting up.

"Eh..., it's quite cybernetic."

Allen stepped forward and took a picture of the display screen. Generally, old-fashioned electrical appliances are very pretentious and require physical force to turn them on.

For example, when there was signal interference on the only black-and-white TV set in the orphanage, the director would often tap the snowflake screen twice to restore the screen. The children watched the Temu Astro Boy cartoon and ate with gusto.

After a while, the boot system ran normally, with Dr. Zola's face consisting of small green squares on the screen.

"I finally waited for the arrival of the new century, the fourth..."

Dr. Zola stopped mid-sentence and looked at Allen standing aside with a stiff expression.

"What's fourth?" Allen urged: "Old Zuo, don't show off."


Dr. Zola was perfunctory, and then asked in confusion: "Alan, if you are not dead, why are you here?"


Allen slapped the screen and said angrily: "Who started this rumor? When did I die?"

"After that battle, you disappeared. Many people in Hydra wanted to seek revenge on you, but no one was found." Dr. Zola said truthfully.

There were almost a few decades apart, and they were already considered dead, and the information was sealed up until it was destroyed after the expiration date.

"Why aren't you aging?" Dr. Zola asked excitedly.

He uploaded the data in exchange for eternal life, but the result was that his appearance didn't change at all. How could he not feel jealous.

"We're not on the same timeline."

Allen took another photo of the screen and threatened: "Don't interrupt, tell me the fourth thing, or I will dismantle your hard drive."

"Don't..., I said..."

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