American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 114 Allen takes over Hydra

"well said."

Bang bang bang...

Tianqi stood up, clapped his hands, and praised with great appreciation: "When I come to rule the world, I will cover the sky with one hand. That's very good."

You are so talented, why don't you take the postgraduate entrance examination?

Seeing Allen stealing the limelight, the spirit saucer and the archangel looked jealous. Although they cursed in their hearts, they still stood up and applauded.

Allen pressed his hands down to show his low profile, but his expression showed that he was enjoying the applause.

"Boss, you must have a deep understanding of me. After all, I am such a talented man, and my farts are fragrant." Allen said leisurely.

Tianqi has a feeling of regret that he met you too late: "If I could have met you thousands of years ago, there would be no need to worry about not being able to accomplish the great cause of unifying the world."

"Now that I'm here, I will definitely become the man who silently supports you from behind."

Eren seemingly said the same thing to the Ninja Master.

"You are the first person I am happy about since I woke up. In the future, when the mutant empire is established, you will be the vice-president of the empire."

Tianqi, who was originally solemn and taciturn, rarely talked much today. He thought he had met a talent that suited his taste, and he felt a bit sympathetic to each other.

Moreover, as soon as Tianqi said these words, the spirit disk and the archangel couldn't help but feel their hearts sink, and they suddenly felt a sense of loss.

Actually, let a mentally ill person take the lead.

"I will never let the boss down. Any enemy who stands in front of us will be crushed." Allen vowed to express his loyalty.

Tianqi showed an expression of relief like an old father.

It's rare that such a motivated child turns out to be a mentally ill child.

"You guys take a rest first, while I collect information about Hydra first."

Apocalypse can collect information through television networks and analyze and steal intelligence.

If you can take away Charles' psychic ability, you can control all mankind in a matter of seconds.

Of course, the apocalypse is unlikely to succeed.

Not to mention the Phoenix girl who couldn't cope with the darkening, secondly, the human spirit Charles had a back-up plan.

He has a twin brother, who is still in a vegetative state, and has been keeping him secretly to prevent his consciousness from being transferred to the vegetative brother in case of sudden accidents and being reborn.

To put it bluntly, who knows if they are twin brothers or a spare body of a clone.

However, the consciousness was reborn, that is, Charles was able to play well, which made him the most powerful psychic mutant in history.

"Sister, let me give you something."

Allen called to the soul saucer, took out the improvised rabbit ear headband, and said, "I think your battle suit will be more lethal with hair accessories."

High-cut yoga clothes and bunny ear hair accessories will transform you into a bunny girl in one second.

I have to ask where the hair accessories came from.

Allen pulled out two steel wires from the wheel of the wheelchair, cut off the legs of the hospital pants underneath, and made it casually.

For an alchemist, it’s not too much to make some small props.

"I do not want."

Lingdishi refused with a cold frown, daring to tease him, wishing he could condense an energy sword to kill the mentally ill person in front of him.

"There are so many women who have rejected me, who do you think you are?"

Allen lay down on the wheelchair and said wildly: "Boss, boss, someone is bullying me, no one cares, I don't want to live anymore, bullying a mentally ill person!"


Spirit Disk stepped forward, grabbed the rabbit ears hair ornament and put it on his head, saying harshly: "Don't give me a chance."

Putting down the harsh words, the spirit disc quickened its pace and left.

Originally, Allen had an expression that would not allow him to refuse, and he even thought about taking action to try to dampen his spirits. Unexpectedly, he didn't even have the slightest shame to shout.

People have to bow their heads under the eaves.

At present, Allen is the darling of Apocalypse, and she must not turn against her because of this. Maybe Apocalypse will kill her.

"Smile, Jill, vase."

Allen glanced unhappily at the archangel who was having fun at the side.

Immediately, the archangel walked away with a gloomy face.

"What I hate the most is the melon-eaters who just watch the fun and don't take it too seriously." Allen cursed.

Inside a certain Hydra secret safe house.

Currently, several Hydra leaders are discussing a meeting.

During World War II, Hydra, under the leadership of the Red Skull, was extremely popular for a while and established a huge power in the Axis Powers.

Unfortunately, due to the defeat, the surface members had to be cut off, and the core layer turned to implement the parasitic plan.

The battle between the Red Skull and Captain America resulted in no news, allowing Pioneer Technology, which was originally loyal to Hydra, to stand on its own.

After forty years and generations of hard work, Hydra gradually gained a foothold within SHIELD.

"Our rise is unstoppable. After Carter retires in two or three years, we can penetrate into the core departments." A leader said excitedly.

Among the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D., either have passed away or were successfully assassinated, but Carter has always remained at his post.

Due to their qualifications and the protection of special agents, they could only wait for the opportunity in secret.

At the same time, we maintain a low profile and do not dare to be too aggressive.

It belongs to many departments of S.H.I.E.L.D., which is like a restricted area, making it impossible for them to start.

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s academy that trains agents.

Claim to the outside world the Wand Bureau of District Thirteen.

Explore the armor bureau that deals with parallel universes.

The Heavenly Sword Bureau is preparing a plan.

As well as the Pegasus Project, which was established in cooperation with the government.

Among them, the management of Project Pegasus is relatively lax, and Hydra has already begun to infiltrate.

Moreover, the Wand Bureau has the Thunder Agents, and the Armor Bureau has the Midnight Sons and other team organizations, which are not entities that Hydra can easily provoke.

A leader suddenly asked: "What does it mean above?"

above! ?

Yes, there are still forces above Hydra, which are extremely hidden.

"No movement, maybe more arrangements are being made."

“I hope that in my lifetime, I can see the ambitious goals achieved.”

"What goal?"

A strange voice sounded.

The six leaders all looked in the direction of the source of the sound.

At some point, four more strangers appeared.


They recognized the ancient mutants instantly.

They were the ones who passed the news to Charles in the first place, prompting Stryker to attack the school.

In fact, they are very aware of the terrifying power Tianqi possesses, so no one dares to act rashly.

There is no shortage of smart people in the world, and it is so commonplace to develop instruments to detect energy radiation.

At that time, the Hydra agents were not close and had already detected a terrifyingly excessive energy threshold.

"The Imperial Iron Curtain begs to return."


Allen made a gesture.

The six leaders were confused, wondering who the guy who didn't look normal was?

"What's going on? Everyone in Hydra is so rude now. Do you see the elders not returning the greeting?" Allen stood up with disdain and walked to the door on the side.


Suddenly, the whole meeting became bright.

Allen did not forget to complain: "I turned on the ambient light on purpose to make the room so dark. As villains, we must have temperament and charming language, and don't do anything fancy. This is the world of novels, not comics or movies. , where did the pictures and lenses come from, and who can see the atmosphere you created."


The leaders looked at each other, completely unable to keep up with Allen's thinking rhythm.

You can only wait quietly for what the other party wants to express.

According to Hydra's adaptable style, this is not the first time that they have endured humiliation and survived.

"What do you need me to do?" Tianqi asked.

"Boss, get them under control. They all obey my orders. Then wait for my news and cooperate with me to take action." Allen said as if you can rest assured that I am doing things.

Apocalypse nodded slightly, raised his hand to finish, and explained: "I have planted a spiritual storm in them. If they disobey your order, they will directly tear their consciousness into a vegetative state."

"Everyone plucks out three stupid hairs."

Allen issued orders to the leaders.

"Don't even think about it..."

The leader who spoke, before he could finish his words, rolled his eyes upwards and his whole body went limp.

Upon seeing this, the other leaders immediately put their hands in their trouser pockets and placed them on the table to show their compliance.

"Spirit Disk, you stay with Allen and are responsible for protecting him."


Naturally, Apocalypse couldn't completely trust Allen, so he ordered the spirit saucer to monitor his movements.

As soon as he finished speaking, the energy shield rose, and Apocalypse teleported away with the archangel.

For a moment, the five surviving leaders looked at Allen, waiting for any orders.

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