American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 102 Departure to the underworld to seek death


The engine of a silver-white car roared.

The expressions of relief on the faces of the lizard demon clan were all there.

At the same time, fearing that Allen would renege on his word, he killed them all.

Allen stepped out of the car, and for a moment, the lizard demons became alert.

"No need to send you off, see you in the future."

Allen waved to them and got back into the car.

Get out now and never see me again.

In the car, Allen touched the steering wheel with a solemn expression.

"Boss, it's time to go."

The skull can't wait to return to the underworld. If he stays in hell, there is no power of the death element to restore himself. If it takes a little longer, the soul fire may be exhausted and he may die.

"Don't make any noise, let me think about how to open it." Allen looked at it in the east and touched in the west, studying and exploring.


You built a car, but you can’t drive it?

How do you build a car?

It's true that Allen can't drive, doesn't have a driver's license, and has never touched a car, but that doesn't stop him from seeing the structure of a car and then building one.

"Press the brake, shift into gear, release the brake and then step on the accelerator." The skull patiently taught.

"It's amazing that you can drive." Allen said with envy.


The skull sighed: "I was a truck driver when I was alive, and then I died in a car accident."

"Hahaha..., your joke is so funny."

I have to say that Allen's laugh point is very low. It is obviously a sad story, but he laughed so hard that he fell forward and backward.

"Press the brake, shift into gear, release the brake and step on the accelerator..."


For a moment, the car hit the wall of the ruins, leaving a big hole, but the car sped away without any incident.

The skull hanging on the rearview mirror looked at the rampaging cars and did not avoid obstacles at all.

In one word, it's collision.

Hit a path.

"What kind of car are you?"

The skull couldn't help but marvel at the quality of this car. A head-on collision with a reinforced concrete wall didn't cause any problems.

"It's just alchemy."

Allen showed off: "The body adopts a plasticity technology that absorbs energy and transforms it into kinetic energy. The energy source adopts an enchantment technology that absorbs and transforms fire elements. It's a pity that it can only be driven in hell."

"Why?" The skull asked in cooperation.

"It can only absorb the elements of hellfire and convert them into kinetic energy. In other worlds, it is just scrap metal."

Where in hell can I buy gasoline?

Allen is naturally imbued with the element of fire that permeates the air.

This fire element is too violent. If it is not a native creature of hell, it cannot be absorbed and transformed into magic. A human mage will explode on the spot if he takes a sip.

When used in alchemical creations, there is no explosion problem. After all, explosions can generate kinetic energy.

If you look at it from the outside, the surface of a moving car is covered with a layer of red flame, which is a phenomenon caused by absorbing the fire element.

"I'm going to speed up, the evil spirit chariot is about to attack."

Allen stepped on the accelerator as low as possible, causing a sonic boom in an instant.

The protruding rocks along the way shattered when touched, like a cannonball flying close to the ground.

Is this really a car made by alchemy?

The skull couldn't help but wonder. He had lived in the underworld for hundreds of years. He had seen many lichs and skeleton wizards, and many were proficient in alchemy. He had never seen such an exaggerated creation.

Is it possible that human alchemy has been updated and iterated to such a powerful level?

Of course, the world where Skull lived was not the world where Allen lived.

According to the 1973 timeline, one hundred years ago, America had just ended the Civil War, and oil was only used as an oil lamp.

Therefore, the world in which Skull lived was more than a hundred years ahead in terms of technological level.

It's normal. In the multidimensional multiverse, there are several human worlds with extremely advanced technology. It's a normal thing.

Whoever stipulates that science and technology in the world must be consistent, can’t already set foot on the sea of ​​stars.

"Skullboy, I have a question."

Allen drove according to the directions given by the skull, chatting from time to time to relieve his boredom: "You said that there are so many universes with the same people, and they will all be sent to the underworld when they die?"

"Impossible, it won't fit." The skull answered directly.

There are as many multiverses as there are sands in the Ganges. The same characters exist and all die and are sent to the underworld, purgatory, and hell. That would be quite interesting.

Go out a door and meet one hundred and eighty peers.

One person, equal to a group, is simply going to be in chaos.

The skull gave a reasonable explanation: "The scenery in the human world will reflect the three realms, and correspondingly it will reflect the world of the heavens. Each realm has its own three realms, and generally they will not come to the main dimension."

"Of course, there are souls from all the worlds that come to the three realms. Once they die there, it means there is no hope of resurrection."

"So, strong men who were once able to cross latitudes will visit the underworld to find peers, or enter the three realms to become the only ones."

"In particular, once the gods of the heavens lock the coordinates of the three realms, they enter and establish a domain, shape anchor points and bonds, and gain uniqueness. When the peers in other universes die, the power belongs to the lord."

"And the lord I serve is the only god."

After an explanation, Allen understood how powerful Mysterio would be in the future. As long as he kept alive and endured himself in the multiverse, his power would grow to an unreachable level.

However, there is an upper limit to existence, and it can truly grow infinitely, and all the heavens and realms have long fallen into the hands of the three lords.

Some very ancient gods, who have lived for millions of years, can hunt their peers through various methods to strengthen themselves.

In fact, Allen's guess was correct.

There is not only an upper limit for lords, but also each multiverse has its own rule incarnation, and every existence cannot be provoked by lords.

The way to be powerful does not have to be the way of the lord.

"No wonder you are so proud when you mention your lord. It turns out you have a good boss."

Allen didn't have too many in-depth questions. It would be good if a skeleton soldier could explain some basics.

"Isn't that right? The lord is not only the only god, but also a god of death. It perfectly fits the godhead of the Death Lord. He will definitely become one of the greatest in the underworld in the future." The skull said with great certainty.

"You don't like her, do you?"

Allen said coquettishly: "When I talk about your lord, I can't stop talking, as if I'm showing off my wife."

"Don't talk nonsense, I didn't, really didn't, no..." The more the skull quibbled, the softer his voice became.


Allen stared with a mean look on his face, but said nothing, exerting pressure invisibly.

The skull felt as if his skull was going to crack, and he admitted impatiently: "Okay, okay, I like the lord, so what? I'm not the only one who likes him. Many undead admire the lord."


Allen continued to squint, as if asking him to lift the last fig leaf.

"What are you doing? Is it wrong to like someone?"


"I have too much admiration and admiration for the lord."


"Okay, I'll let an undead put on the Lord's clothes and have sex, that's all."


"I said, I said, it was me who changed into Lord Lord's clothes and was raped by other undead."


Allen said disgustedly: "I didn't expect you to be such a skeleton."

"Don't tell me, I'm too embarrassed to live." The skull cried sadly.

"You were meant to be dead."


The high-speed car passed through thousands of kilometers of hell and reached the edge of the junction.

At this time, demons with bat wings and fallen angels with black wings can be seen in the sky, as well as undead with bone wings stretched out.

It was here that the war broke out between the demon army and the undead army.

Looking around, you can see the black mass of soldiers on both sides, the number is simply immeasurable.

"Boss, do you want to take a detour?" the skull advised.

If you want to cross the battlefield, you will inevitably be attacked by both sides, which is really unwise.

"You forgot, I like to seek death."

Allen had no intention of letting up on the accelerator and shouted excitedly: "Experience monsters, I'm here, haha..."

At this time, the two sides fighting in the sky noticed the intrusion of outsiders.

It's instantly recognizable as a car.

They are noble lords and belong to the level of the demon god of death in the human world. Naturally, they have a group of followers who follow them.

I often feel bored and come to believers to experience the life of a mortal.

But the question is, how can there be a car in hell?

The car ran straight into the battlefield without slowing down at all, smashing into pieces the soldiers on both sides along the way.

Like a sharp knife, it was thrust into the square formation, leaving a deep blood mark on the ground.

It is all the blood of demons and broken limbs. The undead are creatures without flesh and blood, except for some lords of the underworld, who are outsiders.

The serious grim reapers are all skeletons in black robes.

The lords and commanders of both sides looked confused.

Whose subordinates?

It was so fierce that all the soldiers on both sides were crushed to death.

"What the hell, is it the Ghost Rider without eyes?" a demon leader muttered.

The fallen angel on the side retorted: "I don't feel the power of heaven."

Indeed, the source of Ghost Rider's power is the spirit of vengeance hidden in his body, and the spirit of vengeance originates from heaven.

The fallen angels who once served in heaven are most sensitive to the characteristics of this kind of power.

"No matter who it is, they will die." The demon leader said fiercely.

Suddenly, before he could take action, a long black sword came through the air and was thrust diagonally in front of the car.

The next second, the car raised its head and took off, flying dozens of meters in the air before falling heavily.

Alan climbed out of the car in disgrace, not forgetting to take the skull with him.

He looked at the car with a pity expression, and then at the long black sword.

It was a pity that he didn't have enough experience, he was only at level 50. If he gave it a little more time, he might have reached the full level directly.

"It looks familiar, but I can't remember it."

Allen tried to remember whose sword it was, and the skull gave the answer: "It was the Lord who took action."

"When I meet her, she has to pay me three to five billion to settle the matter."

The problem at hand is how to get out of it.

The surrounding demons and undead were all looking at them, and they were pressing closer to launch a tentative attack.

"Everyone, get out of here."

With a majestic scolding, both parties stopped where they were.

There is already a female god in the sky wearing a black and green battle suit.


Allen was stunned and asked, "Is she the lord you mentioned?"

"That's right, it's Her Majesty Hela, the goddess of death." The skull said excitedly.

Hela, the goddess of death in the sky, used the power of death to transform into a big black hand, and caught Allen in the air to look at him.

"Sister, we are a family. Thor, the God of Thunder, is pursuing me. He cast a spell on the Meowth Hammer to make me lift it." Allen lowered his eyebrows and approached me.

If you should be cowardly, be cowardly. He is a god, and Allen will not be stupid and confront him head-on.

Hela rolled her eyes speechlessly and explained: "The hammer is a spell I cast."


Allen was shocked at first, and then said shyly: "It turns out you want to pick me up, you should have told me earlier, I like to eat soft food the most, Nao Po~"

"Fuck you for being crazy. Who the hell likes you?" Hela said angrily.

He already understood in his heart that Allen had not experienced a longer timeline, so he did not know himself yet.

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