"Big clock, can you observe anything unusual around me?"

Li Qingyun had suspicions in his heart.

In the setting of Marvel comics, Thanos has not only four Obsidian generals, but five Obsidian generals.

In addition to the four who appear in the movie, there is also a superstar.

She is very mysterious and also possesses extremely powerful abilities.

Mind control, telepathy, mental transmission, memory stealing.

She can control certain people remotely and use them to obtain information for herself.

If you can't get it through control, you can get it through telepathy and memory stealing.

She can even directly transmit her spirit, allowing some people to directly become her fanatical believers, or fanatical believers of Thanos, and then use this to expand their military power.

Of course, if we follow the conventional operations of the movie universe and comic universe, almost every character who appears will have his abilities reduced to a certain extent.

Therefore, if this superstar really exists, her specific abilities remain to be verified.

But what is certain is that she must be good at intelligence gathering.

Because her position among the five Obsidian generals is to collect intelligence.

"Since the big clock entered this world, there has never been an abnormal situation around you!"

The big clock reported.

It is a celestial computer, a celestial computer bound to Li Qingyun.

From the moment Li Qingyun traveled through time, the big clock was there.

It has naturally been doing this from the beginning to detect the situation around Li Qingyun at any time.

Just like the big clock collects supernatural factors from the beginning.

"So, you're safe with me!"

Li Qingyun said.

However, Li Qingyun still could not make a conclusion as to whether the superstar existed and whether she would become a threat.

At least judging from the current situation, there are indeed people secretly promoting all this.

Without deliberately avoiding it, Li Qingyun put away the power gem and walked out of the room.

This place of nothingness is a large-scale black market trading place in the universe, and people come and go from time to time, so Li Qingyun's movement here would not attract anyone's attention.

But today, as soon as he walked out of the room, he already attracted the attention of many people around him.

The workers who were working here for the collector, the merchants and thieves who came in and out of this place, as well as the newly arrived Star-Lord and others all looked towards Li Qingyun.

"Something is not right!"

Li Qingyun sighed in his heart.

He has seen it and seen the thoughts in the hearts of the people around him.

More than half of them were greedy and wanted to catch Li Qingyun and rob him of his property.

And here, there are still a few people with weird thoughts.

The big clock couldn't read their thoughts, but it was obvious that there was something wrong with these people at a glance.

Finally, there are the funny guys from Guardians of the Galaxy.

They don't have greedy thoughts, but they are all full of curiosity.

Especially Star-Lord.

This is the first time he meets earthlings in the universe.

"Earthling? He knows I'm an Earthling!"

Li Qingyun frowned slightly, the situation seemed to be more serious than he thought.

This pool of water in the Marvel Universe is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Someone must have leaked his identity information and secretly promoted this situation.

"What should we do now? Leave directly?"

the big clock asked.

"If you can't find the answer directly, then just take advantage of the situation and enter this game!"

Li Qingyun answered.

The big clock didn't express any other opinions. It served as the super soldier's auxiliary computer. Whatever the master wanted to do, it assisted him to do it.

"With my current strength, there are not many people in the universe who want to compete with me, and even fewer who want to kill me!"

"In this world, if you know where the danger is, you can prevent it early, but if you don't know it, you must take the initiative to find it out."

"Visible dangers are always much safer than invisible dangers!"

Li Qingyun is no longer the rookie he was when he just traveled through time.

He became a super soldier and upgraded to the third generation super soldier. He was equipped with an unactivated void engine in his body, and he also held the Sword of Heaven and four infinite gems in his hands.

Now that he knows that someone is targeting him, how can he remain indifferent.

Rather than escaping, it is better to face it proactively.

"Monitor all the situations around you at all times. If you find any situation that is beyond your control, tell me immediately. If necessary, you can open the wormhole in advance and transfer me back to the earth!"

Li Qingyun gave this instruction to the big clock.

Then, he walked directly towards Star-Lord.

Star-Lord knows that he is from Earth, so there must be some other information in Star-Lord's hands.

Li Qingyun cannot directly read all the information in Star-Lord's body.

This is because he has the genes of Ego from the Celestial Clan in his body.

But Star-Lord's strength was not taken seriously by Li Qingyun at all.

"How did you know I'm from Earth?"

Li Qingyun went straight to the point, and the aura on his body spread out at this moment.

It was powerful dark energy. A huge dark shadow appeared behind Li Qingyun, bringing huge pressure to everyone around him.

After the dark matter plane space began to be constructed, Li Qingyun had the ability to open this state.

And he was not like Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang, who could only use it in an unconscious state.

He can now control it freely, and can release it specifically for certain specific groups of people!

"Answer me!"

Li Qingyun looked at Star-Lord, the huge dark shadow, and his eyes were emitting a faint light at this moment, and he was directly locked on Star-Lord.

Even though Star-Lord grew up in the universe and followed the plunderer Yondu, he was knowledgeable, but at this moment he was frightened and trembled all over, and involuntarily stepped back several steps.

"I... I heard a cellmate say it in the prison of the Nova Corps."

"He told us that there is a human from the earth in the void, and this human has the Infinity Stone in his hand!"

Star-Lord answered, and his words, under the detection of the big clock, did not judge that there was any lying.

The big clock could not directly read all the information in Star-Lord's brain.

But emotional fluctuations and the information he was extremely concerned about could still be detected.

Under such a strong deterrence from Li Qingyun, if what Star Lord said was false, the big clock would definitely be able to tell.

"What about you?"

Li Qingyun turned around and looked at the people who gathered around him with weapons in their hands.

In fact, the main focus was on those who were controlled by some special means.

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