Someone came to the outside of the void through space jump.

It was Star-Lord and others who drove the Milan spacecraft.

They did not get the Cosmic Orb, but because Star-Lord was known to be the first person to enter the temple, everyone naturally thought that Star-Lord took the Cosmic Orb away.

Gamora wanted to follow Star-Lord.

Rocket Raccoon and Groot were accidentally involved.

Drax the Destroyer also joined them to find Ronan.

This temporary team came directly to the void.

"What are they doing here?"

Li Qingyun stood by the window and looked at the group of funny people.

"Star-Lord wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of others, and others thought that he had the Cosmic Orb!"

Li Qingyun activated the Eye of Insight and understood all the thoughts of these people at once.

"This is really a conspiracy!"

Li Qingyun sighed, and then took out the Cosmic Orb that was the most concerned by this group of funny people.

The metal sphere outside the cosmic spirit ball automatically separated at this moment, revealing the purple power gem inside.

Li Qingyun now has four infinite gems in his hands.

Space, mind, reality and power.

The reality gem has been attached to the Tiansha Sword in the form of ether particles, and Li Qingyun has no intention of forcibly separating it.

The three gems of space, mind and power will be used by Li Qingyun to charge the big clock.

Among them, the energy output power of the power gem is the highest.

When the six infinite gems are inlaid on the infinite gauntlet, the power gem has always stood in a cornerstone-like position.

The first one that Thanos personally took action to snatch was the power gem.

After mastering the power gem, Thanos's combat power was greatly improved, because the power gem's ability is to directly enhance combat power and destructive power.

In addition, the power gem can also provide charging for other infinite gems, making the power generated by those gems more powerful.

In Li Qingyun's view, the permission principle of the Infinity Gauntlet, that is, when the six Infinity Gems are combined into one, they can control the entire universe because of the mutual cooperation between these six abilities.

When the owner snaps his fingers, he gives orders to the six Infinity Gems on the Infinity Gauntlet.

The Mind Gem understands the user's true intentions and conveys this order to other Infinity Gems in the most accurate way.

According to this order, the Reality Gem begins to create the effect the user wants.

The Space Gem makes the effect of this creation, that is, the energy generated, begin to spread continuously to the universe.

The Time Gem makes the generation of this energy unrestricted in time, that is, this effect, in conjunction with the Space Gem, can take effect in the entire universe at the same time.

The Power Gem provides enough energy to allow all the Infinity Gems to spread faster and more accurately.

As for the Soul Gem...

In fact, Li Qingyun has not figured out the exact positioning of the Soul Gem among the six Infinity Gems.

It may have the same function as the Mind Gem, reading the user's intentions and conveying them to other Infinity Gems.

After all, it can drive the Space Stone according to its own will without a master or controller, and let the Space Stone transfer the Red Skull to Vormir.

From this point of view, it is reasonable for the Soul Stone to have the ability to control other Infinity Stones.

But the soul is ethereal and mysterious.

In the data theory model, if there is a Mind Stone, there is no need for another Soul Stone.

However, in actual operation, if there is no Soul Stone, the other five Infinity Stones cannot achieve the effect of snapping fingers.

"I can't figure it out!"

Li Qingyun sighed and didn't continue to think about it.

If you can't figure out some things now, you should put them aside for the time being. If you keep thinking about them, sometimes you will only get stuck in a fixed mindset.

Just like now, if he only focuses on the Infinity Stones, he will ignore a very important issue.

That is Thanos's ability to control intelligence.

How can he accurately know the whereabouts of those Infinity Stones?

And how did he appear at the most appropriate time in the place where the Infinity Stones are most easily obtained?

The other Infinity Stones are easy to explain.

But the Space Stone is simply incomprehensible.

Although many people know that the Space Stone is in Asgard.

But Asgard is the place where the Aesir live, Odin and Hela are both very powerful, the kind of power that Thanos finds difficult to defeat.

But Thanos was able to accurately stop Thor and his men after the death of Odin and Hela, when the Asgardians were on a huge spaceship heading to Earth.

In addition, there is the Reality Stone in the Void, and the Mind Stone was in Vision at the time. Vision hid his whereabouts in order to be with Scarlet Witch.

The Aether particles are hidden in the Void, and only a few core members of Asgard know about it.

After the collector gets it, he should not be stupid enough to show it off in front of others.

So, it is difficult for people to find it under normal circumstances.

Vision, who has the Mind Stone, can be said to be a very powerful superhero.

But he was attacked by Corvus Glaive without knowing it.

If he hadn't known where Vision was in advance and arranged in advance, how could Corvus Glaive hit the target so accurately?

"There should be a person or organization that is extremely good at obtaining intelligence around Thanos!"

When Li Qingyun was thinking about the relationship between the Infinity Stones, he found that he almost overlooked the problem.

Why can Thanos grasp the dynamics of all the Infinity Stones so accurately, why can he control the entire universe so easily and arrange accurately?

If there is no powerful intelligence network, how can he do this?

He has already obtained the Power Stone, and it should be difficult for Star-Lord and other members of the Guardians of the Galaxy to have any intersection.

But they are still gathered together now, and they happened to come to the Land of Nothingness.

There is obviously a problem here.

Behind all these events, there may be an invisible hand that is silently pushing.

Perhaps this hand is the intelligence personnel or organization that Thanos has arranged in secret.

It is also possible that, as shown in the American TV series Lokiri, it was Kang the Conqueror, the time manipulator, who was deliberately fiddling with it...

But the time manipulator can only design, but cannot forcibly change people's thoughts and souls.

Without the power gem, there is no reason for the Guardians of the Galaxy to gather together, and the time manipulator cannot forcibly change this setting.

Unless, he personally stepped in to guide it.

But this kind of thing is unacceptable to the Time Administration Bureau, which is detached from the outside and wants not to affect the normal development of the timeline and the story.

So, the most likely explanation is that there is a special person hiding beside Thanos, who is forcibly intervening and guiding with her own abilities, so that things develop like this.

In order to create more opportunities for Thanos to successfully obtain the Infinity Gems!

And this person would do this, which means that she is likely to know about Li Qingyun's situation!

On the first day of the holiday, I slept in...

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