"There are currently no suitable options that can be used as fusion options, but there is nothing you want!"

replied the big clock.

"Nothing I want?"

"Is there still no way to analyze the Chaos Magic and God Group factors?"

Li Qingyun said doubtfully.

"Chaos magic is too special, and it is still in the pre-explosion stage. The analyzed data needs to be deduced and simulated before it can be finally applied, so there has not been much progress!"

"As for the God Group, the God Group on Earth is in the gestation period. It is actually a spiritual body and has not formed an effective life, so it cannot be extracted."

"It is recommended that if possible, it is best to directly find the already formed Celestial God Group, even if it is the corpse of the Celestial God Group as a specimen, perhaps the results can be analyzed faster!"

The big clock explained the situation in great detail.

One is in an inactive state, and the other is not formed at all.

Although they can master certain information, these information are not enough to be used to integrate with Li Qingyun himself.

"The corpse of the Celestial God Group? There really is such a thing in the universe!"

One of the corpses of the Celestials has clearly appeared in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

It is a place of nothingness.

The head of a former god group left behind after death.

Now the head is controlled by collectors, turning it into a huge black market trading place.

At the same time, collectors are still continuously digging for the treasures remaining in the heads of the Tianjin group.

The head itself is a treasure!

"Want to go to the universe?"

Li Qingyun was thinking.

It wouldn't do him any harm to take a walk around the universe.

But the question is, if he leaves, what will the manor do?

There is nothing in Li Qingyun's manor now.

He has gradually built a huge factory here. Many of the equipment in the dark matter plane structure were initially built in this underground factory.

The technology contained here can be said to be beyond that of everyone on earth at this stage.

Once Li Qingyun leaves, these technologies will inevitably attract covetous attention from all over the world.

Especially those who have known for a long time that Li Qingyun possesses super high technology.

"Although Banner and the others will continue to stay here, the underground laboratory and the manor itself need to have certain defense methods!"

Li Qingyun no longer has nothing.

Now that you have a home, you need an assistant who can look after your home.

"Does your database contain information about certain soldiers in the Taotie Legion?"

Li Qingyun couldn't directly summon his favorite super warriors through the big clock.

Because the super genetic code is not known, there is no data information about the super soldier.

But since the big clock assisted Karl, the God of Death, in promoting the development of the Taotie civilization, it should have recorded a lot of information in the Taotie civilization.

Especially those who have been completely transformed into mechas, the so-called warriors blessed by death.

Their bodies were completely freed from their physical bodies and loaded into transformed steel bodies.

Then during the entire loading process, the big clock should record the entire loading process, including the loading record information.

"There is indeed specific information about the Taotie Mecha in the database. By replicating the data, the same Taotie Mecha can be created!"

"But the problem is, they are all loyal believers of Karl, the god of death."

"If you want to reproduce it, the data itself must be reshaped and redefined!"

The big clock displays answers and then gives reminders.

"These re-created warriors should be given a new god and faith!"

The big clock said, and its last words made Li Qingyun fall into deep thought.

God and Faith.

This is the stage that Li Qingyun will eventually reach after becoming a super soldier from an ordinary person.

But in the past, Li Qingyun never thought about what kind of god he would become.

What will his belief concept be like!

"For this question, you can actually sort out a rough framework directly through your memory data."

said the big clock.

"Through my memory data?"

Li Qingyun said doubtfully.

"Yes, your past living habits and the senses naturally formed in your mind are the framework that is most suitable for you."

"The upper and lower limits of this framework are the upper and lower limits of your followers."

"As for your final beliefs and ideals, this still needs to be decided by you!"

What the big clock said made Li Qingyun nod silently.

The habits I have developed in the past are indeed the civilized standards that are most suitable for me.

As for the upper and lower limits, Li Qingyun can still slowly adjust them based on his own growth in the future.

However, this ultimate pursuit of faith and ideals still requires him to think carefully.

“What do I most want to achieve?”

Li Qingyun is examining himself and questioning himself.

He wanted to figure out what he wanted to pursue most.

Is it supreme power?

Is it the strongest force?

Or eternal life?

These are what Li Qingyun wants.

But it seems that this is not what he wants to achieve most.

"For the time being, let's settle on one based on supreme power, the strongest strength, and eternal lifespan!"

Li Qingyun did not continue to struggle with this.

It is not possible to figure out what one's true ideals and pursuits are by just thinking about it.

It takes years of baptism and life's trials to slowly understand.

"I understand. I will define your identity in the name of the Lord of Shenhe."

"The Taotie warrior created will be the most loyal warrior under your command!"

"Its name is Shenhe Mecha!"

The big clock answered.

Then, it began to operate the underground factory and began to create these mechas.

With the exploration of the universe by the big clock and the collection of powerful substances in the universe, Li Qingyun now has a lot of resources in his hands.

Li Qingyun has solid space metals, even dark iron elements and void substances.

The outer space metal he got from Councillor Yan before has already been fused with a certain amount of dark iron elements to create real dark alloy armor.

And now, the Shenhe mecha they want to make naturally cannot be made of ordinary metals.

Incorporating a certain amount of dark iron elements can enhance the combat effectiveness of these mechas.

Li Qingyun even had the Big Clock equip them with Flame-class blades.

Under the control of the Big Clock.

With the manufacturing capacity of the underground factory today.

Eight Shenhe mechas were manufactured in one go, and they will become the guardians of Li Qingyun's manor and the dark elf mothership.

They will also be Li Qingyun's real subordinates!

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