American comics: Start by binding the Super Seminary clock

Chapter 70: Implementation, Void-class Gene Engine

The upgrade of the third-generation super soldier has been completed.

But Li Qingyun's upgrade process is not over yet.

The computing power of the big clock has been greatly improved because of the addition of space gems and the binding of more stellar energy at the same time.

In the past two years, it has already collected more void matter.

Based on the void technology possessed by the big clock, Li Qingyun naturally prepared the upgrade plan of the void-level super gene engine as soon as possible.

Now that he is upgrading to the third-generation super soldier, he naturally has to install this void engine in his body as soon as possible.

Although it is not yet in an activated state, it can be used as a means of saving Li Qingyun's life.

When he is fatally injured, he can recover by passively opening the void engine.

Even if he is not fatally injured, if his own strength cannot solve the crisis at hand, he can still choose to activate it actively to obtain more powerful energy.

Even in the end, he doesn't need to use these at all.

Based on this void engine, he can still directly upgrade the black hole engine after obtaining black hole matter.

In Li Qingyun's plan, through the big clock, the best state that Li Qingyun can get is the black hole engine and the fifth generation of divine body.

This is the latest and most advanced technology developed by the god of death Carl.

Although Li Qingyun still wants to go further, he obviously can't do it at present.

When he can't do it, he should be down-to-earth and aim at what he can see.

As for wanting to go further, wait until his horizons are broader and his knowledge is richer, and then slowly consider it.

This is a step-by-step process and the safest approach.

"The void engine has been installed!"

"The current state is not turned on!"

The notification information of the big clock came, and Li Qingyun's upgrade finally completed the last step.

He can feel the change of energy in his body at this moment.

It is an extremely abundant feeling, as if no matter how much he squanders, the energy in his body can never be consumed.

But what really makes him most happy is his current state of using energy and his application of dark matter plane space.

In the dark matter plane space constructed for him by the big clock, there are now many devices and functions.

However, as a second-generation person, he cannot fully exert these abilities.

But now, he can drive them immediately with just a thought.

Wormhole barriers, solar flares, energy conversion...

Li Qingyun has all the combat methods commonly used by super warriors in the Super God Universe.

Moreover, in addition to these simple abilities, there are some deeper things.

Some of them can be recognized by Li Qingyun, which are the things of Tiandao Lieyang and Melo Tianting.

Li Qingyun can also imagine the source of these technologies.

In the process of studying the void, in order to push away the biggest stumbling block in front of him, Holy Kesha, he once studied the super genes and some abilities of angels.

Later, in order to master the driving of stars to bomb black holes, the death god Carl also asked the Taotie Legion to capture the sun light Lena.

In the negotiation with Pan Zhen, the death god Carl also obtained some of the technology of Tiandao Lieyang.

In addition, the abilities and technologies of all the super warriors of Shenhe civilization are in the big clock.

"The third generation of super soldiers!"

Li Qingyun raised his right hand, and a golden sphere appeared in his hand.

This was a flare light ball formed by the introduction of stellar energy in an instant.

The energy contained in this light ball, once it explodes, is definitely no less powerful than a nuclear bomb.

Now Li Qingyun is a person who can really make a nuclear bomb with his hands.

"It's just a part of the technology of the sun's light that can achieve this level!"

"If it is the real sun's light, what kind of existence would it be?"

Li Qingyun sighed.

Although he is confident that with the assistance of the big clock, his potential and strength are definitely not inferior to the gods of the three major god-making projects.

But there is no doubt that at the starting point, they are better than themselves.

The power of the galaxy, the god of war of the star, the light of the sun, the rose of time and space...

Each of them was born after the Super God Academy spent ten thousand years of research and cultivation. Each of them, from the moment they became super soldiers, has mastered very powerful abilities.

Li Qingyun is different. His super gene is the most primitive. His ability needs to be continuously supplemented in the future to be improved.

However, Li Qingyun is not unfortunate.

On the contrary, he is very lucky.

He has been bound to the big clock from the beginning.

And the world he lives in is a very magical world.

In this world, there are too many mysterious powers.

Now Li Qingyun has only integrated one of them.

That is the power factor of Thor, the god of thunder, who is an Asgardian Aesir.

Li Qingyun is not just a super soldier in the simple sense.

He can actually be regarded as half a god.

A super soldier with divine power!

"Among the three thousand supernatural factors, what other factors are suitable for me to integrate?"

Li Qingyun asked, he wanted to further improve his strength.

Moreover, after upgrading to the third generation, his body can already withstand more super powers at the same time.

There will be no conflict between them, nor will they become a burden to each other because of too many types.

For Li Qingyun, he still has at least four supernatural factors that he wants to obtain.

Chaos magic, Celestial gene, Phoenix force, and fairy force!

Among them, only chaos magic and Celestial gene have been confirmed to exist.

Phoenix force and fairy force have both appeared in Marvel comics, and they are called the three major forces of the universe together with chaos magic.

But so far, they have not appeared in this series framework of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Li Qingyun has not been able to find their traces through the big clock.

As for the Celestial gene, this is the most accessible to Li Qingyun at present.

It is hidden inside the earth.

As the managers of the universe, the Celestials have a very deep relationship with eternity, and they have a great connection with the multiverse.

Moreover, the Celestials themselves are very powerful, just like the Judge Alisem, whose huge body exceeds the stars like the earth by too many, and its power can easily destroy a starry sky!

Although, Li Qingyun currently has very little information about them.

Most of them are obtained through simple information introductions before the time travel, or through analysis of some clips in the movie.

But this does not prevent them from becoming the target worthy of Li Qingyun's attention at present.

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