American comics: Start by binding the Super Seminary clock

Chapter 63 Predictions from the Warlock's Eye

Odin's words made Li Qingyun stunned.

predicted future.

This means that Li Qingyun's appearance has been known to certain entities a long time ago.

Odin can predict, does the Ancient One, who can also explore the future, also know about it a long time ago?

If Gu Yi had known about it for a long time, then everything he did might not be a secret.

Why does he travel through time and why does he have a big clock!

Also, who was the person who gave the order to the big clock in the first place?

Li Qingyun couldn't understand what was going on.

"Warlock Eyes!"

Suddenly, Li Qingyun remembered something.

That was something that appeared in a fleeting scene in the Thor movie.

A treasure hidden by Odin in the treasure room, placed together with powerful artifacts such as the Cosmic Cube, the Box of Ice, and the Eternal Fire.

"Yes, the Warlock's Eye also has the ability to predict the future. Odin can know many things related to the future, which is also related to this!"

"Perhaps he just saw the future with the eyes of a warlock!"

Li Qingyun's thoughts began to gradually slow down.

The appearance of the big clock and his time travel must not be known so easily.

Even if this person is Odin, it doesn't make sense.

Therefore, the most reasonable explanation is that Odin accidentally saw his own existence through the Warlock's Eye, a treasure that can predict the future, in the process of studying the future.

"Did you see everything related to me through the eyes of a warlock?"

Li Qingyun looked at Odin, and the panic that existed subconsciously before was completely eliminated at this moment.

"Not everything, just some simple snippets."

Odin answered.

"But even if it's just these fragments, I already understand that your existence means a lot to Asgard!"

"I'm not an Asgardian, so why does it mean so much to you!"

His mood calmed down, his suspicions were confirmed, and Li Qingyun had completely returned to his normal appearance.

"From the moment you set foot on this land, you have changed the future of Asgard!"

Odin has seen the future and knows what will happen in the future.

If Li Qingyun doesn't come.

Soon after, his wife had a death crisis.

But now, Li Qingyun is here, and from the beginning, he came here to save Frigga.

Frigga's death was the key to Loki changing his ways.

But with Li Qingyun here, even without Frigga's death, Loki couldn't be any worse.

Because, Li Qingyun is Loki's nemesis.

At least that's what Odin predicted in the future!

"Is it because you predicted the future that you worked so hard to help me build the Sword of Heaven?"

Li Qingyun picked up the Tiansha Sword in his hand.

"No, your Tiansha Sword is entirely because Thor is afraid that you will steal his hammer again, so he came to ask me for help!"

Odin shook his head and said.

But his answer made Li Qingyun feel a little helpless.

Thor, God of Thunder, really thought of himself as Thor, God of Hammer. Without the hammer, he became intimidated.

"Thor needs to figure out on his own that the hammer is just his weapon, not the source of his power."

Odin said.

"It's just that it will take some time for him to prepare!"

"Aren't you worried that my intervention will result in Thor never being able to understand the truth?"

"If this is true, it will be a blessing for him and Asgard!"


Li Qingyun didn't know what to say for a while.

Not being able to awaken the power is also a blessing.

If you think about it from the perspective of happiness alone, it seems right.

It takes a painful ordeal for Thor to fully wake up.

If he never wakes up in the future, it means that he doesn't need to go through that kind of pain at all.

This is indeed a blessing for Thor and Asgard.

But if this happens, wouldn't it mean that Li Qingyun will become Saul's nanny?

He helped handle the incident involving the dark elves.

After Odin died, Hela was resurrected, and she helped him deal with it?

Li Qingyun didn't want to do this.

He took action this time purely because he didn't want to see his friend lose his mother.

And this matter also involves ether particles.

But the next time, the goddess of death Hela appears, it will be Thor's housework.

Why should I interfere in their household affairs?

"You still hope that Sol can wake up sooner!"

Li Qingyun said.

"Although I'm half a friend with him, I took action this time just because I happened to have my eye on the ether particles."

"I won't care if there is any danger next time!"

Li Qingyun paused for a moment, and then said again.

"What's going on in your family is your own business. It's impossible for me to interfere!"

Li Qingyun expressed his attitude.

Odin could see him as the key to turning things around for Asgard.

But Li Qingyun will not let himself become the patron saint of Asgard.

"The invasion of the dark elves is coming soon, and I need your Asgardian army to help fight this time."

"You'd better make arrangements quickly and organize manpower!"

"Let's take care of them all at once, so I can go back to Earth and continue my own life!"

Li Qingyun said that he came here just to lure the dark elves away from the earth.

"Don't worry about this!"

Odin said confidently.

"The dark elves will be completely destroyed this time!"

As Odin spoke, he stabbed the ground with the Eternal Spear in his hand.

In an instant, the palace door opened, and both Thor and Dr. Banner turned back to look at the hall.

At the same time, a large number of soldiers were quickly gathering from the square of Asgard Palace.

These soldiers, who are fully armed and ready for battle, are Asgard's standing troops.

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, except for the two legendary wars (the two wars with the Frost Giants and the Dark Elves), only in Thor III when facing the invasion of Hela did such a neat formation appear. .

But that time, almost all the elite warriors in Asgard were wiped out by Hela alone.

Now, seeing these soldiers appearing so neatly, Li Qingyun subconsciously thought of that scene.

King Odin accounts for 98% of Asgard's power, Thor accounts for 1.5%, and everyone else only accounts for 0.5%...

Really, the performance of these soldiers on the battlefield.

Too bad!

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