Sol already had a rough idea of ​​what was going on this time.

Ether particles, the dark elves.

This also involves his grandfather.

His father, the current King of Asgard and the father of the gods, Odin, must know about this!

"Let's go to Asgard!"

Thor already understood the purpose of Li Qingyun summoning him here.

He also felt that it might be better to move the battlefield to Asgard.

After all, Asgard is the land of the gods, and the power there is always stronger than on earth.

The Rainbow Bridge was summoned, and Li Qingyun, Thor and Banner were teleported out together.

Everyone knew that this time they were going to fight. Although Jane Foster was very reluctant, she still did not follow.

Inside Asgard's Bifrost Teleportation Center.

When Li Qingyun and the others walked out of the Rainbow Bridge, the first person they saw was the guardian of Asgard, Heimdall.

"His Majesty the King is waiting for you in the palace!"

Heimdall said with a serious expression.

This guardian of Asgard, who has the strange power to see through the universe, already knows what Li Qingyun said to Thor on Earth.

Moreover, he had already reported it to Odin.

Regarding ether particles, there will be a war about to happen, and Odin has to pay attention to it.


Thor agreed, and then took the lead in the direction of the palace.

However, when Li Qingyun walked past Heimdall, Heimdall kept staring at him.

Li Qingyun frowned slightly when Heimdall looked at him like this.

"I don't seem to have offended you, right?"

Li Qingyun stopped and turned around to look at Heimdall head-on.


Heimdall shook his head.

"Then what are you doing?"

"Just curious!"


Li Qingyun was slightly confused.

"I'm just curious, how did you avoid my observation?"

Heimdall possesses the Eye of True Seeing that can see through the universe.

Even in the distant universe, even if there are stars separated by stars, he can still see what he wants to see.

There are very few people in this universe who can avoid his gaze.

And Li Qingyun happened to be one of them.

Someone who could hold Mjolnir, know more about Asgard than he, the Guardian, and still escape his observation.

How could Heimdall not be curious?

"It's very simple. I just need to create a blindfold for you."

Li Qingyun had considered the attention of people like Heimdall from the very beginning.

From the initial creation of the super genetic potion to the later research on the void engine, Li Qingyun always kept the big clock on guard.

"So, you are the same person as Loki?"

"I'm not as powerful as Loki!"

"But deception has always been what he is best at."

"You are wrong. Loki's methods are very bad!"

Li Qingyun said, but in fact, Loki at this stage is indeed very poor.

The most powerful magician in Asgard, but ended up drawing a knife at every turn.

He is truly a melee magician!


Heimdall did not dwell on this issue further.

Odin is still waiting for Li Qingyun and the others, so he can't waste too much time.

"let's go."

Thor greeted.

Li Qingyun did not stop any longer and began to follow Sol and the others towards the palace.

However, when he was about to walk out of the teleportation center of the Rainbow Bridge, he couldn't help but look back.

Heimdall is a man with the magical power to see through the universe.

This ability is just a gatekeeper to Asgard.

But if this ability comes into Li Qingyun's hands, it will be an extremely useful power.

Li Qingyun has the ability to use wormholes.

If he can see any enemy, even if it's an entire universe away, he can still open a wormhole near him.

Then, quietly, a shot to the head!

By then, not only the entire earth will be under Li Qingyun's control.

Even in the entire universe, no one dares to say a bad word about him.

Of course, this can only be thought of.

Li Qingyun does not have that ability.

The Big Clock can control everything within a certain range, and is more powerful and precise than Heimdall.

But the larger the range that a large clock can control, the more energy it consumes.

If you want to control the entire universe, even if you burn up all the stellar energy in the entire universe, it won't last long.

"If there are six infinite stones to provide infinite energy, maybe it can be realized."

Li Qingyun thought this, and then continued towards the direction of Asgard Palace.

After walking through the long virtual rainbow bridge and passing through several defensive buildings, we successfully arrived at the palace of Asgard.

Sitting on the throne in the main hall was an old man with gray hair and beard, and one eye still covered by black glue.

He wears golden armor and holds an eternal spear.

He is the king of Asgard, known as the father of the gods, Odin!

He was currently sitting on the throne, with his only remaining eye staring at Li Qingyun.

It wasn't a completely unfamiliar look.

On the contrary, he seemed to have known Li Qingyun for a long time, and towards Li Qingyun, it was as if he was looking at an old friend who had been waiting for a long time.

"Something weird!"

This was the first thought that came to Li Qingyun's mind.

"Thor, take Dr. Banner with you to see your mother!"

Odin spoke, but the first sentence he said made Thor, Banner, and even Li Qingyun stunned.

He was going to send Thor and Banner away.

But why?

Why did Odin have to send others away when he first met Li Qingyun?


Odin was no longer hiding his words, and his majestic words made Thor clearly feel Odin's attitude.

Although he still couldn't figure out why Odin was like this!

But Thor still took Banner with him and turned to leave the hall.

After the two of them had left, Odin stood up.

The eternal spear in his hand gently knocked on the ground, and then the door of the hall was closed.

Li Qingyun's face was solemn, but he remained calm.

He believed that Odin would not hurt him because there was no reason at all.

In addition, the big clock was already prepared.

As long as Li Qingyun is likely to be attacked, the wormhole algorithm will take effect immediately, and Li Qingyun will be teleported back to Earth in an instant.

"I have been looking forward to your arrival for a long time!"

Odin spoke, but the meaning of his words made Thor Li Qingyun difficult to understand.

"When I speculated about the future countless times, Ragnarok was the inevitable ending!"

"But one day, I suddenly felt that something was different."

"So, I made another prediction, and in this prediction, I saw a person who had the same divine power as Thor, but was even more powerful."

"At that moment, I suddenly realized that this might be the key to changing the future!"

I am catching a long-distance train tonight and writing a chapter on my mobile phone. Today, I have barely updated 10,000 words. I will continue to work hard tomorrow!!!

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