American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 510: I was born where the gods died

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The mechanical storm ripped apart all the energy bodies present, and the phantoms behind the gods’ agents dissipated in an instant. Captain America raised his shield and drove the bewildered believers to the back of the car, getting rid of the gods. After taking control, they realized that something far beyond their realm had happened.

In such a storm, only Amit was not killed by a single blow. He had the capital to resist a little when his real body came here, but soon, he saw that in the starry sky, a pair of brown eyes were watching him.

That look was like a death announcement, followed by an overwhelming flock of birds.

When machinery and magic are perfectly combined, the endless mechanical birds produced by the mother's nest flash with a magnificent magical luster, and they surround Amit in groups, forming a huge whirlwind.

Purple light shot out from the dense flock of birds, and Amit let out an astonishing scream. Although the onlookers could not see the scene of Amit being torn apart, they could hear it just from the sound he made. , he died very uncomfortably.

The tornado-like flock of mechanical birds smashed him into pieces from the outside to the inside, and even the overflowing magical energy was unbelievably abundant.

Facing this doomsday-like scene, an archmage stepped forward and said to Strange: "Fortunately, he is absorbing Amit's energy, which proves that he has not yet landed on the universe and needs energy. maintain activity."

"What would happen if he did choose to be above the universe?" Strange asked.

"He must choose a dimension as his habitat and the source of his existence, completely change his life form, and become like the demons."

"Why is that? Why can't he stay on Earth like the gods of the Egyptian pantheon?"

The archmage shook his head and said, "No, these Egyptian gods don't stay on Earth either, they still have a dimension of their own, they just live in groups."

"Why can't the Demon God stay on Earth?" Strange continued to ask.

"We have no conclusion on this issue. The former Supreme Master Gu Yi once said that the earth is very special, and Kama Taj is only one of the protections. There are still deeper secrets that we have not been able to know."

"But there is no doubt that any cosmic demon gods and extra-dimensional demon gods who want to come to Earth must either choose agents and project power to them, or create their own energy bodies, but in short, they cannot come directly, let alone live in it's here."

"Then what happened to Amit? Wasn't he resurrected from within Earth?"

"He was sealed." The archmage explained: "There are still many sealed demon gods on the earth. A large part of the work of the previous supreme mage, Gu Yi, was to clean up these demon gods who had recovered from the seal."

"The foreign demons cannot invade, the inner demons are sealed, and the newly born demons must leave..." Strange touched his chin, and he seemed to have thought of something.

But at this time, the situation is not optimistic. After absorbing all the energy of Amit, the steel demon Stark has reached the top of the single universe. If he goes up, he will be upgraded to the only one again, but if he doesn't want to do this, so The huge amount of energy is released, and the damage that can be caused will be astonishing.

Suddenly, on the dark skyline opposite the sun composed of steel brilliance, the dazzling thunder ignited Su Sheng's flame, and the power of the King of Light came to this place. Thor held the lightning and stepped on the flame, standing opposite Stark. The voice came from the depths of the universe:

"Stark, calm down! You can't unleash your power here, or the Nine Kingdoms will be destroyed by you!"

An indifferent voice full of mechanical senses and no emotions could be heard: "Are you also one of those gods? Come to divine power, control believers, initiate judgment, so arrogant, so stupid..."

"Magic target locked... Cluster weapon silo is warming up... Aiming..."

"Wait, Stark, stay awake! I'm not that group of Egyptian gods, I'm Asgard's new god-king Thor, don't you remember Asgard?"

"You are all the same." Stark's voice was almost indistinguishable from his original voice, replaced by an electronic synth sound more similar to Jarvis, he said:

"During the period of human ignorance, you enslaved human beings with mighty power, as your believers, harvesting their beliefs, manipulating wind, frost, rain and snow, casting down punishments, and watching weak human beings shivering and praying at your feet, so, You call yourselves gods."

"We cultivated wasteland on the ancient wild land, walked out of our civilization step by step, lit the flames and sounded the whistle. From now on, we no longer need to look at the sky and fear natural disasters..."

"So, no one prayed to you anymore, you hid in the dark crevices, peeped here, and only dared to make small moves."

"And when humans have completely conquered this planet, smelting steel, casting cars and ships, building weapons and cities, you come here again, saying that humans are guilty and will judge us..."

Thor heard a sigh from the depths of the distant universe, and he heard Stark's voice from there, but perhaps, there are also many sages who have accompanied human civilization all the way, standing in the upper reaches of history and sighing.

"I had an opportunity to become a god, but I gave it up, and I told other people it was because I had a crush on human emotions, but in reality, I just dismissed it."

"Those lucky ones who are able to control the power of the universe by accident will never be able to compare to the human beings who built a great civilization from the wilderness step by step."

"A civilization composed of countless tiny individuals cannot speak, and is destined to remain silent. You want to judge us arbitrarily. In this case, the most magnificent forces in the development of human civilization - machinery and steel, will tell you..."

"The gods will eventually collapse, and mankind will become one."

In Thor's vision, the rising sun is getting brighter and brighter. In the bustling city, everyone opened the window and looked out of the window in surprise. They found that the sky outside did not match the current time, even if it was the right time. A certain area that ushered in the dawn, this time the dawn was too bright.

Suddenly, Strange felt the fluctuation of magical power, he was stunned for a moment, looked at the archmage next to him, and shouted: "Damn! Stark is trying to shake the seal of the demons, stop him! "

Several mages behind him flew up one after another, and the magic signals were transmitted to the various temples of the earth. From the surface of the earth, lights lit up one after another, like stars flickering on the surface, and the mages kept roaring in their communications:

"That **** monster is free! Stop him and drive him out of the city!"

"Kowloon, the underground of Kowloon broke out! There are not enough manpower in the temple, call the Divine Spear Bureau! We need support!"

"Hundred Ghosts Night Walk! Damn it! Quickly seal the source of the shrine, and never let the big devil escape!"

Afterwards, with a sizzling busy tone, a communication was forcibly inserted, Strange picked up the phone, and a man's voice came from the other end, he said: "I am Zheng Xian, director of the Shenspear Bureau, from all over the world. The seal of the devil has been loosened on a large scale, Kama Taj, what is going on?"

Facing the rising sun, Strange's hair and cloak were blown into the air, and he said in a low tone:

"Perhaps, Stark is right, these stupid gods have never faced our civilization..."

"Don't ask why." Strange said quickly.

"In the name of the Supreme Mage, I order all human organizations that belong to the mysterious world or are related to the mysterious world, no matter who the demon **** who wants to get out of trouble next and what to do, as long as he dares to take half a step out of the seal..."

Strange took a deep breath, and while exhaling it, said in a sigh-like tone: "...Humanity no longer needs this god."

His words, as the energy of magic spreads to every corner of the earth, all the human beings in the world who use divine power, magic energy and other mysterious energies have heard the sigh of the Supreme Mage.

On the human side, some people hurriedly contacted their gods, some people hesitated to look at their staff, and some people took up their weapons with a cold snort.

However, all the demon gods who heard these words moved in unison, found their followers, forcibly controlled them, poured power, broke free of the seal, and then descended to the earth.

It's not that they want to do this. The illustrious name of the last Supreme Mage let them know that if they don't resist, they will die.

But to their surprise, the seals set up for various reasons began to loosen. After a strange magical energy swept through the seal, it destroyed some of the seal's structure, making it easier for them to escape.

These demon gods were puzzled, but the temptation of freedom was too great, so most of them began to struggle to break free of the seal.

Some of these sealed demon gods are not even demon gods, they are just monsters made of energy. Although demon gods are only larger energy monsters, these weaker demon gods, after getting out of trouble, think of the first thing The matter is not to kill humans, but to quickly find a place to hide.

The notoriety of the former Supreme Mage, Gu Yi, is known to everyone, so the demon gods have no intention of staying on the earth at all. As long as they rush out of the defense network of the earth, the sky will be high and the birds will fly.

Their idea was very good, but after getting out of trouble, gathering energy, igniting, and accelerating, they hit the iron wall with a bang.

That's right, Strange turned up the strength of Earth's magical defense network to the highest level, and pumped it into it with all the excess energy from the Gnar serving event.

At this time, the output reaches the highest strength of the Earth's magic defense network. Even if it is Mephisto or Dormammu, an extra-dimensional demon god, it has to be weighed, and it has to be slapped hard.

After the demon gods who were too small were hit, they disappeared immediately. The demon gods who were still a little strong were hit with all kinds of meat and eight elements. After being repaired by the mages of various temples, they were packaged and brought home for extra meals.

The more powerful gods with names and surnames in various regions collided with UU reading, and after finding that they could not get out, they began to scramble all over the ground.

The release of the seal and the ability to escape from prison were not in their plan at all. Most of the gods didn't even have time to convene believers, and they came out as bare commanders.

Not to mention, countries with agencies similar to the Shenspear Bureau have all received a summons from Kama Taj, united with capable people from the mysterious world in their own country, squatted on the node of their own country's magic defense network, grabbed the sack, knocked out one, Take one, knock out one, take one...

In the past, most of the people who benefited from the Naar serving incident were those with relatively high energy levels, such as Kama Taj, Asgard, and so on.

But this time, the Steel Demon God broke out and wiped out the gods of the earth, and the beneficiaries were more popular organizations, such as mystical scholars from all over the world, loose repair magicians, and even S.H.I.E.L.D., The Spear Bureau and other national security agencies.

Even in casual cultivation, there are more or less ways to store energy. At this stage, humans cannot use magical energy on a large scale. The main purpose of obtaining this energy is for research.

Although Kama Taj's research level is very high, Kama Taj is more like a national-level scientific research institute in ordinary people's society, researching extremely advanced technologies.

But in fact, there is no shortage of inventors in the ordinary mysterious world, but because the energy that can usually be obtained is too small and the materials are very scarce, their wisdom cannot be developed on the largest scale.

And this time, as the demon gods from all over the world got out of trouble, mages from all over the world gathered, the magic defense network was backed up, the steel demons fired, and the supreme mages trumpeted, which belonged to the flowing water table of the ordinary human mysticism and magic circles.

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