American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 509: Civilization is building ships

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In the S.H.I.E.L.D. office, Natasha quickly picked up the ringing phone and said, "Hello? Yes, I am, but why don't you call Strange? His phone doesn't work? Okay. Bar……"

"Yes, Strange gave us the message that Schiller is indeed dead, which is why Stark suddenly went crazy."

"It is impossible for him to judge wrong. He told us that Schiller's soul is no longer in the body, and the information fed back to us by the symbiote present is that his body is indeed dead."

Natasha walked out of the office with the phone and walked quickly in the corridor. As she walked, she said, "Anyway, Loki, hurry up and ask your brother to come over and stop Stark, even if he wants revenge, he can't. destroy the earth..."

"Proportion? Don't talk about him. Captain America, Spider-Man, and Supreme Mage are almost out of proportion. Do you think they can accept the fact that Schiller died in front of them?"

Natasha stopped in front of an office door and said to Loki on the other end of the phone: "No one can accept this ending, whether for profit or emotion, I know you are still doubting, if you are really capable Prove that Schiller is still alive, then do it quickly, if it's a little later..."

Natasha didn't continue talking, but Rocky understood everything. After hanging up the phone, Natasha pushed open the door and walked in. Nick leaned his body on the back of the armchair, closed his eyes, and saw Natasha Sha walked in and he said, "Activate base Alpha 1~60..."

Natasha looked at him and asked seriously, "Is Schiller really dead?"

"I don't know." Nick gave an answer. He stood up, walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, and issued an order that shocked Natasha. He said:

"The air carrier base is released from the non-disclosure agreement, and all the air carrier engines are warmed up and ready to take off."

"Nick, do you really want to fight?"

"No, I want to resurrect Schiller."

"Using an air carrier?

"Using an air carrier."

Natasha left. Nick changed his slightly sad expression, he gritted his teeth and said angrily:

"Damn, he just wanted to get revenge on me for reporting him before!"

"He just wants me to bleed. He died a week ago, and the extra bases I added in the solar system development plan will have to be defeated by Stark..."

"Forget it, the sky carrier won't be hidden for long anyway... God, at least one of them has to be separated by the military, I can't breathe anymore, what about Jiuxinwan..."

In the dream world, after a slightly long voyage, an oasis appeared in everyone's field of vision. Before the ship had landed, in the captain's room, Schiller explained to Charles:

"After our previous research, it has been proved that in the dream world and all dimensions connected to it, mental strength determines everything, and in this regard, no one can surpass Professor X."

"Professor, I know that you don't want to use your ability to target ordinary people, and you are very restrained even with the most basic mind-reading ability. The ability you show in reality is only 1/10,000 of your actual ability. ."

Seeing Schiller's eyes, Charles sighed slightly. He knew that he had no way to hide from this colleague. He said, "Maybe so, but power that cannot be used is not power, so I am still weak."

"But what if the opponent is not a human?"

"What do you want to do?" Charles asked.

"It's actually very simple, soon, we will enter a special latitude, where it is connected to the dream world, and all you have to do is to drive this ship forward, and then...

"Whatever is ahead, hit it."

Charles opened his eyes and looked at Schiller. Obviously, he knew very well what the consequences would be, but Schiller just smiled and said in a cadenced tone:

"The Industrial Revolution brought us the steam engine, and we put it on a big ship, and from now on, we no longer depend on the wind and are no longer afraid of the rain."

"Those gods who were once mysterious and obscure can no longer give us anything. From then on, the giant ship of human civilization has broken through all obstacles."

"Natural winds and rains and the fangs and claws of beasts can no longer make us fear, and the gods represented by this have hurriedly hid in the realm of the gods."

"Today, it's not that they come back to the human world to spread glory, but we, we are here to tell them - not God using a ship to judge us, but we use a big ship, a bigger ship... to judge them."

Mark, who was on the deck, was lying on the side of the boat and looked down with great interest. He was amazed by the lifelike coconut trees, but suddenly the deck began to tremble, and a loud rumbling sound came from below the deck, as if A huge engine was fired.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that the ship was covered with a layer of colorful rainbow light, and the oasis in his field of vision told him that the layer of rainbow light was the airflow that appeared after accelerating to the extreme.

"Who?! Dare to trespass into the heavens, wait... what is this? Isn't this the ship that went to the underworld, why..."


! "

Mark's eyes widened and he looked at the **** who flew out. He didn't even see what **** it was. The **** had already turned into a light spot on the horizon, and he didn't even leave a word.

"Someone trespassing! Who? Bang!


"Come on someone! Come on someone! Bang!"

"Quick! Bang!"

Mark, who was standing on the deck, turned his head like a rattle, but even so, he couldn't see clearly how many gods glowing all over his body were knocked out. The sound echoed in the space:

"I am the God of Twilight, outsiders, you..."


! "

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"


! "Crazy laughter came from the rudder, and the green-haired captain kept turning the rudder.

The big ship with the super-engine, without any sign of stopping, just rampaged in this unfamiliar latitude, and everything that passed by was knocked away, including the gods who descended here one after another.

The screams came one after another, and the falling brilliance was overwhelmed, and at this moment, a rich darkness descended, and a dark-skinned **** appeared in that dark night.

As soon as he appeared, the hippo goddess walked out of the cabin, but the difference was that she was tied with a rope, and was pointed at by the young Schiller with an umbrella knife, and the hippo goddess shouted:

"Orissis! They hijacked your ship, stop them!"

The **** called Orisis was a little dazed. He looked at the big ship that was ramming through the heavens like a torpedo, but he didn't recognize that it was his ship from the underworld.

How did he not know the ship could go so fast? ? ?

Orissis opened his mouth, but seemed to think that the advice was useless. He stretched out his hand, gathered his strength, and wanted to forcibly control the ship he built, but this was right in Schiller's arms.

At this moment, the big ship turned its bow and rushed towards Orysis. At the moment when the two were closest, a figure jumped off the deck, the knife flashed, and Orysis let out a scream.

The big ship did not stop, but continued to slam into more incoming beams of light. Every time it approached a descending god, a figure would jump down. Their attack methods were different, but there was no doubt that they were all effective. It can even be said that it is like being born to restrain different gods.

Schiller disappeared one by one on the boat, and it was only at this time that Mark realized what Schiller wanted to do.

He let himself die, and his soul was picked up by the ship of the underworld. Then, he used multiple personalities to exploit the loopholes in the Egyptian pantheon to pick up the soul, so that his personalities came here and robbed the control of the ship.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up a friend of unknown ability, and the two joined forces to drive the ship directly into the home of the Egyptian gods, the heavenly realm Heliopolis, which is connected to the dream world.

And Schiller of this ship is just targeting every **** in the heaven. Although his behavior looks like he is fighting a hundred against a hundred, he is actually fighting a hundred with one.

During the battle, Mark keenly noticed that some of Schiller's personalities were not so skilled at the beginning, but they quickly grew up.

This made Mark have an absurd thought. Could it be that Schiller organized himself to conduct a military exercise? ? ? ?

Soon, the actions of the Schillers proved his idea, because Mark saw that the group of Schillers began to fight alone, into team operations, and then into array drills, and finally there were even The prototype of the group army...

As soon as Mark turned his head, he saw three or four Schillers discussing tactics around a round table. Schiller in a white coat conveyed orders at the bow of the ship, and several Schillers were running around the ship and the battlefield to collect intelligence.

The winged Schiller is in the sky to deal with the gods who fly high, and the cold and hot weapons of Schiller fighting on the ground complement each other, and in those oasis lakes, there is actually Schiller with a fish tail, fighting with the gods in the sea. It's hard to get hands Looking at it, Mark's hands are itchy, and at this time, his other personality, Jack, has already jumped down to go to the gods for a heads-up. Mark rubbed his hands, he left and right After looking at it, he stopped a Schiller and asked, "What about the intelligence department, where is the intelligence department?"

The Schiller looked him up and down and said, "You want to find the intelligence service? What do you want?"

"Introduce myself, CIA special agent Mark Speight, with 14 years of experience in the industry..."

The Schiller pointed to the door on the opposite side and said, "Go there and interview with Schiller's CIA Director."

After Mark left, only the hippo goddess was left sitting in the middle of the deck. Seeing that the gods around were all being hammered, the hippo's mouth revealed a humane sneer.

She said to herself: "Natural God, when you drive the animal gods out of the heavens, you should think that this day will come..."

After she finished speaking, she turned her head and smiled at the young Schiller who pointed at him with a knife, and asked, "Come here, child, how old are you? Where do you go to school? Do you have a girlfriend? You are about the same age as my second son. , he's going to transfer to the United States recently, maybe you can share a school..."

At the same time, in the real world, the sun composed of endless steel torrents completely rose, and all the demon gods present were torn to shreds.

They became the nourishment for the Iron God to come again, all the energy was absorbed into the magic core, and then, bigger engines, thicker pipes, more gears...

The **** of wind and rain was killed when an engine was added to a large ship.

After adding engines to ten trillion ships, the Iron Devil will kill all gods.

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