American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 476: Bad luck for the Green Lantern Corps (middle)

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Hal, who had just used the green light energy to teleport to Ou Axing, was looking at the scenery around the teleportation platform. Here is a fully transparent cabin with a cylindrical shape. Through the surrounding glass, you can see the eye-opening outside. star city.

The most obvious is the green spiral building closest to here. It is very large and cannot be seen to the end at a glance. There are many irregular high-rise buildings around the spiral building, which are connected by transparent glass cabins. There are also many green lanterns emitting green lights in the shuttle.

While Hal was fascinated by all this, a group of Green Lanterns walked quickly from the only door of the teleportation capsule, and the leader of them saluted Hal.

Hal also saluted him as described in the Green Lantern Ring. The young Green Lantern said solemnly, "Hal Jordan, it's nice to meet you, and welcome to our big family."


"Please come with me, our Legion Commander wants to see you." The young Green Lantern said so, but the Green Lanterns behind him slowly came behind Hal.

Hal was also trained in the air force base and has basic military literacy. He frowned and found that the other party was not good.

But he did not show panic, because before he came here, Schiller gave him a rehearsal of the possible situation, and the reaction of other Green Lanterns did not exceed Schiller's expectations.

In fact, Hal also thought that when the Green Lantern accepted the ring and registered as a member of the Green Lantern Corps, their names would be sent to the headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps, so as long as the Corps Commander wanted to check, he could find out a certain What is the name of the Green Lantern and what sector does it come from? All the Green Lanterns have real names at the Legion headquarters.

So Hal knew that, suddenly consuming so much energy, the legion commander of the Green Lantern Corps would definitely check it out. Whoever extracted this energy would definitely find it on Schiller's head and the planet Earth. name.

And he, a Green Lantern also from Earth, just happened to appear at the headquarters, what kind of treatment he would get, one can imagine.

But Hal had already prepared enough reasons, so he followed the young Green Lantern forward, crossed a covered bridge that was also transparent, and then flew into the giant building together.

Walking into the room again, taking the elevator to the top floor, and finally in a hall full of green lights, Hal met the commander of the Green Lantern Corps.

It was a tall and straight middle-aged man with a beard on the sideburns. Hal saluted him, the regiment commander nodded and asked him seriously: "You are Hal Jordan."

Hal nodded and gave a brief self-introduction. Because of his military career, his temperament was very outstanding, even better than other Green Lanterns who had undergone OAA training.

"I'm the commander of the Green Lantern Corps. You can call me Tyrone. I heard from the freshman instructor that you delayed the check-in time, why?"

"Because the headquarters sent an emergency order to me before, telling me that the commander of the Yellow Lantern Corps, Sinestro, came to Earth, and I was ordered to investigate the matter. Therefore, the superior who issued this order helped me report the delayed registration. ."

"Then why didn't you come to report after the mission was completed?"

"After the main task was completed, I was ordered to stay in the city where Sinisto once appeared to investigate the hazards and hidden dangers he may have left behind."

Hal's answer was watertight and was exactly the same as what the Legion Commander had seen in the documents, so the Legion Commander asked again, "Do you know your new Green Lantern Schiller Rodriguez?"

"Yes," Hal replied with a deadpan expression, "I'm coming from him with a message he wants to convey to headquarters."

Both the legion commander and the adjutant frowned, and the legion commander asked, "Message? What message?"

"He said he needed support."

"Need support???" The adjutant beside the legion commander finally couldn't bear it anymore, he said: "He emptied almost half of the energy of the headquarters in just two days, he still needs support???"

But Hal said righteously: "I think this is necessary, because, during the time I stayed in that city, I found that it may be the most dangerous place in the universe... "

His serious tone made the young Green Lanterns next to you look at me and I look at you, all of them seem to want to laugh.

Even though Legion Commander Talon was well behaved, he was a little angry at this time, he said: "Hal, the white circle and green light of the novice like to exaggerate the danger of certain missions, but that's not because this mission is really dangerous, But because of their cowardice..."

"As far as I know, the 2814 sector where the earth is located is a rather remote sector, very far from the central sector, and the number of registered civilizations is also small, I don't think there is anything there that can be called dangerous. "

"Then why did Sinestro choose to come there?" Hal asked a question that everyone present could not answer.

Since Sinestro betrayed the Green Lantern Corps, the prestige of the Green Lantern Corps has suffered a lot. Most Green Lanterns regard this traitor as a thorn in the eyes and a thorn in the flesh.

So, after Sinestro showed up on Earth, they didn't even take into account that Hal, the only Green Lantern on Earth, was just an untrained novice, and let him go on the task of investigating the yellow light.

What surprised the Legion Headquarters was that Hal's mission was not bad, and because of this, his question made everyone present.

"You mean, there's something special about Earth?"

"That's right, as described in my mission report, the motive for Sinestro's arrival is 'unknown', that's because I haven't found any solid evidence."

"But in fact, according to my investigation these days, I guess that it may be because the lantern beasts of the Yellow Lantern Corps felt a strong force of fear in a certain city on Earth, so they attracted Sinesto there. "

The legion commander and the adjutant looked at each other. The legion commander's expression softened a little. He coughed and said, "But even so, it shouldn't use up half of the headquarters' energy in two days, right?"

Hal hesitated for a while, as if he had something to say, but he didn't say it in the end, but the adjutant said, "You can say whatever you want, you don't have to worry."

"Well, in fact, I want to ask, in the process of him drawing so much energy, didn't you find it? If you found it, why didn't you stop him?"

Before the commander could speak, the adjutant said helplessly:

"Only when the energy of the ring is completely exhausted, will it return to the headquarters to recharge, but few Green Lanterns use up all the energy before recharging, the headquarters energy has never been consumed so fast, we There is no corresponding alarm mechanism.”

The Legion Commander interrupted him and said, "We will improve this in the future, but we must first figure out what happened to the Green Lantern named Rodriguez?"

"In fact. He originally wanted to report with me, but the situation in his place is not optimistic. He can't escape now, so he can only ask me for support."

"What kind of place is he trapped in, so that he can use up the energy of the ring thousands of times in two days?" The adjutant was simply puzzled.

"That's what I'm here for." Hal's face became more and more serious, he said, "I know, you may be wondering if there is some conspiracy in this, thinking that we are stealing the green light through some cheating means. energy of."

"However, the pursuit of justice by the people of the earth will never be changed by this speculation. In order to prove that we have indeed used this power in the right way, I hope to bring back a team to support my friend Rodri. Gus, and also to prove to you that we have never misused the green light energy."

Hal's candid attitude made several people hesitate. They imagined a lot of Hal's attitude, but they didn't expect that he really came to seek support, and he also hoped to let other Green Lanterns Go to Earth to help.

"How many people do you want to bring back?"

Hal pretended to think for a moment, and then gave the pre-set answer to Terry. He said, "I hope it's more than 5 people, but the more the better."

The adjutant opened his eyes wide and said, "Is it really necessary to have so many?"

"My companion Schiller used up the energy of the ring thousands of times in two days. This is the most powerful proof. He can't possibly lose his power out of thin air, right?"

Hal spread his hands and explained very sincerely: "Even if I'm a novice Green Lantern, I know that the safety lock on the ring is very perfect, and all this energy must be consumed, and it can consume so much. Where energy, less than a squad of Green Lanterns can be dangerous."

The adjutant nodded when he heard the words. What Hal said made sense. He had more confidence in the safety lock on the Green Lantern ring. This Green Lantern named Schiller must have been in an extremely dangerous situation. Will repeatedly drain the energy in the ring.

At this time, the legion commander waved his hand and said, "We don't have many people left at the headquarters, most of them are novices who have just completed training, so let's just say, Carol..."

The legion commander turned his head to look at his adjutant and said, "Take the five people from the second and go to Earth with Hal. If it's really that dangerous, send me a signal at any time, and I'll tell you again. Send someone to support you."

Carroll didn't say anything, just saluted, then walked up to Hal and said, "Let's go, Green Lantern is not afraid of any danger, peace and justice are our lifelong pursuits."

Hal gave him a salute, and both of them saw a determined look in each other's eyes at the same time.

Just as the Green Lanterns gathered their hands, checked the rings, and prepared to go to the unknown land of Earth, the chaos in the Arkham Psychiatric Hospital increased to a new level.

Somewhat strangely, the gunfire in the hospital has gradually subsided, and the gang's fire has basically ended.

However, the locals of Gotham all know a rule. The most dangerous time for Gotham’s streets is not when the hail of bullets is still in progress, but when the fire is coming to an end, everyone counts the losses, and the bosses from all sides sit down and negotiate. when.

In the corridor on the third floor of the mental hospital, steady footsteps suddenly sounded. In front of an office door, a white-gloved hand gently knocked on the door a few times.

After the door opened, the gang leaders in the room saw Alberto in a suit standing outside the door, staring blankly at the situation in the room.

A leader closest to the door brought a chair over, but Alberto had no intention of sitting down. He walked to the center of the room, looked at the door of the gang leader who was spitting out just now, and said:

"Do you know that this unrecognizable hospital that you just destroyed with automatic machine guns and bazookas is where I will be practicing for the next two years?"

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