American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 475: Bad luck for the Green Lantern Corps (Part 1)

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The Green Lantern Corps, a mysterious organization in the universe, is said to be mysterious because each of its members has special abilities from the Green Lantern Ring, but relatively speaking, this is actually an open organization, and many civilizations in the universe have know that they exist.

It cannot be denied that the vast majority of Green Lanterns are just and helpful. The Green Lantern Corps divides the universe into many sectors, and each sector has a Green Lantern responsible for maintaining the security of the universe. Most of these Green Lanterns are conscientious and dedicated. Diligence and diligence have indeed made a lot of contributions to the security of the universe.

If you put it this way, Schiller looks like something the villains would do. Although Schiller doesn't care if anyone really regards him as a villain, he still cares for his own. There is room for excuses, and the key is that the founders of the Green Lantern Corps, the guardians of the universe, the little blue people.

I mentioned before how unreliable the little blue people are, but in fact, they are more unreliable than anyone imagined. For example, the commander representing the angry Red Lantern Corps is actually The product of the little blue man.

The little blue people created a kind of mechanical life and slaughtered the civilization in sector 666. In the end, there were not many people left in the entire sector. The survivor, Atohita, was selected by the red light spectrum because of the anger of the destruction of civilization. Commander of the Red Lantern Corps.

From the perspective of the cosmic background, this story is a little boring, but if you look at it at the microscopic level of life, Batman just lost his parents and could not get rid of the shadow of revenge in his life, and the little blue man made a small mistake, causing The destruction of all civilizations in a huge cosmic region, and in the end, there is no Batman in the universe, making them pay the price.

For another example, in the dark night event in the comics, several color lantern groups started a melee, which was actually caused by the little blue man. The commander of the blue lantern corps and the little blue man had differences. The same goes for the yellow light.

The little blue man indulged the Supreme Green Lantern to suppress the Green Lantern, but in turn, turned a blind eye to the Orange Lantern Corps commander occupying all the Orange Lantern energy. These handling methods caused all the legions to feel resentment and then fight.

They all made wrong choices at every key node, which finally led to this big incident. The price they have to pay for these mistakes is only infamy, and in many cases they don't even have infamy. Light regiment.

For the Lantern Corps, their mistakes resulted in heavy losses for the Corps, a decline in its prestige in the universe, and even the fact that the Legion's foundation was shaken.

It sounds like a terrible disaster, but compared with the destruction encountered by ordinary civilizations in the universe, it is actually nothing at all. Just the massacre encountered in Sector 666, the casualties of ordinary lives are in the hundreds of millions.

And what lessons did the little blue people learn from this incident? Nothing.

They still made all kinds of messes, provoked the relationship between the lantern groups, and let the lanterns kill each other, which led to the occurrence of the darkest night.

Human beings always yearn for justice and beauty. Therefore, when the green light ring came to this planet with the name of justice, many people, like Hal, did not have enough vigilance about it, and even longed that the green light would really give the planet. The universe brings peace.

But in fact, even if most of the Green Lanterns are righteous and friendly, due to the gap in cognitive level and ability, ordinary surface creatures simply cannot recognize the great danger hidden behind them.

It's like a nest of ants facing humans. If humans are friendly, then everyone will be happy, but if there is any accident, the ants and the ant's nest will not be able to resist the terrifying natural disaster that falls from the sky.

The most worrying thing is that because of the friendliness that humans have shown before, many ants will not resist when disaster strikes, and will even be killed by their necks, and they will sing about friendship with humans before dying. hymn.

It is foreseeable that if Hal does not get rid of the brainwashed state of blindly accepting tasks and maintaining the justice of the green light, then one day, there will be no more Hal Jordan in this world, but only one. Both mind and body belong to the Green Lantern of Oarstar.

"Actually, I rarely mention my hometown to people. The seaside city has a bad reputation on the west coast. Because of the immigrants brought by the gold rush in the last decade, the security situation there was very worrying."

"But I still love my hometown, where I was born and raised, and even for a long time I was terrified of leaving,"

Sitting on the sofa in the manor, Hal played with the kryptonite crystal full of green light energy in his hand. The green light reflected in his child hole, making his eyes look like a piece of shimmering emerald.

"Maybe you may not believe it, when I came to Gotham, I had a moment when I felt sober and freed from that great goal of justice, because, I was homesick."

"But..." Hal let out a long breath, relaxed and leaned against the back of the sofa. He said, "The people and events in Gotham have opened my eyes. I've never been this far in the first half of my life. Now it looks like it's time to get out and about."

"Where are you going?" Schiller asked.

"I want to go around the east coast first. I don't have a fixed plan. It doesn't matter where I go, maybe I go to the west again. I have always had a cowboy dream..."

"I thought that after you learned about these things in the universe, your goals would be a little bigger."

Schiller also picked up a green crystal from the box and observed that the faint green light on it showed a fresh vitality, like a bud that had just sprouted in spring.

Hal paused for a moment, looked up at Schiller, heard the hint in his words, and asked, "Go big? What do you mean?"

"After you became Green Lantern, didn't you want to visit the headquarters?"

"I..." Hal paused, then sighed and said:

"Okay, I admit, I'm not a very adventurous person, Gotham is the furthest place I've been so far, it's impossible for me, I haven't even been out of my hometown, just a A few million light-years away to an unfamiliar alien?"

"But you've even been to Gotham, are you still afraid of aliens?" Schiller pointed out the point again, and Hal was speechless.

"Hal, although I said that I was cleaning up the mess for you, you also know that it was just a joke. I collected this energy for my own purposes, and it has no way to restore the possible consequences of information leakage."

Schiller's face became serious, Hal's attention was drawn to him, and he heard Schiller say: "You should know how fragile human civilization is, not to mention aliens, now inside the earth The situation is also on the verge of breaking out, and any slight effect could ruin an entire civilized society."

"During this period of time, no one wants an unknown force from the universe to interfere with the situation here, but no one knows whether they will be watching here through the information you passed on."

Hal's face also became serious, Schiller sighed and said: "Indeed, the earth may be a backcountry, even if you send all the details here to the headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps, no one will care about such a small A planet, but, dare you bet?"

"Don't say it's the entire Green Lantern Corps, even if there is a Green Lantern interested in this place, it may cause unpredictable damage, just like what you did in Gotham, maybe he has no malicious intentions, but human beings really It's fragile."

"No, I'm sure, they will be interested in Earth." Hal's face looked gloomy, he said: "Or, they will definitely be interested in Gotham."

"Fortunately, after I came to Gotham, I entered your dream, and I didn't continue to provide information after that. Otherwise, once they knew the situation here, there would definitely be a bunch of Green Lanterns who would get together and want to purify this place. city."

Hal covered his forehead with his hand and said, "God, I'm afraid I really have to go to Ou Axing, in case any of them are really interested in Earth, come here, and then discover Gotham, the Green Lantern Corps will definitely attacked here."

The more he talked, the more anxious he became. He even stood up from the sofa. The green engraved stone crystal he held in his hand emitted a faint light, and the green light spread to his body along his arm.

"Wait, are you going to go this way? Do you know where the headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps is?"

"Of course, the ring will tell me... oh, it's not a ring." Hal looked down at his hand, where he held a stone, but not a ring.

Schiller picked up the rattle from the coffee table, shook it gently, and soon Merkel walked out with Dick and Elsa.

Schiller waved to Dick, and when Dick came over, Schiller patted him on the shoulder and said, "Like I told you before, Dick, take that ring off, your Uncle Hal needs to use it now. it."

Dick rubbed his eyes sleepily and stretched out his arm. The light from the ring on his finger was already very weak. After such a long time, the green light ring was almost dead.

Elsa stepped forward, grabbed Dick's arm, and tugged the ring off his hand, and just before she was about to put it in her mouth, Schiller took the ring and gave it back to Hal .

"The green light energy in this crystal can also charge the ring in reverse. The principle is the same as that of the lamp furnace. This crystal in your hand contains the energy of about 10 green light rings, which can fully charge your ring for 10 Times. UU Reading”

Hal sucked in a breath, looked at the pile of crystals in the big box again, and said, "My God! So, every single crystal here is equivalent to 10 green light rings? Wouldn't you put the total Is the lamp stove emptied?"

"This is also something I want to ask you. If you plan to go to the headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps later, please help me to see how much electricity is left in the lamp stove at the headquarters of the Corps?"

"Why do you want to know this? You don't want to steal all the green light energy, do you?"

"How is it possible..." Schiller denied this, and Hal breathed a sigh of relief, but then he heard Schiller say:

"I can't do this alone, so it's not 'I' trying to steal all the energy from the main lamp, it's 'we'."

Ten minutes later, at the headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps in Oa Star, a Green Lantern wearing an officer uniform took a stack of documents and strode into the hall of the energy center.

He saluted the legion commander and said, "Sir, I found out that the Green Lantern who has used energy most frequently recently is Schiller Rodriguez, from sector 2814, Earth."

The legion commander frowned deeply, and at this moment, another younger lantern walked in, saluted several people, and said, "A new member has come to report, it's Hal who just joined the legion before. Jordan, from sector 2814, Earth."

The legion commander and the adjutant looked at each other, the young Green Lantern was a little confused, and he said: "If there is no problem, I will arrange a welcome ceremony for him, and then let him join the training."

"Wait!" the Legion Commander said, "We'll welcome him in person."

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