American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 181: Arkham Daily (Part 1)


"Philip Best."

"Okay, Jack."

The clown was lying on the hospital bed, and Schiller was standing by the bed with the medical record book. He said, "You better quickly call out your psychologist's personality and describe your symptoms, or I will write nonsense."

"Untie my right hand, I want to smoke a cigarette." Jack shook his hair and said, Schiller stepped up and untied his right hand, which was tied to the armrest of the hospital bed, Jack made a gun gesture with his hand, and then aimed at With Schiller.

Schiller went and moved a chair, sat down beside his hospital bed, and retrieved a tape recorder and a blank tape from the cupboard. He put the tape into the tape recorder and pressed the button to start recording.

"Okay, tell me about your life."

Jack pouted, glanced at the tape recorder, looked at Schiller again, and said, "My name is Philip Best, a truck driver for the Antar Gang..."

Jack talked a lot, such as his mortgage and car loan, he went to the supermarket to stock up on weekends, his next-door neighbor was on fire, and so on.

Schiller clicked on the tape recorder, then said, "Okay, next one."

Jack looked at him, and he looked at Jack. The two stared at each other for a long time. Schiller said to him, "Why are you looking at me? Hurry up and make up another one, I'll be useful."

Jack shook his head, rolled his eyes, muttered a few words in Schiller's tone, and then made up an origin for himself.

And just like that, Schiller asked the Joker to make up a dozen origin stories for himself, and contentedly took the tape off the tape recorder.

Again, garbage is a resource that has been placed in the wrong place. The origin story that the clown created for himself is not only true and reasonable, but also rich in details and quite vivid. As long as the background of the era is changed, it can be regarded as a rich character. fake identities to use.

Schiller didn't forget that he was in Marvel's Arkham Sanatorium, and there were a lot of agents who were placed in, and this fake identity was just useful.

Jack turned his body on his side, stretched his head to look at Schiller, his eyes widened, and he said, "You know what? There are two kinds of people I hate the most, those who are too ordinary, and those who are very similar to me. people.

"And you, you are obviously a person who is very similar to me, but you pursue to be an ordinary person, but Jack, the most professional psychology master in the world, told you that you can't do it, hahahahaha!"

When he was done laughing, Schiller took the spine of the notebook and slapped his injured hand, Jack let out a pained cry, and then let out a series of even crazier laughter, saying, "You got me right! I poked you. You've reached the sore spot! You'll never be an ordinary person, hahahahahaha!"

Schiller took a deep breath and said, "After today's consultation, you will go to the general ward for me. Do you know how precious the beds here are? Don't delay me making money."

"Money? Hahahahaha!" Jack laughed even harder, and the hospital bed began to tremble because of his laughter. After a while, he choked on himself, began to cough wildly, and then reached out to Schiller. : "Water, thank you."

Schiller didn't hand it to him, and he didn't mind, but stopped laughing, slumped on the bed and gasped, and said, "That joke was funny, right? If there was a movie theater, you could really buy tickets with popcorn, I Must buy tickets for a whole week in a row and watch all the movies I haven't seen."

Suddenly he became deep again, sighed and said, "It's ridiculous for them to pursue money, right? What's even more ridiculous is that the money they pursue is no different from popcorn..."

"And the most ridiculous thing is, hahaha..." He started to laugh again, making himself tremble with laughter. "The most ridiculous thing is that there is a madman who knows that money is popcorn, but he still pursues it, hahahahaha..."

"Why? Because he's crazy! He thinks... He actually thinks that as long as he pursues fame and fortune like ordinary people, he can become an ordinary person, hahahahahaha..."

He found Schiller watching silently. Jack grinned and said, "Why are you so serious? Didn't you have a good laugh in the theater before?"

"Because, **** jokes are funny because it's someone else's hell." Schiller stood up again and said, "Of course it's fun to watch Batman's fun, you think so too, don't you?"

Jack wiped the tears from his laughter with his released hand, not as crazy as he was in the theater, but normal, but even weirder.

"To be honest, I didn't expect you to be so supportive, I really love it here!"

"You should thank the Court of Owls, their continuous heavy rain still affects the residents here more or less, and all the residents, even if they are not exposed to the rain, they will inevitably inhale the moisture in the air when they breathe, so everyone is a little crazy ."

"I know, of course I know...otherwise why would I tell my plan on TV? I know someone will come, there must be a bunch of nasty people..." Jack gritted his teeth one second, and the next He said in a humble tone: "Oh, no, it's the distinguished audience gentlemen. Someone will definitely appreciate the comedy performance brought by this poor clown..."

"Except for Batman, he doesn't want to come, I have to take him there."

"That's what I hate the most about the Court of Owls. They made a kind of rain that can make people crazy, but this rain only doesn't work on Batman, they idiots." Jack said viciously.

"You're lying again, if this rain really works on Batman, the Court of Owls will be a thousand times worse than it is now." Gu Xu

Jack pursed his lips and whistled twice, as if to cover up his lying behavior. He moved his body, leaned himself on the pillow, and said as if he had found a soulmate: "Look, do you think so too? Batman actually originally He's a lunatic, but he doesn't admit that if there's some external factor that makes him crazy, it's too boring."

"You said, did he really want to laugh at yesterday's performance?" Jack blinked, his cloudy eyes filled with longing, and his tone became excited again. "I used to hide in the alley and watched him surreptitiously several times, watching him interrupt the hands and feet of the robbers."

"But he's so serious," Jack complained, "couldn't he be a little bit happier? Hearing the robbers wailing and the criminals he hated and hated begging for mercy at his hands, how could he not Happy? If you're happy, why don't you laugh?"

As long as Batman is mentioned, Jack can't stop talking, but Schiller has no interest in listening to his crazy talk. He taps the pen on the side of the notebook and says, "I also have two people I hate the most, one is for me A person who is looking for trouble is a person who is justified after looking for trouble."

Before Jack could say anything, Schiller continued: "It seems that we happen to be the kind of people that each other hates the most. Since we hate each other, we should stop contacting each other. Tomorrow you will move to the next ward and have a relationship with Cobot. Let's live together."

Jack let out a snort from his nose and said, "You scholar."

At noon the next day, as soon as Schiller came back from the cafeteria, he found Jack squatting at the door of the ward crying.

Schiller passed by him, not looking sideways, Jack grabbed his white coat and said, "Oh my God! How can there be such a boring person in this world? How can you arrange me and him in a ward? "

He grabbed Schiller's white coat with one hand and didn't let go, wiped the nonexistent tears with the other, and said, "He just told me a joke, but even this joke is extremely boring."

"He actually said he wanted to open a restaurant, you know? And then he even got an iceberg in the restaurant, my God..."

"I always thought it was perverted enough to dress up as a bat, but someone actually wanted to dress up as a penguin, penguin, hahahahahaha!"

"Doctor, they're all crazy, you have to save me!" Jack started shaking. "I don't want to be with these lunatics!"

Schiller bent down, grabbed his wrist, and ripped his hand from his clothes, and he bent over to Jack and said, "First of all, this is a mental hospital, if you or one of them is not crazy, then You won't be here."

"Secondly, now is not the time to let loose. If you dare to run out of the ward again, I will expel Batman from Gotham University and let him go to the Metropolis to study, and you will never see him again."

Jack got up quickly, ran to the hospital bed to lie down, and covered the quilt by the way, he hummed a song and said, "Little Jack is going to sleep, hum hum... sing a lullaby. …”

He closed one eye and pretended to be asleep, and opened the other secretly, peeking at Schiller's reaction.

Cobot next to him sighed deeply. He looked at Schiller by the door and said, "Doctor, I suggest you move him to the next ward."

He pointed his thumb to the wall behind him and said, "Evans must have something in common with him."

"More importantly, if this lunatic stays, I must beat him."

"Well, tomorrow he'll go live with Evans."

The next day, when Schiller came back from lunch again, he found that Jack had somehow climbed to the observation window high on the wall. He rode on the observation window and moved his body awkwardly, as if he wanted to turn out.

Before Schiller could ask what was going on, Evans' roar came from inside: "You actually like those musical comedies!! And you insult classicism!! I'm so wrong about you, those new operas are absolutely right. Opera blasphemy!!"

"You're insane!" Jack yelled, riding on the observation window, fist-swinging. "Those baroque operas are clichés! Monteverdi is total rubbish! They don't understand humor at all!"

As he spoke, he shook his head and learned a few lines of singing. The dry voice and strange singing style were all emotion, without any skill.

From the height of the observation he spit all over the famous baroque opera and classicist opera, and Evans threw him with a pillow.

If nothing else, Evans is still very strong. He stood at the bottom and slapped Jack's face with a pillow. Jack's arm was already injured. , fell in front of Schiller.

He was still very angry and wanted to get up and rush back to the ward. He continued to argue with Evans. Schiller grabbed his clothes and said, "Do you want to go back and be beaten? Don't you really think you can beat yourself up? Is he?"

Jack was furious and exclaimed, "He doesn't understand music at all, that idiot! Classical opera is just a fuss, can you imagine? There are still old-fashioned people who like that stuff, only comedy operas and musicals. Interesting!"

Evans leaned out his upper body leaning on the door frame, and said loudly, "You are the one who has no taste! You **** lunatic!"

"You are crazy!"

Schiller stood beside him speechless, one because he didn't know much about opera, and the other because he didn't know much about lunatics either.

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