He saw the dismantled wads of paper scattered around Alberto's feet, which were no different from the tickets in his hand. They were all messy press releases and torn pieces of white paper.

Since when did he really think this thing was a ticket? Do you think there will be clues there?

When Schiller insisted he drive the Batmobile to the TV mailbox to buy tickets? Was it when they actually ran to the theater's ticket office to check tickets? Or was it when both Schiller and Alberto looked at him with promise and read out a clue?

Batman suddenly understands that these are not the most important reasons, the root cause is his arrogance.

He always had the idea that everyone was drunk and I woke up alone, and felt that the lunatic on the stage was no different from the group on the street. He disdain to understand him, disdain to invest, and naturally did not participate from beginning to end.

So he was tricked.

There are no clues from start to finish, it's just a bunch of lunatics executing a bunch of idiots.

"Do you know what that means?" Schiller asked Batman, standing up, resting his hands on the back of the chair in front.

"It means that the previous joke was really funny."

Schiller turned his head and took the popcorn bucket from Alberto's hand, grabbed the paper ball in his hand, and lifted it into the air. He said, "See? This is 'money'."

"...that's what they're after, isn't that funny?"

The Joker on the stage stared straight at Batman. He suddenly lowered his head and covered his eyes with green hair. He asked Batman, "You really don't want to laugh at all?"

"Enough." Batman jumped to the front of the stage.

"It's time for the farce to end." His voice was annoyed.

"Before I came here, I called up all the historical materials of the Gotham Theatre, including the blueprints for its construction."

"And in just a few minutes, I read them all."

Having said that, Batman turned his eyes to the center of the stage and said, "The people who built this theater are former European nobles. In order to prevent the actors' footsteps from being too loud and affecting the effect of the theatrical performance, the stage they used is not the American Opera House. The usual hollow wood stage, but a solid stage made of whole rock, and the sound of your footsteps before that proves it.”

"It's not enough for you to dig a hole in a stage like this and bury a bomb if you don't use blasting since you made the announcement."

The Joker stared at Batman, and suddenly, he asked irritably, "Why don't you understand? This is not a detective drama! You idiot!"

"Forget it, you will understand, you will..."

He twisted his neck, twisted his waist again, then he tore off his tie, unbuttoned his suit jacket, he was full of bombs, and as he unbuttoned him, he said, "I just said it should be Buy one size up, it's a bit crowded."

"Oh, look, you're right! Detective Batman! Here's the bomb!"

"Look, there are so many!" The clown shrank his chin and lowered his head, trying to see the bomb hanging on his waist.

"I'm going to detonate them right now! Let you blow up with these idiots on stage!"

The Joker threw away the triangle in his hand, took out a pistol from his waist, pointed at Batman and said, "Don't even try to stop me!"

Batman stood opposite him, he didn't hesitate at all, and before the Joker made the next dangerous move, several bat signs flew over the stage with a cracking sound, cutting the hemp ropes hanging those people , a group of people fell to the ground one after another, screaming in pain.

The Joker was attracted by the sudden high-pitched scream, and in an instant, Batman rushed up, first kicked off his arm joint, made the pistol fly directly, and then punched him in the face again, Then he just strangled him by the neck, pulled him backwards, and removed his other arm.

The Joker screamed and fell to the ground. Batman squatted down, trying to defuse the bomb on him first. The moment he lowered his eyes and looked at the Joker, he saw a successful smile on his face.

There was a sudden scream from the center of the stage, and the fat man Haru fell to the ground clutching his neck, with a small iron bar for hitting a triangle stuck in his neck.

It was another strong man who did it. He grabbed Haru's neck and pulled out the small iron rod. In an instant, blood spattered, and Haru fell to the ground clutching his neck, losing his life. The man said: " You low-level upstarts! How dare you humiliate us, I..."

Before he could finish speaking, a gunshot rang out, and Cherry held the pistol with trembling hands. He shouted viciously, "I've had enough of you! If you hadn't had to hold that party! How could we? Such a big ugliness?!"

Two people died in an instant, and all the court members began to quickly break free from the ropes tied to their bodies.

When they were hanged in the air, it seemed to be useless to struggle, but after the rope hanging them was cut, the hemp rope tied to them was not knotted, and as the rope was cut, the binding became loose. , the strong man was the first to break free.

The triangle iron thrown by the clown and the pistol that flew out have been picked up. During the melee, everyone picked up what they found and used it, some took broken bricks, some took apart the hemp rope, everyone's eyes were red and crazy. attacked the opponent in the same way.

But soon, they found the best place to **** the murder weapon.

One person rushed into the orchestra quickly, wanting to pick up the music stand as a weapon, and the other person rushed over and wanted to hit him. After the two fought for a round, one of them quickly picked up the violin bow next to him and grabbed it. Stop the opponent's flaws and restrain his neck from behind.

He shouted: "It's you who threatened me just now and asked me to obey their demands so that you can get the real answer! Go to hell!!!" Gu Yun

He slammed it hard, and the blood spurted high, straight to the ceiling of the stage, like a blood-red fountain, and like a vine climbing on a shelf.

Batman, who had just rushed over to stop him, was splattered with blood, and the strong blood rushed into his brain, causing him to be in a trance.

Until the corpse on the opposite side fell to the ground, the murderer suddenly panicked and knelt down. He said, "No! No... What did I do? But..."

"I'm not wrong, I'm not wrong, I see he wants to push the button, he wants to kill me..."

The same words rang out countless times, screaming one after another, Batman turned his head a little stiffly, he looked towards the stage, where it was dyed blood.

The old curtain on the stage of the theater has changed from dark red to bright red, as if returning to that glorious era.

He heard laughter coming from the clown's direction, first it was a light chuckle, then it turned into a crazy laugh, he was out of breath, he said: "Hahahahaha, you really... …”

His arms could no longer move, but he struggled to sit up, then stood up against a corner of the stage, laughing and doing these movements, choking himself up and coughing.

"I want to congratulate you...Batman! You succeeded in revenge!" The clown staggered over, he almost fell, but he still tried hard to support his body.

"Your enemy is dead, see?"

The clown's nose bleeds all over his body, but he still moved hard, walked up to Batman, and panted:

"Your enemy is so miserable, so embarrassed..."

He swallowed, his voice was like dry dead wood, and he said with some effort, "This is my gift to you, Batman, my welcome gift."

His voice was full of joy, even a little flattering and anticipation. He sniffed and tried to **** back those nosebleeds, but he didn't succeed, so it made him look a little funny, and he said, "Although the greeting you gave me was Made me bleed so much, but I'm still happy."

"I think my gift is well prepared, look..." The clown swallowed again, and shook his head, as if to wake himself up.

"I'm a bad guy. I organized a kidnapping case and then brought in a lot of people to cheer for me."

"And the TV station... They can all see it, ha, I admit it, it's me, it's me... I'm a criminal, a villain."

"And you...you're a hero, you rescued them, you bravely rushed onto the stage, confronted the vicious kidnappers with bombs, and showed your intelligence and bravery, and then you managed to save them, right? ?"

"Your enemies are all bad guys, a bunch of selfish ghosts, so after you rescued them, they killed each other and died." The clown's tone became more and more excited.

"But you are innocent, you did your best, you are even a hero..."

The Joker was out of breath, some of his crazy words were drowned out in his gasp, and then he looked up at Batman with difficulty, looked him in the eyes, and said, "I've done so much for you. , and I only need you to answer me one question, only one question..."

"Okay, okay, Lord Batman, answer me! Answer me poor man..."

"I'm really hurt, it really hurts..." The clown cried, but soon, he sucked the nosebleed hard again and said:

"When you see my performance and see the enemy you hate being so humiliated, tortured, and ugly..."

He began to tremble, and he asked frantically: "Answer me, you answer yourself..."

"Have you ever had a moment...want to laugh?"

Batman's fists clenched gradually, the blue veins on the back of his hands almost broke free from the gloves, and the Joker leaned forward, as if he wanted to put his ears on Batman's chest and listen to his heartbeat.

The clown couldn't hold on anymore~www.NovelMTL.com~ He fell down, moaning in pain, but also snickering, he said, "You can't accept the answer in your own heart, right?"

"Why do you feel unbelievable? Why do you feel bad, why do you feel like your mood is starting to get worse?"

"A person who thinks he's crazy because he wants to laugh is really crazy!" The Joker shouted with all his might.

"Why on earth are you doing all this?" Batman finally said.

He finally realized the difference of this madman, and finally stood on the stage flush with him, asked him questions, and waited for the answer.

The clown was lying on the ground, his chest was heaving and he was still breathing heavily, he finally stopped laughing, he said: "Because I am a clown."

"I just want you to smile."

Finally, as the theater lights went out, Batman heard a plea in his tone:

"Smile... Batman."

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