American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 134: R: Bat Big Event (16)

"Listen, Peter, relax, take a deep breath... yeah, don't let that get over you, you need to calm down..."

Peter's chest heaved violently, and he gasped for breath as if to dry the air around him.

After a while, Schiller let Peter sit back in the chair. Schiller looked at his eyes and said, "Don't think about that picture, it's all just your fantasy."

"No..." Peter said, covering his eyes in pain, "I've seen images like this in Spider Sense, and they all happened!"

"But at least it hasn't happened yet, and what you should be thinking about now is how to turn this around." Schiller tapped the table, and he brought Peter's attention back to him, and said, "I think you have more than once It's the ability to see yourself in danger, but you've turned it around on your own, and this time will be no exception."

Peter's Adam's apple trembled, and he said hurriedly as if he was grabbing a life-saving straw: "Really? Yes... That's right! I have avoided the danger I sensed before! It must be the same this time!"

Saying that, he got up from his chair again and started pacing in place, he said, "It doesn't matter, as long as I stare at Mr. Stark, I keep staring at him, or don't let him go to high buildings, then it will be fine. now..."

Schiller reminded him: "Remember what I taught you about analysis methods before? You can start not from the results, but from the reasons. Why don't you think about what would bring Stark this danger?"

Peter was stunned for a moment, then put on a thoughtful expression, and said, "It's really a bit strange, why did Mr. Stark take off his mecha? And it's still during the battle..."

Then, without Schiller's further reminder, Peter said: "By the way, I saw it once before, and Mr. Stark seems to choose to eject the mecha when he is in great danger."

"But who can bring him such danger?" Peter was very puzzled, he said: "And, even if the mecha pops up once, won't there be other mechas to catch him? He has so many mechas. , there will always be one that can fly over, right?"

"And besides his own mecha, we were there, why didn't we catch him?"

The more Peter thought about it, the more anxious he became. Suddenly, he said as if suddenly realized, "It must be the Bat God! That's right, it must be him. I can't think of any other reason besides him!"

Peter said quickly: "Those crazy bats, although they are a little dangerous, can't make everyone tired. If Mr. Stark is really in danger and no one comes to rescue, it will prove that all of us are in danger. They were all held back."

"That's only the mysterious bat **** guard, it's possible to do this."

Finally, Peter quickly ran to the chair, grabbed his backpack, and said to Schiller, "Doctor, I'm sorry, I don't have much time to continue counseling. I have to find a way to deal with this **** bat god."

With that said, he ran out, and Schiller saw Peter running out of the building quickly from the window on the second floor of the mansion, and then began to look for Stark on the street.

Stark was in a pile of humanoid mechas at this time, making final adjustments for them. When he saw Peter running over, Stark greeted him. He directly put his arms around Peter's shoulders and pointed to those mechas for him. Look, say: "Look, I have made adaptations to these 15 mechas, and they also have wings behind them to assist flight, so that they are not easy to lose their balance when they are attacked by the air..."

Peter said very anxiously: "Mr. Stark, my spider sense just told me that you will be in great danger later!"

Stark was stunned, glanced at Peter and said, "Dangerous? What danger will I have? I have prepared more than 100 mechas, not only here, but also on the way from Stark Building to the Brooklyn Bridge. No matter what danger they encounter, they will be the first to respond to me."

"No!" Peter was very anxious to explain the principle of his spider sense to Stark, and emphasized that all the previous scenes had happened. Steve heard Peter say this, and he stepped over the sandbag on the ground from Walked over.

"Falling from a tall building? It's weird, what are we going to do when we have nothing to do? Even if we fight those monsters in the air, we don't have to stand on the top of the building, right?"

Stark touched his forehead, and no matter who it is, it will be quite stressful to hear the news that he may die in the next few hours, but his thoughts are still clear, he said to Peter: "I am very I agree with you, if anything threatens my life in the next battle, it must be that mysterious bat god."

"Don't you need a ritual to summon that thing? Like we saw last night, we might be able to break the ritual."

Peter told the two of them what he had heard at the vampire command post. Steve frowned and said, "Then there must be a place for him to come, right? We can make an ambush first."

Peter shook his head and said, "Since there is no ceremony, maybe he can come anywhere, just depends on the mood of the summoner."

"I don't think we should waste too much time on this, Peter, you also said that you have avoided these images in various ways before, which means that this is just a warning, not an inevitable occurrence. Prophecy, I think, by then, I will also have a way to escape."

Peter wanted to say something, and Stark said in a heavy tone: "We all know that the battle situation at night is not optimistic, the number of crazy bats has increased several times, once they have an organized general attack, the entire front will be very difficult. fierce."

"If at this time, we devote our energy to dealing with the death picture that may come, the ground troops will definitely suffer heavy losses."

Stark looked into Peter's eyes, Peter saw a firm emotion in his eyes, Stark said, "Don't forget what we're here for, if it's to avoid danger, then I'll hide in Stark Isn't it better in the building?"

"To say that I might die, you just saw a picture of me dying, but in this battle at night, anyone can die."

"I still have the protection of so many mechas, and you are paying attention to me, but the policemen of the ground forces, they only have guns in their hands, and they will lose their lives if they are not careful."

"If each of them cared about whether or not they would die in the next second, and how they would die, the whole of Brooklyn would have fallen."

Peter looked at Stark, he opened his mouth, but in the end he chose to be silent.

Stark said to him: "As I once told you, I can choose not to wear this iron suit and stay in my base camp comfortably."

"There is no need for me to rush to the battlefield and come to the front line, but since I have done so, it proves that I am ready to sacrifice like the ordinary people on the front line."

Although Stark's tone seemed very relaxed, both Peter and Steve knew how much panic and stress it would bring to a person to hear an accurate prediction of their own death.

Steve knocked on the shield and said, "Now I admit, you are indeed a warrior, Iron Man."

Peter pursed his lips. He looked to the sky. The last twilight was engulfed in darkness, and the sky was completely dark. He felt as if he was back in Matt's cabin again, watching these good people get hurt, bleeding, and seeing them in so much pain. Powerless.

The group of bats began to show off their power in the gradually approaching darkness, and a kind of anger engulfed Peter. Those who should hide and look forward should not be these heroes. From beginning to end, Peter firmly believed that good people should have good newspaper.

In that case, he let these monsters who should be hiding in the dark go back to their dark corners.

Peter secretly swore in his heart, Bat God, no matter where you came from, no matter if you have the mighty power of a god, I will make you look good, and go back to wherever you came from.

Soon, a sharp whistle sounded, and Chief George fired three shots at the sky, holding the walkie-talkie and shouting: "Everyone get ready!!! The battle is about to start!!!!"

Natasha was lying behind a bunker on the roof, looking at the situation near the bridge with a telescope, she commanded into the walkie-talkie: "Clint stay still for the time being, listen to my orders, you are in a good position now, Mainly snipe those big bats who lead the charge first."

"Daisy, you get down from that position first. Clint doesn't need protection for the time being. You go behind the No. 1 defense line on the second street and use your shock wave ability to ambush..."

One order after another quickly spread out, units at all levels were ready to go, and the superheroes were ready to go.

The Brooklyn Bridge had been devastated in the fierce fighting the night before, and even the surrounding alleys were badly damaged.

The streets are littered with gravel and rubble, as well as shrapnel left last night Light bulbs for lighting, so that the layers of fortifications reflect a faint luster in the dark night, the eyes of logistics robots It is also shimmering, and the guns and weapons in the hands of the combatants armed to the teeth complement each other.

With the take-off of the first bat, on the other side of the Brooklyn Bridge, the skyline seemed to rise as a black tide, and countless bats fluttered with red eyes, covering all the sky in an instant, even the moonlight. For one dark.

Everyone looked up at the amazing power of the bat army, and Steve said, "We still underestimated their madness."

While the two were discussing, Stark saw that a figure slid past the spider silk and landed directly in front of the front line.

Both Stark and Steve were shocked, and Steve yelled, "Spider-Man!!! What are you doing?!! Come back!!! That's dangerous!!!!!!"

There is a farther place than the first line of defense, and there are hardly any bunkers and protection measures. Once it falls there, it will immediately face the frenzied siege of the bats in their prime.

But Peter didn't seem to hear it, and then something unexpected happened.

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