American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 133: R: Bat Big Event (15)

The Morun family, also known as the successor family, is also called "cosmic vampires".

If you want to understand the origin of this family, you have to mention the spider totem.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, the birth of Spider-Man stems from the mutation caused by his bite by a spider, but this is not the case. Spider-Man's power actually belongs to the magic side, from the ancient spider totem.

The animal totem is a very mysterious and powerful force in the entire Marvel universe, and the spider totem is the best among them. In the face of such a powerful force, some people will naturally want to steal it.

There is a group of creatures very similar to vampires in the universe. They travel through various multiverses, kill all creatures related to totems, and absorb their power to strengthen themselves. This is the Morun family.

Schiller said to Nick on the other end of the phone: "I have to admit, I didn't expect that they wanted to take action against Spider-Man so soon. We caught a big fish with this little bait this time."

"Rather than this, shouldn't you be concerned about how we're going to deal with them?"

"According to what you said, they even have the ability to travel through the multiverse beyond human cognition, and most of their targets are vulnerable under their hands, so what do you think, ordinary human beings, how to deal with such a powerful transcendent biology?"

"The fact is, we don't have to deal with it."

"What do you mean?" Nick asked him.

"I think you should also be able to think that since there will be the Morun family, there will definitely be other extraordinary creatures similar to them, and I am afraid there will be a lot of them."

"You think about why humans can live in peace to this day? If they can really do whatever they want here, let alone an Earth, and a few more solar systems, they will all be destroyed by them."

"Of course I know that there have always been mysterious forces protecting Earth, and in fact, I've been concerned about it since the day I took over as Director of S.H.I.E.L.D."

"However, if the guardian of this bat **** really comes, does that mean that they have found a way to break through the earth's defenses?"

"They're still a long way off. If they really figured out this method, then why don't they appear directly above the earth, and then shout to all the people on earth, telling us that they are about to rule this place..."

"Instead of being sneaky, like a thief with a guilty conscience, you still need to wear the cloak of a bat **** and let the vampires of the earth call them over?"

In the end, Schiller concluded: "They are not gangsters who came to rob the bank, but a group of stupid thieves who only dared to pick the locks quietly and did not dare to make a noise when they entered ordinary houses."

"And it just so happens that the owner of this house has a bad temper and is very vengeful."

When it got dark, Stark was floating over a block in front of the Brooklyn Bridge, with a strangely shaped vehicle below him.

Stark pressed the button on his arm, the armor of the car unfolded, and a group of very strange looking robots walked down from it.

They have four sturdy mechanical legs, a ring of arms in the upper half, gear grippers and hooks, and the main body is like a hexagonal nut.

Steve, who was standing next to him, said, "This is your work these days? Are you sure this thing can fight wars?"

"No, this is not for fighting." Stark snorted disdainfully and said, "You are a big-headed soldier who only wants to fight. This is a multi-functional battlefield robot."

"So, what can it do?"

"Can do all the logistics you can imagine."

"After this night's battle, I found a very big problem. The weakness of human beings may not be that we can't fight, it's not that we shoot inaccurately, or that the avoidance is not timely enough, but that we waste too much personnel strength. in logistical maintenance."

"To carry a wounded soldier who fell to the ground, two people are needed, and they have to be strong. They go through the center of the exchange of fire to grab the wounded. If one of them is also injured, then someone else needs to be on the top. ."

"Of course, if it is an ordinary war, there may be room for this kind of behavior, because the opposite side is also at the same line of sight as us, and it will not deliberately target the retreating wounded soldiers." "But the group of bats are different, they They can fly, and once they see someone falling to the ground, or someone trying to rescue the wounded, they will attack these people like crazy."

"Once we let go of the wounded, our morale plummets and the attrition gets worse."

"I thought about it a lot this afternoon..." Stark said with his arms crossed, "I am also participating in this kind of war for the first time. Therefore, I have many flaws and inappropriate places in the design of the mecha. I have tried my best. I was able to quickly adjust those issues."

Steve heard a strong confidence in his tone, which was completely different from his usual stubborn attitude. At this time, Stark, or Iron Man, was indeed full of charisma.

He is so talented in his field of expertise, and he does not shy away from talking about his mistakes and weaknesses. This rigorous thinking and his somewhat loose attitude form a strong conflict, giving him a unique different temperament.

Stark continued: "Schiller gave me a lot of inspiration. We do need a set of calculation logic that adapts to the battlefield. It is best to be intelligent enough to calculate it in advance before we find these weaknesses, so that we can predict the enemy's aircraft. First."

"However, this time it was too late. There was only one day time, and I couldn't even pass the test, so I made a compromise and created these robots with my hand-designed method."

Stark fell, and he patted the arm of one of the robots and said, "I won't talk about the functions of carrying goods and making fortifications. More importantly, he is loaded with incendiary bombs and flamethrowers. On the night vision device for everyone, a signal transmission button is designed. Once pressed, this button indicates that there are wounded vampires that can be burned, and they will quickly rush to the battlefield and burn them with flamethrowers. ashes."

"Their flame-throwing system is intelligently controlled to ensure the fire doesn't spread, which is a lot better than a human-operated one."

What's more important is the way it moves. "

Said, the mecha beside Stark, the mechanical arm rotated and retracted into their hexagonal body, turned into a nut-like shape, and then floated into the air.

Stark looked up at it and said, "At the moment, I don't see that group of vampires have the ability to interfere with the magnetic force, so this kind of machine can move very fast with the help of the magnetic levitation system."

"Once it moves over the wounded soldier, the robotic arm at the bottom will pick up the wounded soldier, wrap it in its own mech, and fly back with them."

"There are some first aid measures in the mecha, and there are also some healing serums. You know, the batch developed by Connors, but the number is not too many, it should not be enough, but at least it can ensure that the seriously injured can survive until they are admitted to the hospital. ."

"It's already very good." Steve walked over, looked at the hexagonal nut floating in the air, and said, "War always kills people, it's just how many, but it's always good to have one more person to live. of."

"Are you going to recall your glorious days on the battlefield with me again?"

Steve shrugged and said, "Not yet. For the sake of what you've done well this time, I'm not going to talk about that."

"Sure enough, you did it on purpose before!" Stark said angrily with his eyes wide open.

Steve spread his hands and said, "I used this trick to deal with your dad before, but you are a little better than him, at least you can endure it for more than 5 minutes."

When Peter arrived, he saw Stark grabbing Steve's collar, Peter rushed over to separate the two of them, Stark shook his arm, he glanced at Peter and said, "Your battle. What's wrong with the clothes? How come it's so black?"

Peter shook his head, and Stark looked at him absent-mindedly and asked, "Hey, boy, what's wrong with you? Are you hurt?"

"I don't know." Peter said with some pain, my heart was beating very fast, and the spider sense kept ringing, but I couldn't find the source of the danger. I feel very bad now. "

Stark didn't think he was joking, so he could only step forward, pat Peter on the shoulder and say, "I think you need to rest."

"You're still underage, and you've been fighting for more than 20 hours in a row. That's not going to work." Steve also said.

Peter looked a little irritable, and he said, "Don't mind me, I know what I have to do, and I'm going to be here to destroy all those nasty monsters!"

"Your mental state is a little wrong..." Stark was about to continue, when Steve stopped him.

Peter sat down against the tires of the vehicle, and Steve crouched down, looked him in the eyes and said, "Of course, we don't want to interfere with you, but as your elder, at least I must be your elder, I'm a little worried You, Peter..."

"If you think you can still hold on, then you stay, but in fact, you have done enough to even be called heroic."

Peter frowned and closed his eyes, he said, "I'm sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me, I just feel very irritable and restless..."

"Schiller will come over later, you can talk to him, maybe the psychiatrist has a solution for this symptom."

"Dr. Schiller is coming? Why? This is a battlefield! He will be in danger!"

Stark and Steve looked at each other, and they found that pure Peter seemed to really think that Schiller had no special power and was an ordinary person who needed protection.

When the sky was about to get dark, the three lines of defense had been completely arranged. With the help of Stark's special logistics robot, the battle line was built very fast and very strong, and the situation was much better than expected.

A mansion in the back became a temporary combat headquarters. Schiller was sitting on the second floor. Peter sat opposite him. He covered his forehead and said, "I feel really bad, doctor, I always feel that there is some danger. It's about to happen, but I can't find the source..."

"Did your spider sense remind you like this?"

"That's right, it's hard for me to explain to you, what kind of feeling this is, in short, my spider sense can let me see the picture of the source of danger, UU reading can even directly control my Physical action."

"But right now, I can't see anything, and when I concentrate, I can't see anything, but it just keeps making noises..."

"Because you have always used it as a passive ability, have you ever thought that you can actually control it actively?"

"Active control? Actually I tried it before, but no matter how much I focused, it just didn't show up."

"That's because you didn't encounter dangerous stimuli at the time, and this short-lived state couldn't be maintained, but now is a good opportunity. Since the spider sense has been working, you can try to mobilize it..."

Peter just closed his eyes and tried to concentrate, but the spider sense was like a string that was constantly being plucked, constantly disrupting his thinking and making his concentration very distracting.

Venom said: "You empty your brain, I think I can help you."

Peter tried his best to clear his mind, thinking about nothing, and then gradually, he saw a black mass faint in his consciousness, and soon, a picture flashed by.

Schiller saw Peter jump up from the chair with a "rub", and then he said with a terrified face: "I see..."

"Calm down, Peter, what did you see?"

Peter said to Schiller with a panicked face: "I saw Mr. Stark fall from a tall building...without a mecha, and then fell to the ground..."

Peter's eyes were red and he almost cried, and he said in a hoarse, trembling voice, "I see...he's dead."

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