American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 122: R: bat big event (4)

In mid-air, around the bud-shaped ultraviolet generator, there were many bats hovering. The machine gunners and snipers of the ground troops were creating a circle of firepower so that these bats could not fly out of the generator's range of action. 1

Spider-Man has discovered a new way to use Venom. After being trained by Iron Man and Batman's demons, this symbiote has adapted very quickly to the whimsical combat methods of the little spider. 1

Spider-Man first weaves a large web of venom slime, then leaps high from the bridge pillars like a real spider, and then throws the web out, one web always harvests a dozen bats, and then these The bat was thrown into the range of the UV generator, and after a while, hundreds of bats were successfully caught. 6

Natasha looked at the increasing number of bats around the UV generator, but she still frowned and said, "No, this is not enough, we must eliminate more than one-third of their living force at one time, otherwise the situation will follow. It will still be difficult.”

Originally, humans would not have an advantage in fighting extraordinary creatures, not to mention that there are so many of them, almost equal to humans, and the terrain is not conducive to the use of human weapons, and heavy firepower such as missiles is useless. No violent explosion.

The shock girl Daisy shouted: "Hurry up! My wave frequency is gradually weakening, and the distance is too far. I can only control it for two more minutes at most!"

Natasha didn't say a word, put away the walkie-talkie, walked directly to the cockpit of the gunship, picked up the pilot, then sat in the seat by herself, shouting: "Everyone! Prepare to parachute away! "

Then she took out the walkie-talkie while manipulating the helicopter and said, "Attention to all the No. 2 squad! Everyone is ready to leave! The pilot follows my trajectory, and the gunner pays attention to the fire output. We will force the large group to the east!" 1

Eagle-eyed Clint also shouted into the walkie-talkie: "No! That's too dangerous! Stark's ultraviolet generating device is very powerful, you can't get too close, or you will be melted instantly like those bats!" 1

Natasha gave full play to the Russian fighting style and hung up the walkie-talkie directly. Ignoring Hawkeye's protest, she pulled the joystick down hard, and the gunship flew towards the pile of bats. 1

The ordinary crew members have already parachuted away, leaving only Natasha and the gunner. The pilot on plane 2 followed with gritted teeth and stomps. The gunner on their plane had already died. , and then walked to the position of the machine gunner and began to prepare for output. .

The only two gunships left were flying towards a large group of bats to the east. The machine guns operated by Hawkeye were responsible for the main firepower output, and Natasha used helicopters to provide tactical cover. 1

There is also a big killer on the No. 2 helicopter. Although she needs to devote part of her energy to controlling the ultraviolet generating device, she can still drive groups of bats to their destination through the shock wave.

Just as the dozens of bats reached the range of the generator, Natasha yelled into the walkie-talkie: "Daisy! Do it!"

Shockwave girl gritted her teeth, her hair kept flying by the propeller of the helicopter, she stretched out a hand and said with eagle eyes, "Wait! We're going to leave first, do you want to be killed here?!" …

"No! Someone must maintain the firepower output. No. 2 will withdraw first, and I will catch up later!"

"Natasha! Are you crazy? Why are you driving forward?!" Hawkeye stuck his head out and saw that Natasha's helicopter continued to fly forward, forcing a bunch of bats who wanted to escape. .

Daisy said, "Come on! I'm dying!"

"Evacuate now!" Natasha's voice sounded very calm. Hawkeye didn't know where she got so much confidence. He could only grit his teeth, then equipped his hooks and parachute, and jumped down with Daisy. Helicopter, at the moment of jumping off, Daisy clenched her fist fiercely.

In an instant, two ultraviolet generating devices suspended in the air exploded violently, almost like a sun, lighting up over the Brooklyn Bridge.

The violent explosion was accompanied by the diffused high-intensity ultraviolet rays. In an instant, all the bats within the range of the generator were directly turned into fly ash. 1

Next to the giant sun, a small black shadow fell, and then another shadow swayed over with spider silk and caught her directly. When Spider-Man put Natasha on the top of the Brooklyn Bridge bridge, Venom said to him in his heart, "She's in good shape, isn't she?"10

Peter's face immediately turned red, but fortunately he was wearing a mask, Natasha patted the ashes on her body and turned back to see her victory. 4

This tactical action is indeed amazing. One-third of the bats that were hovering over the Brookley Bridge were affected by the explosion, and most of them lost their ability to fight.

What's more, vampires are also humanoid creatures with high intelligence, as long as there is human nature, they will be afraid.

Watching their companions disappear in an instant, their psychological pressure will also become very great. It is already visible to the naked eye that many bats are no longer hovering in the air, but have turned into human figures and want to escape along the alley.

At this time, one of the advantages of the Brooklyn Bridge area is reflected. Human troops block the two ends of the bridge. Any bat who wants to fly out has to accept the baptism of machine gun bullets and sniper bullets. If you kill it, you can only transform into a human shape, which is smaller and less likely to be hit. 3

However, within the scope of the bridge, it will transform into a human form, either on the bridge deck or in the river. Neither of these two locations is a good choice.

If you land on the bridge, you will receive a hail of bullets immediately.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page for the baptism of ^0^, and when it falls on the river, the vampire does not have too much action in the water, and it is almost a living target.

Except for some advanced vampires who are good at using magic, most ordinary vampires can only fly under the bridge in a panic.

Just when Natasha was about to convey the next battle plan, a violent sound of breaking through the air sounded. She raised her head and saw several dark shadows approaching rapidly in the distant sky. Natasha said, "The fighter group has entered! "

Although gunships can be used for combat, they are not as professional as fighter jets. 12 fighter jets uttered sharp chirps, piercing the horizon, and almost a dozen large bats were shot in one face. 5

Although low-altitude combat is not the strength of fighter jets, the air combat literacy of fighter pilots is much stronger than these bats that only fly around. 4…

The three of them were seen as a small team, carrying out quick tactical maneuvers, and the bats who could often play around in circles. The bats in the air were distracted, and they had no time to dive down to the ground. The situation on the ground was greatly relieved immediately.

The ground troops have to deal with mainly humanoid high-level vampires. They will use all kinds of magic, such as a sharp claws that suddenly appear from the black fog, even at the speed of Spider-Man. , once ordinary people are attacked, the probability of survival is very small.

As a result, the ground forces were reduced too quickly, and the re-topped personnel needed to re-spend time to organize firepower. 2

On the bridge deck, Steve swung a shield, and the sound of claws slicing through the metal made the scalp tingling, Steve said, "This can't be done! Spider-Man, are you there? We have to find a way to prevent them from doing this. Using magic at will, it will do too much harm to ordinary people!"

Spider-Man's voice came through the headset: "Destroy the bridge."

"What did you say?" Steve said in disbelief. "Spider-Man? Hello? Are you okay?', 1

"I said, we have to destroy the bridge so they have no foothold."

Peter's voice seemed very calm, even a little low, a little unlike him, but Steve was attracted by this voice, and did not refute for the first time, but listened to Peter continue to finish. 11

"I just observed that when they turned into a bat form and hovered in the air, there was no way to use that kind of claw magic. They had to turn into a human shape before they could use magic."

"And when they take human form, they have to have a foothold."

"The current bridge deck is too spacious, and they can use magic unscrupulously, but once the bridge is destroyed, there is no flat bridge deck, and only the undulating wreckage is left, then humans can use the wreckage as a cover."

"Not only can they avoid magic sneak attacks, but the special operations team has also entered the field, which is their strength."

Steve opened his mouth deeply, took a deep breath, and said, "Peter, I didn't expect...are you really Peter?"7

No wonder Steve was so surprised. In the previous communication with Peter, he also found that because Peter was relatively young and had little experience, some of the tactical plans he came up with tended to be stingy. 5

It's normal, after all, you can't expect a high school student who has only seen street fights at most to come up with a big plan, but this time it was really shocking to Steve, and Peter said a very powerful statement as soon as he opened his mouth. plan.

Peter's voice was very calm, and now he was full of all the possibilities of this tactic, he said: "Now is the only chance, the bats in the air are attracted by the fighter group and will not interfere with us, and just now. The explosion of the ultraviolet generating device has destroyed half of the bridge pier in the southeast."

"We only need to destroy the pier in the southwest, and the whole bridge will start to collapse from the south. I predict that about half of the bridge will collapse completely, which will provide great room for special operations teams to operate."

Steve stood behind a truck, and he involuntarily said: "Indeed, the explosion just now made many bats run to the bottom of the bridge. Once the bridge collapses, many bats can be crushed to death."…

He stood on the edge of the bridge and looked down, all under the bridge were red eyes, looking very penetrating, Steve said: "Don't they like to hide under the bridge? Then put more bats Go there, and at the moment the bridge collapses, even if you don’t get crushed to death and fly out as a group, you’ll have to be shot.”3

After formulating a battle plan, Steve and Peter began to cooperate. The two of them got some explosives from Police Chief George and briefly communicated with George. Chief George said that the ground police force would cooperate at any time.

With this promise, Spider-Man contacted Natasha again, and Natasha also agreed with their bold plan, she said: "Those mother-in-law councillors will only consider the cost of repairing the bridge, how can they Don’t think about it, now every bullet fired is silver, and the firepower cost at this moment is enough to build two bridges.”12

"Also, your plan is too conservative. UU reading" The female agent from the Soviet Union said very firmly: "The greater the equivalent, the greater the effect! The efficiency of your manual handling of explosives is too low!" 8

"Listen, I just contacted Stark. The reason why he hasn't come is because he is adjusting his mecha. Later, there will be about 5 unmanned mechas joining the battlefield, and I will divide them among them. of two."

"You just need to mount enough explosives on them, and then directly launch a suicide charge, which will not only blow up the bridge, but also harvest a wave of bats that have no time to escape."8

Steve and Peter both swallowed, Steve

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ The husband said: "Actually, we just wanted half of the bridge to collapse, so we can..."

"Can you Americans be a little more daring?!" the female agent shouted: "If the Soviet Union had a commander like you, those Germans would have rushed into Moscow long ago!!"10

"Listen to me! Get ready now! Totally blow up the Brooklyn Bridge!!" 3

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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