American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 121: R: bat big event (3)

In an alley in Queens, Peter hurriedly put on Spider-Man's suit and quarreled with Venom in his heart.

"If it weren't for the bat monster you made, how could New York be under martial law! My God, is this going to be a world war?"

"You're too timid. If you want me to say, we can still take a lap over New York City!" Venom said: "You bastard, what are we afraid of? No one can beat us anyway."

Peter was a little furious. He said, "Listen to what they are saying! What are they saying, the **** of bats is coming?? Please! I am I am a spider! I hate bats the most!"

"Really? But I think that's pretty cool." Venom said in a relaxed tone, and Peter rolled his eyes with anger and said, "Okay, listen, you've been a bat for a round just now, and now it's your turn. I'm going to be Spider-Man, you can't interfere with me!"

Peter climbed to the top of a building and looked into the distance, it was completely dark now, but the whole city was submerged in the red light of vampire eyes, especially near the Brooklyn Bridge, where there were countless Only bats are fighting the ground troops.

Peter patted his head and said, "What the **** is going on? Even if they misunderstood, shouldn't there be so many vampires all at once?"

"Do you really think it's all because of us? Apparently they had a plan, didn't you investigate it before? There are a lot of new vampires rushing to New York. Guess what they originally wanted to do?"

"You mean, they were planning to invade New York long ago?"

"That's not what I said." Venom said: "The incidents that broke out in Queens have already accumulated to a certain degree of qualitative change. As early as a few weeks ago, there were traces of these monsters in Hell's Kitchen, those who The new vampires in New York don't know how to hold back, they mess with people they shouldn't mess with"

"Hell's Kitchen? Isn't that Dr. Schiller very dangerous? No! I have to go now, his psychological clinic has no defense force, I have to go to protect him!"

"It's too late for you to go now. As early as the time we appeared, he was taken to the Stark Building."

Peter breathed a sigh of relief, then put on his hood and said, "Forget it, they wanted to do bad things anyway, so don't blame me, I'm going to be Spider-Man."

Peter got a piece of spider silk stuck to the roof, he swung up and said, "Oh hoo! Good neighbor Spider-Man is here!"

Within a few minutes, he arrived near the most intense battlefield, where a large group of vampires were all high-level vampires, possessed magical abilities, and seemed to be commanded by someone. The tactical coordination was quite good, and the defense lines of the armed police were being pushed back step by step.

Spider-Man grabbed the spider silk, swung it vigorously, kicked a vampire in the back, then rolled in the air, stepped on the back of a big bat, hit it to the ground, and punched it hard.

When he came up, he turned over two vampires. Of course, it attracted the attention of the police. The Queens Police Chief George was on the phone and said, "...Can we start the counterattack? Ok! It's been a long time!"

He said loudly to the police on the front line: "Prepare for heavy fire suppression! Machine gunners prepare!!"

A police officer on the front line shouted: "Look! It's Spider-Man! It's the Spider-Man who is going to fight the world's vampires!"

George scolded, put away the phone, walked behind an explosion-proof shield, and watched Spider-Man show his might, punching a bat in the air, he said, "What are you doing standing still? Cooperate with him! Focus on hitting those bats that land on the ground. This is a good time to clean them up!"

Then, he picked up a rifle and fired a shot at the nearest bat wing. The logistics staff hurried up to drag him and said, "Director George, please return to a safe position, we have just received news, You are in command of the three streets where Queens and Brooklyn meet,

Don't get hurt! "

In the air, the tactical state that kept circling in his mind was retrieved by Peter again, and he took advantage of the fire of the shooting,

He gestured to the police, asking them to cooperate with him.

Spider-Man stared at a truck that had just exploded on the side of the road, wrapped the body of the car twice with spider silk, and then threw it fiercely. The group of bats on the opposite side were planning to form a formation and flew again, but they were directly hit by the truck. Five kills, all crushed under the heavy wreckage of the truck...

Advanced vampires can teleport, but only if they are not smashed. Spider-Man's come down is too sudden. Of the five vampires, two were squeezed between the gap between the truck and the wall, and three were squeezed under the truck. , all briefly incapacitated.

The police had already received the signal from Spider-Man, the machine gunner loaded a lot of silver bullets, and there was an indiscriminate fire output on the other side, and the five bats died violently on the spot.

They couldn't use heavy firepower before, and the armed police had been suffocated. Now the snipers don't care so much. They directly use the powerful armor-piercing bullets. The bats flying in the air can't hide from the eyes of these well-trained snipers. As long as the bullet swipes, even if it just hits the wings, it is either dead or injured.

The battle situation gradually began to reverse, and humans prevailed, almost pushing the battle line to the crossing of the Brooklyn Bridge, but it was a little difficult to push forward.

The bridge piles of the Brooklyn Bridge can provide natural cover for those bats, and there are many bats hanging upside down under the bridge, which can avoid the heavy fire from the humans on the shore, and wait for them to change their bombs. Glue up.

Spider-Man doesn't have a good way, because the bridge is different from the street, and the distance between the two piers is too far, there is no place for him to swing around, and he can only fight hand-to-hand.

But this situation did not last for too long. Soon, the human armed helicopters entered the field and began to compete for air supremacy with the bat army. For a while, the machine guns shot down, a few bats fell, and the ground troops made up for the knife. Damaged by the bats, the propeller fell down with smoke.

Spider-Man was busy going to the place where the plane crashed to save people. At this time, the intensity of the aerial battle reached its peak. There was no other reason. Hawkeye and Shockwave were all SHIELD agents entered.

Although Hawkeye is the weakest avenger, he is much stronger than ordinary people and the police. His arrows do not need to be fired, and he has replaced the powerful silver explosive arrows. As long as he hits a bat, it will definitely lose it. ability to act.

The shock girl Daisy is also very strong. In the comics, her ability is quite powerful. She even defeated Magneto who was controlled by the energy body. But now, she has just joined SHIELD not long ago, and her ability has not been fully exerted. This is still For the first time, she was involved in such a large-scale battle.

But she is very suitable for the current scene. She can use her own vibration wave frequency to coat the armed helicopter where Hawkeye is located. As long as a bat dares to approach, it will be shaken out immediately, ensuring the safety of the main output. .

Natasha was in another gunship. She was the commander-in-chief of this air battle. The female agent held the walkie-talkie and shouted: "The helicopter team in the southeast immediately retreats! Immediately pull up! The monsters under the bridge are rushing again. come up!!"

She cursed in Russian and said, "Contact the ground troops immediately and stop the group of monsters in the southeast. We can't lose another squad."

"Also, why hasn't Spider-Man been connected to the communication yet? Send someone to send him a walkie-talkie immediately. I need to know the safety of the pilot of the crashed helicopter."

After a while, Spider-Man's voice came from the walkie-talkie: "Hello? Can you hear? This is the Spider-Man channel, serial number.

10611, I'm on the east side of the bridge now, the helicopter pilot here fell into the water and got stuck in an underwater rock crevice, the situation is very complicated, but my ability to move underwater is not strong, you can send someone over here"

Natasha was a little surprised, because he knew the true identity of Spider-Man. In the past, Spider-Man's behavior was,

If you can't save it, you have to save it, and you must stand out, no matter if it will delay time or not.

But now, he actually considers efficiency issues and opens his mouth to ask for help. I have to say that for boys of this age, this is a great improvement.

Natasha replied immediately: "Don't go into the water, repeat, don't go into the water, if you don't know the bottom of the water,

Blind rescue is counterproductive. "

"We will send professionals to rescue immediately, you are rushing west now, the battle there is too fierce, I need you to rescue the pilots of the two helicopters there, and then let them return to the battlefield immediately, remember, tell them, Be sure to pull up and re-enter, or you will definitely be shot down!"

Spider-Man evacuated there without hesitation. After a while, the unlucky driver who fell into the water was rescued. At this time, Spider-Man had rescued the other two drivers.

He looked up and saw that the helicopter gunship team suffered heavy losses. There were only three of the nine gunships that entered the field first. If it wasn't for the protection of the Shock Girl, the three helicopters where Hawkeye and Natasha were located would have been long ago. was shot down.

Although human beings have strong technological capabilities, those big bats are more dominant. They are large in number and change rapidly. Once they are hit, they will use magic to escape immediately, and their self-healing ability is still very strong, and they will return to the battlefield after a while. .

Natasha frowned to observe the situation, Hawkeye shouted into the walkie-talkie: "It can't go on like this! I've seen a bat three or four times! It's him every time! It goes on like this and they're endless"

At this time, under the dark night, the overwhelming bats hovered over the Brooklyn Bridge, like layers of terrifying curtains, covering the bridge and the river surface, the fire of the machine guns kept flickering, and the screams from time to time made the The scene became more terrifying.

After a while, Jarvis's voice sounded on the walkie-talkie: "1,200 special night vision devices have entered the venue, and the ultraviolet generating devices are being arranged."

Natasha said, "Leave two for me, don't put them down yet, we'll give them a big one in the air!"

Then she shouted to the shock girl: "Daisy, how long are you sure you can control a device that weighs about 120 kilograms?"

"Up to 5 minutes!" Daisy was hanging under the helicopter in a tight suit, and as soon as she waved her hand, a bat was shot out of the air, and during the battle she said: "My ability is destruction! Not good at control! And I I have to devote energy to keep this helicopter safe, and if it's a piece of equipment that requires fine control, I'll only be able to control it for 5 minutes at most!"

"Enough, Jarvis, tell Stark that the drop target was the Hawkeye helicopter."

"Daisy, you get ready. Once the equipment enters the field, immediately control them to fly to the southeast, and then stabilize them. It only takes three minutes at most... No, two minutes! You only need to hold on for two minutes, and we will use the formation to put These bats are forcing them to pass!"

At this time, Natasha's voice also sounded on Spider-Man's walkie-talkie, she said: " try to create a little movement under the bridge, let those bats fly up, try to move them to the southeast. rush in the direction and let them stay there for a while in mid-air"

"Look at me!"

Spider-Man hung up the communication, jumped high, and then landed on the river beach at the bottom of the bridge. Countless black tentacles stretched out from behind him, like a spider web, stuck to countless river beach boulders, and then slammed onto the bridge. Bottom, momentarily, a swarm of bats flew like frightened sparrows.

"That's a cool trick! Let's get a bigger net, and we'll tie them up and throw them over there!"

The venom directly stuck a tentacle to the bridge pillar of the bridge, and then the black slime erupted, forming a huge spider web.

Peter grabbed the cobweb in his hand and threw it around a few times, then threw it vigorously forward. Suddenly, a dozen bats in the air were glued to it, and then caught by the net. Peter hung on the top of the bridge column, and then again With force, a large group of bats were thrown within the range of the ultraviolet generator in the southeast.

Natasha shouted: "What a beauty! Spider-Man! I underestimated you!"

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