American comics: Old Wolverine, do whatever he wants

Chapter 105 The farm was attacked, even the Black Emperor had to recharge!

Outside the empty streets of the old city, several figures were running wildly.

Behind them, a rustling sound came.

Those spiders with baby heads obviously didn't intend to let them go, and kept chasing after them.

This terrifying amount makes them look like a black torrent that bursts out of a dam and gushes wildly.

"Damn it!"

Klaus, who was running, couldn't help but look back. After seeing the terrifying scene behind him, his scalp went numb instantly, "How long are they going to catch up!"

From the moment they escaped from the laboratory, those spiders were like hyenas that had been hungry for a long time, biting them tightly and chasing them all the way.

"You can call the police and let them deal with these guys."

Victor also looked back at the terrifying spider tide, but he was not as panicked as Klaus. Instead, he had time to joke.

"If they were useful, the laboratory wouldn't be built here!"

Klaus spoke breathlessly. Running all the way took a lot of energy from him, but he didn't dare to slow down even a little bit.

"Okay, hurry up and run, turn left ahead, our car is parked to the north!"

Logan's eyes were fixed on a small alley not far ahead. Their car was parked not far behind the alley.

Now the group of guys behind are chasing after me. If I keep relying on my legs, sooner or later I will run out of strength and I will have to drive away to have a certain way of survival!

Everyone nodded and ran madly towards the alley.

The alley is very narrow and even a larger car cannot pass through it, but fortunately pedestrians can pass through without any problem.


Not long after they entered the alley, there was a roar behind them.

The baby spiders chasing behind them also squeezed into the alley after them. The ground shook for a moment, and the tall buildings on both sides kept shaking, as if they were about to be pushed open by these spiders. Bricks kept falling from the old buildings, almost hitting Logan. several people.

Looking at the crumbling tall buildings on both sides, Logan's expression condensed, "Rush out quickly, we won't be able to support this place for long!"

Maika and the others also realized the seriousness of the matter and quickly accelerated their pace and rushed towards the other end of the alley.


Countless monsters also squeezed out of the alley. These guys had no sense and only had Logan and the others in their eyes. In order to catch up with them, these guys seemed to be fighting to the death.

After leaving the alley, Logan and the others did not dare to stop at all and continued running wildly.

Didi didi.

At this time, Maika's communicator suddenly rang. He looked down at the call message and frowned suddenly.

"It's a call from the farm."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but be stunned. Although their footsteps of escaping did not stop, they all looked at Maika.

This is not the right time to call.

But Logan felt a little worried. After all, everyone on the farm knew that Maika was on a mission and would not call him unless it was a very urgent matter.

But what was the important matter that forced them to make this call?

At this time, Maika also answered the call, and for a moment, his expression became solemn.

Logan noticed his expression, felt something bad in his heart, and quickly asked: "What's wrong?"

"Something happened."

Maika's face was solemn, as if he was in a daze. After a while, he said solemnly: "The farm has been attacked by a joint attack by pickets. I'm afraid the situation is not good now."


When Logan heard this, he was shocked and his brain suddenly shut down.

The professor, Caliban, and Laura are still at the farm.

For a moment, Logan's heart couldn't help beating rapidly, and his eyes were full of worry.

Marcus and the others were also slightly stunned. They all opened their eyes wide and looked at Maika in disbelief.

Nowadays, the farm is equivalent to their home, and the people on the farm are equivalent to their family.

At this time, the house was being surrounded and the family was in danger, which made everyone present panic.

"We have to go back quickly for support!"

Logan's eyes were solemn, and he gritted his teeth and spoke decisively.

He can leave the farm alone, but nothing can happen to the professor and the others. At worst, he can continue to wander with the professor and the others!

"Then you have to get rid of these followers!"

Klaus looked back at the group of spiders behind him, frowning.

He also wanted to quickly return to the farm to rescue, but these spiders were so annoying!


Just when everyone was trying their best to escape and return to the farm, a loud noise suddenly came from the front.

Two monsters covered with pimples blocked the way. They stood side by side, their disgusting huge bodies were like two high walls, and the green eyes on their heads rolled their eyes and stared at them.

The squirming muscles and knots that are constantly opening and closing on the body make people feel psychologically uncomfortable just looking at it.

"They even chased me out!"

Victor recognized the identities of these two monsters. They were two of the ones in the high-rise detention area.

"Damn, these guys actually take detours?!"

Klaus looked at the monsters and couldn't help but complain. They obviously underestimated the intelligence of these guys.

With these two guys blocking the way, Logan and the others had to stop.

Looking at the monster not far away, Logan's eyes flashed coldly, and the scene of the professor being attacked kept flashing in his mind.

Over the years, his relationship with the professor has already become that of a father and a friend. When he thinks that he may be in danger, Logan's anger is uncontrollable.

"Tear him apart!"

Logan gritted his teeth, his voice almost jumping out of his throat.

He is now rushing back to the farm, and no one can stop him!

The sound fell, and with a brush, the bright silver steel claws flashed out, and a cold light suddenly appeared.

He walked toward the monster with his steel claws raised, looking at the enemy who was much higher than him. He didn't have any superfluous expression, only the coldness in his eyes.

The monster seemed to be aware of the pressure brought by Logan, but it did not escape. The dozens of eyes on its head emitted a green light, staring at Logan who was striding forward.


The mouth in the middle of its head made an indistinct roar, and the muscles on its body squirmed violently. Its arms hanging from the ground were suddenly raised, and the strong arms were like a big pendulum.

It waved its arms, and in an instant, the arm like a hammer slammed down on Logan. The speed was astonishing, and bursts of explosions pierced the air in the air. The speed made it impossible to see the arm clearly. At the specific location, only a vague afterimage can be seen.

Feeling the strong wind blowing against his face, Logan still didn't die at all, and he raised his sharp claws and slashed down without hesitation.


The sound of flesh being cut could be clearly heard, and then, a severed limb was thrown away heavily, whizzing and hitting the wall going downstairs.


A big hole opened in the wall instantly, and green blood emitted from the severed limb, corroding most of the stones on the floor of the small building.


The pain of having his arm cut off caused all the monster's eyes to twist, the muscles and knots on its body kept squirming, and a low roar came from its mouth.

The short limbs were extremely smooth, green blood was dripping continuously, and most of the ground was corroded in an instant.

Logan's eyes were gloomy, and he swooped up. When the monster roared in pain, he stabbed the monster's chest with the steel claw in his hand.


The stinging pain made the monster roar angrily. It was about to resist, but suddenly found that it was floating in the air.

I saw Logan inserting his hands into the monster's chest, ignoring the splash of green blood corroding his body, gritting his teeth, and lifted the monster upwards with all his strength.

This monster, which was much larger than him, was lifted above Logan's head. Judging from its size, it looked like a person lifting a car!

The monster's blood continued to drip down, and the surrounding ground was completely corroded by the green blood, and the ground was instantly riddled with holes.

A lot of blood dripped onto Logan's body, his clothes were directly pierced, white smoke emitted from his body, and a heartbreaking pain filled his heart.


Logan roared angrily and pulled his hands outward.


Amidst the monster's frightened and painful roar, the monster's huge body was ripped open by Logan with brute force.

Blood spurted out instantly, and all the corrosive blood spilled onto Logan's body. In an instant, bursts of white smoke came out of his clothes, and within a short time, they were completely corroded.

The liquid fell on Logan's body, and his skin instantly festered, and black wounds spread.

But this trauma did not last long, and was repaired by the self-healing factor in an instant.

Logan gritted his teeth and shook the two halves of his body hard.


The dead monster fell to the ground, and the ground trembled.

After finishing this one, Logan turned around without hesitation and rushed towards the other end. The sharp steel claws continued to cut the flesh and blood of the monster, and it was useless even if the corrosive liquid splashed on him. fear.

He has to be quick, or the shelter and the professor will be in danger!

Seeing Logan fighting two monsters alone, Klaus opened his mouth in shock.

"Logan is really fierce."

Klaus couldn't help but exclaimed. Only those who knew the self-healing factor would use this desperate fighting method.

And just as he finished speaking, a rustling voice approached behind him.

Several people looked back and saw that the spider swarm behind them had caught up.

The swarm of spiders that seemed like a tidal wave made everyone feel numb.

Bang bang bang! ! !

Klaus raised the gun almost subconsciously and pulled the trigger without hesitation. The bullets sprayed out and rained down on the spiders.

Victor and others immediately raised their guns and fired.

Fierce gunfire rang out, and the baby spiders fell one by one.

These things have low defense, and bullets can easily penetrate their bodies. Sometimes two or even three can be knocked down with one shot.

But the problem is that there are so many of them that they are almost airtight.

The ones in front fell down, and the ones behind stepped on the corpses and rushed forward again. Even though the guns of Victor and others were at full strength, they still had no effect.

On the other side, Maika frowned, put his hands on the ground, gritted his teeth and activated his ability. The next moment, his arms flashed with golden light.

But the golden light only flickered for a while and then quickly dimmed.

Maika let out a sharp breath, sweat dripped from his forehead, and looked exhausted. He had exhausted too much before, and now his physical strength was not enough.

Just when he was about to grit his teeth and use all his strength to explode, Marcos on the side quickly said: "Don't hold on, save your strength, we can still carry it for a while!"

While speaking, he stared straight ahead, bullets from the gun in his hand kept flying out.

Their conversation made Victor, who was also shooting, confused.

"Does your ability also need to be charged like the Black Emperor?"

He asked bluntly, as if he was very curious about Macka's exhaustion.

Macka rolled his eyes at him with an ugly face, "Don't you know the law of conservation of energy?"

The more powerful the ability, the easier it is to get tired after using it.

Even he can only use his ability to change the force field of surrounding objects a few times.

Victor shrugged and stopped talking, concentrating on shooting.

There are so many spiders that they hardly need to aim. Here, even a blind person can deal with a lot of monsters by pulling the trigger.

There are too many of them!


When the fight was fierce, Klaus's gun suddenly hung up, and the bullets in the magazine were all emptied.

"Damn, I'm out of bullets!"

Klaus panicked and subconsciously reached behind his waist to take out the magazine, but his hand touched nothing.

He then remembered that these rifles were picked up by them in the laboratory before, and they had no spare magazines at all.

Then, the guns in Marcos and Victor's hands also went out.

Victor's expression condensed, and he threw the rifle in his hand forward fiercely. Looking at these spiders, his hands showed sharp claws, his eyes flashed with cold light, and he was about to go forward to fight for his life.

"This way, go!"

At this time, Logan's voice came from behind.

At this time, he had completely solved the two monsters, and his body was covered with corrosive liquid and bursts of white smoke. His flesh was constantly corroded and repaired.

Seeing this, everyone no longer hesitated and turned to run wildly in the direction of Logan.

They were not far from the parking location of the vehicle. As long as they got in the car, they would have a chance to get rid of the group of spiders behind them!

While running wildly, the communicator of the card rang again.

After Macka took the call, his expression became more serious, and he said, "John's call, the farm is in danger now, they can't resist the offensive of the picket team at all, the farm is about to fall!"

This time they came out and took away most of the elites of the farm. There are not many combatants left in the farm. If they don't go back to support, losing is a small matter. Maybe everyone will be arrested and thrown into prison. At that time, it will be troublesome to rescue them!

Maybe more than a hundred people in the farm will die there!

Logan looked solemn. Thinking of the professor's precarious scene, thinking of Laura and Caliban, his mentality became anxious for a while.

And Macka and others obviously have the same mentality, and Macka's expression is almost gloomy, after all, the farm is his lifelong industry!

"Hurry, find a way to go back and support!"

After Macka finished speaking, his speed increased a few points and he ran towards the vehicle frantically.

A few minutes later, several people found the pickup truck that was covered with a large piece of cloth before, and got in the car without saying a word.

Logan was about to step on the accelerator and run wildly, but suddenly found that a large number of spiders appeared in front of him.

Not only in front, but also on the left and right sides, plus those chasing them from behind, they were completely surrounded by spiders!

Such a scene made everyone's scalp numb.

Klaus's eyes narrowed, and the dense spiders almost made him vomit.

"Damn laboratory, how many of these horrible things have they created!"

At this time, they were like people trapped on an isolated island, and the "waves" of spiders around them could kill them at any time!

And those spiders seemed to see that Logan and his men had no way to retreat. The baby heads growing on the spiders' backs kept grinning at people. The pale faces and weird smiles instantly made people feel chilled.

"Not all of them are created in the laboratory, they may be the ones that they lay eggs and reproduce!"

Marcos looked solemn, looking at these spiders, despair rose in his heart.

"Run over them!"

Victor was also horrified at this time, the only thing he could think of was to run over them and break out of the encirclement!

"You are making a movie!"

Logan, who was sitting in the driver's seat, said solemnly, "So many things will get stuck in the chassis, and then we will really have nowhere to escape!"

If they really run over them, before they have walked five meters, those spiders will be able to completely block their territory. At that time, they will be trapped in the car, and it will really be a pity to cry out to the sky and the earth.


McKa suddenly took a deep breath, slowly opened the car door, and walked out of the car as if he had made up his mind.

"You go back to the farm to support first, and no one in the shelter can be left behind. Here, I will take care of it!"

He turned his head to Logan in the driver's seat and spoke, then slowly bent down, with his hands on the ground.

Logan looked at MacKa with a complicated expression.

Macka gave him too many doubts, and he even thought that Macka was not a good person.

But this scene now made him change his mind about Macka a little, and even felt that what the weirdo in the forest said before was completely to sow discord.

After all, voluntarily sacrificing himself just for the farm and everyone, he didn't look like a sinister villain at all.


At this time, Macka gritted his teeth and used all his strength.

The next moment, his hands flashed with brilliant golden light, and the dazzling light almost competed with the sun and the moon!

He suddenly inserted his hands into the ground.

The next moment, many spikes suddenly stretched out on the road on the left.

Swish! Swish!

The sharp ground spikes directly pierced the monsters on the ground, and some of them even had several spiders on them.

He moved the ground spikes to the left and right to open a passage, and constantly changed the geological structure of the road to prevent any spider from entering the road.

"Hurry up!"

McKa said to Logan and the others.


Klaus in the back seat panicked, "Get in the car!"

McKa shook his head. If he stopped using his abilities, the spiders would pour into the road again, and they couldn't go far.

The only way to get them out safely was for him to support them here!

Klaus wanted to talk, but McKa urged him, "Logan, drive!"

"Hurry up and go back to support the farm. I can hold them here and get away. Don't worry about me!"

He looked at Logan and the others with a firm look.

Logan no longer hesitated, "Take care, see you at the farm."

After that, he stepped on the accelerator without hesitation, and the car sped out and drove madly towards the outside of the city.

In the rearview mirror, the monsters were still surging like a black tide. They aimed at Macka and rushed towards him.


Suddenly, huge spikes rose from the ground. The sharp spikes were like spears, stabbing at the monsters. All the monsters that wanted to get close to Macka were blocked by the spear-like spikes.

The next moment, the sharp spikes suddenly twisted and shuttled through the spiders like long snakes.

Hundreds of spike spears pierced through spiders one by one accurately. Green blood kept splashing, and the bodies of spiders fell one by one.

But even so, their number was still terrifying. They stepped on the bodies of their companions and rushed towards Macka one after another...

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