The strong smell of blood hit their nostrils, and the thick blood was almost stringy. Logan and the others walked carefully on the blood-covered ground, and they could accidentally step on the broken limbs on the ground.

Everyone looked around cautiously.

The space here is very large and spacious, but the lighting is very dim. The overhead lights flicker as if they have poor contact, and it looks like a scene from a horror movie.

"Oh my God, what the hell is going on here?"

Marcus's pupils trembled. Looking at this room that could be said to be made of blood, he felt an unprecedented shock deep in his heart.

"What kind of experiments are these guys doing?"

Victor frowned and kicked a broken limb away from his feet. Looking at the wreckage on the ground, his pupils couldn't help but tremble.

To be honest, he has killed many people in his life, and he and Logan have different personalities. Most of the people Logan killed were people who were a threat to him, while he killed people for fun and died in his hands. There are all kinds of people, good guys, bad guys, civilians and so on.

But even so, when I see the current scene and smell the smell of blood, I can't help but feel suffocated.

"It seems they are hiding something here that scares them. They did not hesitate to send heavy troops to put the entire building under lockdown."

Logan lifted his feet from the ground, and the sticky blood pulled out a disgusting streak of blood from the soles of his shoes.

Previously, Logan thought that the mutants captured here were all here, but now it seems that he was wrong. There may be something more dangerous than mutants here!

"Variant experiment..."

Maika seemed to know something. Looking at this bloody thing, he couldn't help but murmured.


At this time, the elevator door behind him suddenly closed.

Everyone quickly turned around and looked back, suddenly panicking.

"not good!"

Klaus rushed up, pulled at the elevator door, and tried to push it open, but no matter how hard he tried, the heavy door wouldn't budge and the door was tightly closed.

Even if he took out his pass and swiped it at the side, it would not help. The entire door seemed to be welded shut and could not be opened.

"Damn, the elevator door is locked!"

Klaus gritted his teeth, frowned solemnly, and slapped the elevator door hard.

At this moment, a buzzing sound of electricity suddenly came from the loudspeaker in the corner, followed by a dull sound.

"Intruders, no matter who you are, there is no way you can escape from here today!"

A deep voice echoed in the huge room, and it was obvious that the owner of the building had discovered them.

"Damn it!"

Victor ran to the elevator door and slapped the door hard.

Although his power was surprisingly strong, and there were rumbling sounds every time he smashed the door, there was still no response from the door.

"The folding door is at least fifty centimeters thick!"

Victor gritted his teeth, looked at the heavy iron door and spoke angrily.

"let me!"

Logan frowned, stepped forward and pushed Victor away, standing in front of the door, with a brush sound, the steel claws stretched out, and a cold light suddenly appeared.


Logan inserted the steel claw into the door. The thick door was like tofu and was easily pierced by the steel claw.

He swiped down hard, and the door, which was dozens of centimeters thick, seemed to have no resistance. Logan made three slender scratches directly.

He used another steel claw to make a cross scratch, and then kicked it hard, and the thick steel fell off instantly.

But the elevator behind the gate had long since disappeared. All that appeared in front of him was a dark elevator shaft, with a wall outside.

Without the elevator, several people's hearts suddenly went cold.

After all, the detention area is not like other areas. In other areas, you can still walk even if there is no elevator. But here in the detention area, the elevator is the only entrance and exit.

"What now?"

Klaus looked at several people with a panicked expression, the fear in his eyes was self-evident.

Logan frowned and didn't know what to do for a moment. He looked at Maika on the other side and found that the other person also had a solemn expression, holding his chin and thinking constantly.


At this moment, a terrifying roar came from the depths of the detention area, and the entire detention area seemed to be enveloped by this roar.

Maika and others looked panicked and quickly looked sideways.

Bang bang bang!

Immediately afterwards, a burst of heavy footsteps came, the huge footsteps sounded like giants walking, the ground shook uncontrollably, the severed limbs in the pool of blood jumped up and down, the lights above the head became more unstable due to the trembling, and the sizzling electric current The sound sounded, the lights flickered and dimmed, it was extremely weird.

"Something is coming, everyone is on alert!"

Maika looked at the direction of the sound with a solemn expression.

Marcos and Klaus hurriedly took out pistols from their back waists and pointed them at the holding area. The unknown fear caused beads of sweat to fall from their foreheads, and they swallowed nervously.

Logan and Victor showed their steel claws and sharp claws respectively.

They could clearly feel the pressure coming from the front. The guy coming was difficult to deal with!

In the darkness, the unknown thing suddenly accelerated, and its heavy footsteps were as continuous as a pile driver. Soon, it rushed out of the shadows.

I saw that he was tall, nearly four meters tall, and could not be accommodated in the entire detention area. His head was almost pressed against the ceiling, and he was running through the bricks on the ceiling. The bricks above his head kept falling, leaving a long Every time he set his foot on the cracks, the whole building trembled.

Under the huge body, one step was almost several meters away, as if an out-of-control armored vehicle was rushing towards Logan and the others.

"Get out of the way!"

Logan's eyes narrowed, and he quickly pulled Victor to dodge to the side.

And the big guy almost rushed over against their clothes.


It hit the wall hard, and its huge body caused the whole building to tremble. The huge impact caused the wall to dent instantly, and tears spread quickly like spider webs.

Dust rose up in an instant, and the powerful impact caused the flying stones to shoot out like bullets.

Klaus, who was lying on the ground and holding his head, couldn't help but look back at the wall.

The wall with this characteristic is almost one meter thick, mixed with various reinforcements, and can even withstand direct missiles.

But in the face of the impact of the big man, the wall was still deeply dented, leaving a terrifying trace of the giant.

"I was almost beaten to a pulp!"

Klaus looked at the wall in fear, his pupils shrinking sharply.

"Get up quickly."

On the side, Maika was obviously a little panicked. He quickly got up from the ground and looked at the wall solemnly.

As for Logan, as soon as he stood up on his front legs, the monster on his back legs slowly walked out of the dust mist.

I saw that his body was huge, like a human being, but he was not human-like. His skin was dark green, and his whole body was very rough, with bumps that would scare away trypophobia patients just looking at him.

There is no hair on the huge head, and no clear facial features. The face is covered with gleaming eyes, which are distributed very randomly on the whole head. There is a mouth in the middle of the head, and the mouth is full of blood, up and down. Each has two sharp fangs, which look very scary.

The limbs are thick, even the size of the small arms is comparable to the size of a bucket. The hands are like two huge iron fists. The muscles all over the body are like squirming worms, like a gibbon. The arms hang down to the ground, and the broad palms have sharp... The nails and the back have irregular spikes like those of a porcupine, and there is a disgusting stench of mucus that is constantly flowing in the spikes.

"Farke, the guy who created it must be a psychopath!"

After Victor saw its appearance clearly, he trembled all over and was covered with goosebumps.

This thing is definitely not born naturally. Although natural aesthetics may occasionally have problems, it will never be such a big problem. It is definitely believed that it can grow like this. Victor thinks that guy must be a complete pervert. Guy!

If he wasn't a pervert, it would be impossible to create such a disgusting thing!

"Gift crab!"

Klaus' scalp was also numb, and he slapped his head heavily with both hands, "What kind of monster is this!"

Marcus also looked at the guy with a horrified look on his face, his face was twisted, his stomach was churning, and he was almost nauseated by this guy.


The monster suddenly roared, and the lumps all over its body kept squirming, as if there were maggots crawling in them.

Suddenly, these little bumps opened a small opening, and a thick, vomiting-smelling liquid suddenly spurted out.

Seeing this, Logan quickly turned around and retreated, avoiding the scope of the mucus splatter.

The green liquid exuded a strong pungent smell and spilled onto the floor in front of him. In an instant, the floor sizzled and a large amount of white smoke came out.

Logan looked down and saw that the area where the floor came into contact with the mucus had been dyed black, forming a large pit.

The strong corrosiveness, coupled with the indiscriminate spray, instantly erodes the floor into holes.

Logan's eyes froze and he shouted quickly: "Be careful, this guy's liquid is poisonous!"

However, as soon as he spoke, a sharp pillar suddenly protruded from the wall and penetrated the monster's head.

The huge spike directly pierced the weirdo's head, and green liquid splashed out instantly.


Liquid sprayed out all over the sky, spreading around like rain.

When several people saw this, their expressions suddenly changed, and they hurriedly hid in a cell nearby, leaning against the wall and hiding behind.


Outside, the sizzling sounds caused by corrosion continued to be heard, and the pungent smell filled the entire detention area.

Logan carefully stuck out half of his head and looked outside.

At this time, Maika was standing outside alone, his arms pressed against the wall, emitting golden light.

The pillars that penetrate the monster's head are naturally his handiwork.

At this time, he also controlled a vertical pillar to block his head, successfully preventing the spray of the liquid.

"The boss's ability is more convenient, otherwise if we fight in close combat, we will all be sprayed in the face."

Klaus couldn't help but nod in admiration as he watched Maika deal with the monsters with ease.

Maika didn't speak. As the monster stopped splashing and fell heavily to the ground, and there was no movement at all, he took his hand back from the wall, strode to the monster's huge body, squatted down and took a closer look at the monster's appearance. .

"This should be a mutant clone, but it's obviously just a defective product."

Maika looked at the monster's body, thought for a moment and then added: "But it could also be a clone that combines multiple abilities."

This monster looked completely different. It had monkey-like arms, porcupine quills on its back, and poison on its body. It felt like a bad toy put together by an ignorant child.

"It seems that the experimental subjects here are out of control."

Logan also squatted next to Maika and studied the monster together.

Obviously, the monster just now had only instinctive violence, no mind, and was completely out of control.

Perhaps, this was what the owners of this building were guarding against. It might have killed many mutants after losing control, which led to the horrific scene they saw.


At this moment, another roar came from the detention area, followed by footsteps, and the ground shook again.

Several huge figures walked out of the darkness. They were exactly the same as the ones that Maika had killed. They were so disgusting and scary.

After they appeared, their gleaming eyes stared at Logan and the others. There was no emotion in their eyes, only the wildness that belonged to beasts.

"Damn, how many of these guys are there?!"

Victor clenched his fists, getting ready to fight the monster.

"Wait, that's not right!"

Logan grabbed Victor who wanted to attack, and his clear senses made him realize that there was something behind the weirdo!

He squinted his eyes and looked behind the weirdo. A dense group of things seemed to be running towards him very fast.

When Logan saw the thing clearly, his hair stood on end.

I saw a group of terrifying spider mutants emerging in the darkness. They were thin and small, no bigger than a fist at most, but each spider had the head of a baby on its back.

There was a baby's smile on the head's face, but the smile was very twisted and ferocious, the skin was as pale as paper, and the eyes were full of blood red.

They were like a tide coming toward Logan and the others, and the number was so large that it was impossible to count.

“Gift crab!!”

Klaus also saw the appearance of those guys clearly, and was trembling with fear. He hurriedly said: "We have to get out of here quickly. Even if I die, I don't want to get entangled with those bugs!"

Although he didn't know the fighting power of these bugs, such a number was enough to completely swamp everyone present!

"Then stand still!"

Maika also looked solemn at this time, his hands suddenly flashed with golden light, and he slapped the ground heavily.


The next moment, a hole opened in the floor.

Below was the corridor they had passed through when they came, with soldiers wearing heavy armor on both sides.

And Logan also noticed that the floor on this floor was actually one meter thick, and it was also embedded with several layers of steel bars and anti-corrosion materials.

No wonder this can trap those monsters. This detention area can almost be used as a shelter for a nuclear strike!

As the floor cracked, Logan and the others fell violently onto the corridor.

When the surrounding soldiers saw this, they panicked and rushed over with their guns raised to surround Logan and the others.

But when they looked towards the direction where Logan and the others fell, they saw a huge hole torn open in the wall above their heads.

For a moment, the pupils of all the guards flashed with incomparable fear, and they no longer cared about Logan and the others. They quickly raised their guns and pointed them at the entrance of the cave, as if they were going to kill the things above at any time.

However, the next second, countless baby spiders suddenly jumped out of the crack.

Those babies' heads were chirping and laughing, and the sound was extremely weird, while the spider itself did not hesitate to pounce on the faces of these soldiers and began to bite them crazily.

The soldiers looked frightened and tried to break away from the spiders, but it was too late. The spiders seemed to be embedded in their faces and could not be broken away at all.

While they were struggling, many spiders had climbed onto their torsos, gnawing crazily on their heavy armor.


Logan dug deep into his steel claws and stabbed several spiders that rushed towards him. At the same time, he killed several soldiers who were blocking their way. He led Maika and others into the elevator frantically, and kept pressing the door to open the elevator.

But after pressing the button randomly, there was no response from the elevator, and all the elevators were paralyzed at this moment!

Logan looked back.

I saw that those spiders had bitten all the heavily armored soldiers to death.

The heavy armor on their bodies was as fragile as paper when faced with these spiders' jaws. They were bitten open in a few times, and then they ate their bodies crazily. Blood kept spattering, and some of the blood dripped on the babies' heads. , the already terrifying baby's head was stained with blood, making it even more terrifying.

After a while, these spiders devoured the dozens of soldiers and turned their attention to Logan and the others.

Logan and the others were startled, and rushed to the stairway on the other side, running frantically towards the first floor.

But even though he was running for his life, Klaus kept chattering, "Who allowed those guys to do this kind of thing in the city? Oh my God, those are babies?"

Klaus couldn't stop his hair from standing on end when he thought about how many babies were turned into monsters.

"Probably not."

Logan, who was running wildly, explained: "They may be clones of mutants with silent genetic defects. Obviously, the people in the laboratory wanted to turn those guys into weapons, but now they are out of control."

After all, if they were all made from babies, there wouldn’t be that many newborn babies in Canada for them to make such horrific things.

Then Logan explained: "Some mutants themselves are deformed, and bull-headed and horse-faced faces are common. However, the modified cloned experimental subjects make the already terrifying appearance even weirder!"

"I said, you two."

Victor on the side couldn't help but said: "How about we escape first and then talk about the popularization of science?"

Logan and Klaus shut up.

After three or two, several people ran to the stairs on the first floor.

But Klaus, who was running at the front, shouted in panic: "The stair door is locked!"

He stood in front of the door and kept shaking the door, but it had no effect at all. They locked it outside.

Logan stepped forward and pushed him away. Without hesitation, he showed his claws and smashed the door completely into pieces.

However, as soon as the door was opened, Logan saw the hall filled with heavily armed soldiers, with countless guns pointed at them.

After seeing Logan and the others, he decisively pulled the trigger without waiting for Logan to speak.

Bang bang bang! ! !

The muzzle of the gun sprayed flames, and countless bullets flew like water.

Logan's expression changed, and he turned around and retreated back to the stairwell, hiding behind the wall.

Victor and the others were also leaning against the wall. They could clearly feel that the other side of the wall was being subjected to a horrific baptism of bullets.

"Oh shit!"

Klaus felt the whistling sound of bullets and couldn't help but roared: "Don't waste bullets on us, there are more behind you!"

"You guy, stop talking nonsense!"

Victor pursed his lips and roared angrily.

"Get out of the way!"

Maika roared with a solemn expression, and the next moment, he inserted his hands into the ground.


Suddenly a wall appeared outside the door to block the bullets, and several people rushed towards the door.

Originally, the soldiers wanted to pursue them, but the next scene made them stop and shoot towards the stairwell with frightened expressions.

I saw constant vibrations in the stairwell, as monsters rushed out like a tide.

The bullets hit them, exploding green liquid, but after one was killed, ten more appeared behind them, making it impossible to finish them off.

In just a moment, these spiders flew and hugged the faces of all the guards, and their sharp teeth gnawed on the frightened faces without hesitation.

The sound of the gunfire completely disappeared, followed by the terrifying wailing that filled the hall, and the shrill roar spread out.

Gradually, the roar also stopped.

There was a thin gnawing sound.

Logan couldn't help but look back and saw countless spiders swarming around the bodies of the soldiers.

The sharp teeth completely chewed up their limbs.

The entire hall seemed to have become a sea of ​​spiders. Looking at it, they were so densely packed that it made your scalp numb.

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