American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 81 Space-Based Plan

"It's hard, we can't fight SHIELD at all, we don't even know where they're shipping the looms."

Sloan sighed and said: "Taking a step back, even if we can get the textile machine back, we will not be able to carry out the mission as before because SHIELD will be watching us."

Everyone's hearts sank, and Da Beitou asked unwillingly: "Is this the end of the Assassin Brotherhood? Our mission has been passed down for thousands of years."

The other assassins were equally unwilling. At this time, Mystique said: "There is a way to solve your troubles, and it can also solve the troubles of us mutants."

Sloan asked warily: "What method?"

Mystique asked, "Ever heard of space-based weapons?"

"I've heard of setting up instruments on satellites or space stations, throwing objects and emitting energy lasers."

Sloan nodded and said: "The energy laser technology is not enough, and the actual object is too heavy. At least a tungsten rod weighing several tons is impossible to transport. Therefore, space-based weapons have always been just a concept."

"It's just a concept for humans, not for us mutants. We have the ability to transport tungsten rods to the space station."

Mystique smiled and said: "The space-based weapon is powerful. A tungsten rod can destroy a city. It is safe and pollution-free. Many people call it the rod of God."

Firefox reacted and asked in shock: "Do you want to use space-based weapons to wipe out humans?"

"Of course not, don't think of me as evil."

Mystique said: "I just want to threaten humanity into releasing all the mutants so that they allow us to establish a nation."

After a pause, Mystique looked at Sloan and others, and continued: "And, let them return the loom of destiny so that they will no longer interfere with you."

That said, if humans don't accept her conditions, Mystique will definitely teach humans a lesson.

As for the location? No need to ask, of course it’s our old friend New York. As the saying goes, it’s better to be experienced than to be a stranger.

"Threat to humanity?"

Firefox and others were a little excited, but Sloan shook his head repeatedly. What a joke. He just wanted to get rich. Threatening human beings is almost impossible to succeed. Even if he succeeds, the consequences will not be good. He really thinks that human beings are vegetarians. ah?

"Mystique, let us go. We have no interest in cooperating with you. The Assassin Brotherhood exists to protect humans, not to threaten humans with guns."

Sloan righteously refused. Mystique smiled, walked to Sloan, and whispered: "If I tell them about you, do you think they will let you go? Sloan, today, you Either agree, or turn into a corpse and have people carry it out.”

Sloan was shocked, how could Mystique know everything? He thought for a while and asked: "Mystique, your Brotherhood of Mutants has so many talents, why do you want help from our Brotherhood of Assassins? Don't you hate humans very much?"

"After Magneto was arrested, S.H.I.E.L.D. has been hunting down our Brotherhood. We have suffered heavy losses and there are very few manpower available now. Otherwise, we would not need to recruit you at all."

Mystique sighs, in fact, the Brotherhood's loss would have been greater if she hadn't been disguised as Senator Kelly.

Sloan was silent for a while and asked the others: "This may be our only chance to get back the loom of destiny. What do you think?"

"Another disgusting human being."

Mystique snorted secretly. Sloane seemed to be asking for other people's opinions, but in fact, he had already preset a position.

"The loom of destiny must be brought back."

Firefox answered without any hesitation, and the others nodded. Sloan sighed and said, "Then we will fight once, but Mystique, we have conditions."

Mystique said, "Tell me about it."

"First, we have to follow you to the space station. Only in this way can our interests be guaranteed."

Sloan said: "Second, we need to know your detailed plan. Cooperation is okay, but we are not intended to be cannon fodder."

"No problem, you can go to the space station with us. The space shuttle is not big and you can't bring too many people. In addition, you will have to undergo space training for the next half month."

Mystique said: "As for the specific plan, I can tell you now. Toad, Misty, help them loosen their bonds."

Toad and the others nodded. Soon, Sloan and the others were free. Then, Mystique turned on the projector, pointed at the picture of the space shuttle above and introduced: "The Stark Group is going to send Dr. Reed and his team to the space station. I'm going to Hijacking a space shuttle as Senator Kelly.

Then, we took the tungsten rods to the space station to execute the space-based plan and make mankind surrender under the tungsten rods. "

"With the help of Senator Kelly, hijacking the space shuttle will definitely not be a problem."

Sloan nodded and asked, "Mystique, your plan doesn't seem to require our help?"

"I need you to help me stop two people."

Mystique changed the picture and said: "Andrew Wang is the chairman of Rebirth Group. He sold the space station to Tony Stark. For this space experiment, two people from Rebirth Group will go with him.

In other words, Andrew Wang will be there when the time comes. "

"So what? Just a pretty boy."

The tinker clenched his fists and said with a displeased look on his face: "I like to deal with such a pretty boy. If I punch him, he will cry so miserably. It's more than addictive."

Everyone quietly stayed away from the tinker, and after identification, he was a pervert.

"Take him down? He can knock you down with one finger."

Toad said disdainfully. Mystique nodded and said, "Don't underestimate him. Magneto was defeated by him. He is a super kung fu master and is good at fighting with umbrellas."

"The kung fu master who defeated Magneto?"

Sloan and others were a little shocked. This pretty boy could actually defeat the famous Magneto?

The tinker became even more unhappy when he heard this. He was handsome and could fight. Why should all the benefits belong to him?

Mystique did not tell more information, so as not to scare Sloan and the others away. She continued: "No matter what, Andrew King cannot be allowed to enter the base. Sloan, you have to send someone to stop him halfway."

Sloan asked: "He is so powerful, how can we stop him?"

"Although Andrew Wang is not a pervert, he is definitely not a serious person."

Mystique looked at Firefox and said, "You can send Firefox to seduce him, or you can cause a car accident on his way to prevent him from moving forward.

Your mission is not to defeat him, that is impossible, your mission is to contain him and make him miss the time to go to the base. "

"I'm OK."

Firefox nodded without any hesitation, as long as she could get back the destiny loom, she would do anything.

Sloan's eyes flickered. If he guessed correctly, Mystique had concealed some information. However, he thought about it and did not object: "If that's the case, it's not too difficult. Who is the other person who wants to stop her? "

"He is one of the bipolar mutants, Professor Charles, who is holding us back every day."

Mystique replaced the picture of Professor Charles and said: "Your Assassin Brotherhood has amazing sniper capabilities and can even hit targets several kilometers away. I want you to send people to target the Mutant Academy and threaten Professor Charles who is out. No. He went back to the academy to use the brainwave enhancement device.”

Mystique added: "I checked. Professor Charles will be out that day and not in the academy. You don't have to worry about being controlled by him."

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