At this moment, heavy fog suddenly appeared on the street, and Sloan and others all disappeared in the fog. Garrett's expression changed slightly and he hurriedly asked everyone to stop - this was the ability of the mutant Mist.

"Is the Brotherhood of Assassins related to the Brotherhood of Mutants?"

Garrett wasn't about to give up. He asked police and agents to cordon off the area while calling for backup.

On the other side, the appearance of the mist startled Sloan and others. At this moment, a voice came out of the mist: "We are the Brotherhood of Mutants. You follow the red light in front of you. We will not harm you."

Sloan hesitated and said, "Follow me."

Everyone followed the red light and soon, they left the mist and came to an underground parking lot. Then, the mutant Misty with flowing hair and a mask came out from behind the pillar, pointed to the truck next to him and said: "In the car. If you have some clothes, please change quickly and I will take you away."

While Sloan was wary of his surroundings, he asked Misty: "I don't remember that we have any relationship with mutants. What do you want to do?"

"You will find out soon enough."

Misty said, Sloan glanced at him, and went to the truck to change clothes with more than ten escaped companions such as Firefox, Tinker, Butcher, Big Back Head, and Split Mouth.

The assassins were stunned when they saw the clothes in the van - the clothes were hooded sweatshirts with the slogan 'Mutants must register' printed on them.

Sloan asked in shock: "Are you sure you didn't get the wrong clothes?"

"Don't worry, no."

Misty smiled mysteriously, Sloan glanced at him, stopped talking nonsense, and changed clothes with everyone else, put on his hood and mask.

"This way."

Misty took everyone from the underground passage to the nearby shopping mall hall, where the recently popular Senator Kelly was calling on citizens to support the Mutant Registration Act.

Sloan and others looked at each other, what is going on? Mutants turn against themselves?

Although confused, Sloan and others did not leave. Under the leadership of Misty, they shouted the slogan "Mutants must register", which caused a burst of cheers from the surrounding people.

"Senator Kelly?"

After a while, a group of agents came here to check. When they saw Senator Kelly at the rally, they were stunned for a moment, and then went to look for targets elsewhere.

Mutants and assassins can't hide here, Senator Kelly is a die-hard anti-mutant.

Senator Kelly did not take the agents seriously. After the speech, he left with his staff and easily broke through the siege that Garrett had laid out so hard.

Sloan and others breathed a sigh of relief. They looked at each other and prepared to escape from Senator Kelly. They did not want to be controlled by mutants, not to mention that these mutants were full of weirdness.

At this moment, all the assassins felt weak at the same time. Their expressions changed. They struggled to stand up, but fell to the ground one after another and passed out.

Miwu sneered beside him, want to leave? Have you asked our Brotherhood of Mutants?

At the same time, Garrett, who had been searching to no avail, received another bad news: "The textile factory was broken into by unknown forces, and the mysterious textile machine and several important prisoners were taken away."


John Garrett yelled angrily. This time, he lost miserably.

Reborn in hell, Andrew looked at the destiny loom in front of him and said in surprise: "It's actually the real thing? I didn't have much hope before."

Yelena asked curiously: "Is this loom really related to fate?"

"There is a mysterious wave on it, which means it is an extraordinary object."

Andrew touched the loom and said, "Well done, Yelena."

It is worth mentioning that the fluctuations on the destiny loom are very mysterious, and it will take even Andrew a while to study it clearly.

Yelena said respectfully: "Serving BOSS is what we should do."

"Don't worry, I will never forget your contribution."

Andrew smiled and asked, "Have you got the potion that speeds up recovery?"

Yelena nodded and said: "I got it. We also asked the prisoners about the training methods of bullet time and arc ballistics. However, they said that only a few people can master these two stunts."

"Copy the method to all the black widows and see who is the lucky one."

Andrew said: "As for the formula of the recovery potion, leave it to the big boss and let him further upgrade the formula."

Yelena nodded and left: "Yes, BOSS."

"The Assassin Brotherhood in this world is really unlucky. It was destroyed by S.H.I.E.L.D. before it even showed its power, and I don't know which god it offended."

Andrew shook his head and thought to himself: "The loser actor probably won't have a chance to appear, but this may not be a bad thing for him."

Senator Kelly's New York estate.

Sloan and others woke up one after another and found themselves tied to a chair, with Senator Kelly standing in front of them. At the same time, three mutants, Toad, Big Steel Tooth, and Misty, stood beside them.

"I know you have a lot of doubts, and I think this way you will understand."

Senator Kelly smiled, and his body fluctuated, changing from an old man in a suit to a blue-skinned woman with scales, none other than Mystique Raven.


Sloan exclaimed: "Are you too brave to pretend to be a senator?"

Senator Kelly, a die-hard anti-mutant, was replaced by Mystique a few months ago, which is why Misty and the others are following Senator Kelly.

"More than just pretending, Senator Kelly has been killed by me."

Mystique smiled disdainfully and said, "I have heard the name of the Assassin Brotherhood. You are quite capable. Unfortunately, you have offended SHIELD."

"We didn't mess with SHIELD. I still don't know why those damn lunatics came to our door."

Sloan cursed with great frustration, and so did everyone else. It’s true that if you just sit at home, disaster will come from the sky.

Mystique asked: "It's not important how you offended. What's important is, do you want to take back the loom of destiny and continue your mission?"

"How do you know about the Destiny Machine?"

Sloan asked in shock, "The Destiny Machine is the biggest secret of the Assassin Brotherhood. Outsiders have no idea. Even SHIELD only found out about such a mysterious textile machine after breaking into the textile factory."

What most people know about the Assassin Brotherhood is that bullets bend.

"It does not matter."

Mystique said mysteriously that in fact, the information about the Assassin Brotherhood was asked by a mutant named Sleep in Sloan's dream - Sloan did not remember the situation in the dream.

"Yes, that's not important. What's important is that we must seize back the textile machine of destiny and continue our mission."

Firefox shouted that she was the person in the Brotherhood who believed in the loom of destiny the most. Let's put it this way, if her name appeared on the loom, she would point the gun at her head immediately.

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