American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 778 Steppenwolf

Pedestrians passing by felt particularly sympathetic when they saw Andrew, who was covered in bags. Then, when they saw Diana and Mary, their sympathy suddenly turned into envy.

Both Diana and Mary were top beauties.

Two women and one man walked around and came to the robot area. Most of the robots had been bought, leaving only a few in the empty warehouse area.

"Are robots still so popular?"

Diana asked. She had been on Paradise Island during this time and didn't pay much attention to this aspect.

"Best seller as always."

Andrew said: “The last Shabak incident made the whole world realize the role of robots in disasters. After the disaster, Stark Group’s orders directly exploded.

The same goes for USR. The robot can not only help with work, but also save the owner's life at critical moments. Is there any reason not to buy it? "

In fact, many people in shopping malls are followed by a home robot. Home robots have gradually become popular on the earth. In metropolitan areas alone, there are more than 100,000 robots.

People are gradually getting used to having a robot in their lives. After all, it is really convenient. For example, if both parents work, and there is a robot, they don’t have to worry about no one to take care of their children.

"It can work and save lives. There is really no reason not to buy it."

Mary nodded and said, "It feels quite dreamy. One year ago, it was still a normal state, and the next year, it turned directly into a science fiction state, with robots everywhere."

"Times are changing."

Andrew smiled and said: "Whether it is active or passive, human beings will eventually enter the interstellar era."

"How's the industrial robot going?"

Diana asked: "If this becomes popular, the earth will undergo earth-shaking changes. It will be completely different from the small troubles of household robots."

"This is not that fast. There are too many workers and industries involved. In fact, household robots have already affected many people. If the foundation had not been running, there would have been trouble long ago."

Andrew said: "Industrial robots are estimated to take more than ten years, let's do it step by step."

"I heard that USR Company is making good progress in military robots?"

Mary asked what she had in mind. Her work was related to this, so she knew some news.

Mary is different from Hancock. Hancock is now a superhero star and does not work. He relies on performances and money from his wife to support himself, while Mary is still working. As for being a superhero, it is purely a hobby.

Andrew smiled and said: "It's good, so the soldiers protested."

Diana and Mary were surprised: "Soldiers protesting?"

"Yes, USR said at a press conference that their robots can replace all soldiers, allowing the Department of Defense to save a lot of money."

Andrew laughed: "Then their company representative was blocked in the toilet and beaten up."

Diana and Mary couldn't help but laugh. They didn't say any more. With the supervision of the Robot Committee, USR Company couldn't cause any big problems.

In fact, Alice, Iron Man and Batman have been watching every move of USR Company. Safety comes first.

Mary clapped her hands and said, "Okay, next, let's go to the toy section."

Andrew was surprised: "Toy section? Don't tell me, you already have it?"

"I wish I had, but the Ghost Rider never shows up. Who am I going to have a baby with?"

Mary said angrily: "Have you ever heard of Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl?"

"I heard about a superhero couple with great abilities and popularity."

Andrew nodded. He had mentioned before that in addition to the Justice League and the Justice Society, there are many other superheroes on the earth.

Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl are two of them. They usually operate in New York and are very popular with the public.

Among them, Mr. Incredible is extremely powerful and invulnerable, while Elastigirl is the female version of Rubber Man. The two are a perfect match.

"I met them during an operation and we have a good relationship. Their third child's birthday was celebrated and I bought some toys to celebrate."

Mary said, and Diana said, "A third child? They have such a good relationship."

As Diana spoke, she glared at Andrew. She had always wanted a child, but someone completely disagreed. What was even more depressing was that she couldn't get pregnant even though she tried everything she could, even though she didn't wear it.

"It's quite good. We only have to argue two or three times a day."

Mary smiled and Diana was surprised: "Why are you quarreling?"

"There are so many things to argue about, including child issues, work issues, and priority issues. Both husband and wife are superheroes, and there are many conflicts."

Mary said as she and Diana headed to the toy section, Andrew shook his head and followed behind carrying a large number of bags.

While Andrew was shopping, Iron Man and others were working overtime at the Mars base. Through the information left behind by S1 Cyborg, they successfully developed a method to destroy the Mother Box.

"Do we really want to destroy the Mother Box? This thing is a treasure of the universe and the crystallization of technology. If used well, it can make a big change in the world."

Dr. Stone, Cyborg Victor's father, looked at the plan on the screen and said that the Mother Box saved his son's life, and since he had been studying Mother Boxes for decades, he naturally did not want to see the Mother Boxes destroyed.

"It's okay. If you destroy one, there will be two. Besides, Dr. Stone, there are many things that can change the world, such as industrial robots. Unfortunately, they have not been popularized yet."

Tony shrugged and said: "Let's set a time and get other people to protect the law and try to destroy this mother box. There are only ways now, but it's still unknown whether we can succeed."

"Okay, destroy it quickly, I'm bored to death."

Hancock shouted that the Mars base is very important, so the superheroes take turns to protect it. This month, Hancock is in charge.

Hancock likes to have fun. When he stays on the Mars base, he feels like a snakehead who is about to become dehydrated.

"Don't worry, it won't take long for you to be free."

Tony said angrily: "We are also free. We have been studying this thing for the past few months, and there are a lot of things we haven't done. For example, we have to go to parallel universes to set up defense systems. I don't know if Batman can do it." .”

Cyborg said: "It should be possible. His technological level is not low. Even I didn't find his virus."

Everyone laughed, and Dr. Stone said nothing more after hearing this. He looked towards the steel particles and found that the steel particles were vibrating.

Dr. Stone shouted hurriedly: "Be careful, there may be a problem."

Before Dr. Stone finished speaking, a ripple transmission channel fell from the sky outside the base, and then a large number of creatures appeared outside the base.

The leader of these creatures is a tall man wearing silver spiked armor, with double horns, and holding a large axe. He is Steppenwolf, and those behind him are strong men carefully selected for him by Darkseid. .

The reason why it is outside the base, not inside, is because the base has a defensive cover and a space interference device, and even Steppenwolf cannot teleport in.

"For Darkseid."

Steppenwolf roared and threw the ax hard at the base. The ax hit the defensive cover with yellow lightning. Cracks quickly appeared in the defensive cover and the ax was deeply embedded in it.

Then, a large amount of black light fell from the position of the ax blade, blended into the surrounding shadows, and sneaked into the base quietly.

"Go ahead, find the mother box and activate it."

Steppenwolf ordered silently, and then he jumped onto the defensive cover with a big jump, pulled out his ax and chopped hard, bang bang bang, the defensive cover shook violently.

Seeing this, other strong men followed suit and attacked one after another, and the defensive shield quickly began to disintegrate.

"Darkseid? The enemy is still here."

Everyone was shocked. Tony immediately put on the steel suit and shouted at the same time: "Victor, take Dr. Stone and other researchers and hide in the back. Don't come out."


Victor nodded and fled behind with everyone. His body was sealed and he could not use various abilities, so he had no choice but to escape.

While shouting, Tony pressed the Justice League's distress button. However, the transmission failed for a long time. The signal was very unstable. It was obvious that the other party was interfering with the signal.

Apokolips's technology is so advanced that even Andrew's quantum technology is affected. However, Andrew is not a vegetarian. The signal can be sent out in less than thirty seconds, and reinforcements will arrive immediately.

At this moment, the defensive shield finally failed to withstand it and broke into fragments, disappearing like glass.

"Die to me."

Steppenwolf jumped into the base, roared, and struck the ground hard with his axe. The ground shook violently, rumbled and cracked, the building crumbled, and many people staggered.

"This guy is so arrogant."

Hancock cursed and rushed to fight Steppenwolf. Other superheroes also wanted to get out. Tony shouted: "Protect the Mother Box, reinforcements will be here soon."

Everyone was about to nod, but at this moment, the steel particle device exploded with a bang, and the mother box floated in the air, glowing faintly.

Iron Man's expression changed, and he quickly activated the gravity device on his arm, pulling the Mother Box to fly this way.

At this moment, six black lights detached from the mother box, attached to the steel suit, and penetrated into the steel suit through joints, armpits and other gaps.

In fact, there was a thin defensive cover on the steel suit, but the six black lights completely ignored that defensive cover and eroded directly into it.

These six black lights are not objects, but six aliens. Their shapes are all kinds of black lights. In addition, they have the ability to ignore the defensive shield, which is very magical.

As the overlord of the universe, Darkseid has many powerful people under his command, and the black light alien is just one of them.

In fact, Darkseid is extremely murderous, and not a single survivor can let him stay.

Jarvis immediately shouted: "Sir, there are six intruders."

"Are you doing this again? Activate the system to deal with Ant-Man."

Tony snorted coldly, do you really think that all his preparations were in vain?

"Yes, sir."

Jarvis immediately activated the system, and a large amount of white mist emerged from the depths of the suit and spread towards the whole body of the steel suit. Six black lights hurriedly avoided it.

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