Chapter 777 Harvest

First of all, of course, there is a massive amount of prestige and fear power. This time, not only the DC universe has gained a lot, but the Injustice Superman universe has also gained a lot of fear power and prestige.

Especially the reputation, Superman became famous overnight in that universe, countless people cheered his name, and the favor of the world on him was as dazzling as the sun.

"When you find the right opportunity, kill Superman, no, sacrifice him."

Andrew smiled. In addition to the reputation and the power of fear, he also obtained a lot of good things this time, such as more than a hundred mechanical supermen, as well as parallel universe shuttle devices, the allegiance of the Injustice Superman and the two Luthors, Luthor's technology, legions of supervillains, and more.

Needless to say, there are more than a hundred mechanical supermen, they are even enough to fight against the Justice League and are a very powerful legion.

In addition, Andrew also obtained the manufacturing factory of the Mechanical Superman. Although the core part is not there, with Andrew's technological capabilities, it will be restored sooner or later.

At that time, Andrew can create an army of mechanical supermen like Darkseid. In that case, the earth will be safe.

The parallel universe shuttle device is a super good thing. Although Andrew himself has the parallel universe technology of particle collider, both have their own advantages and can complement each other.

No one can have too much of this kind of super black technology. What’s even better is that Luther, who created the technology, is also in Andrew’s hands, so he can continue to expand technology.

"Another day of great profit."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction, then stretched out and went to find Diana to learn about the philosophy of life.

At the same time, on Apokolips, there was a circular depression in the chest. He had no hair, gray skin, and was wearing a battle armor. He looked extremely ferocious and ferocious. Darkseid, the overlord of the universe, was sitting on the throne. There were countless demons below. Can't see the edge at all.

There were two people standing next to Darkseid. One was wearing a cloak, like a wizard. His name was Desaad. He was not a real wizard, but a super scientist. Many of Apokolips' equipment came from him.

The other person has silver hair and is a kind grandmother, also known as DC Grandma Rong. She is responsible for training new recruits for Darkseid and is good at brainwashing.

"Dessade, you said you sensed the call of the Mother Box?"

Darkseid asked coldly, the failure of the war on Earth was a huge shame to him, and he never wanted to wash away all this.


Desaad nodded and said: "Because of the fear of being discovered by the people on earth, the mother box's call is very weak. It is asking for help from us."

Darkseid was stunned: "Please help? Earthlings shouldn't be able to destroy the Mother Box, right? If they could, it would have been destroyed thousands of years ago."

"I don't know exactly what happened, but it's possible that the people on Earth really mastered the ability to destroy the Mother Boxes, otherwise the Mother Boxes wouldn't have asked for help."

Disad said: "The Mother Box actually woke up a few years ago, but it felt that the time was not ripe, so it never called us.

Now, it has to call us, because if it doesn't, it will be destroyed. "

Although Andrew and others acted very steadily, the consciousness of the Mother Box was not stupid. When she sensed something was wrong, she immediately sent out a distress signal.

In addition, the reason why the Mother Box awakened was because Dr. Stone used the Mother Box to save Victor and eventually created the superhero Cyborg.

"Has the Earth become so powerful now?"

Darkseid narrowed his eyes, very unhappy.

Desaad handed Darkseid a mobile phone-like device and said: "The Earth is now very famous in the universe. Many planets have gone there to trade. I have collected some information. You can take a look."

Darkseid took the device and turned on the holographic projection. The more he looked at it, the more surprised he became. The Justice League, the Kryptonians, the Incarnation of God, the Green Lantern, the Devil...

"Fortunately, I didn't rush to Earth. Otherwise, even if I had omega rays, I might not be able to survive."

Darkseid was secretly glad, but then again, isn't the Earth too unlucky? There is a major disaster every few months, but are they all world-destroying disasters? Sometimes it’s not enough, and you might even do it several times at a time?

Darkseid has fought in countless worlds, and has never encountered such an unlucky world.

"Is it because of the anti-life equation?"

Darkseid's eyes lit up when he thought of a possibility. Back then, part of the reason why he set out to conquer the Earth was because he suspected that the Anti-Life Equation was on the Earth.

Mere suspicion cannot be confirmed. If it could be confirmed, he would have attacked the earth again in a few thousand years.

However, judging from the current situation, it is very likely that anti-life equations really exist on the earth. Otherwise, there is no reason to explain why they are so unlucky?

"The problem is, the earth is not easy to fight."

Darkseid pondered, with so many strong men, even he would not dare to take action easily unless the sonic blast channel was opened to teleport the demon-like army.

The demon-like creatures in Apokolips are endless.

"Things still have to fall on the mother box. As long as the sonic blast channel is opened, everything will be easy. In addition, after the mother box is integrated, it can easily destroy the earth."

Darkseid thought for a while and asked, "Where is my uncle? How many worlds have he conquered for me?"

Darkseid's uncle is Steppenwolf, a powerful warrior who betrayed Darkseid and was sent by Darkseid to conquer the world to atone for his sins.

One hundred thousand worlds, Steppenwolf must conquer one hundred thousand worlds before he can be forgiven by Darkseid.

Disad said: "Not much, but he really wants to return to you and often comes to me, hoping that I can put in a good word for him."


Darkseid snorted coldly and said, "Let him prepare to go to Earth to snatch the Mother Box in a few months."

"Darkseid, with Steppenwolf's strength, I'm afraid he won't be able to grab the mother box."

DeSaad reminded that Steppenwolf is indeed strong, but he probably can't even defeat Superman, and there are many superhumans in the Justice League.

"I'll give him enough help."

Darkseid stood up and said, "Moreover, his goal is to snatch the Mother Box, not to defeat the Justice League. I will defeat the Justice League."

Desaad and Kind Grandma said respectfully at the same time: "For Darkseid."

"For Darkseid."

Countless demonoids on Apokolips shouted at the same time. These demonoids are special biological weapons transformed by Darkseid after capturing people from other planets. They are endless in number and are also called Apocalypse Demons.

"Earth, here I come."

Darkseid murmured to himself that this time, he would wash away his shame and obtain the Anti-Life Equation, and those superheroes would all become his puppets.

"You alone can't defeat Earth, New God."

A voice suddenly sounded in Darkseid's mind. Darkseid was stunned, and then snorted: "Who are you to talk to me like this?"

"You can call me the snake god. I come from other universes and help you deal with the earth."

The snake god Seth said that Andrew had many enemies. Just after Sithorn was defeated by him, the snake god Seth came again.

However, Andrew won't care too much about this kind of thing. His wings in this universe are already full.

Darkseid was stunned: "Visitors from another universe? Why do you want to deal with the earth?"

"You are not qualified to know this. If you don't want to fail, you can only cooperate with me."

The snake god said that he did not say anything about Andrew's bet with the cosmic consciousness. This was not because he was being mysterious, but because this matter was the biggest secret of the universe. It was blocked by Andrew and the cosmic consciousness. Once he said it, it would be sensed immediately. .

At that time, the original power of the universe will launch a counterattack and completely erase his consciousness.

This is also the reason why Sithorn did not tell the Three Palace Demon the truth.

"I'm not qualified to know?"

Darkseid snorted: "Get out of my consciousness, I don't need to cooperate with you, I will defeat the earth, I am Darkseid."

"Idiot, I will come to you again when you hit your head and bleed. Remember, be prepared to run away."

The snake god snorted coldly, and his consciousness left Darkseid. He was not in a hurry, because he knew that Darkseid would definitely fail.

Are you kidding me, that is the most cunning devil, the mechanical devil.

"I, Darkseid, will lose?"

Darkseid smiled disdainfully. He had only lost once, but at that time, he was just a 'baby'.

Now he will never lose again.

Although arrogant, Darkseid is not stupid. The earth is so powerful that he must plan carefully. He has conquered countless planets and has many strong men under his command. He will not lose to the so-called Justice League.

The 2016 general election ended silently, and the president was successfully re-elected. However, the president was not very excited about it and completed the succession ceremony with a slumped face.

The people don't care much about this, because disasters occur frequently, and the people's mentality is now very peaceful, not too intense. At the same time, everyone is actively enjoying life, and maybe one day the world will end.

In short, 2016 has passed like this, and the time has come to February 2017. There are only more than two years left before the time set by Andrew and the consciousness of the universe.

In the next two years or so, the disaster will not subside, but will only intensify, because the cosmic consciousness will never sit still and wait for death.

Andrew didn't care. In the past few years, he had accumulated too many trump cards. As long as he didn't seek death and moved forward firmly step by step, it would be difficult to lose.

If you really lose, uh, flip the table.

Therefore, when Andrew had time to accompany Diana to the mall, he complained: "A Wonder Woman, a Superwoman, why do you need me to carry your bags? Also, I am the richest man in the galaxy, don't you want to lose face?"

"It's ugly to mention it yourself."

Mary said: "By the way, the richest man in the galaxy, open your hand and I will hang a few more bags."

Diana chuckled, but had no intention of stopping Mary. Andrew sighed and followed obediently, without letting the robot come to help.

To be honest, Andrew didn't understand Diana's shopping behavior. She had a nano-suit on her body that could be transformed into any style. However, she was still keen on shopping for clothes in the mall.

Perhaps, she enjoys the process of shopping and buying.

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