American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 751 Parallel Time and Space

"We are not going on a trip, we are going to find someone to deal with Superman."

Hearing Harley Quinn's words, Luthor shook his head and said: "The only one who can deal with Superman is Superman."

Batman's eyes flashed. In fact, there is someone more suitable to deal with Superman, and that is Lois Lane in parallel time and space.

However, it is dangerous and should only be used as a last resort.

When Harley Quinn heard this, she swung her hammer and shouted angrily: "I want to kill Superman, he actually killed my little pudding, I want to kill him."

"If you two lunatics hadn't planned to kill Superman's fiancée, how could so much trouble have happened?"

Aquaman Arthur roared at Harley Quinn, if Batman hadn't kept suppressing him, he would have killed this damn Harley Quinn.

"I am a villain. Isn't it natural for me to kill your family?"

Harley Quinn said plausibly: "Superman is too bad. As a superhero, he actually killed Little Pudding. This is too much. He must be punished."

The remaining superheroes and supervillains were speechless. This logic defies heaven.

"Damn Joker, damn Superman, and this damn world."

Diana cursed, others nodded, and Harley Quinn sneered: "Wonder Woman, weren't you on Superman's side in the first place?"

Diana was silent. She did side with Superman at first, but since Superman killed those children, she knew she was wrong.

Superman has gone dark and turned into an unjust Superman.

Batman sighed and said: "Our current enemy is Superman. There is no need to say more about the past. Luthor, complete the parallel time and space device as soon as possible.

According to Damian's news, Superman and the head of the devil, the ninja master, are researching a super robot. Once they succeed in their research, we, and the world, will be finished.

As for the materials, we go out and find them. "

Luthor said: "I also want to complete it as soon as possible. I have long said that Superman will harm the earth."

"Shut up."

Batman cursed, and now just hopes that the parallel device can be completed successfully and find another Superman to deal with Superman.

Meanwhile, in the Hall of Justice, the unjust Superman Clark Kent asked the Ninja Master: "When will the robots be finished?"

The ninja master said excitedly: "It's coming soon, two months at most. By then, there will be no more crime in this world, and the world will become more peaceful and stable than ever before."

"That's what I want, humans, need to be restrained."

Injustice Superman said coldly. Damian on the side shook his head secretly. He supported Injustice Superman at first, but as time went by, Injustice Superman became more and more extreme. Now he is no longer the same person as before. Kind superman.

In October 2016, Clark and Lois held their wedding in Metropolis Park. Only their relatives and a group of superheroes in ordinary costumes were present.

Clark's mother, Martha, and Louise's father, General Lane, both know Clark's true identity, so there is no need to worry about them leaking anything.

"I still don't like you, I hope you can really make Louise happy."

General Lane coldly handed over his daughter, who was wearing a white wedding dress and had marks on her belly, to Clark. Her belly was already big. What else could he do? He is also desperate.

As a staunch anti-alien faction, General Lane couldn't help but sigh when his daughter married an alien.

"I will do whatever I can to make Louise happy."

Clark, who was inhumanly handsome in a suit, solemnly promised. Andrew led the superheroes in applauding loudly. They were very happy that Clark and Louise finally got married.

Shazam and Black Adam were also there. Shazam looked at Wade beside him and complained: "Why are you here?"

Shazam believes that no one will invite Wade to the wedding because no one knows what this guy will do.

"Sneaking in, you want to see how many people DC Brother No. 1 has married? In the end, this is it?"

Wade said with a look of disdain: "When I got married, everyone from Marvel came, and even people from outside came in to congratulate me, and even took a photo of the most complete superhero collection in Marvel history.

Superman is so bad. Sure enough, I, Deadpool, am the best in American comics. "

"I don't understand what you're talking about."

Shazam said: "Wade, don't be stupid today, otherwise Superman will get angry and no one can stop him."

"It's okay. Batman has kryptonite over there, which can restrain Superman."

Wade said nonchalantly: "Let me tell you, that guy Batman is so old that every time he sees Superman, he must have kryptonite on him.

Sometimes, he would pretend to destroy the kryptonite in his hand, and act like brothers with Superman. No one knew that he still had two warehouses of kryptonite at home. "

"The kryptonite in my two warehouses is gone. Did you steal it?"

At this moment, a cold voice came from the side, but it was Bruce Wayne. What Wade said before, with his character, he would indeed do so.

The problem is, he doesn't have kryptonite, not even one, just a little powder.

The kryptonite in this universe is basically in Andrew's hands.

Wade sneered without fear of death: "You don't have kryptonite? What a shame. Of all the Batmans, you are probably the only one who doesn't have kryptonite."

Batman snorted and said nothing more. He once tried to analyze Wade's words, but in the end, he almost drove himself crazy.

Seeing Batman retreating, Wade became extremely arrogant. So what about Batman? Is he still defeated by me?

Then, the wedding continued. After the two parties exchanged rings, everyone applauded again. From now on, Clark and Louise officially became husband and wife.

"It's not easy. I hope they won't be separated by life and death like in the movies."

Andrew shook his head, and at this moment, Alice suddenly came over and said: "BOSS, something happened, in Times Square, New York, Diana is fighting a robot that looks like Superman.

There were many people in Times Square, but the robot acted without scruples, causing heavy casualties and many buildings being destroyed. "


Andrew was stunned and turned to look at Diana beside him. Diana looked confused, wasn't I standing here? Why did you go to Times Square to fight?

"Don't disturb this wedding."

Andrew thought for a while and said: "Diana, take Mary to the back, and I will teleport you there."


Diana nodded and pulled Mary to the back. Mary looked unhappy. In order to attend the wedding, she spent a huge amount of money to buy an expensive dress. Now it was over.

Mary is not like Diana, who can change clothes in an instant.

Then, the two teleported away, and Superman turned to look at Andrew. Andrew nodded, indicating that he didn't need to worry.

The prosperous Times Square is now in ruins, with screams and screams everywhere.

"Mechanical Superman!"

S1 Diana (S1 represents another time and space) saw the tragic situation around her, and was shocked and angry: "Why are you hurting the people so wantonly? Didn't Superman create you to protect the people?"

"I only protect the people of Earth. They are not the people of our Earth. I don't need to worry about them."

The mechanical superman said indifferently, and then, its eyes emitted red lasers and shot them hard at S1 Diana.

S1 Diana didn't dare to dodge because there was a building behind her. She raised her divine shield to resist the laser, and her body was pushed back quickly by the laser.

Upon seeing this, the mechanical superman put away his laser and suddenly appeared in front of S1 Diana, attacking with both fists with violent sonic booms.

S1 Diana barely blocked it for a few times and was punched away by the mechanical superman. She crashed into the building behind with a bang and hung on a wall.

"Execute the order and capture Wonder Woman."

Just as Robot Superman was about to fly over, a shield hit it hard on the head, knocking it back several steps.

Then, the shield flew back to Diana's hand, and she said with great dissatisfaction: "Not only did you cause trouble today, but you also caused so many casualties, but who is behind you, I will definitely find him."

At the same time, Mary flew to S1 Diana and said, "Wow, she looks exactly like Diana. However, your skin is a bit bad. You should be like me. You haven't had a man for a long time."

S1 Diana looked confused. How could you talk about such a thing when you are so serious?

Mary said: "I suggest you don't do it. To be honest, I really want to beat you. If you can't beat the real Diana, it would be good to beat a fake."

"I'm not a bad guy, I come from parallel time and space, and I'm here to find Superman."

S1 Diana said: "My world and I need Superman's help."

"Wow, when did Superman's services extend to other universes?"

Mary said: "Superman is getting married and has no time to see you. If you are really not a bad person, put down your weapons and follow me."

"Superman getting married?"

S1 Diana was stunned, and then she said: "I can't put down my weapon. The mechanical superman is very powerful. You can't defeat it. You need my help."

Mary pointed to the mechanical Superman below who was kicked away by Diana, and asked, "Are you sure?"

S1 Diana was stunned, and looked down quickly, and found that Diana was pressing down on the mechanical Superman to fight, and she was suddenly shocked.

The Diana of this universe seems to be very strong. Also, how come her skin is so much better than mine?

After Diana kicked the Mechanical Superman away, she used the power of war to control the Mechanical Superman to fly towards her.

The mechanical superman tried it, but found that he couldn't get rid of the mysterious power, so he simply used the force to rush forward. At the same time, its arms rotated rapidly, like a huge drill bit, drilling hard at Diana. Because the speed was so fast, a whirlwind even appeared around the drill bit.

Diana raised her shield to resist, and the next second, the drill flashed past Diana, and it turned out to be just a projection.

Then, the real Diana appeared behind Mechanical Superman, the sword of Vulcan lit up with dazzling golden thunder, and stabbed straight into the back of Mechanical Superman.

It's not like the Robot Superman didn't think about avoiding it, but a force enveloped it, making it unable to move.

"Golden Thunder, the Diana of this universe, actually masters the divine power of Zeus?"

S1 Diana was very shocked. The Diana in this universe seemed to be much more powerful than herself.

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