American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 750 The Second Body

"Angry face?"

Louise thought for a moment and couldn't help laughing. She said, "It seems to be quite fun. He gets angry when I tease him."

"That's not okay."

Clark said hurriedly, Louise rolled her eyes at him, turned to Andrew and asked: "BOSS, I will not give up my job, do you really have a way to solve this matter?"

"Of course, I never lie."

Andrew laughed and the three of them rolled their eyes. This sentence was an obvious lie.

"Okay, no nonsense, let's take you to see the surprise."

Andrew popped out a ring and turned it into a portal in front of him. Opposite was a research room full of science fiction.

Then, Andrew led everyone into the portal. Louise's eyes were wide open and she wanted to take out her mobile phone and take pictures everywhere. This was Mr. Wang's private laboratory with countless high technologies. The audience would definitely like to see it.

Clark hurriedly stopped Louise. He couldn't just take pictures casually. If he leaked a little bit of things, he wouldn't be able to compensate BOSS for the loss.

"A few months ago, I spent three days researching a new trump card."

Andrew led everyone forward and said, "This trump card can just solve Louise's problem."

"A trump card that took three days to prepare?"

The three of them looked at each other and chose silence, because they knew very well that as long as they asked, the other party would immediately start Versailles.

So, it’s best not to ask.

"A bunch of boring guys."

Seeing that no one was speaking, Andrew curled his lips secretly and said: "I won't go into details about the specific content of the trump card, as it will easily affect my image. I will only talk about the part related to Louise.

From then on, Louise stayed in the battle fortress to raise her baby with peace of mind. At the same time, she remotely controlled other people to interview the news. "

"BOSS, the method you mentioned is to let me remotely control the robot interview?"

Louise was stunned, she said: "Let's not talk about the signal issue first, this is very rude to the interviewer, and it is not suitable for gathering intelligence.

In addition, the control robot is very mechanical and cannot cope with drastic changes. My interviews have always been very exciting. "

Clark rolled his eyes. Do you still know that your interview is exciting? Without me, the grass on your grave would be three meters high.

"How can my trump card be so simple?"

Andrew smiled and led everyone into a laboratory. This laboratory was relatively empty, with only two huge instruments.

"Louise, you go to the room next to you and rinse yourself first."

Andrew said: "Next, we will do a full body scan on you, collect your data, and at the same time, check whether there are any problems with your body and your child."


Louise didn't waste any time and went to the next room to rinse. Soon, she walked out wearing a special dress that would not interfere with the scan. Then, under Andrew's command, she walked into the instrument.

The instrument closed the lid and started scanning. Superman asked worriedly: "Will there be radiation?"

Andrew and Diana were both speechless. This guy looked a little crazy.

"If anything happens to Louise and the child, Superman will probably go dark."

Andrew shook his head secretly and said: "Don't worry, you don't know there is radiation. Okay, don't stare. I'm just kidding. Alien technology doesn't have any radiation at all."

Clark breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

Three minutes later, the scan ended and Louise came out. She asked a little nervously: "Is the baby okay?"

Louise also cares about her children very much, she just can't let go of her job, and Clark is obviously making too much fuss.

Andrew looked at the report on the holographic projection with a solemn expression. Clark and Louise's hearts suddenly lifted. Diana couldn't help but glare at Andrew. Based on her understanding of Andrew, this guy was obviously trying to trick people again.

"Don't worry, it's very healthy."

Andrew smiled and said: "There is no problem at all. Your child will be a healthy baby. In addition, Louise will not have any problems due to giving birth to a Kryptonian baby."

"Very good."

Clark and Louise breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. At this time, Fiora appeared and she asked: "Is there really no problem at all? Although Kryptonians look the same as humans, their genes are completely different."

Fiora is also very concerned about Kryptonian babies. After all, this is the inheritance of Kryptonians.

"Kal-El is different. He has the Kryptonian code of life, and at the same time, his genes were modified by his father."

Andrew looked at Clark and said, "Not only can he have children with humans, he can also have children with most intelligent races in the universe."


Clark was stunned, how come I didn't know I had this ability? Fiora thought about something, thoughtfully.

"Clark's father, like General Zod, both have a deep love for Krypton and want to save Krypton."

Andrew continued: "However, the paths they chose were different. General Zod continued on the previous path, while Clark's father believed that the previous path was a dead end and a new path must be found.

This new path is natural childbirth. Only in this way can there be unlimited possibilities.

In the original world of Krypton, everything was doomed. Such a world was destined to perish because it had no vitality and no hope.

Clark, you should be lucky that there was a problem when the Kryptonian spaceship entered the earth, which prevented your father's memory from teaching you personally. Otherwise, you would never be like this, you would become..."

Andrew deliberately gave up, and everyone looked at him. He continued: "A playboy, a playboy who keeps spreading his genes. When the time comes, you will seed the entire universe and rebuild the entire universe by yourself. Kryptonian race.”


Clark was confused. If one person rebuilds a race, how many descendants will he leave behind?

Fortunately, this didn't happen.

Louise's eyes looked like knives, and Clark hurriedly raised his hands: "That has nothing to do with me. I'm just a farmer's child. You are my first girlfriend and my last girlfriend."

"Wow, who said Clark can't talk about love?"

Andrew smiled, Diana and Louise also laughed, and Louise nodded with satisfaction.

Fiora glanced at Clark and said nothing. Her current identity was Andrew's bodyguard, and the matter of Krypton had nothing to do with her.

"Okay, the problem is solved, let's start the next step."

Andrew clicked on the holographic projection, and a large number of Louises appeared in front of everyone.

These Louises all look the same, but the notes next to them are completely different, with the names of various alien genes written on them.

Andrew said to Louise: "Louise, these are various clones created based on your 'gene', and you choose a new body among them.

You can choose an Earth clone with the same genes as you, a clone with Kryptonian genes, a clone with Bee star genes, etc.

I have adjusted these genes so that they are all in human form. In appearance, they are no different from Earthlings. "

This is the genetic fusion technology of cloning technology and Bee Star people.

"Is this okay?"

Everyone was surprised. What did Clark think of and asked Andrew: "Clone Kryptonians?"

"Yes, I have a lot of Kryptonian genes in my hands."

Andrew did not deny it. He said: "However, I will not clone Kryptonians unless necessary. You can rest assured on this."

Clark breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good. It's not that you can't clone, but I hope you tell me before cloning."

Andrew said: "No problem."

Louise asked curiously: "BOSS, what's going on with choosing a body?"

"The body you choose will become your second body."

Andrew said: “After that, as long as you put on a helmet, you can transfer your consciousness to the second body and control the actions of the second body.

There won't be any delay, it's no different from your real body, just right for you, a workaholic pregnant woman. "

"Second body?"

Louise's eyes widened and she asked, "Then can I also be a superhero?"

"As long as you want, let alone Superman, you can be a man or even a human being."

Andrew smiled and said: "One hundred and eight templates for you to choose from. If you click on the holographic projection, there will be detailed instructions and demonstrations."


Clark was shocked when he heard this, Louise smiled and said: "Don't worry, I have no interest in being a man, but I really have to choose carefully."

"That's good."

Clark breathed a sigh of relief, and then he said gratefully to Andrew: "BOSS, thank you."

Andrew's 'Second Body' project has successfully solved all the troubles. From now on, Louise will be able to raise her baby safely in the Battle Fortress without anything happening, and at the same time, her work will not be slowed down.

"You're welcome, this is nothing compared to what you have done for the earth."

Andrew shook his head and smiled: "Clark, it's time."

"it's time?"

Clark was stunned for a moment, then realized what he was doing and knelt down on one knee towards Louise. Then, he took out the ring he had prepared from his pocket and said, "Louise, marry me."

"I do."

Louise didn't talk nonsense and agreed directly. This was a high-quality stock that she had finally found, and she would not give up.

Where can I find such an honest child?

Andrew and Diana applauded, and at this point, Clark and Louise were officially engaged, with the wedding to be held in a few months.

The superheroes knew about this and came over to congratulate her. At the same time, Clark's cousin and mother also rushed over to take care of and accompany Louise.

Everything is developing in a good direction.

Some parallel time and space.

In an oil tanker wrapped in lead, a haggard Batman with a slovenly beard and a very tired look asked the bald man Lex Luthor: "Luthor, how long will it take for your parallel time and space device to be completed?"

Luther was also very tired. He said, "It will take a month or two. There are too few materials and I can't get up quickly."

Harley Quinn held a big hammer and asked curiously: "Parallel time and space device? Are we going to parallel time and space? Great, I have always wanted to travel to other universes."

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