American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 725 Robot Committee

"Those who support the Justice Society are mainly officials and capitalists. They not only publish a lot of news, but also invite a large number of trolls to spread the truth on the Internet that superheroes should never be killed."

Andrew said: “Then, I asked Alice to delete all the posts posted by trolls and replace them with my own posts.

Facts have proved that manual posting is far inferior to intelligent posting. Alice can post 100,000 posts in one second, but the people the Sky Eye can find cannot post that many in an hour. "

Everyone was speechless, is this the key?

Green Lantern complained: "Mr. Wang, you actually secretly bought the Navy. Are you sure you are a positive person?"

"Nonsense, when did I secretly buy the navy? I obviously bought it openly."

Andrew released a light curtain full of data and said: "Most netizens are opposed to the Justice Society's absolute no-kill policy. They say that all those scumbags should be killed without leaving a single one behind.

Others called for all the villains in Arkham Asylum to be shot to prevent them from breaking out and causing trouble again.

These data are data without trolls. I guarantee it is true. In addition, with the efforts of trolls, more netizens will favor us. "

"The Justice League is on the side of the people, not the top brass."

Tony said: "This wave is obviously an official public opinion offensive, and they want us to follow suit. I strongly oppose it."


Andrew said: "In this matter, the minority of the Justice League obeys the majority. My opinion is that you can kill with caution and less, but you can't never kill. You can't go to extremes in anything."

Everyone nodded. As a superhero, you must not kill casually, but it is also impossible not to kill. For example, a guy like Lex Luthor should have been killed early on.

"No vote required."

Seeing everyone's reaction, Batman said: "Since everyone is opposed, the purpose of the Justice League remains unchanged for the time being. However, I would like to remind you in advance that the pressure on us will be increasing in the future."

"Don't worry, shake it in your hand, I have the world."

Andrew smiled and said: "With Kuaishou and Alice here, the direction of public opinion will never change. If this doesn't work, the big deal is, I will buy all the global media.

There is no need to worry about whether there is a monopoly or not. Whatever I want to buy, I will definitely be able to buy it. "


The superheroes were speechless. They were indeed damn capitalists. Batman's mouth was a little twitchy. He had always used his money power to hurt others. Today, it was finally someone else's turn to use their money power to hurt him.

Damn rich guy.

"Okay, that ends today's meeting."

Andrew clapped his hands, and a row of household robots walked in.

Although these household robots are humanoid, they are different from humans in many ways. This is to prevent some people from mistaking the robots for being the same humans as themselves.

The main identity of robots is machines, not people, unless they awaken themselves.

"Conference gift, one for each person."

Andrew said: "This is a perfect model, which is not sold outside. Its functions are much stronger than ordinary models. If you don't use them yourself, you can keep them with your loved ones, and they will protect your loved ones.

You don’t have to worry about being discovered. Their appearance is the same as ordinary robots.

In fact, robots will launch various skins in the future. "

"Protect your loved ones?"

Everyone's eyes lit up and they all nodded to accept it. Even Batman accepted one. Well, he wanted to take it back and dismantle it for research.

"Giving gifts during meetings, I think we can hold more meetings like this."

Neptune smiled and everyone laughed. This meeting was officially over.

The next day, Iron Man Tony Stark held a press conference to officially release the home robot. The whole world was shocked. After all, this step was too big.

Most people are curious and welcome the arrival of robots. After all, this is a future technology that spans the ages. Moreover, many people do not realize that robots will cause many people to lose their jobs.

Of course, some people are worried about the safety of the robot. Tony said: "If there is a problem with the robot, Stark Group will compensate ten times."

Tony's money-making ability shut up many people. As for other problems, they were all trivial matters. With the ability of the Stark Group, they couldn't be easier to deal with.

There were only 100,000 robots in the first batch. Although the price was a little expensive, it was within the affordability of most families. As soon as it was launched, it was sold out by New Yorkers, and people in other cities were so angry that they cursed on the Internet.

"We will replenish the stock as soon as possible, so don't worry."

Tony said that in the next few months, the factory was working hard to produce robots. Although it was still far from enough, many families in the United States and Europe already used robots.

I have to say that robots are really useful. They can help you cook, wash clothes, get express delivery, get haircuts, repair faucets, take care of gardens, etc. More than 90% of people are full of praise for robots and regard them as... As an essential part of life.

No matter how you say that sentence, once you use it, you can't go back.

However, with the popularity of robots, some people are gradually losing their jobs, such as restaurant owners, nannies, couriers, Teacher Tony (barber), etc.

Robots can automatically buy groceries and cook meals. They are cheap, delicious, and healthy. They don’t even have to wash the dishes. Who would go out to eat?

These unemployed people were very dissatisfied with the Stark Group and protested in the square in front of the Stark Group's headquarters. Tony launched a long-prepared unemployment subsidy plan and reemployment training plan to reduce social fluctuations as much as possible.

Naturally, the authorities are fully cooperating, and they do not want society to become chaotic.

With the efforts of Andrew, Tony, and the officials, the situation was gradually developing in a good direction, but on this day, something unexpected happened.

"This USR company is a company that was established ten years ago."

In the conference room, Tony introduced to everyone: "They have been engaged in research on mechanical intelligence. Their chairman, Alfred Ronning, is a genius scientist, but of course not as good as me."

Andrew said angrily: "Mr. Tony Stark, I work hard every day and only have a small amount of free time. Please don't brag about it and waste my time, okay?"

Tony complained: "My fault, you work hard for an hour every day, and I make you work overtime. It's really wrong."

Cyborg laughed, but Batman didn't smile, keeping a straight face as always. Apart from the two of them, there was also Alice present.

Andrew shrugged. An hour is a lot, okay? And I work perfectly every week (work four days a week), who can compare with me?

"No nonsense."

Tony continued: "I received news that USR Company has developed intelligent robots and is preparing to launch them in the near future. Although their robots have worse functions than mine and are far less safe than mine, they are real robots.

At present, there is a huge vacancy in the robot market. After their robot is launched, sales will be very good. "

"Has anyone else developed a robot?"

Batman frowned greatly. Iron Man's robot was extremely safe, which he could barely accept, but other people's robots would definitely not pay as much attention to safety as Iron Man.

Capitalists definitely focus on profit.

With the current basic technology of the earth, it is theoretically impossible to develop a robot that can be mass-produced. I never expected that someone would be as smart as Tony and develop a product that transcends the times.

In fact, the earth in this universe has never lacked geniuses, such as the Justice Society's Cyclone. The reason why she has superpowers is because an evil scientist injected nanobots into her body.

Tony said: "Alfred Ronning is a real genius. In addition, he seems to have obtained some alien technology, but I haven't found out the specific situation yet.

The number of alien technologies on Earth is gradually increasing. "

Andrew asked: "You called us here with such a big fanfare, it must be more than just this, right?"

"According to the intelligence I have investigated, USR is preparing to launch industrial robots."

Tony said: "In addition, I heard that the military intends to develop armed robots with them."

Everyone frowned. The social fluctuations caused by household robots were not too big, but once industrial robots appeared, it would be terrible. A large number of workers would be unemployed, and the entire society would be in chaos.

In addition, the military has never been reliable. If they develop armed robots, God knows what big trouble they will cause.

You can always trust the U.S. military, uh, to hold back.

Batman thought for a while and asked: "Can we acquire USR Company? Put them under our control."

Tony shook his head: "I talked to Alfred Ronning before, and he refused to sell it. Besides, the official didn't want him to sell it either.

On the one hand, the government does not want us to monopolize the robot industry. On the other hand, we are unwilling to sell armed robots. Now that we finally have someone willing to sell them, they definitely don’t want them to be acquired by us. "

"I will ask MIB to investigate USR Company."

Andrew said, Tony, Batman and Cyborg looked at Andrew in shock, using power to suppress others, are you really a righteous person?

"I didn't expect you to be like this Andrew."

Tony looked contemptuous. In fact, he had done a lot of similar things. A large group like Stark Group would definitely not be as bright as it appeared.

"Don't use your villainous heart to judge my noble heart. USR's technology involves alien technology. What's wrong with me asking MIB to investigate? What if it's an alien conspiracy?"

Andrew said angrily: "We have many enemies on Earth."

Tony said: "You may say so, but USR Company and the official people will definitely say that you are using your power for personal gain and want to suppress USR Company."

"I never use small tricks like this, I only use big tricks."

Andrew said: "Alice, help me contact the president. I want to set up a robot committee. If you want to produce robots, you must get approval from the committee. Otherwise, it will be regarded as illegal production.

I will use the name of the committee to prohibit USR or other companies from producing industrial robots. At least, not now.

As for armed robots, they can be produced, but the quantity cannot be too large, and all armed robots must be registered.

In addition, all robots must pass the review of the Robot Committee and install the committee's safety system to avoid problems. "

"Robot Council?"

Tony, Batman and Cyborg looked at Andrew in surprise at the same time. It seemed that they had misunderstood before. Andrew really didn't intend to use his power to suppress others, he just flipped the table directly.

Once the committee is established, not only the USR company will be restricted, but other robot companies that may appear will also be restricted. It can be said that it will be done once and for all, and the salary will be removed from the bottom of the cauldron.

"BOSS, I'll go out and contact the president right away."

Alice immediately went out to make a phone call. With Andrew's current status, if he wanted to see the president, the president must make time to see him.

"As expected of someone who lives in the Battle Fortress, his vision is just different. He can crush it directly."

Tony smiled and said: "If the Robot Committee is successfully established, most of the problems can be solved. I'm afraid the official will not agree."

"They will agree. This is a major matter related to the security of the earth."

Andrew smiled and said: "Uh, Cyborg, what you say next, don't spread it to other people, as it will easily affect our image."

Cyborg was stunned, and then he said: "I won't tell anyone, but we, the Justice League, have nothing to hide, right?"


Andrew said: "After Tony and I proposed the robot plan, I made a lot of preparations, such as acquiring part of the robot supply chain."

Robots are dozens of times more complex than mobile phones and involve so many supply chains that even Andrew only acquires part of them.

Tony said: "What a coincidence, I also bought some."

Batman nodded and said, "What a coincidence, me too."

The three of them looked at each other and laughed at the same time. Cyborg secretly complained in his heart, three old silver coins.

"The combined supply chains of our three acquisitions can ensure that no robot company can produce robots."

Andrew smiled and said: "So, no matter what the official ideas of this robot committee are, they must agree."

Small-scale production is no problem, but mass production requires the support of a complete supply chain.

"That's no problem."

Tony and Batman nodded, and Cyborg looked at these three guys in shock. He now wanted to take the book and go to his teacher: Teacher, the capital demon in the book has escaped.

No wonder Andrew said it couldn’t be spread out. If this spreads, the image of the Justice League will definitely be affected.

Andrew concluded: "Although this incident is a bit unexpected, as long as the Robot Committee is here, there won't be any big problems."

Batman is noncommittal. As a senior paranoid victim, he will definitely investigate USR Company personally. Needless to say, this point goes without saying.

"Robots with poor safety cannot be launched on the market."

Tony thought for a while and said, "Andrew, let Jarvis be the tester of the new robot. You don't have to look at me like this. I won't let Jarvis do his best. Of course, I won't be too arrogant."

Andrew complained: “USR Company will definitely appreciate your help.

By the way, since USR also produces robots, they will also have a subsidy plan. I believe they will be willing to take responsibility for society. After all, they are conscientious capitalists. "

Tony smiled and said: "USR Company will definitely thank you very much for giving them this opportunity."

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