Chapter 724 Discussion

After the Sky Eye Association established a new organization specifically to deal with mythical creatures, it recruited magician talents from all over the world.

Regular magicians definitely have no interest in paying attention to this organization, but some casual magicians like Constantine are flocking to it.

There is no way, practicing magic is too expensive, and now that there is a bad guy who is willing to pay, of course everyone rushes to it as soon as possible. If they are slow, they may go bankrupt.

Constantine is such a scumbag and is closely related to the practice of magic. No matter how much money he has, it is not enough for him to burn, so he can only use women's money.

In fact, Constantine also chose to join this organization and shamelessly demanded the highest level of treatment. The Sky Eye Society was greatly troubled by this. Who didn't know that this guy was a disaster star?

However, in the end, the Heavenly Eye Society still pinched their noses and admitted it, and just bought the horse bones as a thousand pieces of gold.

Amidst the chaos, this disaster gradually came to an end. The people were already used to disasters. Except for being a little excited and uneasy in the first few days, the rest of the time was no different from usual.

It's not the first time.

A few days later, in front of an ordinary apartment, Shazam, or rather Billy, was walking back and forth, and he asked Andrew: "Mr. Wang, do you think my mother won't recognize me? "

"You can tell her."

Andrew smiled and said that after several days of hard practice, Billy finally learned the missing person magic and found his mother.

In fact, Andrew had already found Billy's mother through the Internet, but he did not tell Billy because there was an inside story about Billy's loss that year - he was not lost, but his mother abandoned him.

This threshold must be crossed by Billy himself.

"Yeah, I can tell her."

Billy nodded sharply, took a deep breath, and walked upstairs.

Andrew stood downstairs, shaking his head silently. A few minutes later, Billy walked down in frustration. He always thought he was lost and felt guilty, so he kept escaping from the welfare center to look for his mother.

Unexpectedly, his mother felt that she could not take good care of him and left him to the police.

To be honest, Andrew couldn't understand this. There were no orphanages in the United States. The orphans first stayed in welfare centers and then found suitable families for adoption.

The United States subsidizes foster families, so many families are willing to adopt foster orphans.

The question is, how can one take good care of someone who is not his biological flesh and blood? At most, they can have enough food and a place to sleep, and then kick the other person out as soon as they get older.

Of course, there are also people who are really good to their children. For example, the family where Billy is currently fostering is a very kind couple and their children are also good people. However, they are always dependent on others.

Without further ado, Andrew said to Billy: "You are a good boy. Not only do you not blame your mother, you also comfort her and make her feel at ease."

"Mr. Wang, have you heard everything?"

Billy smiled bitterly and said, "I always thought I was a treasure, but in the end, I was just an unwanted child."

"No, although I don't approve of your mother's behavior, she sincerely wants you to have a better life. It's not easy for a single mother to raise a child."

Andrew shook his head: "Maybe one day she goes out to work, and you accidentally fall downstairs and die."

"Mr. Wang, do you want to say something so scary?"

Billy complained: "Besides, it's illegal to leave a child home alone."

Andrew said: "She can't bring you to work, right? As for hiring a nanny, it's very expensive."


Billy shook his head, accepting this statement. It was obvious that he was a Kuoda child.

Andrew said: "Billy, I have investigated your current family and they are a very nice group of people. You can get along well with them, as long as you stop stealing their bullets.

The bullet that fell from Superman's body was worth five hundred dollars and had a certificate. "

Billy smiled awkwardly, he thought of something, and shouted anxiously: "I put that bullet in my bag, but my bag was lost.

Also, since I haven’t been back for so many days, they must have called the police. "

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it for you. Your family will think you're tutoring."

Andrew took out Billy's bag from behind and said, "Also, I found your lost homework for you."

Billy was dumbfounded at first, and then complained: "I am a superhero, do I still have to do homework?"

"First of all, you are just a reserve. In addition, superheroes do not have special privileges."

Andrew said: "For example, after Superman became a superhero, he still worked overtime every day. Didn't you notice that his hairline moved back?"

Billy thought about it carefully and sighed: "It's true. I don't know who his boss is, but he squeezed Superman until his hair fell out. It's so abominable."

"Do you know that your path is narrow?"

Andrew secretly complained, and he said: "In addition to bullets, there is also a cape signed by Superman in the bag. Billy, this is given to you by Superman, keep it safe."

Billy asked in surprise: "Has Superman ever worn this cape?"

"Why, you still want to collect Superman's original cape?"

Andrew said angrily: "Go home and study hard. Remember to go to the Rock of Eternity every night to learn magic. If you want to be a superhero, you still have a lot to learn."

Billy complained: "I suddenly don't want to be a superhero anymore."

"When you grow up, you can choose whether to be a superhero or not, but until then, you still have to learn."

Andrew smiled, and then he took out a stack of coupons from his arms and said, "I promised you the barbecue and invited your brothers and sisters to eat it. The coupons here are enough for you to eat for a month."

"I suddenly want to be a superhero again."

Billy happily took the coupon, and Andrew complained: "I suddenly feel that superheroes are so pitiful."

Billy smiled, waved to Andrew, and walked towards his home, not far away, just two streets away.

From now on, that will be his home.

Andrew shook his head, take your time, the Justice League is not miserable enough to ask children to join the war.

At this time, Andrew's communicator rang. It was Tony calling: "It's time for the meeting. A family member should come over quickly."

"You want family members to come over for a meeting? Are you having a parent-teacher meeting? Which of my children goes to school with you? Little Tony, Little Aquaman, Little Green Lantern?"

Andrew smiled and the superheroes booed. Then, Andrew teleported to the Justice League conference room, and others also teleported over.

Compared with before, the Justice League is obviously more lively now. However, Raven and Zatanna are not here. They are studying at Hell University.

Andrew nodded with everyone and said: "Today's meeting is mainly about whether to implement the robot plan. This time, it should be the last discussion."

Tony asked Batman: "Batman, have you successfully cracked my robot?"

"It didn't work out, and I'm no longer opposed to it, but I don't approve of it either."

"I'll keep hacking the robots," Batman said.

"what ever."

Tony said: "Where are the others? Do you have any objections?"

The superheroes looked at each other, shook their heads, and Andrew said: "This is settled, Tony will build factories on Earth and Space Fortress to produce household robots.

Among them, the earth is mainly responsible for the production of ordinary components, while the core components will be produced in the space fortress. "

After the core components are produced, they will be reprocessed in hell and stamped with the mechanical Three Palace Demon. Of course, there is no need to say this, as long as a few people know about it.

Superman asked: "Aren't the major countries opposed?"

"I have negotiated with them and they have no objection."

Tony said: "Disasters are frequent and the world needs robots. Moreover, robots can make people all over the world live a better life. This is a big change.

As for social fluctuations, you don’t have to worry. On the one hand, I will try to reduce fluctuations as much as possible. For example, I will not release industrial robots.

On the other hand, there is a big tycoon who will subsidize the earth. "

Everyone laughed, and Andrew said: "The big tycoon he was talking about is me. If any beautiful woman wants to be like a tycoon, you can start."

"Diana, why don't you beat him up quickly?"

Mary encouraged. Diana looked at Mary and said, "After I beat him, you go to comfort him? Then you go to the wealthy man."

"Wow, Mary, I didn't expect you to be such a woman."

Hancock said in a sinister tone, and Mary gave Hancock a middle finger. After this guy got a wife, he became obviously more arrogant.

"In short, the earth will run into the robot age."

Andrew said: "Okay, the robot issue is settled, do you have anything else to discuss?"


Batman said, and then he released a light curtain. In the light curtain, Hawkman said on behalf of the Justice Association:

“I hereby assure the people that the Justice Society will not kill people, even if the opponent is a villain, we will not kill them, we will only hand them over to the court for trial.

Superheroes shouldn't kill people. "

There was a burst of enthusiastic applause below, and Batman said: "What Hawkman said has caused heated discussions on the Internet, and all countries have expressed their support for the Justice Society's actions."

Andrew touched his chin and said, "Batman, do you want to change jobs?"

Batman's old face darkened, when did I say I wanted to change jobs?

Batman will not leave the Justice League. The reason is simple. Each of the superheroes in the Justice League is more dangerous than the other. He must keep an eye on this side, otherwise, he will not be at ease.

Batman said: "Many people hope that our Justice League will follow suit and never kill, which can make people feel more confident about superheroes."

"I don't agree. You shouldn't hold back on villains. Of course, the bottom line must be that you don't kill those who surrender."

Neptune said: "I don't want the whole earth to become like Arkham Asylum. Every time there is a disaster, they come out to cause trouble and kill innocent people."

"I don't agree either."

Iron Man, Green Lantern, Mary, and Hancock issued objections one after another, while Superman, Green Lantern, and Sonic remained neutral—mainly influenced by Andrew.

There's only one person in the Justice League who wants to 'not kill', and that's Batman.

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