American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 714 Separation

No one understands the dangers of Gotham better than Commissioner Gordon, who has been a Gotham cop for decades.

Although this place is not hell, it is not much different from hell.

"Fight it as a war? You mean RPG?"

Harcourt was stunned. At this moment, a violent explosion came from the front, and then a soldier cursed loudly: "Shet, why do they also have exoskeleton armor? Sir, please apply for the use of live ammunition."

"Exoskeleton armor? Live ammunition allowed."

Harcourt was a little confused. Are the gangs in Gotham playing too wild?

The technical content of exoskeleton armor is far inferior to that of steel suits, so there are many imitations, but they are usually imitated by other countries. What does a gang like you do with exoskeleton armor?

If you dare to wear this thing out, the authorities will definitely crack down on you.

"Gotham has the largest underground black market in North America. It has everything, including exoskeleton armor and even alien weapons, so you must not be careless."

Director Gordon warned, not to mention the exoskeleton armor, nuclear bombs even appeared in Gotham. I just asked you if you are afraid?

In any other city, the exoskeleton army would be enough to quell the chaos, but this is Gotham, Gotham, the city of sin.

Harcourt thought for a while and asked the military to find a way to send another group of exoskeleton soldiers.

In a certain area of ​​Gotham, Superman and Hancock flew down to stop a group of civilians from killing each other. After they were all restrained, the two flew into the sky again and continued to pursue the Seven Deadly Sins.

Batman looked down at the chaos below and asked Andrew: "Mr. Wang, can your lighting technique make ordinary people return to normal?"

"Yes, but the magic power in Constantine's body is too little to sustain it for a few times. This guy's talent is very poor, and he picks up girls every day, so he doesn't accumulate much magic power at all. Even if he does, he has fired it all."

Andrew shook his head. A clever woman can't make a meal without rice. With such little magic power, even Andrew can't make all the people below return to normal.

Constantine objected: "I have little magic power because I work too hard and exorcise demons every day. The exorcists in Los Angeles used to call me the little prince of involution."

"You did kill demons every day before, but after the Mammon incident, how many times did you kill demons in total?"

Andrew sneered: "Gabriel is right, a scheming boy like you is not qualified to go to heaven."

Everyone was very disappointed when they heard Andrew's words. Andrew thought for a while and said to Angela: "Angela, you have strong magic power in your body. I will imprint the lighting technique on you, and you go and help the people."

"no problem."

Angela naturally wouldn't object and nodded repeatedly. She already knew that Andrew was the one controlling Constantine's body now, and that's right. How could that scumbag be so powerful and turn the tide?

Only Mr. Wang can do this kind of thing.

Andrew didn't talk nonsense and took Angela down below. Then, he took Angela's finger and kissed it.

Angela was a little shocked, and Constantine shouted dissatisfied: "Mr. Wang, that's my girlfriend."

"Ex-girlfriend, thank you. Besides, I used your body, which is no different from kissing her yourself."

Andrew said casually, and Constantine was stunned. Is there no difference?

"Of course not. If I have a child in the future, it will still be yours, and you will be responsible for the alimony."

Andrew said, Constantine thought for a moment, and it seemed to be true, and then he said angrily: "You want to have a child with her?"

"I didn't expect that the scumbag Constantine would be sincere? Constantine, cherish your fate and don't let yourself regret it in the future."

Andrew laughed. He was just joking. There were so many women who liked him that he wouldn't touch other people's women.

At this time, Angela's fingers lit up with white light, which was the lighting technique. Andrew said: "Time is limited, so we can only do this first. Before your magic power is exhausted, the white light above will not disappear. You can control the magic power to make it Brighten or darken.

In addition, if you carefully understand the operation of magic, you may be able to learn this trick yourself. Your magic talent is much stronger than Constantine's. "

"Thank you Mr. Wang."

Angela beamed with joy, and Constantine said sourly: "Looking at her, I wish you could kiss her more, haha, woman."

Andrew complained: "You are a scumbag, how can you have the face to say such things?"

"Go and help Harcourt, try to kill as few people as possible. Also, help me broadcast live today."

Andrew tapped Angela's forehead, and an electronic eye appeared, connecting to Andrew's live broadcast room.

At the same time, a screen appeared in Angela's retina, with a large number of messages from viewers asking what was going on in Gotham.

The audience was very excited when they saw the picture appear on the screen, and the refresh rate of the screen was greatly accelerated.

Angela was surprised: "Shall I help you live broadcast?"

"Yes, I'm a little busy today and don't have time to live broadcast myself."

Andrew nodded. He not only wanted to control Constantine, but also monitored the Three Palace Demons. He really didn’t have time to broadcast live anymore. Angela was a good tool.

"Go ahead, I believe it won't be a problem for you. You can say whatever you want. It's not a big problem. Anyway, I run KuaiDou and I won't block your live broadcast room."

Andrew smiled, started the thrusters and flew into the sky, chasing Superman and the others.

Angela looked at the screen, a little embarrassed, not knowing what to say. Then she shook her head and went to help people first. As for the live broadcast, take your time.

"Damn, why are there so few souls?"

In the sky above Gotham, they shouted arrogantly and dissatisfied. This time, in order to collect enough souls as quickly as possible, their Seven Deadly Sins went all out, even releasing part of their original power.

This is why chaos spreads so quickly, but unfortunately, the harvest falls far short of expectations.

Andrew's teleportation device has greatly reduced deaths. Technology changes everything. It's that simple.

"Let's separate."

Dr. Sivana thought for a while and said: "Gluttony, anger, jealousy, and arrogance, the four of you each choose a direction to spread the breath of the seven deadly sins."

"If we separate, will we be defeated by superheroes one by one?"

Jealousy asked hesitantly: "And what about your safety?"

"You have immortality. You only run away and don't fight. Even Superman can't take you down quickly."

Dr. Sivana said: "Moreover, they are superheroes, and there are many ways to deal with them. For example, if a building collapses, the superheroes will definitely save people first.

Our goal is not to defeat the superheroes, but to obtain enough souls to summon the Three Palace Demons to come. By then, nothing will be a problem.

As for my safety...yes, Pride, transform me into you and you into the monster inside me.

In addition, there is a treasure place in Gotham where superheroes can be held back. "


The Seven Deadly Sins looked at each other and agreed. Arrogantly, they raised their hands and used illusion to make Dr. Sivana look exactly like themselves. Then, its body twisted and changed, turning into a new monster.

In this way, those superheroes can be misled.

At this moment, two figures flew towards them at high speed with sonic boom sounds, it was Superman and Hancock.

Superman and Hancock broke away from the others and rushed to intercept the Seven Deadly Sins. They were filled with anger. The damn Seven Deadly Sins actually killed so many citizens.

"Split up."

Pride shouted, and the seven monsters flew in different directions at the same time. Superman and Hancock couldn't help but be stunned.

"One for each person."

Superman thought for a while and chased after Pride. This monster had never been seen before. It might have been transformed by Dr. Sivana.

Hancock nodded, thought for a while, and chased Gluttony on the far right.

Superman was fast and quickly caught up with Pride. Then, he punched Pride with a violent sonic boom.

Arrogance knew very well that Superman's fist could not be blocked by itself, so it immediately turned into smoke and fled aside. Then, it broke through the wall and rushed into a building, frantically destroying the support columns inside.

"you dare?"

Superman chased in and saw this scene, he was furious and immediately fired a heat ray at Pride.

Pride was blown away and kept sliding on the ground. It glanced at Superman, got up, broke through the glass and fled away.

Superman was about to give chase when the building suddenly shook and countless dust fell from the ceiling. It was obvious that the building was about to collapse.

The people in the building, uh, didn't react at all, they were still killing each other, there was nothing they could do, they were all controlled.

Superman had no choice but to spray out cold air to form icicles to replace the original pillars, and at the same time repair the building as much as possible.

After making sure that the building was fine for a short period of time, Superman continued to chase Pride.

"Although it is very strong, it is just as stupid as the host said."

Arrogant sneer, just like Superman, you can never catch it in the next life, it can quickly harvest souls by escaping.

After luring the two superheroes away, Sloth and Greed returned to Dr. Sivana and flew quickly to Arkham Asylum with him. On the way, they did not forget to continue to release their evil aura.

Everything the Seven Deadly Sins do is to collect enough souls - after a human with the aura of the Seven Deadly Sins dies, his soul will be automatically sacrificed to the Three Palace Demons.

When the number of sacrifices is enough, the Three Palace Demons will come. At that time, the superheroes are dead, and the Three Palace Demons are invincible.

Ah Fu has been monitoring the Seven Deadly Sins. When he saw three of them gathering together, he hurriedly said: "Superman, Hancock, you may be chasing the wrong person. Also, Iron Man, they really went to Arkham Asylum."

"Chasing the wrong person? It seems that Dr. Sivana can only leave it to you. I will solve this problem here as soon as possible."

Superman said, you can't give up halfway, and Hancock meant the same.

"Andrew, teleport us to Arkham Asylum."

Tony said immediately, and Batman also said: "Teleport me, Damian, Shazam and the others over there too. Justice Society, you are responsible for the other two Seven Deadly Sins monsters. Is there any problem?"

"Leave it to us."

Doctor Fate and Eagle Man said at the same time that they must make up for such a big embarrassment before.

In addition, they feel confident that they will no longer be controlled.

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