American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 713 The disaster begins

Batman and Hancock were a little speechless, Doctor Fate and Hawkman were okay. Constantine, are you sure he is a good guy?

At this moment, Constantine's body shook violently, but the nano-suit took over control of his body.

In order to cure lung cancer, Constantine sold himself to Andrew nine times - this sale was not the other sale. To put it simply, Andrew controlled Constantine's body to do things.

Andrew has only used this power once so far, and now it's the second time.

"For saving him this time, he should repay me by selling himself twice more."

Andrew shook his head, and through Alice, controlled Constantine to fly towards Doctor Fate.

Everyone was a little surprised when they saw this and didn't understand what was going on. Only Batman's eyes flashed slightly. It seemed that Mr. Wang had taken action.

Batman breathed a sigh of relief. Mr. Wang's action would definitely be fine. He just hoped it wouldn't affect things on the other side of hell.

Hell is obviously not a trivial matter. When Batman called everyone before, Diana and Mary did not respond. If I guessed correctly, it should be related to the things on the other side of hell.

Thinking of something, Batman whispered: "The Flash, Iron Man, and the Seven Deadly Sins have escaped. Hurry up and intercept them. Fred will point you to the location of the Seven Deadly Sins."

Gotham is Batman's city, and unless the Seven Deadly Sins do nothing, they can't be hidden from his surveillance system.


The Flash nodded and immediately changed direction, as did Iron Man, Green Lantern and others who had just been teleported.

At this time, Ah Fu's voice sounded: "The situation is a bit bad. You guys need to speed up. Wherever the Seven Deadly Sins pass, the citizens all start killing each other, just like crazy."

The reason for this is that the Seven Deadly Sins use their own aura to influence the citizens. The citizens' brains are filled with negative auras. They beat and kill anyone they see. Some men even pounce on women. This is an impulse they have suppressed for a long time.


Everyone cursed in unison. Iron Man thought for a moment and asked, "Fred, can you predict the destination of the Seven Deadly Sins? If you can, we can teleport there in advance."

Ah Fu shook his head: "Unfortunately, we can't. Their direction of movement is irregular and very chaotic."

"It's a pity."

Tony was a little disappointed. He thought of something and said, "Fred, pay attention to Arkham Asylum where there are many talented people. If the Seven Deadly Sins are close to there, notify us immediately and we will send it there immediately."

"A madhouse for talented people?"

Everyone snickered, this was obviously trying to spite Batman, but then again, things would become even more troublesome if the madmen from Arkham Asylum escaped.

Afu nodded: "Understood, I will activate emergency measures to avoid problems in Arkham."

"If those crazy people come out again, we will not show mercy."

Iron Man, Green Lantern, and Aquaman secretly thought that after Luther Lex's incident, they became obviously more decisive.

"Disaster strikes, and it's Gotham again."

Batman sighed secretly, his heart filled with anger. Why was his city suffering again? Who did they mess with?

At the same time, Andrew's live broadcast room was opened again, but this time there was no picture, only a warning: "All citizens of Gotham City should hide underground and close everything. In addition, try not to stay with other people."


The people of Gotham looked puzzled. Fortunately, Andrew had a high prestige and many people did as he asked.

"Disaster has come again? Gotham again? What exactly is it like?"

The audience watched the screen crazily, but Andrew ignored it. He controlled Constantine to fly in front of Doctor Fate and asked: "Do you know what the most powerful magic is?"

Dr. Destiny shouted crazily: "Of course it's destiny magic. Destiny is king. All living things are like chess. If you control destiny, you can control everything."

"No, the most powerful magic is the lighting spell that a mage must use."

Andrew smiled slightly, and controlled the magic power in Constantine's body to gather on his fingers. Then, Constantine raised his fingers high, and the fingertips lit up with a dazzling white light.

This white light is not dazzling, giving people a warm and purifying feeling, as if it can sweep away all darkness and evil in the world.

Illumination - Purification!

As the white light lit up, the auras of the Seven Deadly Sins in Doctor Destiny, Eagle Man, and Constantine melted quickly like snow meeting the sun.

Dr. Destiny's remaining consciousness was overjoyed and immediately cooperated with the white light to expel the arrogant aura. Soon, he returned to normal.

Dr. Fate exhaled, hurriedly stopped the operation of magic power, and dispersed the defensive shield.

"Thank you."

Doctor Fate thanked Constantine gratefully, and then he smiled bitterly. This time, he was really embarrassed.

Dr. Destiny thought he was tricking his arrogance, but it turned out that he was pretending to make him underestimate the enemy and then tricked him in turn.

This time, Dr. Fate is guilty of hubris.

After Dr. Destiny recovered, Hawkman also returned to normal. When he thought of what happened before, he was extremely embarrassed and wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in. It was so embarrassing.

Constantine also returned to normal. He was thick-skinned and did not feel any embarrassment at all. He said in his mind: "Mr. Wang, I only owe you seven times. By the way, smoke a cigarette. I am very empty and lonely now. "

"Our account will be settled slowly after the matter is over."

Andrew was too lazy to pay attention to Constantine. He said to Dr. Destiny: "You're welcome. Without further ado, let's quickly pursue the seven deadly sins. The others will follow."


Dr. Destiny didn't waste any time and quickly chased with Andrew in the direction where the Seven Deadly Sins escaped.

Upon seeing this, Superman and Hancock immediately followed with Batman, Damian, Angela and others.

"Follow me. Are you waiting for lunch?"

Seeing that Shazam didn't move, the old mage couldn't help but cursed. Shazam touched his belly and said, "I forgot if you didn't tell me. I haven't had lunch yet. Can I buy some burgers?"

Quickly, uh, I didn’t bring any money, do you think I can brush my face like other superheroes? I am now a reserve member of the Justice League. "

The old mage was furious and raised his staff to hit someone. Shazam shrank his neck and quickly chased after him.

"We must teach this guy well and never let him disgrace the Wizards' Council."

The old mage shook his head, activated the flight system and followed.

"They fly so fast."

Looking at the people leaving, Atom Smasher sighed. He was born with short legs and could not catch up with those people.

Then, Atom Smasher and Tornado walked up to Hawkman and asked with concern: "How are you? Are you okay?"

"Other than being embarrassed and wanting to hit the wall, there's nothing wrong with it."

Eagle Man shook his head, and then he said hesitantly: "I don't know if I should catch up. I really want to seek revenge for the Seven Deadly Sins, but I'm worried that I will be controlled again."

Atom Smasher and Tornado nodded, Hawkman is indeed arrogant, but he is a qualified leader, and even at this time, he has not lost his mind.

"Of course we have to catch up. That Constantine knows the art of lighting. The Seven Deadly Sins can no longer control you."

Tornado said: "Besides, I believe that even without the lighting technique, you will not be controlled again. You are our leader."

Atom Smasher nodded: "That's right, you will never fall in the same pit twice."

"thank you all."

Eagle Man breathed a sigh of relief. He was about to leave when he saw Harcourt approaching and couldn't help but ask: "Harcourt, do you want to come with us?"

"of course yes……"

Harcourt was about to nod when suddenly, her phone rang. After she answered it, her face became extremely ugly.

Harcourt put down the phone and said, "You go after the Seven Deadly Sins, and I have to do my job as a member of the Sky Eye Society."

"The main job of the Sky Eye Society? To hold back the Justice League?"

The Atom Smasher asked subconsciously, and everyone looked at him speechlessly, talking nonsense.

"The original purpose of the Sky Eye Association was to handle logistics and other matters for the Justice League."

Harcourt said: "Wherever the Seven Deadly Sins pass, people all turn into madmen and kill each other. The situation is very bad. I want to contact the police and the military to deal with this matter to reduce casualties as much as possible, and at the same time, prevent the superheroes from being separated. Heart."

"Damn it, it's all my fault."

When Eagle Man heard something happened to the civilians, he couldn't help but blame himself. Harcourt said: "Instead of blaming yourself, it is better to catch the seven deadly sins quickly. The longer they exist, the more people will die."

"Okay, I'll chase you right away."

Eagle Man stopped talking nonsense, took Atom Smasher's hand, and led him to chase him in the direction where the Seven Deadly Sins escaped.

The cyclone activated its power, spinning and following behind. Seeing this scene, the Atom Smasher wanted to ask: Are you dizzy?

Superheroes are generally kind-hearted, and The Flash is undoubtedly the kindest one among them. While he was on his way, he saw a group of gang members shooting civilians and immediately rushed to stop them.

I saw a flash of lightning, and all the guns in the hands of the gang members disappeared.

"Hey, this is Gotham, but shooting civilians in broad daylight is too much for you, right?"

The Flash destroyed all the guns, threw them into the trash can, and shouted dissatisfied.

When the gang members saw this, they not only did not stop, but also took out weapons such as knives and rushed towards the Flash and the civilians nearby.

If you look closely at the eyes of these gang members, you can see that they have lost their minds. What is worse is that not only they have lost their minds, but the people have also lost their minds.

When the civilians saw the gang members rushing towards them, they did not avoid them. Instead, they picked up weapons and rushed towards them, fighting fiercely with them.

"Wow, it's more serious than Fred said."

The Flash hurriedly picked up the rope on the ground and tied up both parties as quickly as possible.

Before the Flash could breathe a sigh of relief, gunshots and screams were heard in the distance. It was obvious that it was not just here that was affected, and the Flash rushed over immediately.

"Flash, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, you four are fast, stay and help the people, the others will follow me to continue chasing the Seven Deadly Sins."

Seeing the heavy casualties among civilians, Tony immediately made arrangements to make the superheroes turn a blind eye to the disaster. That was impossible.


The Flash, Sonic, and Tails nodded at the same time. Only Knuckles was a little dissatisfied. It wanted to beat people more than save them.

However, Knuckles did not object. Although it was a bit unruly, it still obeyed orders.

"The scope of the seven deadly sins is too large. The Flash and others may not be able to deal with them all. After all, they cannot harm the citizens of Gotham."

Tony thought for a moment and asked, "Andrew, can the thing you and General Calvin prepared be used now?"

"It's done, the exoskeleton army is gathering."

Andrew smiled and said, at the New York military base, the exoskeleton army equipped their armors as quickly as possible and gathered in the square.

Four strange black pillars were placed around the square. When thousands of exoskeleton soldiers gathered, the four black pillars lit up with black light at the same time, and a spatial fluctuation enveloped the entire square.

Thirty seconds later, all the exoskeleton soldiers disappeared at the same time, and when they reappeared, they were already in Gotham City.

"Is this space teleportation?"

The exoskeleton soldiers looked shocked. Isn't this a device only found in science fiction novels? When did American technology become so advanced?

This is not American technology, this is Andrew's technology. Some time ago, he and General Calvin teamed up to complete this project to ensure that the military entered the field as soon as possible and reduce the losses of the people.

The teleporter is not that simple, and Andrew has developed a lot of uses for it.

"Now is not the time for you to be in a daze. Follow me and rush into the chaotic area to stop the citizens of Gotham. Remember, unless your life is threatened, live ammunition is not allowed and try to use a tranquilizer gun. Do you understand?"

Harcourt appeared in front of the exoskeleton army and shouted loudly, and the soldiers responded in unison: "You understand."

"Set off."

Harcourt shouted, and the exoskeleton army officially entered.

"Technology changes life, changes wars and disasters. From now on, our military will never be late again."

In the command room, General Calvin sighed, and others nodded. This space teleportation is really easy to use. It can be easily teleported to any location in the United States.

What's more, it's fast, the entire transmission process only takes a short thirty seconds.

"Under the temper of disaster, we humans are becoming stronger and stronger."

General Calvin said: "One day, we will defeat the disaster, provided that we do not fight among ourselves and fully cooperate with the Justice League and Mr. Wang."

Unlike in the past, this time, no one objected to what General Calvin said. The appearance of the Battle Fortress changed many things.

Taking a step back, even if you really want to fight among yourself, who is sure that you can defeat Mr. Wang? There are many ways to destroy stars.

Putting aside these things for the time being, the introduction of the exoskeleton army and superheroes has made the situation a lot better, but it is only a lot better, and civilians still continue to lose their lives.

The reason is simple, there are too many guns and Gotham is too chaotic.

"Is there one gun per capita in Gotham? Why do even civilians have so many guns?"

Harcourt complained that exoskeleton armor is indeed powerful, but it is not bulletproof in many places.

"A handful? If the average number is really only a handful, I can wake up laughing even in my sleep."

Director Gordon complained: "Miss Harcourt, let the soldiers be more vigilant and fight this as a war. This is Gotham."

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