American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 652 Complicity

Dr. Egghead didn't care at all about the reaction of the employees of the Sky Eye Society. He looked at the drones and couldn't help but sigh.

Everything about these drones is good, but the batteries are very weak - the drones are equipped with high-strength batteries from the Stark Group.

Dr. Eggman always believed that he was the smartest person in the world, but in order to last and emit lasers, his drone had to install a battery from the Stark Group. How could he not be depressed?

"I must find my own energy."

Dr. Eggman secretly thought that he not only invented drones, but also invented many powerful mechanical devices. The problem is that he does not have an Ark reactor, and many of the devices cannot be started.

It can be said that Dr. Eggman is restricted by energy.

"I am the most powerful, Tony Stark, and King Andrew. One day, I will surpass you and become the real number one in the world."

Dr. Eggman burst out laughing when he thought of something happy. The employees on the side couldn't help but take a step back. This guy is not only an arrogant maniac, but also a psychopath.

Although Dr. Eggman's character has problems, his intelligence is really not bad. The drone he invented quickly found the place where the electromagnetic storm occurred, and also found the thorn that Sonic dropped.

Dr. Egghead grasped the blue thorns and said with bright eyes: "This is not something from the earth. This electromagnetic storm is probably related to alien creatures."

"Is it related to alien creatures?"

The employee was shocked and hurriedly picked up the communicator and reported the incident to Amanda.

When Amanda heard the report, she immediately said: "I immediately mobilized troops to seal the scene. The alien is very dangerous and we must find it.

You and Dr. Nick stay there, and everything follows Dr. Nick's command. "

"Yes, sir."

The employee nodded, but was lamenting in his heart. It seemed that he couldn't get rid of this guy in a short time.

"It's not just the Justice League that can take down aliens, I can too."

Dr. Egghead said confidently that he never thought he was worse than Tony Stark. He just lacked funds and an opportunity to prove himself.

At this moment, a golden ring-shaped portal appeared out of thin air, and then a shadow enveloped Dr. Eggman and the staff. The two couldn't help but feel a little nervous. The employee immediately drew his gun and pointed it at the portal.

Soon, a figure came out of the portal, but it was a red echidna half as tall as a man. It was Knuckles who came to find Sonic.

Knuckles, like Sonic, wears shoes and white gloves, but also no clothes.

Seeing Knuckles, Dr. Eggman and the staff breathed a sigh of relief at the same time - he was not big, and he didn't look very threatening.

Knuckles glanced around and asked Dr. Eggman, "Earthlings, where is Sonic?"

"Alien, you speak English well."

Dr. Eggman controlled the drone to return and asked, "Who is the Sonic you are talking about?"

"Idiot, I'm wearing a translator."

Knuckles said impatiently: "Sonic is the owner of the thorn in your hand. Don't challenge my patience. Tell me, where is Sonic?"

"I don't know where it is, but I know where you'll be, in my lab."

Dr. Eggman laughed wildly, and then, a large number of red dots appeared on Knuckles, which were the drone's aiming lasers.

Dr. Eggman said: "Alien, surrender, otherwise I will not guarantee to take you back intact."

"Stupid Earthlings."

Knuckles smiled disdainfully, and his body rose into the sky like red lightning. Then, he stepped on the drone and ran quickly. The drone was crushed one after another and fell down with a crackle.

Knuckles, like Sonic, has the ability to move at high speeds, but it cannot create lightning. In addition, its power is much stronger than Sonic.

Dr. Eggman was shocked and hurriedly asked the remaining drones to attack, and lasers roared out.

The offensive capabilities of the drone are actually good, but unfortunately, Knuckles is too fast, and even the laser cannot hit it.

Knuckles dodged while launching a counterattack. In just over thirty seconds, the drones were wiped out.

Then, Knuckles suddenly appeared in front of the employee and punched him away. The big tree behind him was directly broken by the employee.

Dr. Eggman made an exaggerated expression of fear. Is this little man so powerful? Is this the kind of monster Tony Stark deals with every day?

After dealing with the drones and employees, Knuckles turned to look at Dr. Eggman, his eyes full of evil.

Dr. Eggman raised his head high, as if he was ready to die rather than surrender. The next second, he knelt on the ground with a bang, raised his hands high, and shouted: "I surrender."

Dr. Eggman is not afraid of death, but how can a genius like him die as casually as an ant? He also wants to build his mechanical kingdom.

Well, just listen to it seriously.

Knuckles asked impatiently: "Tell me, where is Sonic? Don't waste my time anymore."

"I don't know where Sonic is."

Dr. Egghead said: "I'm here to investigate the electromagnetic storm. I picked up this thorn before."

Knuckles' eyes became evil: "In other words, you are useless?"

"Of course not. I'm useful. I'm the smartest scientist on the planet. I can create an instrument that activates this thorn and uses it to find Sonic."

Dr. Egghead said hurriedly: "Let's put it this way, as long as the other party is still on Earth, I will definitely be able to help you find it."

"very good."

Knuckles said: "Hurry up and make the equipment. I want to find Sonic in the shortest possible time."

"no problem."

Dr. Eggman couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that he had saved his life. Then, he got up and said, "If we want to make instruments, we need to fly back to my laboratory. The materials here are not complete."

"Leave now."

Knuckles said impatiently. He liked to use his hands more than his brain, so he didn't think too much.

Dr. Eggman stopped talking nonsense and took Knuckles into the fighter plane. This fighter plane is fully automatic and can fly without a pilot.

Soon, the fighter jet started and flew towards Dr. Eggman's laboratory.

Without Knuckles noticing, Dr. Eggman quietly activated the camera and transmitted the internal situation of the fighter plane and the previous battle footage to the Sky Eye Society, allowing them to save him.

Amanda quickly received the picture from Dr. Eggman. She couldn't help but cursed. This was too bad. As soon as the scene started, the doctor was kidnapped?

Amanda thought for a while and asked her subordinates: "If a fighter plane is sent to rescue Dr. Nick, can he be rescued?"

The Sky Eye Society analyst shook his head and said: "No, the red alien is too fast to guarantee Dr. Nick's safety.

The best way at the moment is to notify the Justice League and let Superman rush over to save people. "

Amanda raised her head and stared at the analyst fiercely. If the Justice League had to solve everything, what else would they do with their Sky Eye?

"Dr. Nick."

Amanda thought for a while, then quietly said to Dr. Eggman through the communicator: "Drive the plane to a nearby base, and I will prepare a suicide squad there. As long as you leave the aliens, we will take action immediately."

Dr. Eggman was elated and nodded imperceptibly. Then, while controlling the plane, he poured Knuckles a cup of coffee and took the initiative to please him.

"What a terrible drink."

Knuckles obviously couldn't get used to drinking coffee and spurted it out. Dr. Egghead looked at the top-quality coffee he had spent 10% of his research funds to buy, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

"Is it easy for me to spend some money to buy coffee, but you waste it like this?"

Dr. Eggman cursed secretly. After several attempts, Dr. Eggman finally discovered that Knuckles only likes sweets, and especially grapes.

Dr. Eggman got some ice cream for the other party. Then, taking advantage of the other party's happiness, he asked about Sonic's situation and Knuckles' purpose of finding the other party.

Although Knuckles doesn't like to use his brain, he's not too stupid. He didn't say his purpose and only briefly introduced Sonic's situation so that Dr. Eggman could find Sonic faster.

"A blue hedgehog that is electrified and can run very fast?"

Dr. Eggman knew it well, and then he used the instruments on the plane to analyze Sonic's sting.

This analysis was incredible. Dr. Eggman discovered that this thorn contained powerful energy, even enough to activate the super fighter he had made before.

"If I can catch that hedgehog, the energy aspect will no longer be a problem, and then the whole world will know that I'm smarter than Tony Stark."

Dr. Eggman was so happy that he couldn't help laughing again.

Knuckles looked at Dr. Eggman in astonishment and asked, "Why are you laughing suddenly?"

"Because I'm happy."

Dr. Eggman interfered with the communicator and locator and asked: "Alien, after you find Sonic, can you give me his body?"

Knuckles said: "You want its body? Okay, I'm not interested in its body."

"I'm interested."

Dr. Egghead's eyes lit up, and then he changed the course of the fighter plane and headed for the real laboratory.

Dr. Eggman is not planning to ambush Knuckles. He wants to use Knuckles to obtain Sonic's body. By then, the bottleneck restricting him will completely disappear.

Why not let the Sky Eye help do this?

On the one hand, the Suicide Squad may not be Knuckles's opponent. Once they fail, he will definitely be finished.

On the other hand, the Sky Eye would be too restrictive. Even if you get Sonic's body, you won't be able to study it to your heart's content.

The situation is completely different when forming an alliance with Knuckles. Firstly, safety is guaranteed, and secondly, the other party has no interest in Sonic's body. In other words, the hedgehog's body will completely belong to him.

The only thing worth worrying about is whether Knuckles will cross the river and burn the bridge, unload the mill and kill the donkey.

Dr. Eggman is not too worried about this, because after the super fighter is activated, it may not lose to Knuckles.

Besides, no matter how you look at it, Knuckles doesn't look too smart.

As a result, the Sky Eye Society's ambush failed before it even started, and contact with Dr. Egghead was completely lost.

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