"I did think so."

Andrew smiled and said: "But seeing your appearance and your home, I realized that I was wrong. You want to be a superhero not for the sake of prestige, but because you want others to pay attention to you.

Little hedgehog, you are lonely, right? "

"I'm not lonely."

After saying this, Sonic lowered his head. He had been hiding alone on the earth for several years as a hedgehog. He didn't have a partner to talk to. How could he not be lonely?

This is also the reason why Sonic is used to talking to himself. He has no one to talk to except himself.

Andrew stood up, touched Sonic's prickly head, and said, "Little hedgehog, I have two choices for you.

First, I will endorse you and allow you to obtain the status of a citizen of the Earth. At that time, you can live freely on the Earth. However, you cannot use superpowers unless there are special circumstances. "

Sonic's eyes lit up when he heard this. He has always wanted to blend in with humans. Unfortunately, he is a hedgehog. When humans see him, he will only treat it as a monster, and even lock it in a laboratory and slice it for study.

With Andrew's help, everything will be different, and it can walk on the street openly.

Sonic asked, "What's the second option? By the way, my name is Sonic, Sonic Sonic."

"Okay, little hedgehog."

Andrew said: "The second option is to accept my training and become a real superhero. Of course, this is not an easy task. You have to undergo rigorous training and tests.

You should know Hancock. He has been a reserve for almost a year and is still not an official member of the Justice League. Your training time will be longer than his. "

Sonic has what it takes to be a superhero, and Andrew would be happy to have another superhero in the Justice League.

The more superheroes there are, the safer the planet is, and the more lazy he can be.

"I choose the second one."

Sonic immediately said, "I don't know why I want to be a superhero, but I really, really want to be a superhero."

"Have you thought about it? I will train you very strictly as a superhero of the Justice League. You will have to face a disaster every few months. I will not let unqualified people join the Justice League."

Andrew said seriously: "That would be equivalent to asking him to die."

"very strict?"

Sonic swallowed and asked, "How strict?"

Andrew said seriously: "One hundred push-ups, one hundred sit-ups, one hundred squats, and ten kilometers of running every day. As long as you persist for three years, you will find... that all your spines have fallen out."

"..." Sonic was confused, looking like you were kidding me.

"It's just a joke, don't take it so seriously."

Andrew smiled and said: "Little hedgehog, the business has been settled. Next, we have one more thing to deal with, compensation.

A real superhero will not shirk responsibility. The losses you cause must be made up for, whether it is the loss of Central City or the loss of the power grid. "

Sonic grimaced and said, "I don't mind being responsible, the problem is, I have no money."

"Battlestar needs people, you can work for money."

"Also, you can sell your stuff for money," Andrew said.

Sonic was puzzled: "What's on your body?"


Andrew shouted, and a holographic projection appeared in the cave. It was Sonic's holographic projection using the golden ring to open the portal.

"This gold ring is very interesting. I can buy it for $100 million."

Andrew said: "Let me state in advance that I bought the gold ring to copy it, so you don't have to sell it. The Justice League will never force others, let alone moral kidnapping."

"I'm not selling it."

Sonic shook his head. Although Andrew was a little disappointed, he didn't force him. Having said that, was this guy refusing too quickly?

Then, Sonic took out a gold ring from his pocket and said, "I can give you one. You are my most admired idol."

Andrew was a little surprised and asked: "Think about it, that's 100 million US dollars, how many burgers can you buy?"

"How many burgers can I buy? Well, I can't figure it out, but I've thought about it."

Sonic nodded very seriously. For him, giving something to an idol is a very sacred thing and cannot be mixed with money.

Andrew smiled, he took the gold ring and put a nano watch on Sonic's wrist.

"In that case, let's exchange gifts."

Andrew said: “In addition to the communication function and holographic projection function, this nano-watch can also be turned into a nano-clothing.

Nano-clothes have many functions. For example, they allow you to survive in space and in the sea. As for other things, you can slowly research them yourself. "

Sonic wears shoes and gloves, but he has no clothes. However, the fur on his body is relatively thick, so it is not unsightly.

"Can you survive in space and the sea?"

Sonic's eyes are bright and he is super afraid of water. With this, my mother no longer has to worry about me drowning.

Sonic thought of something and asked, "Mr. Wang, is this gift too expensive?"

Andrew smiled and said, "Let's treat it as a gift between friends."

Sonic asked excitedly: "Friends? Are we friends?"

"Yes, we are friends now."

Andrew smiled and said, "Take your belongings and follow me to the Battle Fortress. Er, can your golden ring be teleported to space? And how to use it?"

"The golden ring can not only teleport to the battlestar, but also to other planets."

Sonic said: "The method of using the golden ring is very simple. You just need to think about the destination in your mind. I have seen pictures of the Battle Fortress and I can open the portal."

Andrew nodded: "This is really a black technology."

Then, Sonic tidied up, opened the Golden Ring Portal, and followed Andrew to the Battle Fortress.

In Battlestar, Diana sensed energy fluctuations and rushed over immediately. She was stunned when she saw Andrew walking out of the portal with a little hedgehog carrying a travel bag.

"Wonder Woman! I am your idol, no, you are my fan, no, I admire you very much."

Sonic shouted excitedly, and Andrew rolled his eyes. Do you have this reaction to all superheroes? What a waste of my emotion.

Sonic said, I don't have this reaction to The Flash.

Diana asked in surprise: "Andrew, who is this hedgehog?"

"It's called Sonic, nicknamed Blue Justice. You heard it right. It's the Blue Justice who was rated as the worst superhero in history."

Andrew smiled and said, Sonic's hedgehog's face fell instantly. Can we not mention this?

"Blue Justice? You have been very popular recently."

Diana smiled when she heard this and said, "If they know your true identity, your limelight will be even greater."

Sonic became more and more embarrassed. He clasped his hands together and looked like he was begging to be let go.

Andrew said: "Diana, during this period of time, I have to teach Sonic to be a real superhero and study the golden ring. I have no time to accompany you. When the matter is resolved, I will make it up to you."

Diana sneered: "Oh, Andrew, I remember you said something to me, you can escape for a while, but you can't escape for a lifetime."

Andrew said: "There is another saying, if you can escape for a while, count it for a while."

Diana rolled her eyes and said: "Since you have something to do, I will go back to Paradise Island first. By the way, let Alice help me find all the tortures in history. I will study them carefully during this time."

"Do you want to be so cruel?"

Andrew complained, and then he sent Diana away and said to Sonic: "The first step in training you to become a superhero is to confirm your strength and go to the laboratory with me to do a few tests."


Sonic is a little scared. In the past few years, what he has been most worried about is being captured by humans for experiments.

Andrew smiled and said: "Don't worry, there will definitely be no such thing as slicing and studying, drilling holes in your head, digging out your internal organs, etc."

"I'm not worried at all."

Sonic complained, knowing of course that Andrew was just joking, how could the Justice League Commander do such a thing?

"Getting a superhero from the future and getting a golden ring."

Andrew turned the golden ring in his hand and looked very satisfied. As long as the secret of the golden ring is cracked, the mobility of the Justice League will be greatly improved, just like carrying a Kama Taj Mage with him.

Can Andrew crack the secret of the golden ring? Of course, he is the number one scientist on earth.

While Andrew was training Sonic, a fighter plane spraying flames landed on the road outside the forest of Qingshan Town.

This fighter plane belongs to the Sky Eye Society. They are investigating the blackout in the southern region. After searching, they locked it here.

"The source of the electromagnetic storm is inside the forest."

A middle-aged man with a big beard who looked a little funny said that he was Dr. Egghead hired by the Sky Eye Society with a lot of money.


The employees of the Sky Eye Club looked forward in surprise and asked: "There is no base in the forest? Is it underground?"

"He is indeed an idiot."

Dr. Eggman sneered: "Who told you that this electromagnetic storm was caused by modern equipment?"

The employees' eyes were twitching. No wonder no one wanted to perform tasks with Dr. Eggman. This guy was really not an ordinary person to be disliked.

"You mean, this was done by people with supernatural powers?"

The employee held back his anger and asked, "Is it impossible? The previous electromagnetic storm was not that powerful."

"We'll know after some investigation. It's impossible to be an employee."

Dr. Eggman stepped off the fighter plane, and then he raised his gloved hands slightly nervously. Then, he used his gloves to activate the drone in the plane.

Soon, dozens of oval-shaped white drones flew out of the plane, scanning everything around them according to Dr. Eggman's orders.

The employee complimented: "Being able to control so many drones, doctor, your skills are really great."

"In the eyes of you idiots, of course it's awesome."

Dr. Eggman said, and the employee clenched his fist fiercely, wanting to punch this guy.

This world is so magical, there is someone who can be more annoying than Amanda, no wonder Amanda would invite him.

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