American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 636 Betrayal

General Calvin asked in shock and anger: "Where did these meteorites come from, and why were they discovered so late? Also, where did they land?"

"They fell directly from the atmosphere, so we suspected an alien attack."

The NASA manager said with sweat profusely: "As for their landing point, it is Houston, Texas, uh, downtown."

"Downtown Houston?"

The faces of the president and generals changed. Houston is a big city with a population of more than two million. How many people will die if these meteorites fall?

The problem is, it’s too late to intercept now. Officials don’t have the ability. The Justice League, which has the ability, is now fighting alien bugs in outer space.


General Calvin cursed and shouted: "Let the nearby troops rush to Houston immediately. The meteorite attack may be just the first wave, and there will be bigger attacks next."


The adjutant immediately went to convey the order. A moment later, a large number of meteorites fell into Houston like cannonballs.

Some fell to the ground, creating a large crater with a diameter of hundreds of meters, some smashed through the building, and some collapsed the building.

Houston instantly turned into hell, with countless people dying tragically, countless people wailing, and countless people screaming in terror.

One second, I was watching the live broadcast and cheering for the superheroes. The next second, my home was severely damaged. There are no greater ups and downs in life than this.

This was not over yet. Then, a large number of large octopus-like insects crawled out of the crater. They roared and killed the surrounding people - not everyone stayed at home.

These bugs are the imitators. They bypass the battlefield and descend on the earth through meteorites.

"It's an alien monster."

When the people saw the alien bugs, they immediately turned around and ran away. Some people drew their guns and shot at the bugs. The folk customs in Texas are still very tough.

The problem is, these bugs are extremely fast and can easily avoid bullets. Then, they roll next to the people like lightning and pierce their bodies with one tentacle.

Not only that, the tentacles of these bugs can also fire yellow energy cannons, which will blow up the rebels and surrounding buildings. They are far more powerful than rocket launchers.

The Copycat Zerg are not as powerful as the Arachnis Zerg, but they are still at the overlord level and are not that easy to deal with.

As the copycat zerg rages on, large numbers of Houstonians are slaughtered.

"It's bugs again."

General Calvin looked at the tragic situation on the screen, cursed bitterly, and ordered loudly: "Let the army enter the city as quickly as possible.

Also, let the Air Force bring a legion of exoskeleton armors to Houston to kill the bugs, we spent billions arming them, it’s time to put them to use. "

A general asked: "Should we inform the Justice League? They may have hidden methods. Mr. Wang is very powerful."

Many generals nodded, and even the president did not object.

General Calvin glanced at the general speechlessly. He usually kept saying that he would restrict the Justice League. If anything happened, he would immediately hug the Justice League's lap.

He is different. Although he also hugs the team, he never opposes the Justice League.

"Mr. Wang."

General Calvin dialed Andrew's phone (quantum communication) and told the story.

In fact, Andrew knew about the invasion as soon as Houston was invaded. He looked in the direction of the earth in the distance and said: "I know, the people from the Justice League will go over to support immediately.

You guys hold on as long as you can, we'll rush back as soon as we finish dealing with these bugs. "

"That's good."

General Calvin nodded. I wonder how many members of the Justice League are left?

The Justice League only has two magic advisors, Raven and Zatanna. Fortunately, some temporary reinforcements have arrived.

In the Hall of Justice, Hancock was fighting fiercely with Raven and Zatanna. The surrounding seats and walls were in bad luck, being destroyed by shock waves and magical aftermath.

As for Alice, she is controlling the defense system to fight against the trees brought by Poison Ivy.

Although Hancock has been used as a blood pack for several months, he is still powerful. Raven and Zatanna were both restrained by him, and Poison Ivy took the opportunity to break through the wall and enter the prison area.

"I didn't expect that the Justice League would retain two magicians. Fortunately, Hancock is as awesome as ever."

Poison Ivy walked to the fence and said to Barbara inside: "Leopard Girl, God asked me to save you."

When Barbara saw Poison Ivy, she had a very shocked expression on her face, as if she had discovered something incredible.

Poison Ivy was puzzled: "Didn't God inform you? Why do you look like this?"

"I just didn't expect you to come so quickly."

Barbara made a fuss and said, "Hurry up and open the cell door and let me out. I don't want to stay in this damn place for a second."

"It's understandable that humans like to enslave their own kind."

Poison Ivy raised her hand, and two vines flew out to wrap around the fence. Then, she pulled hard, and the steel fence was pulled out by her.

Poison Ivy was very puzzled: "So simple? Leopard Girl, with your strength, why don't you escape by yourself?"

"because this."

Barbara raised her right hand with the mysterious device on it and said: "The restraining device studied by Andrew Wang can restrain extraordinary power. At first, I wore the experimental version, and now it is the ultimate version, and I have changed it more than ten times in the middle.

That bastard completely regards me as an experiment. When I regain my freedom, I will make him look good. "

"Restrictor? Andrew Wang is truly the number one scientist."

Poison Ivy nodded and used the vines to destroy the restraining device. Then, she turned around and said, "Let's get out of here as soon as possible to avoid any accidents."

"Okay, I'll come to settle accounts with them next time."

Barbara nodded and waited for Poison Ivy to move forward. With a fierce look in her eyes, she rushed behind Poison Ivy, grabbed Poison Ivy's throat with her sharp claws, and shouted:

"Let Hancock and the tree people stop, otherwise don't blame me for killing you. Hancock can also return to normal after you die."


Poison Ivy is confused, the God of Lies is confused, what the hell is this?

The God of Lies asked in shock and anger: "Leopard Girl, what are you doing?"

"I'm sorry, I'm undercover."

Barbara said calmly: "Why is Andrew Wang so relieved to leave? Because he will definitely win. I am his. As long as you show up, you will definitely lose."

"You betrayed me? This is impossible. If you betrayed me, how could I not know about it?"

The God of Lies shouted that although he would not always stare at Barbara, he would sense the other party's thoughts every time he came. If the other party really betrayed her, there was no reason for him not to know.

After all, He is also the God of lies, okay?

"It's normal for you to be deceived. Even I didn't know I was an undercover agent before I met Poison Ivy."

Barbara said: "One night two months ago, Andrew Wang and I met in a dream, and he proposed a deal to me. I would help him rescue Hancock, and he would let me go free.

The premise is that I cannot break the law again, otherwise, he will lock me up again.

After thinking carefully, I chose to agree. I had no intention of breaking the law. As long as my youth and ability are not taken away, everything is easy. Old woman, uh, no, beautiful woman, I am not a devil. "

"..., with just such a deal, you're going to surrender to that guy?"

The God of Lies said angrily, at least some coercion and inducement, don't I want to lose face?

Barbara said: "It's not my fault, it's mainly your fault."

The God of Lies was stunned: "Blame me? Do I still have to say sorry to you?"

"Of course it's your fault. You are a god, but you don't even dare to see King Andrew's face. You are so cowardly. Everyone knows which side to choose."

Barbara said confidently: "Who doesn't want to be on the side of the winner? Are you right?"

"What you said makes sense... Damn it, don't forget, you are my believer."

The God of Lies said angrily: "Aren't you afraid that I will take back your power and take away your soul?"

"Then you accept it, why don't you accept it?"

Barbara sneered. If the God of Lies could take away her ability, he would have already taken it away. How could he wait until now?

"I made a wish to King Andrew's wishing ring. No one can take away my ability unless I want to."

Barbara said: "As for the soul, unless I die, you can't touch me at all. Even if I die, he can still send me to heaven.

Although I hate Diana, I trust her vision. Her boyfriend will not be so despicable, so I choose to believe him. "

The God of Lies was very unhappy, but he did not deny that if Andrew had not used the wishing ring, he could have taken away the energy in Barbara's body. Unfortunately, Andrew had used it.

As for the soul, it will only belong to the God of Lies after Barbara dies.

This is the same as Ghost Rider. Ghost Rider's Explosive Johnny's soul belongs to Mephisto, but Mephisto cannot directly take away his soul.

Barbara continued: "God of lies, don't talk about me. Do you believe that when I tell Poison Ivy about the matter, she will surrender?"


The God of Lies really wants to say that he doesn't believe it, but the problem is, He can't say it, because if he does, he will definitely be slapped in the face. Poison Ivy, that dead woman, will 100% surrender.

The God of Lies suddenly felt so sad. Was he just here to make a joke?

The God of Lies changed the subject: "You haven't said it yet, why don't you know you are a traitor?"

"Because my memory is blocked, the condition for unblocking it is to meet Poison Ivy."

Barbara said: "So, I have hidden it from you, God of Lies, and Andrew Wang wants to have a chat with you."

"discuss later."

The God of Lies hesitated for a moment and left unhappily. Two important subordinates were taken away. Unless he was willing to give up the earth, there was no way he could stop talking.

"I made the right choice, Andrew Wang won a big victory."

Barbara was a little proud, and she said to Poison Ivy: "Your god has left. Now, tell Hancock and the others to stop immediately."

"Left? I knew that guy was unreliable, but I didn't expect him to be so unreliable."

Poison Ivy complained that she was always afraid of death and immediately shouted: "Hancock, tree man, stop."

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