Chapter 635 Shrinking Ray

Hearing Mary's complaints, Andrew said: "What a fuss, I used to use space magic to throw nuclear bombs. That is much better than the shrinking tactic, and it is much more fun."

"Sending nuclear bombs through space magic? You really know how to do it."

Mary rolled her eyes. Fortunately, Andrew, the poisonous tongue monster, was one of her own. If he had been an enemy, the earth might have been destroyed long ago.

"let us start."

Superman quietly hid a pocket nuclear bomb in the body of a bug and activated it. Then, he knocked away the warrior bug in front of him as quickly as possible and fled outside.

The Zerg commander, Cerebrum, had been thinking about how to protect himself and did not expect this. Therefore, Superman quickly broke out.

Others also broke through successfully. Everyone looked at each other and quickly moved away from the four alien spacecraft. As for the other superheroes, they were all far away and would not be affected.

Tens of seconds later, the nuclear bombs inside the four spaceships simultaneously grew larger and exploded. In the dazzling white light, most of the four alien spacecraft were directly vaporized, and countless bugs died miserably.

When the human executives and the audience saw this scene, they were shocked at first, and then cheered loudly. Although they did not understand how the superheroes did it, it was an indisputable fact that the spacecraft was destroyed.

Let you bugs be so arrogant, we earthlings are not easy to mess with.

"Wow, is this the trump card from before?"

While wielding his trident to kill flying bugs, Neptune shouted excitedly: "Give me one too, and I'll go play."

"You'd better forget it, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out."

Andrew said: "Superman, do it again. This time, don't go deeper and release it directly outside. You can have more nuclear bombs."


Everyone nodded. To be honest, this tactic was really enjoyable.

Four alien spacecraft were destroyed, and the remaining alien spacecraft was a little frightened and immediately flew back while releasing a large number of flying bugs to attack the superheroes.

After retreating to a certain distance, the alien spacecraft fired plasma cannons again. They didn't care about the life and death of their own insects and directly carried out saturation bombing.

"How cruel."

Superman snorted, penetrated the surrounding network of plasma cannons, and chased towards the alien spacecraft.

Diana, Mary, and Fiora followed closely, and other superheroes and unmanned suits fought against plasma cannons and flying bugs. Among them, the Flash was mainly responsible for saving people.

Seeing Superman and the others rushing towards them, the alien spacecraft was frightened and launched its plasma cannon wildly. Unfortunately, they were all dodged and destroyed.

Seeing that the four of them were about to rush to the alien spacecraft, at this moment, dozens of red heat rays shot from a distance, and everyone hurriedly avoided it.

"Heat ray?"

Superman suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart. He turned his head and saw thirty-two ferocious-looking Doomsdays flying towards this direction at high speed.

"Thirty-two days of destruction?"

Both the superheroes and the audience were shocked. Fiora immediately took out the green kryptonite spear.

At this time, a voice sounded in the communication channel: "Justice League, I'm back. This is my meeting gift for you. Do you like it?"

Andrew raised his eyebrows and asked, "Lex Luthor?"

"Yes, it's me. Do you think I will become a lost dog, hiding in a pit and not daring to show up? You are overthinking it. I am living a very good life now, even better than before."

Luther laughed loudly: "Justice League, you will definitely be destroyed in my hands."

"Fake, if you can, get out and see if I don't kill you?"

Neptune cursed loudly. Not only was he so angry, but the people were also furious.

Lex Luthor's previous behavior, although seeking death, was still an internal contradiction of the earth. Now he actually helps the Zerg against humans. This is a complete traitor.

"You alone are not qualified to fight me."

Luther smiled disdainfully and said, "Let you play with our works first."

When Luther spoke, half of Doomsday stopped in space and fired heat rays at Fiora. There was no way, Fiora had a kryptonite spear in her hand, and they didn't dare to get close.

The remaining half of Doomsday besieged Superman, Diana, and Mary.

Fiora snorted coldly and rushed towards the Doomsday while avoiding the heat ray.

Seeing this, the sixteen Doomsdays released red thunder at the same time. Then, these thunders merged together and turned into a giant wave of thunder that hit Fiora.

Even Fiora was blown away, and the two Doomsdays took the opportunity to fire heat rays, trying to destroy the kryptonite spear in Fiora's hand.

Fortunately, Fiora reacted quickly and avoided it for the first time. Then, her eyes lit up red, and two heat rays fiercely blasted towards Doomsday in front of her. Doomsday didn't dare to take a direct hit and hurriedly avoided it.

Just as Fiora was about to turn around, the other Doomsdays attacked again, and she had to deal with the other Doomsdays first.

At the same time, the three supermen were besieged. Once they got started, they found that the strength of these Doomsdays was much weaker than the previous Doomsdays, and even not as good as the original Kryptonians.

The problem is, there are so many of them, and with the sixteen Doomsdays joining forces, even Superman, Diana, and Mary cannot easily gain the upper hand.

The superheroes wanted to go over and help, but there were too many flying bugs for them to break through. To make matters worse, the alien spacecraft kept firing plasma cannons in this direction.

The alien spacecraft not only attacks the superheroes behind, but also attacks Superman and Doomsday. For the Zerg, other races are enemies.

Seeing this, Luther snorted coldly and used the communicator to contact the five alien spacecraft: "Zerg, separate two spaceships to attack the earth. We are allies. Please don't attack the Doomsday again.

If I leave, you will surely die. "

Luther wants to use the Zerg to force humans to evolve, so naturally he wants the Zerg to enter the earth.

The Zerg commander Brainworm thought for a while and decided to do it. Then, the two spaceships circled the battlefield and flew towards the earth.

Superman was shocked when he saw this, and wanted to intercept him, but was blocked by several Doomsdays. With so many Doomsdays, they simply couldn't separate themselves.

Soon, two alien spacecraft crossed the battlefield and arrived near the moon.

"Moon base, launch nuclear bombs to intercept alien spacecraft, and must not allow them to enter the earth."

The top human beings shouted hurriedly, and the audience couldn't help but become nervous. These bugs are interstellar civilizations. If they enter the earth, the earth will definitely suffer heavy losses.

"Damn Lex Luthor."

Many people were cursing in their hearts. If it weren't for that damn guy, the alien spacecraft would never have had a chance to enter the earth. They were obviously no match for the superheroes.

"Launch a nuclear bomb."

The moon base once again fired nuclear bombs at the alien spacecraft. The alien spacecraft was well prepared. A large number of plasma cannons roared out. The nuclear bombs were exploded one after another and turned into small suns.

This was not over yet. Then, a large number of plasma cannons bombarded the moon base. It was obvious that the Zerg planned to destroy the base.

"Andrew, those two ships must be stopped."

Diana hurriedly shouted that she believed Andrew had a way to stop the alien spacecraft because he was Andrew King.

Not only does Diana believe it, but other superheroes, as well as high-level human beings, and the audience also believe it.

"Don't worry, they can't enter the earth."

Andrew said: "Atom, do it."


Atom, who was located in the moon base, nodded. This time, he was not on the battlefield, but in the base, because he wanted to use the special device he developed.

"Shock the world, Ryan Tsai."

The Atom muttered to himself in a secondary way, and then he pressed the button. The square in front of the moon base opened, and a large ray gun rose up.

Then, a large amount of light condensed on the muzzle of the ray gun, and then, a ray roared out from the gap opened in the defensive cover and hit an alien spacecraft directly.

The alien spacecraft quickly shrunk, but the problem was that the bugs inside it did not shrink. This resulted in a large number of bugs being crushed to death, bleeding profusely, and it was terrible to see.

The brain worm was shocked and hurriedly ordered all the bugs to attack the transport worm. The problem was that the transport worm's skin was super thick.

How could a bug that can travel in space or at the speed of light not have thick skin?

The bugs' attack on the transport bugs had almost no effect. Soon, the transport bugs, which were larger than the base, shrank to the size of a basketball, surrounded by blood and bug residue. It looked extremely bloody and cruel.

Both the enemy and us were shocked. What kind of ray is this? Isn't it too terrifying?

Even a genius scientist like Lex Luthor was amazed. However, he was not angry, but very happy. His idea was correct, human beings are the best.

The high-level human beings and the audience cheered again. Although they didn’t know what weapon was so powerful, a weapon that could kill the enemy was a good weapon. There was no doubt about this.

What does the Atom use? It is a shrinking ray, which is equivalent to an enlarged version of the shrinking gun.

The Atom has been studying Pym particles. He has developed various weapons based on Pym particles, and the shrinking ray gun is one of them.

The Atom's initial design was to shrink the spaceship and the creatures inside, but after Andrew saw his drawings, he asked him to make slight modifications, only shrinking the hull itself and not the creatures inside.

This modification turns a somewhat ordinary weapon into a super killer weapon.

Of course, this weapon is cruel, and if the target is not an alien invader, the Atom will not use it.

"Tony, control a few unmanned suits to bring the shrunken alien spacecraft back to the moon. I'm very interested in their genes."

Andrew thought for a while and ordered that the transport bug was not dead and could be transformed into a vehicle for the Justice League.

Don’t forget, transport bugs are strange creatures that can fly at the speed of light.

"No problem, let's study it together then."

Tony said, he also knows a little bit about biology.

"There's another one."

Atom adjusted his ray gun to aim at another alien spacecraft, which quickly retreated.

Immediately afterwards, a ray shot straight towards the alien spacecraft, and a large number of flying insects emerged from the alien spacecraft and actively faced the ray.

The flying bugs became smaller one after another, and at the same time, the energy of the rays was consumed rapidly. When more than a hundred flying bugs turned into small flying bugs, the rays completely disappeared.

Both Andrew and Atom sighed. The shrinking ray is indeed useful, but it is not invincible. As long as you master the method, you can restrain it.

"Pym particles are more suitable for sneak attacks."

Atom shook his head and was not discouraged, because he and Mr. Wang had already prepared other means.

After successfully blocking the shrinking ray, the brainworm in the spacecraft breathed a sigh of relief. Then, it did not leave the moon, but continued to bombard the moon base with plasma cannons.

At the same time, the alien spacecraft released transport cabins one after another, hitting the moon hard, kicking up a lot of dust. Then, a large number of warrior bugs swarmed out of the transport cabins and rushed towards the moon base in dense numbers.

"Activate the base defense system and destroy these damn bugs."

Colonel Hardy immediately shouted, and the soldiers in the base responded loudly and controlled various instruments to aim.

At the same time, more than a dozen unmanned steel suits set off from the moon base and flew quickly towards the alien spacecraft.

These unmanned suits are controlled by the Atom himself. Three of the suits have pocket nuclear bombs hidden inside, which can be detonated as long as the suits are close to the alien spacecraft.

The alien spacecraft quickly discovered the unmanned suit. Because of the previous nuclear explosion, the brainworm was particularly sensitive to this aspect, so it directly issued an order to destroy it.

A large number of plasma cannons were fired at the unmanned suit densely. Although the unmanned suit tried its best to avoid it, it was still blasted to pieces one after another, and the wreckage was flying around in space.

The brainworm was very satisfied and returned its attention to the moon base. It was very interested in the ray and wanted to snatch it away.

The Arachnis Zerg are different from other Zerg in that they absorb technology from other races to strengthen themselves.

The brainworm didn't notice that some remnants of steel suits were floating silently towards the spacecraft. When they reached a certain distance, three of the remnants suddenly accelerated and flew quickly towards the alien spacecraft.

The brain worm was suddenly startled and hurriedly sent flying bugs to intercept.

At this moment, the three wreckages quickly grew in size. Then, three nuclear bombs emerged from the wreckage and shot towards the alien spacecraft. Several flying bugs blocking the way were pushed directly into the alien spacecraft.

The next second, three nuclear bombs exploded simultaneously, and three small suns appeared in the space. Most of the alien spacecraft was quickly vaporized, and it was declared dead.

"Very good."

The top human beings and the audience cheered in unison. Both alien spacecraft were eliminated, and now only the last three were left.

The superheroes also breathed a sigh of relief and concentrated on dealing with Doomsday and the remaining alien spacecraft.

"It is said that the Justice League has a superhero who can shrink. It seems to be true. Not only can he shrink himself, but he can also shrink objects."

General Calvin said: "This shrinking technology, coupled with nuclear bombs, is a perfect match, which can maximize the power of nuclear bombs."


The generals nodded, and one of the generals said excitedly: "Based on the current situation, this alien invasion disaster should be able to be successfully overcome."

"hope so."

Everyone said that at this moment, an emergency call suddenly came in: "A large number of meteorites fell from the sky. It is suspected that it is an attack by aliens."


The generals were shocked and hurriedly switched the screen. Soon, they saw hundreds of meteorites falling rapidly from the sky with flames and long tails on the screen.

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