American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 626 Immortality

Facing Barbara's threat, the shopkeeper hesitated, and Barbara said impatiently: "Don't force me, I will leave immediately after you make your wish.

Don't even think about wishing to kill me. Your speaking speed is definitely not as fast as my pulling the trigger. "

The shop owner gritted his teeth and made a wish: "I will make a wish and get the clown's position."

When the clown heard the shopkeeper's wish, he sneered and was about to ignore it. At this moment, he sensed Barbara beside the shopkeeper - Barbara had made a wish, so he could sense it.

"You have such a strong obsession, you will do anything to keep your wish."

The clown smiled. He liked such extreme people. He thought about it and agreed. However, what he gave was not the location of his lair, but a church.

Then, the clown found someone to get a rabbit from the kitchen, and shouted to a boy: "Who, make a wish and let part of my consciousness attach to the rabbit.

The younger brother immediately responded: "Yes, BOSS."

Harley frowned and asked, "What do you want to do again?"

"Wow, our Doctor Harley doesn't feel sorry for the rabbit, right?"

The clown monster smiled and said: "You are really charming like this. Don't worry, I love you so much and I won't make you sad. When this rabbit finishes its work, I will roast it and give it to you."

Harley snorted and stopped talking. The clown shrugged and controlled the rabbit to leave the nest and run towards the church.

In the store, after Barbara got the location, she nodded with satisfaction. Then, she raised her gun and knocked everyone unconscious to prevent them from revealing the clown's location.

"It's really successful, how is this possible?"

The Atom was confused, and then he admired Andrew greatly. Mr. Wang is Mr. Wang and can always be trusted.

Raven was also delighted. Although things would not go smoothly, as long as there were clues, she would be able to find the clown.

Then, Barbara left the shop, snatched a car on the road, and rushed to the church at full speed. She felt the howling wind around her and couldn't help laughing excitedly. This is what it feels like to be young.

"I want to stay young and no one can stop me."

Barbara shouted loudly, Atom frowned, this woman felt like she was going crazy.

It's not just Barbara who's crazy, Gotham City is also crazy. Fighting, killing, and flames are everywhere. Even if this disaster can be solved smoothly, Gotham will become half a ruin.

"Mr. Stark's EMP also has a share of credit for this. I hope he will not go bankrupt. After all, I am working under him."

The Atom sighed. What a tragedy. While saving the world, he also had to worry about losing his job.

More than ten minutes later, Barbara arrived in front of the church. She opened the door and saw a rabbit playing Jesus on the table.

Barbara narrowed her eyes, and her intuition told him that this rabbit was the clown.


The Atom is disappointed. The Joker is too cautious. Isn't he crazy?

At this moment, the raven's voice came to Atom's mind: "Atom, I used to hide in a rabbit. That rabbit can help me find the Joker."


Atom was delighted when he heard this and quietly moved towards the rabbit.

"Fiora, activate the invisibility function of the suit and go meet Atom and the others."

Finally finding clues about the clown, Andrew nodded with satisfaction and ordered: "When you see the clown, just kill him."

There are two ways to end this disaster. One is to let the clown personally say that he gives up all his wishes. In this way, all wishes will disappear.

The other is to kill the clown and be done with it.

Fiora didn't waste any time and immediately started to act: "Yes, BOSS."

Seeing Barbara come in, the rabbit playing Jesus asked: "Tell me, what was Jesus thinking when he was crucified?"

"I'm thinking that humans are a bunch of idiots and not worth saving."

Barbara said: "Joker, I don't want to listen to your nonsense. You give me great power and immortality. I will do my best to protect you and help you defeat those superheroes."

"I can give you power, but I don't need your protection. A funny character like me is immortal in the movie."

The clown smiled and said: "Barbara, I want you to do something for me."

Barbara asked: "What's the matter?"

The Joker said: "Help me capture people. First go to the Batcave to capture Batman's butler and son, and then go to the Gotham Police Station to capture Gordon and his daughter. I want to use them to play a game with Batman." .”

Barbara did not refuse: "Okay, but you have to tell me where the Batcave is?"

"Of course I will tell you, Barbara, I will give you power comparable to Wonder Woman."

The clown nodded with satisfaction. Then, he raised the rabbit's foot and used his ability. The wind was strong around him, and infinite power poured into Barbara's body, helping her transform according to her wishes.

"It's now."

The raven immediately cast a spell to find the clown's location through the rabbit's breath.

"I want to be the strongest predator."

Barbara roared, and her body quickly grew hair, tail, fangs and claws. Soon, a fierce humanoid yellow and white leopard appeared in front of the rabbit.

Leopard Girl is officially born.

"Leopard? You have great taste."

The clown tsked in praise, and then he murmured to himself in some annoyance: "As a rabbit, should I tremble, or should I just kick my legs and die?"

"Leopard Girl? Another super villain."

The Atom hurriedly conveyed the matter to Andrew, and Andrew said: "Ignore Leopard Girl, Fred will deal with her in the Batcave."

Batman, who is in the late stage of a persecutory paranoia, must have done a lot of tricks in his lair. If Alfred knew in advance that Leopard Girl would come, he would be fine. At the very least, he could escape safely.

That's the famous Butler Man.

"That's what it feels like, it's wonderful."

Looking at her paws, the leopard girl grinned. Then, her body began to recover, and in the blink of an eye, she returned to her original appearance.

"Can it be recovered? It's boring."

The clown looked disappointed and said, "Okay, go help me catch people."

"no problem."

Barbara nodded first, then asked: "Are you sure you really won't die? I don't want everything I have now to disappear."

"Don't worry, I won't die, unless Batman wants me to die."

The Joker said that there is only one person in the world who can make him willing to die, and that is Batman.

Barbara frowned, then turned around and left on her high heels. After completing the Joker's mission, she would kill Batman, so that the Joker would never die.

"Mission accomplished, what should I do next?"

The clown thought for a while and decided to control the rabbit body to go to the battlefield to watch a show and perform a few shows along the way.


At this time, Raven locked the location of the Joker's body, and she said excitedly: "Atom, let's go find the Joker right away."

"Finally found."

Atom was overjoyed and immediately left the rabbit's body and flew towards the target according to the raven's instructions.

On the way, Atom reported to Andrew: "Mr. Wang, we found the Joker's location. However, Raven and I may not be able to take down the Joker. He must be surrounded by strong protection."

Andrew said: "Fiora is on your head, you use nanoparticles to make her smaller, and take her with you to find the clown.

In addition, Raven, Atom, don't hold back, kill the clown as quickly as possible, hundreds of people are dying every second. "


Atom and Raven nodded at the same time. For others, they would hesitate, but for the Joker, they would have no mercy.

Let’s not talk about it before, but this time alone, he killed at least tens of thousands of people. Batman can tolerate him, but others cannot.

Then, Fiora fell from the sky, and Atom took out the shrinking gun he developed to shrink her. Then, the two of them flew towards the Joker's lair with Raven.

Where is the Joker's lair?

In an abandoned castle, Atom and Fiora easily sneaked into the castle. Then, the two found the Joker sitting in a chair and yawning in the hall - the sequelae of partial consciousness.

Harley stood next to the clown, and at the same time, more than twenty heavily armed members of the clown gang stood guard.

"I shout three times and we will kill the clown together, three, two, one."

Atom whispered, and after the last number was shouted, the three of them shot at the Joker at the same time.

The Atom uses a homemade dart gun. After hitting the target, the dart head will release a large number of tiny particles. Then, the particles will grow larger and burst the target from the inside.

This weapon is very dangerous and cruel. If the opponent is not the Joker, the Atom will not use it.

Fiora is naturally a heat ray, she suddenly returned to her original size, and two heat rays shot hard at the clown's head.

Raven uses a mental attack that makes the clown mentally confused and unable to react in time.

The clown was immediately hit and froze on the spot. Then, his head was blasted by a heat ray and his body was shot by a dart.


Atom and Raven were overjoyed, but then they had some doubts. Was it going too smoothly?

The Atom thought for a while, gritted his teeth and activated the device. The clown's body swelled rapidly, and then he exploded with a bang, turning into a rain of blood.

It's time to die, right?

"He can't be killed. Don't kill him. Knock him out."

Harley ignored the blood on her face and shouted loudly. At this moment, all flesh and blood reunited as if going back in time and turned back into the clown.

The Joker has immortality. As long as he doesn't want to die, he will recover no matter what injuries he suffers.

source? Haha, wouldn't it be nice to just find a little brother to make a wish? His younger brother is much more loyal than those gang members, but he is a psychopath after all.

Therefore, the Joker said that he will not die unless Batman kills him. At that time, Batman will inherit the will of fire. Well, wrong, he will inherit his will and become the new Joker.

The resurrected clown blinked and said to Fiora excitedly: "Wow, you actually found me and killed me once? You really surprised me, I must give you a big reward.

That one, make a wish. "

The younger brother was about to make a wish when the raven appeared and shouted loudly: "Silence."

Along with the magic light, everyone present was speechless. Then, Fiora opened her mouth and sprayed a ball of cold air towards the clown.

Meanwhile, the Atom flies quietly towards the Joker.

The clown ignored the cold air at all. He took out a new mobile phone that was not broken and started typing. At the same time, a member of the clown gang opened his mouth and inhaled hard, and all the cold air was sucked into his mouth.

Then, the member shivered and looked relieved, as if he had eaten ice cream on a hot day.

This clown's ability is Devour, and he can devour everything, including attacks.

Then, the right arm of another member of the Clown Gang swelled crazily and hit Fiora like a battering ram.

Fiora raised her fist to meet him, and there was a loud bang. A shock wave swept across the surroundings, and many people were forced to retreat.

At the same time, the previous member flew out upside down, crashed through the wall and disappeared.

Compared with the Kryptonian in terms of strength, he is even worse.

When the remaining members of the Clown Gang saw this, they all used their superpowers: some opened their hands, and objects around them hit Fiora and Raven one after another. This was telekinesis.

Some people snapped their fingers, and various firearms appeared around them, and various bullets were fired at the two people densely. This was the embodiment of the weapon's ability.

Others slapped their hands on the ground, and the shadows of Fiora and Raven were frozen, unable to move.

In addition, there is a clown who controls Fiora and Raven's hair to grow wildly, blocking their sight and interfering with their actions. It must be said that mental patients really have broad ideas.

Even Fiora and Raven had a headache when faced with so many superpowers and had to deal with them constantly.

The Atom flew quietly next to the Joker. He took a deep breath and was about to kick the Joker unconscious. At this moment, a big hand slapped him hard.

This big hand was so fast that even Atom had no time to dodge, so he simply kicked it out, preparing to kick the big hand away.

Unfortunately, this big hand was very hard and powerful. Not only was Atom unable to kick the opponent away, he was also sent flying and hit the wall.

The Joker member who swatted Atom away laughed and strode after him. He wished for the ability to swat all mosquitoes to death, so he could see Atom and catch up with him.

The clown ignored these attacks. He threw his phone to the nearby clown gang member who was not participating in the battle and motioned for him to press it.

The members of the Clown Gang did not hesitate and immediately pressed the button on the phone. Then, a voice came from the phone: "I make a wish and the silence spell is lifted."

The next second, the silence spell was broken, and then the two members of the Clown Gang made a wish loudly: "I wish that the corpses of Kryptonians and Doomsday appear here."

"I make a wish that all the Kryptonians and Doomsday corpses that appear here will turn into zombies that obey orders."

As soon as the two of them finished speaking, the corpses of five Doomsdays and a dozen Kryptonians appeared out of thin air, covered with white cloth and braving the cold air.

The next second, these corpses sat up at the same time, the white cloth on their bodies fell, and pairs of empty eyes appeared in front of everyone.

These Doomsday and Kryptonian corpses come from Iron Man, Batman, and military laboratories - these corpses have high research value and are difficult to destroy, so they have been kept in freezers.

"Silence technique? Ha, times have changed."

The clown smiled disdainfully and said, "How about this gift, three of you? Are you satisfied? If not, there are better ones."

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