American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 625 Arrangement

"An orangutan as smart as a human, orangutan virus?"

The audience was in an uproar. What happened to this world? There are continuous disasters, and even orangutans come out to destroy humans?

"Finally, it's our poor disabled nuclear bomber. Hey, his hands are disabled, and there are soldiers constantly looking for him. What on earth is going on in this world?"

The clown put aside his thoughts about where he had seen the little girl, and continued: "Unfortunately, the soldiers couldn't find him, and no one except me knows where he is.

Tsk tsk, three major disasters, do you think Gotham can stop them?

The answer is of course, it can't be stopped, because there will be more disasters in the future. I made a lot of wishes to go out. Some wishes, even me, a senior mentally ill person, thought they were crazy.

I believe you all know what is the most popular in Gotham, hahaha. "

Both the audience and the citizens of Gotham felt their hearts sinking.

What's the most popular thing about Gotham? Of course he is a criminal. No one knows how many disasters are hidden in the secret. This time, it is really a wholesale disaster. Buy one, get one free. If the quality is not good, there is no charge.

"Diana and Damian must not know that they died at the same time. Then again, why did the Joker say this?"

Andrew narrowed his eyes. He was live streaming to collect reputation and fear. What was the clown doing live streaming for?

The answer was soon made public, and the Joker said: "Citizens of Gotham, I know that you are waiting for superheroes to calm down the disaster and save the world, just like before.

The problem is that this time, superheroes can't save the world, nor can they save you. They can't even save themselves. Wonder Woman and Hancock are proof of this.

But don't worry, although superheroes can't save you, you can save yourself. "

"Save yourself?"

The citizens of Gotham murmured to themselves, and the Joker laughed: "Yes, save yourself, make a wish to me, and get superpowers, so that you can protect yourself and Gotham.

Don't you want to be a superhero? Don’t want to have superpowers? "

This is the purpose of the Joker, to use people's sense of justice and insecurity to make people make wishes to him. This has two benefits, one is to make Gotham more chaotic, and the other is to enhance the ability of the wish crystal.

The clown likes to play with people's hearts. In addition, order is a lie, and chaos is eternal.

Under the threat of disaster, many citizens are moved. If superheroes cannot save them, then they will save themselves. No matter what, it is better than dying in the disaster.

Soon, some people began to make wishes: "I make a wish to become Superman."

"I made a wish to have super powers."

"I made a wish to become a superhero."

"I make a wish and the disaster will be over."

"I made a wish to leave Gotham. I don't want to stay in such a dangerous place. I want to go home."

Various wishes came to the clown's ears, and the clown laughed proudly. He would agree to most of the wishes, but he would ignore some wishes, such as letting the disaster go away.

Are you kidding? You are having fun, how can the disaster be quelled? Keep playing music, keep dancing, keep suffering, keep having fun.

In addition, the Joker will be able to fulfill his wish to become Superman at a discount because it consumes too much energy and resources. Bane's situation is a special situation. There is a guy who foolishly gave up his ability.

Under normal circumstances, the Joker will only give Cap 1 about power.

How should I put it, even if you are making a wish, you must also pay attention to the law of conservation of energy.

"I have so many wishes. I will satisfy you. In return, I will take away your kindness and humanity. The more chaotic Gotham is, the better."

The Joker muttered to himself. Of course, this sentence was not broadcast live, only Harley heard it.

Harry's body was covered in ice. This monster was really terrifying.

"I'm going to kill him."

Harley made a decision in her heart. She didn't know whether she still loved him or not. She only knew that she had to find a way to kill him and end this damn thing.

Without the chaos and madness, Harley gradually regained her humanity. It turned out that she was not a bad person - she turned out to be a doctor who saved others.

Soon, a large number of superpowers appeared. They felt the powerful power in their bodies and were very excited.

Then, some super-powered people prepared to escape Gotham, while other super-powered people went out to stop the criminals from continuing to harm Gotham.

The addition of these superpowers has successfully made Gotham... more chaotic, yes, more chaotic.

On the one hand, there is a battle between the two sides, and on the other hand, many superpowers are corrupted and join the ranks of robbery and murder.

Gotham City is becoming more and more like a hell.

Listening to the constant explosions, wails, and screams coming from Gotham City, the clown looked satisfied. Release your true colors. People are so evil.

"Mr. Wang, the city is getting more and more chaotic. Some soldiers chose to make wishes because they were too stressed. Then, they turned into criminals in a short period of time and even shot at their own people."

General Calvin said with an ugly face: "You are right, making a wish comes with a price."

"Establish a line of defense and try to protect civilians. In addition, spread the word that making wishes has a price."

Andrew said that he chose to broadcast these two sentences live to prevent other people from making wishes again.

Unfortunately, due to the EMP in Gotham, many people are unable to watch the live broadcast. If nothing else, Gotham will become more and more chaotic in the future, because more and more people will make wishes.

"It seems like we're going to turn our cards again."

Andrew shook his head. At this moment, Alice said: "BOSS, Miss Barbara, who you asked me to monitor, is about to enter Gotham City."

"Sure enough, it's here. Hey, this might be an opportunity."

Andrew thought for a while and whispered to the raven who had just dealt with Captain Clown: "Raven, two questions. The first one is, can you block the projection in the sky and make it disappear?"

Raven replied: "Yes, but it will consume a lot of magic power. Besides, it is meaningless. The clown can continue to make his subordinates make wishes."

"The Joker's men are not endless, and most of them must have made a wish. In addition, I just want to block it for a while."

Andrew smiled and said: "Second question, do you know tracking magic?"

Raven said: "I understand, but the clown has an artifact to protect his body. Unless I get an item with his breath, I can't track him."

"An item with his breath? It's a pity that Harley Quinn is missing, otherwise it would be simple."

Andrew pondered for a while and said, "Raven, just block the clown's projection for a while."

Although he didn't understand why Andrew did this, Raven nodded in agreement.

Then, Raven walked behind Andrew and quickly concentrated her magic. After a moment, she raised her hands and a black light rushed into the sky.

As the black light exploded, the clown's projection disappeared.

"Wow, magic!"

When the clown sensed that the projection disappeared, he chuckled and stopped using the projection. On the one hand, the other party would definitely continue to block it. On the other hand, he didn't like to use the same method. It was too boring.

Seeing that the projection did not appear again, Andrew nodded and let Atom fly over quietly.

Andrew ordered to Raven: "Raven, you leave a phantom beside me, and the body is attached to the shadow of Atom, and follow him."


Raven didn't ask any further questions and immediately obeyed. He must be right to listen to the commander.

Then, Andrew told the Atom the location of Barbara, and he said: "Go hide in that woman, maybe you can find the Joker through her."

Atom was puzzled: "Why can the Joker be found through her? Is she related to the Joker?"


Andrew said that fate has its own inertia, so thirty years later, Barbara still came into contact with the wishing crystal and still made the same wish.

In this case, Barbara will most likely become Leopard Girl as in the original plot, and if she wants to become Leopard Girl, she must go through the Joker.

In other words, Barbara will find the Joker.

"Your answer is not scientific at all."

Atom complained, and then he activated the device and flew quickly in the direction of Barbara - he trusted Andrew very much.

In fact, except for Batman, everyone else in the Justice League trusts Andrew very much. As for the old bat, he doesn't trust anyone, including himself.

How did Barbara get into Gotham City? It's very simple. She robbed a yacht and drove in. She lost her humanity and didn't care whether she was committing a crime or not.

After entering Gotham City, Barbara raised her head and was about to talk to the clown's projection. At this moment, the clown's projection suddenly disappeared.

"Shet, what a coincidence?"

Barbara was stunned and couldn't help but curse. Then, she walked around with a headache. How should she find the clown? She was not familiar with the clown.

Not long after, Barbara came up with an idea. She kicked open the door of a shop. The shopkeeper inside immediately pointed a shotgun at her and shouted: "Get out, assholes like you are not welcome here."

This is Gotham, so it makes perfect sense for the store owner to have a gun.

Barbara smiled contemptuously, picked up a cup from the side, threw it hard, and hit the back of the shopkeeper's hand accurately. The shopkeeper screamed, and the shotgun fell to the ground with a clatter.

When the two clerks saw this, they hurriedly tried to pick up the shotguns. Barbara rushed to the counter, pulled them all out, and threw them heavily to the ground.

Then, Barbara picked up the shotgun, pointed it at the shop owner's head, and threatened: "Make a wish and get the position of the clown."

As soon as Atom entered the door, he saw Barbara threatening the store owner. He shook his head and wondered if Mr. Wang had made a mistake. This method was useless.

"The wishing crystal is the Joker, how could he leak his location to others?"

Atom secretly complained that in fact, after the military entered the city, they made a similar wish, but there was no response at all.

Atom thought for a moment and hid it quietly in Barbara's pocket. If the other party wanted to kill the shop owner, he would immediately stop it, even if it might ruin Andrew's plan.

Superheroes are different from the military or agents. Superheroes will not sacrifice innocent people to complete their mission, even if that mission is very important.

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