American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 57 University of Calvo

Colson did not answer Natasha's question, but looked a little excited. They found the man in the North Pole, and more importantly, he still had life characteristics.

"Finding someone is not a problem, the question is, what to do after you find someone?"

Natasha asked: "Look at his big fist. One punch can beat me to a pulp, break all the bones, and burst my brain."

"You don't need to go into details. Once found, Professor Charles will take action. He should be able to make Dr. Banner not angry."

Coulson said: "Dr. Banner is easy to get along with when he is not angry. He has not changed during the years in Porto Wade."

"That's good."

Natasha sighed and said, "I hope there won't be any big trouble this time. New Yorkers have just relaxed for a few months."

In a hospital in New York, General Ross looked at the ward full of wounded people, his expression extremely ugly.

These wounded soldiers are all elites of the army, and Emil Blonsky among them is the super soldier king. Unfortunately, they are vulnerable to the Hulk.

"General Ross, I have a proposition."

Norman sat in a wheelchair and said to General Ross: "These soldiers are just right to participate in the human enhancement drug experiment."

General Ross frowned: "Your potion has not been successful yet."

"It has been successful, General. I will inject the medicine with these soldiers."

Norman said slightly crazily, and General Ross was stunned. You, a billionaire, are being used as a guinea pig? Are you sick or just tired of living?

At this time, General Ross noticed Norman's wheelchair and asked: "Norman, is there something wrong with you?"

Norman said: "That's not important. What's important is that you and I both need human enhancement potions."

General Ross hesitated a little. At this time, Emil Blonsky, who had a broken leg next to him, shouted: "I am willing to participate in the experiment. I want to defeat that big guy. I will never allow myself to fail."

Emil Blonsky, a warrior who never admits defeat.

Other soldiers also shouted: "We are willing too."

General Ross made up his mind after hearing this. He nodded and said: "Then we will do the experiment, but we can only choose six people. Norman, I hope your potion is really successful, otherwise, I will never let you go."

Norman said confidently: "Don't worry, my potion is absolutely fine. Osborne Group, you are trustworthy."

A few days later, at Calvo University, Andrew sat on a chair, admiring the beauties in the university and drinking ice Coke.

"Hey, are you here to accompany me, or are you here to see the beauty?"

Gwen pouted and asked very dissatisfiedly. This time, as her assistant, she accompanied Dr. Otto to give a lecture at Calvo University. Andrew happened to have nothing to do and came with her.

Andrew pretended to ask: "Besides you, are there any other beauties here?"

"Don't try to make me happy, I'm not that easy to fool."

She said this, but the smile on Gwen's face betrayed her deeply. Andrew grabbed her hand and said, "Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking at the beauty, I'm looking at the poor man over there."

Gwen looked along Andrew's finger and saw a man standing next to the big tree with a sad face. She blinked and said, "He seems to be a professor at Calvo University. What happened?"

"Look over there."

Andrew changed his finger in another direction. There was a man and woman walking towards the library. From their intimate movements, it was not difficult to see their relationship.

Andrew pointed at the fragile beauty and said, "That's his girlfriend."

Then, Andrew turned his finger to the thin man and continued: "That's his girlfriend's ex-boyfriend."

"I understand. My girlfriend ran away with her ex-boyfriend. It's so pitiful."

Gwen suddenly realized, and Andrew smiled: "It's quite pitiful. I think he should have called the police."

Gwen complained: "What's the use of calling the police? The police don't care about this kind of thing."

Andrew said seriously: "The police don't care, the army will. Let me tell you, a fully armed army will be here soon to arrest the ex-boyfriend and destroy other people's families. It is a heinous crime."

"Yes, yes, maybe the army will bring tanks over."

Gwen didn't believe it, and Andrew smiled without saying a word. He had already recognized the man and woman - the woman was Betty, the daughter of General Ross, and the man was Dr. Bruce Banner.

It is worth mentioning that the image of Dr. Banner is the version of Avengers, but now he is thinner and obviously not doing well.

"I remember there seemed to be a biological genius in "The Incredible Hulk". Well, when I traveled to Marvel, they didn't recruit superheroes, but recruited scientific and technological talents every day. Is my style of painting a bit biased?"

Andrew secretly complained, if he remembered correctly, that genius should be called Mr. Lan?

At this time, a surprised voice suddenly came from not far away: "Mr. Wang, are you actually here?"

Andrew and Gwen turned their heads and saw Natasha walking quickly towards this side, with excited faces on their faces.

When Gwen saw Natasha, she immediately became wary. It was not that she lacked confidence, but that Natasha was too charming. What is a stunner? Natasha like this is called a stunner.

Andrew said: "She is SHIELD agent Natasha. Because of my strong martial arts skills, SHIELD sent her to seduce me. However, I did not fall for the trick and scolded her away."

"Someone from SHIELD?"

Gwen suddenly understood and looked at Natasha with a hint of disgust.

Natasha was speechless, are you really an angel? He lies more fluently than me.

"Do you believe that I told you that you have two boats?"

Natasha was thinking fiercely. At this moment, Andrew glanced at her with a half-smile. She immediately chose to follow her heart and confirmed with her eyes that this was a boss she couldn't afford to offend.

"Mr. Wang, you misunderstood. We at SHIELD just want to make friends with you."

Natasha said: "By the way, Mr. Wang, why are you here?"

"I'm coming with my girlfriend."

Andrew said: "If nothing happens, you can leave and don't disturb us."

"Okay, excuse me."

Natasha smiled and walked towards Dr. Banner - this smile was not a disguise, she was very happy now, with Andrew Wang here, she was stable today.

No matter how powerful the Hulk is, can he still defeat the Ghost Rider?

At this moment, military vehicles rushed into the university, and immediately after, a large number of soldiers jumped out of the vehicles, shouting.

Gwen was stunned: "Are there really soldiers coming to arrest people? Is poaching someone else so serious a crime?"

"Of course it's big. Tanks might actually appear soon."

Andrew smiled and took Gwen to a safe place to watch the show, the Hulk vs. the Army show.

"Damn, why are the military here?"

Natasha cursed and hurriedly ran towards Andrew. Those were thighs and they had to be hugged.

"Betty, run."

Seeing the arrival of the army, Dr. Banner hurriedly pushed Betty away and ran towards the library. Just as Betty was about to catch up, a military vehicle drove up to her, and her father, General Ross, stepped out of the car.

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