American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 56 Dr. Banner

"Weak chicken."

Ivan looked disdainful. I used to drink vodka while making nuclear materials, but nothing happened.

"Why are these geniuses so unruly?"

Obadiah secretly gritted his teeth. On the surface, he said sincerely: "Ivan, you and I both want to kill Tony Stark. We are the best allies."

Ivan glanced at Obadiah and said, "Obadiah, allies need to pay for each other. I have the Ark Reactor and a brain more powerful than Tony Stark. What do you have?"

Obadiah became more and more annoyed. He said: "I have funds and military connections. Ivan, without me, you will never be able to kill Tony Stark. Apart from other things, if you want to build a steel suit, you must at least go to... Billion dollars, you can’t just go fight Tony with two electric whips strapped to you, right?”

Ivan held a toothpick in his mouth and asked, "Relationships with the military? Aren't you a wanted criminal?"

"Without the help of the military, how could I have been able to survive until now?"

Obadiah said: "The military wanted the steel suit, but Tony refused to give it, so the military secretly helped me.

Ivan, as long as we kill Tony Stark, the military will be completely on our side, and by then, you will become the next Tony Stark. "

"I'm better than Tony Stark."

Ivan snorted coldly: "Obadiah, I know you have many calculations, but I don't care. I only have one purpose, to kill Tony Stark and make that thief family pay the price."

"Of course, Tony Stark must die."

Obadiah said: "Pack up, I will take you to Justin Hammer of Hammer Industries."

"Justin Hammer?"

Ivan said: "This name sounds like someone who was taken advantage of, the kind who gave money and effort, but was tricked and got nothing."

"He is the one who has been taken advantage of. I know him very well and it is not difficult at all to convince him to support us financially."

Obadiah laughed loudly: "Don't tell him our purpose. Stark Group is preparing to hold the Stark Industry Expo in Flushing. When the time comes, we will give him a big surprise."

Ivan spit out the toothpick and said viciously: "Stark Industry Expo? Humph, I want to send Tony Stark to hell when he is at his most glorious."

Time came to February 2009. In the apartment, the black widow Natasha looked at her sister Yelena's physical examination report and asked in shock: "Yelena, did you get the wrong physical examination form?"

"Yes, it's mine. Everything is normal."

Yelena took a look at the report and said - that physical examination form is for applying to join the university. She plans to go to university to improve herself and major in sales and psychology.

As for their adoptive parents, they are currently living in seclusion in Russia. The Red Guard has mental problems, and Melina plans to treat him.

Natasha said unhappily: "What's normal? This is a physical examination form for a complete woman. Neither you nor I are complete."

After hearing this, Yelena checked the surroundings with instruments to make sure there were no bugs, and then said: "You are incomplete, but I am complete. Last year, my performance ranked first among all Black Widows. BOSS helped me restore my body, as a normal woman should. I have them all."

Natasha's eyes lit up and she asked hurriedly: "BOSS, you mean the Demon King? Can the Demon King help us restore our integrity?"

"Of course, that's the Demon King."

Yelena said: "But don't count on it, the BOSS doesn't like you, otherwise he would have recruited you a long time ago. The bodyguard group has always been short of manpower.

Of course, this is normal, you are too unruly. "

"Do you think I hope to be seen in the same light by him? Also, how am I not being serious?"

Natasha snorted, I, Natasha, will never give in to the devil.

"You are not serious in any way. How can someone fight, flip their hair, and keep posing to look cool?"

Yelena complained: "I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to school. I will win the championship again this year. Then, BOSS may reward me with eternal youth, or give me super powers."

"Eternal youth, super power?"

The more Natasha listened, the brighter her eyes became. She complained: "Are you messengers from hell or office workers? All you talk about is performance?"

"Our hell is different from other hells. Our boss is the most powerful demon king."

Yelena said with admiration: "Don't worry, when you go to hell, I will protect you. After all, I am also the BOSS's bodyguard."

Natasha sneered and said: "Wow, you look so awesome. Why don't you become the devil's woman so that I can walk around in hell after my death."

Yelena said: "We at Black Widow have an internal bet on who will be the first to climb into the devil's bed. The stakes are hundreds of millions and are still increasing. I think I have a good chance and the boss appreciates me."

"How boring are you guys?"

Natasha complained, waiting for Yelena to go to school, she murmured to herself: "Restore wholeness, eternal youth, super powers? I really want them all, why not just join the Demon King's team? Uh, what is the Demon King's phone number? Coming?"

She said this, but Natasha hadn't really made up her mind, she was just a little wavering and incomplete, which had always been her heartache.

At this time, the phone rang, but it was Coulson calling: "Natasha, come here quickly, I have an important task for you."

The New York branch of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"A few years ago, the military secretly conducted human enhancement experiments. A scientist named Bruce Banner was exposed to a large amount of gamma rays due to an experimental accident. However, he did not die. He became a man over two meters tall and powerful. Infinite, invulnerable, and full of rage, the Hulk.”

Coulson said while playing the video: "This Hulk is very powerful. An entire military base was no match for him and was violently destroyed by him. Fortunately, he turned back into a rational Bruce Banner afterwards.

According to our investigation, Dr. Banner will turn into the Hulk when he is angry. He has been hiding in Porto Verde for all these years. Just last month, the military found him. "

Coulson clicked on a picture, pointed to the ruins in the picture and said: "This turned out to be a beverage factory. The Hulk was fighting the army inside. As you can see, the military suffered heavy losses and the factory became ruins."

"This monster is really scary. I hope he doesn't come to New York."

Natasha's face looked a little solemn. She thought of something and asked in shock: "Wait, Colson, could it be..."

"Yes, Dr. Banner is in New York. The exact location is unclear, but we have seen him coming into the city."

Coulson smiled bitterly and said: "Natasha, I have other things to do. I leave the search for Dr. Banner to you.

You must find him as quickly as possible. If he goes crazy in the city, the damage caused will never be lower than Magneto. The branch will fully cooperate with you. "

Natasha asked: "Other things? What else is more important than this big man? He can go crazy and destroy a district."

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