American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 554 The Parallax Demon Attacks

"Victors are always more generous. Unfortunately, I am the loser."

Hector looked at Hal and sneered: "Hal, I will turn you into a monster, a monster like me, do it."

After saying that, Hector and the other four ability users started to attack at the same time, and a large number of objects were thrown at Diana and Hal one after another.

"You're totally broken."

Hal cursed and materialized several big green hands, knocking away all the objects that were thrown at him.

"I'll catch you and tell you everything."

Diana snorted coldly and slashed the car flying toward her with a sword. The car split into two parts, flew past her, and fell to the ground with a bang.

Andrew took a sip of tea and said through the communicator: "It seems that the catastrophe is coming again. Justice League, assemble."

"I'm already rushing to your side, Shet. How come the city-level disaster we promised has turned into a world-destroying crisis? Can't we rest for a few more months?"

Tony cursed and commanded: "Flash, go bring Aquaman, Cyborg, and Batman to Beach City. Superman, go to space. The enemy should come from space.

General Calvin, the military should move quickly, and also ask the police department to evacuate Beach City. "

"Okay, there is an air force base near Seaside City. They will be here immediately, and the army will set off immediately."

General Calvin said no nonsense and agreed immediately. Then, he shouted: "Get me the president, I need war authorization."

"I'm going to space right away. If I had known, I would have been away for a few more days."

Clark sighed helplessly. He walked into the deserted alley and opened his shirt. Inside was a dark blue tights with an S logo.

"I can't get over it for the moment. The Joker and Harley Quinn hijacked a chemical truck and want to play games with me. I'm chasing them."

Batman said helplessly that after Harley Quinn returned, the Joker became obviously more energetic.

The Flash said: "I'll be there right away, Cyborg, Aquaman, where are you?"

"I'm at the Metropolis Laboratory. I'll send you my location. You come and pick me up."

Cyborg said, then he nodded to his companion, future Atom Cai Ruian, and walked to the balcony to wait for the Flash.

Cai Ruian looked at Cyborg who was about to set off, feeling envious in his heart. I also want to be a superhero.

Neptune said awkwardly: "Uh, I'm going to the bathroom, wait for me two minutes, no, one minute."

The Flash was stunned: "Go to the bathroom?"

Neptune said angrily: "What's the problem? Don't superheroes need to go to the toilet?"

Cyborg said quietly: "I don't need it."

"..., Fake." Neptune couldn't help but curse.

The Flash gossiped: "Do you think Superman needs to go to the bathroom?"


Superman, who had just flown into space, was speechless. What was there to care about?

Leaving aside the gathering of the Justice League, in Beach City, Diana's figure flashed, and five identical figures appeared around her, attacking the weirdos at the same time.

Diana has divine power to protect her body. Monsters cannot tell whether she is real or fake through mind reading. They can only use telekinesis to wrap each other up, or control objects and throw them at her.

The four Dianas disappeared one after another, and the real Diana rushed in front of Hector, slamming the shield on the opponent's head.

Hector hurriedly used his telekinesis to block Diana's shield and quickly stepped back.

Upon seeing this, Diana waved the Lasso of Truth to wrap around the opponent. Then, she pulled hard and Hector took the initiative to fly towards the shield.

Hector was shocked and exploded with telekinesis, trying to blast Diana away. Diana held on to his telekinesis and raised the divine shield.

Bang, Hector hit the shield hard and fell down dizzy. Diana stepped on the opponent's chest and shouted: "Tell me everything you know."

Seeing Hector being captured, the other four people used their telekinesis to lift Diana away. Upon seeing this, Hal materialized into four green motorcycles and ran towards them.

The four people hurriedly evaded, and just as they were about to attack again, a laser roared down and shot through the head of one of the weirdos.

"I'm in a very bad mood right now, don't waste my time."

Iron Man descended from the sky and said coldly. When the people who fled far away saw him, they all shouted in surprise: "The Bald Terminator."

"It's not the Bald Terminator, it's Iron Man."

Tony's old face darkened and he glared fiercely at Andrew who was standing aside. Andrew drank tea calmly. It's none of my business. I didn't let Alice crazily promote your title on Kuaidu.

With Tony and Hal around, other weirdos couldn't interfere with Diana. Under the power of the Lasso of Truth, Hector said frankly:

"The Parallax Demon is coming. It is the embodiment of fear. It will devour Hal and all humans on the earth."

"Parallax Demon?"

Tony was stunned and asked, "Aren't the Green Lantern Corps going to solve it?"

"I don't know what the Green Lantern Corps is. I only know that everyone except me will die."

Hector laughed loudly. At this moment, he sensed something and shouted with endless fear and madness: "It's coming, it's coming..."

Everyone's hearts sank. At this time, Superman's voice sounded: "There is a super ugly monster flying quickly towards the earth, and there are some guys with yellow lights following it.

Well, except for the color, these guys look a lot like Hal. "

No sound can be transmitted in space. Superman can speak because he uses a special communicator. I won’t go into details about this.

"Really coming?"

Everyone looked solemn, and Tony shouted: "Superman, intercept them as much as possible. After we deal with these guys, we will go to space to help you."

Superman said, "As much as you can."

"Alice, start promoting my live broadcast room."

Andrew took out his mobile phone and started the live broadcast. Then he pointed the lens at the superman flying in space - nano camera and quantum communication technology.

Because of Alice's promotion, many viewers entered the live broadcast room. When they saw the host's name, they were speechless - the very low-key boyfriend of Wonder Woman.

"Anchor, why are you so low-key?"

"Anchor, it's a miracle that you haven't been beaten to death at this age."

"Anchor, give me your address and I'll come find you."

The audience complained for a while. At this time, someone noticed the live broadcast and asked in surprise: "Why is Superman in space?"

"Good question. The reason why Superman is in space is because a world-destroying disaster is about to happen."

Andrew said into the phone. Carol looked at Andrew in surprise. What was this legendary family member doing?

"A world-destroying disaster?"

The audience was shocked and hurriedly asked what was going on. Of course, some people yelled and cursed, thinking that he was being alarmist. What kind of joke was he kidding? How long had it been since the last world-destroying disaster happened again?

"The thing is, in the universe, there is a Green Lantern Corps..."

Andrew introduced the situation while playing various scenes: "In short, the Parallax Demon is here and is ready to destroy the earth. Well, it has already appeared."

The camera turned to the front of Superman, and the tentacled Parallax Demon appeared in the distance with Sinestro and other eleven yellow light warriors.

"So ugly."

The audience couldn't help but complain, and so did the superheroes and the military - the military watched satellite footage, which was far less clear than Andrew's live broadcast.

Parallax Demon was a little surprised to see Superman standing proudly in space with a red cape on his back. It said with mental fluctuations: "You are not human."

"I am a human, Parallax Demon, stop, this is not the place you should come."

Superman shouted loudly through the communicator, and Parallax Demon sneered: "You want to stop me? Sinestro, kill him."

Sinestro didn't waste any time, flew forward, condensed a yellow sword with yellow light, and slashed at Superman.

"Sinestro? Falk, didn't he say he was going to kill the Parallax Demon? How come he was defeated by the Parallax Demon instead?"

Tony yelled, "How come the Green Lantern Corps is as unreliable as SHIELD?"

General Calvin asked: "Sinestro? The alien who took away the alien's body? Has he become an enemy?"

"Yes, it seems that this time, we can only rely on ourselves."

Tony said: "Uh, General Calvin, open Kuaishou. Someone is broadcasting a battle in space in ultra-high definition."

"Ultra-definition live broadcast of space battles? This is impossible. Not even our military can do such a thing, let alone others."

General Calvin didn't believe it at all, and he said: "Uh, Tony Stark, when you are so serious, are you going to promote Kuaishou to me?

Do you think it is possible for a military general to command war by watching Kuaiduo? "

Tony complained: "Why is it impossible? There was an organization that did this before."

As a serious general, pretender, and alien, General Calvin has never used quick shakes, but his secretary has.


The secretary was shocked when he saw the clear live broadcast on Kuaishu and hurriedly handed the phone to General Calvin.

General Calvin glanced at the ultra-clear picture on his phone and then at the blurry picture on the screen. He was speechless. After a moment, he said: "Convert half of the screen to a live broadcast."

Half of it was his final stubbornness.

"Yes, General."

No one has an opinion, after all, the gap is too big.

After the screen conversion was completed, General Calvin relayed the matter to the President. The President looked at the screen and asked in astonishment: "How is this possible?"

"Others definitely can't do this, but this anchor can because he is Wonder Woman's boyfriend and the world's number one scientist."

The staff member pointed at the anchor's name and said, everyone looked at that name with speechless faces, "Why are you so low-key?"

The president was very puzzled: "Why did he broadcast the battle footage live?"

No one could answer the president's question, of course, but that didn't stop them from immediately switching their screens to a live broadcast.

In space, Superman punched Sinestro's yellow sword into pieces. Then, he rushed in front of Sinestro and punched him hard.

Sinestro immediately gathered his shield to resist Superman's fist. The next second, the shield shattered and Sinestro flew backwards.

The Parallax Demon was a little surprised, and hit Superman hard with its yellow-light tentacles. Superman's eyes lit up red, and two heat rays hit the Parallax Demon's tentacles.

Under the bombardment of heat rays, Parallax Demon's tentacles were quickly cut open. Seeing this, Parallax Demon controlled the yellow light on the tentacles to explode, and a shock wave swept across the surrounding area.

Superman was directly thrown away, and immediately after, many terrifying scenes appeared in his mind, such as General Zod leading the Kryptonians to destroy the earth, or Louise being killed.

This is Superman being corrupted by the power of fear.

"I would never let that happen."

Superman shouted angrily and rushed towards the Parallax Demon. At this time, Sinestro led five yellow lantern warriors to condense yellow ropes and tied Superman in the air.

"Come here."

Superman used both arms to pull the two yellow lantern warriors in front of him. Then, he waved his fists and blasted the two enemies away at the same time.

The two yellow lantern warriors were protected by yellow light and were not seriously injured. They joined forces to manifest the star battleship, and then, a dazzling energy cannon roared out and hit Superman hard.

Even Superman was blown away and kept flying backwards. However, he did not suffer any injuries and flew back immediately.

Parallax Demon thought for a while and did not stay here to deal with Superman. It asked Sinestro to lead people to entangle Superman, and he led the remaining five Yellow Lantern Warriors to continue to the earth.

Superman wanted to stop him, but at this moment, the six Sinestros created a gravitational vortex at the same time, trapping him inside.

Superman roared, but even he couldn't escape the gravitational vortex easily, it would take some time.

"Superman is trapped?"

The top human beings and the audience were shocked at the same time. It was obvious at a glance that the monster was not a good thing. If it came to the earth, many people would definitely die.

General Lane immediately said: "Mr. President, I suggest launching a nuclear bomb to eliminate the Parallax Demon outside the earth."


The president thought for a while, nodded and said: "Okay, I agree to launch the nuclear bomb. Bring the box."

The military was overjoyed that the nuclear bombs it had been selling for so many years were finally sold.

General Calvin hesitated for a moment, but did not object. After all, the Parallax Demon was coming menacingly. More importantly, the Parallax Demon was now in space, and nuclear bombs could not affect humans.

Space nuclear bombs require the help of rockets. Fortunately, humans have long been prepared. After all, this year, they have already encountered two world-destroying disasters.

Soon, the rocket flew into the sky with the nuclear warhead. On the way, the rocket and the nuclear warhead disintegrated, and the nuclear warhead started, shooting towards the Parallax Demon in space with its long tail.

"The American military launched a nuclear bomb. Let's see if the nuclear bomb has any effect?"

Andrew turned the camera to the nuclear bomb. The people stared at the nuclear bomb intently. This is the most powerful weapon of mankind and the guarantee of human security.

The Parallax Demon immediately discovered the incoming nuclear bomb. It possessed Hector's memory and knew exactly what a nuclear bomb was. It snorted coldly, and a ball of yellow light roared out, wrapping the nuclear bomb.

Under the yellow light, the speed of the nuclear bomb slowed down rapidly. General Lane's expression changed and he hurriedly shouted: "Detonate the nuclear bomb directly."

The soldier immediately replied: "Start detonating, the detonation system failed, and the nuclear bomb did not respond."


Everyone's expressions changed. At this time, under the control of the yellow light, the nuclear bomb changed its direction, returned along the road, and fell towards the earth at an increasingly faster speed.


Everyone was shocked at the same time. General Lane shouted hurriedly: "Hurry up and calculate the impact point of the nuclear bomb. Mr. President, you go to the bunker quickly."

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