American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 553 The crisis is approaching

"I'm fearless."

Sinestro shouted, hundreds of yellow longbows appeared in the sky, and at the same time fired light arrows at the Parallax Demon.


The Parallax Demon snorted, and waved its tentacles to destroy all Sinestro's light arrows. Then, it looked at Sinestro with its eyes, and a powerful telekinesis wrapped around him, pulling him towards it.

Even Hector can do telekinesis, how could Parallax Demon not?

Sinestro was shocked and hurriedly gathered yellow rubber to wrap around the barrier. At this moment, a tentacle wrapped around his body, quickly eroding his mind and reading his memory.

"Wow, it turns out that the leader of the Green Lantern Corps is an iron-blooded dictator."

The Parallax Demon sneered, and Sinestro's expression changed drastically. Just as he was about to say something, a light curtain appeared in front of everyone.

Inside the light curtain, there is a planet ruled by iron and blood. The people on this planet have completely lost their freedom. They must follow the rules in everything they do and cannot exceed any limits. Otherwise, they will be imprisoned at least, and at worst, die. .

"This planet is called Koruga. It is the hometown of Sinestro. He rules it with iron and blood."

Parallax Demon said to the Green Lanterns: "Your leader is actually the most evil one."

The Green Lanterns were shocked. No one thought that Sinestro, the legend of the Green Lantern Corps, had such a side.

The way many people looked at Sinestro changed, from admiration and admiration to disgust and anger.

Sinestro, who had always been calm, became panicked, and the Parallax Demon smiled: "Next, you will be kicked out of the Green Lantern Corps. You know very well that this will definitely happen."

"Kicked out of the Green Lantern Corps?"

Sinestro suddenly felt great fear in his heart. He had always been proud of the Green Lantern Corps and would never want to leave the Green Lantern Corps.

"Fearless? There is no fearless life in this world."

Parallax Demon laughed, and the power of fear followed Sinestro's fear to erode his mind. His eyes gradually turned yellow, which meant that he was controlled.

Parallax then let go of Sinestro and joined forces with him to deal with the other Yellow Lanterns. Soon, these Lanterns were all controlled by Parallax.


The little blue man hurriedly asked the lamp furnace to stop producing the yellow lantern ring. There was obviously something wrong with the yellow lantern ring, which would cause himself to be eroded by the power of fear.

Then, Parallax Demon led Sinestro and others to continue attacking the barrier, and cracks soon appeared in the barrier.

Seeing that the Green Lantern Corps was in danger, the little blue people had to release the Will Lantern Beast Ion Shark in the central energy battery and let it integrate with the devices on Oa to fight the Parallax Demon together.

Each emotional spectrum has a corresponding lantern beast, or in other words, a physical incarnation. The will lantern beast is the green ion shark, while the fear lantern beast is the yellow parallax monster. The creature possessed by the parallax monster is called a parallax demon.

The little blue man has not used the ion shark because he doesn't want the Green Lantern Warriors to know about it. They have many secrets and they have been guarding against the Green Lantern Warriors.

With the help of the Ion Shark and the large number of Green Lanterns, the Parallax Demon finally failed to break through Oua. It said coldly: "I will come back. When I come back next time, it will be the end of you."

After that, Parallax Demon took Sinestro and others away, and the Green Lantern Warriors breathed a sigh of relief. Then, they thought of Sinestro and others being controlled, and thought that Parallax Demon would come back, and their hearts became solemn again.

Nothing will end until Parallax Demon is defeated.

"Where are we going next?"

Sinestro asked Parallax Demon. Although he was controlled, he was not that kind of soulless puppet, which was equivalent to blackening.

"Go to Earth, Sinestro, and tell me in detail how to make the Yellow Lantern Ring."

Parallax Demon said: "I want to create a large number of Yellow Lantern Warriors on the earth, lead them to attack Oa again, and destroy the Green Lantern Corps and the Guardians."

Sinestro nodded: "Okay, but I don't know everything. Only the guards know the entire manufacturing process."

"I am the incarnation of fear, and with the physical presence, plus the part you know, it is not difficult at all to create a new yellow lantern ring."

Parallax Demon said: "I have to say, you really gave me a big surprise."


Sinestro stopped talking nonsense and told Parallax Demon how to make the yellow lantern ring while heading towards the earth.

The Parallax Demon is very satisfied. It will absorb the fear energy on the earth, create a yellow lantern ring, and select the yellow lantern warriors. By then, Oa will no longer be able to stop it.

A catastrophe is approaching the earth.

A few days later, Earth.

The plan to use Carol as bait to lure Hector out is still going on, and Hal secretly guards Carol every day.

In order to avoid being discovered by Hector, Hal would occasionally go out to save people and prevent disasters. When he went out, Diana would take over to help protect Carol, and a certain family member would naturally follow him.

"You seem to be taking this matter a little too seriously?"

At a street tea stall, Diana said: "Hector is not strong, just leave it to Hal and Tony. As a result, you have stayed in Beach City and never left."

"Maybe it's because I can't bear to part with the hot spring here and you in the hot spring."

Andrew smiled and said: "This matter may not be that simple. Everyone in Beach City exudes the aura of death, which means that their lives will be in danger."

"Is what you said true or false?"

Diana looked at the people around her and asked suspiciously: "Batman, Iron Man, they have all relaxed their vigilance, and even Superman has returned to work in the metropolis."

"What I said to you has always been true. Unfortunately, you never believed it."

Andrew shrugged and said, "Anyway, stay a few more days and wait until this matter is completely over before we travel to a new city."

Diana nodded: "That's okay. Anyway, there are still many places in the seaside city that I haven't visited yet."

Andrew took a sip of tea and took out his mobile phone to open KuaiDou. Because of his heavy investment and comprehensive algorithm updates, KuaiDou's market share has skyrocketed.

Other short video companies are deeply disgusted with Tony Stark's behavior of burning money, destroying the market, and killing his peers, but there is nothing they can do about him.

Yes, he was dissatisfied with Tony. No one knew that the real owner of this company was Andrew.

"Alice, your market share is almost there. Start pushing superhero news. Also, take your time and create some exciting superhero videos."

Andrew said: "In the beginning, the frequency of push should not be too high. After confirming which superhero they like, then push accurately."

Alice responded: "Yes, BOSS."

Diana asked in shock: "Andrew, Kuaidu Company belongs to you? What do you want to do?"

Andrew was as frank as ever: "Help the superheroes build their reputation, and then sacrifice them."

Diana was as disbelieving as ever: "Wow, he was a creator god at first, then an angel, and now he's become the devil?"

"You may not believe it, but devil king is my old profession. I am very professional in being a devil king."

Andrew smiled and Diana chuckled, I believe you, you are a bad old man, you just like to lie to people.

Andrew has survived from World War I to the present, and he is indeed a bad old man.

Not long after, Carol walked out of the temporary company and walked towards the car parked on the street.

At this time, a figure wearing a windbreaker and a hat walked quickly towards Carol from the corner.

Carol didn't notice the danger, and she thought to herself: "When will Hector show up? I hope nothing happens to him and he doesn't make any mistakes again."

"It's a trap."

Hector was shocked and was about to leave. At this moment, Diana appeared in front of him and said, "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

After saying that, Diana slammed her fist on Hector without waiting for a reply.

Hector hurriedly used his telekinesis to control Diana's hand. Diana had already expected this, and forcefully broke away from her telekinesis, punching Hector in the face. Hector was thrown away and rolled on the ground.

"Wonder Woman!"

Only then did the surrounding people react, and they all exclaimed. Unexpectedly, Wonder Woman would appear in front of them, and she was even more beautiful in person than in the video.

Then, some people hurriedly walked out to avoid being affected, while others took out their mobile phones and shot quick-shaking videos.

Carol ran to Andrew immediately. This was what Hal had specifically explained before. As for how powerful Andrew was, Hal said he had no idea at all.

But there’s no way Wonder Woman’s boyfriend is weak, right?

Andrew nodded to Carol, and then he said to the phone: "Alice, tell Hal to come over."

Diana was unyielding and rushed over quickly, preparing to kick Hector unconscious.

At this moment, the surrounding tables, chairs, and cars smashed into the remaining pedestrians one after another. At the same time, a force pulled Hector flying backwards.

"Anyone else?"

Upon seeing this, Diana hurriedly took action, smashing all the tables, chairs and cars away at an alarming speed, and they fell to the ground with a bang.

Only then did the people realize that they were afraid and hurriedly fled outside.

Four guys in trench coats did not escape. They walked out from the side, lifted up their trench coats, threw away their hats, and looked at Diana coldly.

These four people, whose faces were as swollen as Hector's, were Hector's subordinates who had developed during this period. They were the ones who rescued Hector before.

"Five ability users?"

Diana snorted coldly. Although it was a bit unexpected, she would not be afraid.

"I didn't expect Hal to know someone as big as Wonder Woman."

Hector got up and said, "His luck is much better than mine. Fortunately, I made more preparations.

Wonder Woman, do you think you are powerful? Let me tell you, the earth will be destroyed soon, and everyone will die, except fear warriors like us. "

Diana remembered what Andrew had said before and asked hurriedly: "The earth is about to be destroyed. What do you mean?"

"Literally, it's coming soon, I can feel it."

Hector laughed and said: "I came to capture Carol because I wanted to completely settle the grudge between Hal and me before it comes."

"What grudge do I have against you?"

Hal descended from the sky with a green light and said dissatisfiedly: "Hector, I always thought we were friends, good friends."

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