American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 529 New Superhero

Diana came back to her senses and asked Andrew in disbelief: "You can actually do magic? Well, then you were always lying to me before?"

Andrew shook his head: "Don't think too much. I was just a mortal before. The me now is different from the me before."

Diana breathed a sigh of relief and then asked: "Since you know magic, why didn't you fight with us before?"

"Two reasons, you can judge the truth and falsehood yourself."

Andrew said: "The first reason is the Creator God I told you before. Because of the bet, I can't take action.

The second reason is that I have a physical problem and can only teach others magic, but I cannot use magic myself. "

Upon hearing this, Diana asked nervously: "What's wrong with your health? Are you in danger?"

"Well, I'm very happy that you care about me so much, but did you choose too quickly?"

Andrew complained, and he said: "In short, I can't take action, but I can teach you magic. Diana, your man and I are very magical. Next, you will gradually see it."

"It's okay."

Diana breathed a sigh of relief. She thought of something, looked at Andrew, and asked, "You won't leave me again, will you?"

"I said that I will never leave you, and no one in this world can make me leave you."

Andrew smiled and said: "Don't say this, concentrate on learning magic. Before, you used the Lasso of Truth to entangle Superman, and Superman was completely unable to resist the power of the Lasso of Truth.

This shows that Kryptonians have very low magic resistance and magic is suitable for dealing with them. "


Diana thought for a while and said: "There are many people in Atlantis who know magic, maybe we can ask them for help.

Well, Atlantis is a people under the sea, and there are several races. However, their relationship with us Amazons is not very good. "

"When the news comes out tomorrow, if the people at the bottom of the sea are willing to help, they will come to us. If they are not willing, it is useless for us to go."

Andrew shook his head. Atlantis must be paying attention to Earth's affairs. It's impossible for them not to know about such big news.


Diana nodded and began to concentrate on learning magic with Andrew. She was extremely talented. After a while, she mastered the runes and created a phantom of her own.

However, this phantom was stupid and had no expression at all. Even Diana herself couldn't help laughing: "It's so stupid."

"It started like this. You have the Vulcan Sword, which can cut Kryptonians. Phantom magic is very useful to you."

Andrew said: "However, this time the opponents are Kryptonians. Only perfect phantom magic can hide them. You still have a lot to learn next.

For example, wrapping yourself and the phantom with divine power is the only way to hide it from the Kryptonian's clairvoyant eyes.

In addition, you need to create a real phantom, one that can produce sound and move the air.

Also, you need to learn invisibility, sound elimination, etc.

Finally, you have to use illusion to influence and hypnotize the Kryptonians so that they can ignore the flaws in the illusion. Kryptonians are too sensitive to deceive them without causing problems themselves.

Fortunately, they have low magic resistance, so it's not difficult to hypnotize them lightly. Well, it's not too difficult to hypnotize them deeply. "

Real phantom magic is not that simple. If you practice it to the extreme, you can hide it from everyone - Loki's phantom magic can even hide it from the God King Odin.

"There is really a lot to learn. I hope I have enough time."

Diana nodded. She was quite interested in phantom magic. Well, to be precise, she was interested in methods that could enhance her strength. After all, she was a warlike Amazon she-wolf.

"Speaking of which, phantom magic can be used not only in combat, but also in daily life."

Andrew thought of something and smiled: "For example, you and your phantom dance together in front of me..."

Diana rolled her eyes. She deeply suspected that Andrew taught her phantom magic just for this, man.

But having said that, it looks pretty good.

The next day, in a stormy harbor, a tall man with tattoos, blond hair and long beard, extremely wild, and covered in sea water carried an unconscious man into the bar.

Then, the tall man placed the unconscious man on the table and shouted to the bartender: "A glass of whiskey."

"He gives you the money, right?"

The bartender smiled and said that the other person was an acquaintance and often rescued people at sea, although he didn't know how he rescued people.

"I like you, you will definitely be the boss in the future."

The future Sea King Arthur laughed, and then he sat on the bar and started drinking. At this time, the news on TV attracted his attention.

Lois Lane was seen facing the camera and said: "Yesterday, after I finished reporting, the Kryptonians attacked me in a spaceship. After some hard work, the military and superheroes successfully fought off the three Kryptonians.

I'm talking about repelling. The military lost more than a hundred elites, several fighter planes and more than a dozen armed helicopters.

And this is just the beginning. The Kryptonian attack is about to come again. Once they succeed, all mankind will be destroyed.

Psychics and superheroes around the world, the world needs you. Please go to the Stark Group branch in Metropolis to fight against the Kryptonians with the military and superheroes.

Tony Stark, chairman of the Stark Group, and Gotham City Batman will be responsible for this matter..."

The drinkers in the bar were very surprised. One drinker sneered: "It must be a lie. Americans like to lie the most. I don't believe that the end of the world is coming soon."

Others also said, "We don't believe it either. They might be looking for an excuse to gather ability users and arrest them for study."

Don’t blame these people for not believing it. The integrity of the United States is very poor. Moreover, this incident was too sudden and unbelievable.

In addition, if there was such a big crisis, why did a journalist come out to report it?

Logically speaking, shouldn't the White House spokesperson or the military spokesperson should come forward?

The reason why this happened was because there were different opinions among the officials on the matter of inviting superheroes. Therefore, Louise was asked to report on this matter. Anyway, it was her Kryptonian intelligence that was announced at the beginning.

To add credibility, the military gave Louise some videos of the battle, which she showed on television.

Looking at the fighter planes on the screen that kept exploding under the attack of the Kryptonians, the drinkers were stunned. Are these Kryptonians too powerful?

Arthur didn't believe what Louise said at first, but after seeing these battle videos, he was so shocked that he even forgot to drink.

"It's actually true?"

Arthur frowned, and then he hesitated, should he go over and help?

Although Arthur is a bit withdrawn, he still has a strong sense of justice, otherwise he would not save people at sea every day.

More importantly, if the Kryptonians succeeded, he and his father would be dead.

Arthur is half land man and half sea man. He has a very strong body. In addition, he can talk to fish.

Arthur was a little undecided and asked the bartender: "If you were a person with abilities, would you go?"

The bartender said: "Of course I will. At the very least, I will go over and take a look. It is better than dying without knowing anything."


Arthur was already leaning towards it. He nodded when he heard the words and drank the whiskey in the glass. Then, he stood up and walked out of the bar. In the violent storm, he jumped into the sea, showing off his macho style.

"Saving the world? Wow, that's cool."

In Central City, Barry Allen, a college student at Midtown University, looked at the news on the screen and immediately made the decision to go to the metropolis.

The reason is simple. God gave him the ability to use it to help others.

Barry Allen, the future Flash, gained the ability of extreme speed - Quicksilver due to a big explosion in a laboratory. The speed of Eternal Makari was not enough in front of him.

Then, Barry stood up and walked to his own suit. It was a dark red suit with a yellow lightning symbol on the chest.

This suit is made of silica gel and quartz sand material, which can withstand the heat and friction generated when Barry runs, so that he will not be left with nothing after running.

"Let's set off and aim for the metropolis."

Barry put on his suit and disappeared in a burst of lightning.


A man whose whole body was almost made of silver metal, with only a small part made of flesh and blood, with a red light on his chest, looked at the news on the screen and shook his head slightly indifferently.

This man's name is Victor Stone. He was originally a football star. He was on the verge of death due to an accident. His father, Silas Stone, could not accept his leaving and used the mother box and various technologies to transform him into what he is now. .

Victor Stone, or Cyborg, was very dissatisfied with his father because of this incident. He would rather die than become such a human, ghost or ghost.

Can you still go to heaven like this?

The old Silas asked Victor: "Victor, is what the news said true?"

Cyborg can enter the Internet at will. Except for a few places, other places cannot stop him at all. He nodded and said: "It's true."

Silas hesitated and said, "Have you ever thought about helping? Maybe you can be a superhero."

"Have you ever seen a superhero like me?"

Cyborg stood up, took off his coat, and sneered: "Are you sure I won't be arrested and studied by the military directly after I pass?"

"I am not sure."

Silas shook his head and said: "But I hope that you can become a beloved superhero instead of hiding in the house every day.

I think if you save the world, they'll accept you. "

Victor sneered: "In this way, you will feel less guilty, right?"

Silas was silent, looking at Victor with pain and guilt.

Victor looked away and said, "I will go, but not for you, but for the world."

Silas raised his head suddenly, his eyes full of joy, his son was finally going to walk out.

Stark Group's metropolitan branch, in the experimental site.

Superman Clark suddenly appeared in front of Diana, and punched Diana with a sonic boom and air waves.

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