American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 528 Discussion

"Saving the world is also called a trivial matter?"

Everyone secretly complained, and General Calvin said: "In other words, are you really King Andrew? Why are you still alive and still so young?"

"Because the world needs me, God sent me back to Earth to save the world."

Andrew said with a sacred look. Except for Tony, everyone else was speechless. Do you think we are stupid?

Tony looked up at the sky. He was indeed not sent back by God. He was God himself.

“How many times have I heard God’s name today?”

General Calvin complained, and he asked: "Mr. Wang, are you interested in returning to the army? We can restore your military rank, or even raise it to colonel."

Andrew said no nonsense and refused directly: "I don't want to."

General Calvin was stunned: "Why?"

"Because I have a billion dollars in my bank account."

Andrew said confidently, and everyone was speechless again. This reason is very good and powerful.

With a net worth of one billion US dollars, if you still run to join the American army, there is only one possibility, and your head will be kicked by a donkey.

The female secretary looked at Andrew with bright eyes, "Brother, no, grandpa, I don't want to work hard anymore."

"So much money?"

Diana was also a little shocked. Who was eating whom's cake?

"It seems that God is very generous. In that case, forget it."

General Calvin returned the document to the female secretary, and then he asked Tony: "Mr. Stark, your new toy is very interesting, do you want to sell it?"

"I am an arms dealer. Of course I sell. However, I only sell the most original models and not nanosuits. Also, let me state in advance that the price of each suit is more than 200 million US dollars."

Tony said, and Batman looked at Tony in surprise. Based on his analysis of Tony's character, he shouldn't be able to sell his suit.

Batman is actually very accurate in reading people. However, Tony has no interest in ordinary suits. He doesn't mind using them to support the military.

After experiencing so many disasters in the Marvel world, Tony has changed somewhat.

"Two hundred million dollars?"

General Calvin said: "Mr. Stark, your toy is not worth that much. It cannot stop the Kryptonian attack."

"But it can destroy five F-22 Raptor fighter jets, and one Raptor fighter jet is worth at least $150 million."

Tony said, and then the two officially entered the bargaining session.

Andrew, Diana, and Batman were not interested in this. Batman was studying Superman's data and thinking about how to deal with the Kryptonians.

And Andrew and Diana continued to show off their affection and sprinkle dog food.

Diana asked: "Didn't you talk about the God of Creation before? Why have you been demoted to the messenger of God now? Are you demoting a bit too fast?"

Andrew said: "Because I only tell you the truth."

Diana smiled and said, "Wow, I was almost moved."

Andrew laughed too: "I think I can make up for that."

Not long after, Clark flew back to the experimental base carrying a small silver-white spacecraft. This was not the one eighteen thousand years ago. It was the small spacecraft that sent him to Earth.

Clark carefully put down the small spaceship and said excitedly: "I found a way to deal with General Zod."

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard this and hurriedly asked: "What can we do?"

Clark said: "General Zod's spaceship uses a ghost device as its energy source, and so does this small spacecraft. As long as the two spacecraft collide, a wormhole will be formed, swallowing up the spacecraft and the people around it."

Tony asked: "You mean, driving a small spaceship to hit the Kryptonian spacecraft?"

Clark was a little embarrassed: "Well, this little spacecraft crashed when it landed on the earth and couldn't start."

Colonel Hardy said: "In this case, we can only use large aircraft to carry small spaceships to hit the Kryptonian spacecraft."

Everyone frowned when they heard this, and Tony said: "This is unrealistic, our plane cannot go to outer space.

Eh, wait, Louise seemed to have said that the military discovered a Kryptonian spaceship from 18,000 years ago? "

"There is something wrong with the energy source of that spacecraft and it cannot go to outer space."

Clark shook his head again. The Kryptonian spacecraft was a crashed spacecraft. It was normal to have problems. However, it could fly inside the earth.

"Is there a problem too?"

Everyone was speechless, and Tony said: "You can't carry the small spaceship with me to find General Zod, right?

If we do that, no matter how stupid General Zod is, he will know that there is something wrong with the small spacecraft and will definitely prevent us from getting close to the spacecraft. "

Clark blinked. He seemed to have thought simply. The problem was that his father, Jor Al, only mentioned this method, not the specific tactics.

Tony thought of something and turned to look at Andrew. If he used Pym particles, he should be able to sneak attack on the Kryptonians.

For example, taking the shrunken spaceship to negotiate on the Kryptonian spacecraft, etc.

"There's no rush, good things have to be released one by one, and I have other plans for this matter."

Andrew shook his head. The mysterious space that the Pym particles are connected to is outside the multiverse. Even the DC universe can still be used.

"If we can't go to outer space, we can only wait until they enter the earth and then find a way to hit them."

Batman thought for a moment and said, "But it's still the same old problem and it's easy to be blocked."

Colonel Hardy said: "You can send a large number of fighter planes to attack together."

Clark said in shock: "A lot of soldiers will die this way."

"We are willing to sacrifice if it is to protect the earth."

Colonel Hardy said firmly. He is a pure soldier and does not have so many messy thoughts.

Tony thought of something and said, "Wait a minute, Kryptonians can see through eyes. Clark demonstrated it before."

Clark said: "You can add a lead layer to the fighter jet, but the clairvoyant eye cannot see through the lead layer."

Tony said: "In this case, there is some hope, but there are still many problems. To be honest, I don't have much certainty."

At this time, General Calvin coughed and asked: "The military plans to use rockets loaded with nuclear bombs to attack the Kryptonian spacecraft. Do you think it is feasible?"

"It's not feasible. The Kryptonian spacecraft has the ability to destroy nuclear bombs."

Clark shook his head and said: "General Zod must have invaded the Earth's network and must know that we have nuclear bombs on Earth."

General Calvin actually didn't want to use nuclear bombs. He nodded and said, "I will explain this to the big guys in the military."

Batman said: "There are too many people on Krypton. Even with a small spaceship, our chances of winning are very low."

"In that case, why not recruit more troops?"

Andrew smiled and said: "Go on TV, summon powerful ability users and superheroes, and ask them to help. Defending the earth is not just a matter for a few of us."

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this, this is possible.

Tony glanced at Andrew. It was obvious that this 'Mr. God' wanted to form an organization similar to the Avengers as soon as possible to fight against disasters and protect the earth.

Andrew really thinks so, he should try his best to tap talents. After all, disasters don’t happen once or twice.

"I suggest that Stark Group takes the lead in this matter."

Batman thought for a moment and said, "Many superheroes and people with abilities have concerns about the government. Taking the lead of the Stark Group can eliminate their concerns and give them more freedom.

For example, Stark Group will not ask about their true identities. "

"I agree with that."

Tony said: "Many able-bodied people don't like to deal with officials."

"I'll go back and discuss it with Mr. President."

General Calvin thought for a while and said, and then he left with his female secretary, while Colonel Hardy continued to stay here.

Andrew looked at General Calvin's back, his eyes flickering. He knew very well that General Calvin was actually Martian Manhunter in disguise.

In the comics, Martian Manhunter is the veteran of the Justice League and should be considered one of his own, so Andrew has no intention of exposing the other party.

It will be much easier to do things if you have one of your own within the official body.

After General Calvin left, everyone continued to discuss tactics. Andrew thought about it and waved to Diana: "Diana, follow me to the training room, and I will start a small stove for you."

"Training room?"

Diana was a little shocked. She came over and asked in a funny way: "Andrew, you won't tell me that you want to train me, right? I have always been the one training you, okay?"

"Remember one thing, never underestimate your man."

Andrew smiled and took Diana into the training room.

Then, Andrew said to Diana: "You are a demigod and my woman, and you cannot pray to other gods for energy.

If you want to improve your strength, there is only one way, learn magic. "

One thing to note in particular is that Diana has Andrew's demon power in her body, but it is sealed by Andrew and cannot be used because the bet does not allow it.

"Learn magic?"

Diana smiled and said: "Andrew, first he was the creator god and the messenger of God, and now he has become a magician. What will be the next time?"

"I have tested your physique and you are most suitable for learning phantom magic."

Andrew said: "It's quick to learn this magic. If I teach you, you can get started quickly. However, it is difficult to master it and it takes a long time to learn."

Diana has divine power in her body. As long as she learns magic, she can use it directly without accumulating additional magic power.

Diana still didn't believe it: "When was it tested? Why didn't I know?"

"Is there anything about you that I don't know about?"

Andrew smiled and said, Diana didn't blush at all, she had some special thoughts.

"Be serious."

Andrew waved his hand and said, "Come, follow me and draw the runes."

Although Diana still didn't believe it, she didn't mind playing with Andrew and followed him to draw runes on the paper with her fingers.

As a result, as soon as she drew a stroke, the paper started to burn. Diana was stunned, how could it start burning? Isn't this unscientific?

Andrew said: "This is the energy generated after the runes are damaged. To draw the runes, you must concentrate. Magic is never a casual thing."


Diana opened her eyes wide and looked confused, Walter Falk, Andrew really knows magic?

Andrew said: "Although you look very cute now, my Miss Prince, we are in class now, please don't be in a daze, thank you."

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