American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 504 Respective means

Then, the Sanctuary hit the Tama hard, and the two spacecrafts exploded in large areas at the same time, and they fell together with a rumble.

Under the squeeze of the two battleships, the space beam exploded with a rumble, shaking the earth and shaking the earth. Violent energy waves swept everything around, and some slow-running Eternals and Pioneer Guards were directly wiped out.

When the energy wave subsided, a super large pit with a diameter of several hundred meters appeared on the ground, and the pit was red.

Ajak and others narrowly escaped death and gathered together in embarrassment, their expressions extremely ugly.

"Kill them."

After successfully destroying the space light beam, the morale of the Earth Alliance was greatly shaken. Under the leadership of the superheroes, they launched an attack on the remaining Eternal Alliance forces.

The situation was completely reversed. Under the offensive of the Earth Alliance, the number of Eternals, monsters, and Vanguards decreased rapidly.

The remaining three Obsidian Five Generals also died at the hands of superheroes one after another.

"It's almost done. Let's persuade him to surrender."

Carter breathed a sigh of relief and said, and Jessica said dissatisfiedly: "Persuading to surrender? What are you trying to persuade to surrender? These guys want to destroy the earth. Kill them all. No one can be spared."

"That's right, kill them all."

Many people nodded. If Captain Marvel and the others hadn't suddenly exploded, the Earth Alliance might have been completely wiped out.

By then, the billions of people on earth will all become the food of that group of gods.

"There is also the Celestial Group behind them. Just by the name, you can tell that they are very powerful. We have to leave some room. In addition, we need information about the Celestial Group and the guy in the center of the earth."

As the director, Carter considered it more comprehensively. She said: "Don't stop the offensive, and don't slow down. What we did originally, we will continue to do what we do next.

If they are unwilling to surrender, defeat them completely but leave a few alive. "

"That makes sense."

Captain Marvel agreed with Carter's judgment and shouted to the Eternals: "You have lost, surrender."

"Yes, you lose, surrender."

Others shouted, and the audience cheered, victory was just around the corner.

Ajak ignored Captain Marvel. She used a special device to contact Thanos and asked: "We are dying here. How are you doing over there? Can you come over to support us?"

"It's not going well on my end either."

Thanos said helplessly that the appearance of Dr. Doom was completely beyond his expectation. After this guy obtained the Reality Stone, one person could stand up to an army, and the advantage of the army of heroes was completely offset by him.

At the same time, Thor's resilience and strength are stronger than Thanos imagined, and he has been unable to defeat the opponent and open up the situation.

You can be disappointed with Thor in other aspects, but in terms of combat, Thor is absolutely excellent. In fact, when he was a baby, he was tied to the chest of a warrior and went to the battlefield.

The same goes for God King Bulli and God King Baoer, who failed to take down Little Hela and Odin.

"The strength of Earth and Asgard is far stronger than we imagined."

Ajak sighed and said: "In this case, we can only use the last resort."

"Okay, you activate it over there, and I'll activate it here as a last-ditch effort."

Thanos said that after the death of heroic souls, a large amount of soul power will be released, and he has been using soul gems to draw these soul powers underground in Asgard.

There is a huge trouble buried underground in Asgard. After such a long time of preparation, it can be activated.


Ajak nodded and began to prepare. Thanos thought for a while, contacted Sithorn, and said: "Sithorn, keep an eye on the Machine Demon King and never let him leave hell.

After the destruction of Earth and Asgard, I will immediately go to hell with my army and three infinity stones to help you.

In addition, the earth is the base camp of the Machine Demon King, and the destruction of the earth will have a great impact on him. "

"Don't worry, I have already prepared means to contain the Mechanical Demon King."

Sithorne said: "Thanos, don't be careless, the Machine Demon King has always been very calm, and he may have other killers.

Speaking of which, the smile on this guy's face is really annoying. When he dies, I will imprison his soul in the flames forever, hoping that he can still smile by then. "

"We have no choice. No matter what means the Machine Demon Lord has, we will use them."

Thanos shook his head, and a purple light blasted Thor hundreds of meters away.

Then, Thanos raised his right hand high, and the soul gem lit up with a dazzling orange light.

"Asgard, your price has come."

Along with Thanos's cry, the entire Asgard shook violently, and then, infinite black energy emerged from the ground of Asgard, gradually forming a huge black figure.

This black figure's whole body is filled with an aura of ominousness and resentment. The Asgardians can even feel that the target of the black figure's resentment is them.

It was a resentment that wanted to tear them into pieces, and all the Asgardians felt a little cold in their hearts.

"This is an evil spirit composed of resentment."

Thanos said: "Asgard, tens of thousands of people, how many countries have you destroyed and how many lives have you killed in order to unify the nine realms?

These beings hate you Asgard to the core, and even death cannot eliminate their resentment.

These grievances have been buried deep in the ground of Asgard because they want to see the destruction of Asgard.

Previously, I introduced the soul power of the heroic spirits into the underground and merged them with the resentment. Together with Sithorn's magic circle, I successfully gave birth to evil spirits.

This evil spirit is the retribution of your Asgard, and it will destroy your Asgard. "

"Asgard, perish."

At this time, the evil spirit took full shape, clenched his fists and roared angrily, and the entire Asgard was shaking.

God King Buli, God King Baur, and God King Odin were a little guilty at the same time. They destroyed many countries, and God King Baoer even wiped out the dark elves, although he thought so.

Conquering the Nine Realms, do you think it’s that easy?

"No matter who comes, don't try to destroy us Asgard."

Thor roared, Thanos sneered: "I like your innocence, do it."

Following Thanos's voice, the huge black evil spirit raised its right foot and stepped hard on the Asgardian army in front.

Odin hurriedly transformed into a giant form with the Destroyer Mecha. Then, while intercepting the evil spirit, he shouted to Thor: "Thor, you go deal with God King Baur."

Thor hesitated for a moment, then turned to deal with God King Baur.

The evil spirit is a collection of tens of thousands of years of resentment. Even Odin, who was equipped with a Destroyer Armor, was beaten back step by step, leaving giant footprints on the ground one after another.

"Odin, it's time for you to finish."

Thanos wields the Tyrant Blade and follows the evil spirit to besiege Odin. His eyes are extremely hot. With the strength of him and the evil spirit, he can definitely turn Odin into a puppet.

At that time, the situation will be completely reversed, and Thor and Hela will all become his puppets.

With so many Heavenly Fathers, even if the Eternals fail, Thanos is sure to take down the earth.

Of course, you have to be quick, otherwise accidents may easily happen.

"With the Eternals' plan, they should be able to take over the earth. Even if they can't, it will definitely not be a problem to hold on for a while."

Thanos secretly thought, at this moment, a group of figures appeared out of thin air in Asgard, headed by a wise bald man in a wheelchair. He smiled and said:

"It's time for us to take action. It feels quite embarrassing to sit and watch movies every day and use earth news to improve happiness."

"You want to stand, can you stand up?"

A young man wearing a helmet next to the bald head complained. Then, he raised his right hand, and all the metal around him vibrated.

The young man felt that the scene was not big enough, so he turned to look at the Immortal Palace behind him, and his eyes suddenly lit up. As a scene person, winning or losing is not important, the scene is the most important.

The wise bald man said with disdain: "Eric's grandson, your grandfather, would never be so mean."

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Get rid of these guys quickly. I'm going to Earth to find those women and make them recognize the reality and leave my man."

A woman with dark red hair, dark red leather clothes, and an aura of destruction said impatiently.

Behind the woman, a man wearing sunglasses looked at her sadly. This man still doesn't know how he lost.

"Then do it."

The wise bald man smiled and led everyone to attack.


Ajak made a decision, and a golden bead floated out of his chest. Then, the golden bead was divided into ten, turned into ten haloes, and landed on the wrists of the ten Earth Eternals.

"Tiamu, I'm offended."

Ajak's eyes turned golden, and then, the bodies of the ten Eternals lit up with dazzling golden light at the same time, and their aura increased linearly.

"Captain Marvel."

Ikaris, who had been chased and beaten by Captain Marvel before, roared angrily, and two golden lasers hit Captain Marvel fiercely.

Captain Marvel snorted, his eyes emitted heat rays to resist the golden laser, four rays of light collided fiercely in the air, and no one could do anything to anyone.

Other Earth Eternals have also greatly increased their strength, such as Makari. Quicksilver's speed can't keep up with her at all, and she was easily knocked away. Upon seeing this, Mindy immediately went to intercept the opponent.

There is also the Druid, who can not only control ordinary people, but also enhanced people. Wanda hurriedly used the power of Scarlet Witch to fight against him.

Gilgamesh and Tina, who had been fused together before, were separated in the golden light. This was the witchcraft being broken by the energy of the universe.

Then, Gilgamesh punched the ground hard, and the ground rumbled open, and some power armor fell directly into it.

Tina did not lag behind. Countless golden weapons appeared in the air and shot at everyone densely.

Spike even directly gathered a group of Godzillas to besiege Scarlett - the highest level of illusion, condensing reality into reality through fakeness.

Of course, the Godzilla condensed by Spike is far less powerful than the Godzilla transformed by Scarlett, but there are more of them.

Fastos did not lag behind and directly condensed the space device with golden light. This time the space transmission device was more perfect than the last time and the transmission efficiency was also higher.

In the dazzling golden light, a large number of monsters were teleported to the Avengers base. They roared and joined the battle.

The situation has changed again.

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