Chapter 503 Spider Web

"Well, it seems that I did deliberately lie to you."

Andrew did not deny it. He said very harshly: "To be honest, I have been looking forward to your expression after knowing the truth, hahaha."

"Andrew! I am now officially informing you that we are breaking up. I will return all the things you gave me. I will have nothing to do with you in the future."

Gwen gritted her teeth and shouted, this guy actually admitted it, admitted it?

"That's not possible. Your body is full of my demon king's power, even your soul."

Andrew smiled and said: "Why is your spider ability so much stronger than Peter's? It's because of my demon king's power."

"The power of the devil? When did you inject the power of the devil into my body? Could it be..."

Gwen was stunned for a moment, then said with a mix of shame and anger: "You bastard devil."

"Miss Gwen, you and I can never be separated. Let's not talk about this first. Let's deal with this disaster first."

Andrew said: "First of all, let's clarify a concept. Spider-Man's ability is not a genetic ability, but a magical ability. The official name is the power of Spider Totem."


Gwen was a little confused. She asked: "Andrew, isn't it common knowledge that Spider-Man has genetic abilities? Why did he suddenly become a magical ability? This is unscientific."

"Have you ever seen anyone with genetic abilities as perfect as Spider-Man, without any flaws?"

Andrew sneered: "Lizardmen, desperate warriors, lycanthropes, these real genetic ability users have more or less problems. As a college student majoring in biology, you should be very clear.

Uh, I forgot, you skip class every day. "

"Don't expose my shortcomings."

Gwen shouted dissatisfied. She thought for a while and said, "What you said makes sense. Spider-Man's abilities are indeed perfect. Andrew, where does Spider-Man's abilities come from?"

"From the Spider Totem God, the Master Weaver."

Andrew said: "There are many Spider-Man in the multiverse, and you are connected together to form a big web that spans the multiverse, and the core of the web is the Weaver Master.

Gwen, as long as your soul is strong enough, you can sense that big web and even borrow the power of the spider web. By then, you will become extremely powerful. "

"The more I talk about it, the more mysterious it becomes. I'm obviously a technology person."

Gwen complained, and she asked: "No nonsense, how can I enhance the power of my soul? I am in urgent need of strength now, and a group of bat monsters are flying towards the gathering place."

"Fused with the Sheep Jade Pendant, it can greatly enhance the power of your soul and allow your soul to sense the spider web."

Andrew said: "However, let me state in advance that this sheep jade pendant is my subordinate god jade pendant. After fusion, you will become my subordinate god."

"Your God? In other words, I will always be with you from now on?"

Gwen looked disgusted, and Andrew smiled and said: "Don't worry, even without this jade pendant, you will always be with me.

Okay, let’s not talk about this, Gwen, next, I can’t be distracted anymore. When you are fighting, hell is also fighting, which is far more tragic than what you have here. "

Gwen hesitated and asked, "Andrew, can you win?"

"Have you forgotten what you once said?"

Andrew smiled and disappeared from Gwen's consciousness. Gwen was stunned for a moment, and then realized what Andrew said.

"My boyfriend is invincible."

"This guy."

Thinking of the past, Gwen felt a warm feeling in her heart, and her resentment towards Andrew disappeared a lot.

Of course, there was no time to pay attention to this now. Gwen immediately merged with the Sheep Jade Pendant, and her consciousness seemed to be sublimated, floating upwards.

I don’t know how long she had been floating, but Gwen suddenly appeared in a strange place. It was a big web, and on the web were spiders.

At the same time, a strange life that is half human and half spider hovers in the middle of the web, that is, the master of weaving.

"Spider-Woman, welcome."

The compiler master smiled slightly and gave Gwen the authority over the spider web. Then he said: "Spider-Woman, there are some families in the multiverse who have been hunting the owners of totem power, such as us.

You are special, and I hope you can help me save other Spider-Men in the future. We will discuss the details after the disaster in your universe is over. "

"Spider-Man is one of our own. If I can help, I'll be happy."

Gwen immediately stated that most Spider-Man are good people, there is no doubt about it.

"Okay, say hello to the future Lord of Hell for me."

The master weaver nodded and sent Gwen's consciousness back to her body.

Gwen opened her eyes, feeling full of power in her body, both divine power and the power of the spider web. At the same time, a list appeared in her mind, which were the talents of different Spider-Man, and she could use them at any time.

Because of her spider sense, Gwen can master these talents instantly.

"My whole person feels different."

Gwen felt extremely comfortable. At this moment, she sensed something and flew into the sky ahead of schedule - she could fly now.

As soon as Gwen flew up, a giant tongue immediately swept across her original location. A monster that looked a bit like a toad but had six legs attacked her.

Fortunately, Gwen evaded in time and was not hurt at all - this is the ultimate form of spider sense, sensing the future.

Back then the bully Spider-Man knew this, and now Gwen does it too.

"This feels so good."

Gwen was elated. She raised her hands, and two lightning beams thicker than a rice vat came out from her palms and struck the toad monster's eyes hard.

The toad monster let out a shrill scream and backed away with a rumble.

Immediately afterwards, a picture appeared in Gwen's mind - the toad opened its mouth and fired overwhelming venom towards her original location.

With the size of the toad monster, it was really overwhelming, just like a flood.

Gwen knew what was going on and flew upwards. At the same time, her hands condensed a ball of red light.

The next second, the toad monster fired terrifying venom towards Gwen's original position. Of course, it was of no use and only corroded the ground into a huge pit.

Gwen took the opportunity to blast the red light into the toad monster's big mouth. Then, the red light turned into large red spiders and rushed into the toad monster's throat at an alarming speed.

"it's over."

Gwen said confidently that after the big red spider entered the toad monster's body, it quickly ate the toad monster's internal organs. What's even more terrifying is that the more they eat, the bigger they become and can even breed new spiders.

Soon, the toad monster fell to the ground and rolled in pain, but was completely unable to stop the big spiders.

No matter how powerful the monster is, it cannot resist attacks from within.

Gwen ignored the toad monster. She closed her eyes and sensed the space around her. Then, her figure suddenly disappeared. When she reappeared, she was already above the group of bat monsters.

This is spider web space teleportation.

These bat monsters are chasing the people of New York in the direction of retreat. Compared with other monsters, they are relatively smaller in size.

Of course, that's just relative; they're about as big as an ostrich.

Gwen wasted no time, she raised her hands, and a black ball of light quickly condensed in her hands.

Then, the black ball exploded and turned into hundreds of one-meter-long black spider threads, which were densely shot towards the bat monster.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

All the bat monsters were pierced by black spider silk. They let out a scream, flapped their wings and flew fiercely towards Gwen.

Gwen was not afraid and used various spider abilities to fight bat monsters in the air. With the spider sense, these bat monsters had no chance of hitting her. Instead, she screamed after being beaten one after another.

Not long after, these bat monsters didn't know what was wrong, and they fell down one after another, making big pits one after another.

The previous black spider silk was the spider silk evolved from the power of the Demon King. Driven by the divine power, not only was its quantity far greater than before, but the Demon King's curse attached to it also became more powerful.

At the same time, Gwen also added spider toxins to the spider silk.

Curse and poison, bat monsters are falling down one after another, which is normal.

"Great, long live Spider-Woman."

Seeing that Spider-Woman easily eliminated the group of bat monsters, the people cheered, and the New York citizens who were escaping breathed a sigh of relief. Spider-Woman was still reliable.

When the battle is over, be sure to buy more heroine peripherals to support her.

Spider-Woman looked at the bat monsters below with a headache. She was worried that there was something wrong with these bat monsters, but killing them one by one was too troublesome and a waste of time.

At this time, Carter's voice sounded from the earphones: "Spider-Woman, leave this to us, you go and deal with the Eternals and the monsters."

Compared with before, Carter's voice was obviously much more relaxed. The reason was very simple. A large number of monsters were eliminated by Captain Marvel, Susan, and Scarlett, and the situation was reversed.


Gwen nodded, teleported back to the Avengers base, and found that Captain Marvel, Susan, and Scarlett were besieging the Tama, trying to completely destroy it and prevent the monsters from continuing to teleport to the base.

Ajak led the Eternals, as well as the remaining monsters, and the Vanguard fought desperately. At the same time, the Temple flew above the Tama, using a defensive cover to protect the Tama.

Wanda stood outside the defensive shield with eyes blank, and no one took the opportunity to attack her - two Eternals tried to sneak attack Wanda before, but were directly torn into pieces by the mechanical Scarlet Witch.

Protecting the master is the core program of the mechanical Scarlet Witch.

"Damn it, Fastos, increase the teleportation intensity and teleport more monsters up. Don't worry about the consequences. We can't fail."

Ajak shouted in shock and anger, why did these women suddenly become so powerful, and one even turned into Godzilla?

There is nothing scientific or even magical about this.

After hearing Ajak's order, the Eternals and the monsters began to fight desperately. Captain Marvel sneered, fired lasers from his eyes, and cut off a flying snake monster from the middle.

Scarlett opened her mouth and sprayed out her atomic breath as if for free. No monster could stop her attack. She was the king of monsters.

Compared to Captain Marvel and Scarlett, Susan's attack is more elegant - raise her hand, put the monster into a small space, disintegrate the monster, and then continue to raise her hand.

It's not that the Eternals haven't thought about killing Susan, but Susan can directly see the future and has a defensive shield. It's not that easy to kill her, not to mention that she has immortality.

Mindy was also helping, turning into a beam of silver light and killing Eternals and even monsters.

"They are all Andrew's followers, a hell devil. Why would they come up with such a thing as a god system? And they all look for women. What a scumbag."

Gwen secretly complained and immediately joined the battle, which made the Eternals even more stressed and could collapse completely at any time.

The people cheered. After being beaten for so long, they finally saw the dawn of victory.

"A good thing is a good thing, but why did the four of them suddenly become so powerful?"

Tony breathed a sigh of relief and then asked curiously. Rhodes said: "It goes without saying, of course it's because our Ghost Rider, the Ghost Rider is really dedicated and likes female superheroes."

"This is indeed quite dedicated."

Everyone complained, Natasha looked unhappy, she is also a female superhero, why is the devil not interested in her? I've known him a long time ago, okay?

Natasha complained: "I am told that I am not serious every day. How am I not serious?"

Spider-Man looked at Gwen, who was as powerful as a god, with a disappointed look on his face. The gap between him and Gwen was getting wider and wider. They were both Spider-Man, so why was there such a big difference?

At this moment, Wanda's eyes regained clarity, and at the same time, the superstar in the Tama fell straight down and was declared dead.

Obviously, Wanda won the battle in the spiritual world.

"It's really weird. The reason why he works for Thanos is because he wants Thanos to kill him. What kind of brain circuit is this?"

Wanda complained that the key to winning so quickly this time was that the superstar had his own problems. Otherwise, even if Wanda could win, it would take a lot of time.

Superstar is not a weakling.

Then, Wanda wasted no time and released a large amount of red light that fell on the defensive shield in front of her. The defensive shield was quickly disintegrated, leaving a huge hole.

"The tentacles of the beholder Shuma."

Wanda flew in from the hole, and then she cast the unfinished magic again. Several huge tentacles emerged from the red light and hit the Tama heavily.

Boom boom boom...

Under the attack of the tentacles, the shell of the Tama was directly flattened and even exploded, causing the entire spacecraft to shake.

"That's not enough."

Wanda's body became even redder, and she kept summoning tentacles to attack.

"Stop her."

Ajak screamed in shock, and the Temple fired a space beam of light at Wanda, trying to suppress her.

Wanda raised her right hand, and the space gravity device under the Temple instantly collapsed, with countless parts flying around.

The space gravity device was destroyed and the space interference disappeared immediately. Captain Marvel took the opportunity to teleport over. Then, she rushed into the Temple from below with a dazzling light, and kept destroying things in front of her with her fists.

A moment later, Captain Marvel came out from above, and the Temple exploded with a bang, followed by thick fire and black smoke, and fell downwards.

When Wanda saw this, she immediately left her original position, and the others' expressions also changed and they quickly fled.


Fastos cursed and immediately took the remaining Eternals into the escape device to escape from the Tama.

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