American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 449 The Defense Bureau’s trump card

Old Janet the Wasp no longer wastes time and enters the interlayer between the quantum realm and the real world, while Ant-Man and the Wasp quickly shrink, hide and prepare for a sneak attack.

Soon, Nick Fury and Dr. Reed rushed to the rear laboratory and landed in front of the defensive shield.

"Cosmic Cube!"

Nick Fury looked at the defensive shield and snorted coldly: "Peggy Carter, you have recharged a lot of good things into the Cosmic Cube, right?

What's the difference between your approach and S.H.I.E.L.D.'s? "

"Not much. Apart from defensive shields and teleportation, we rarely use the Cosmic Cube now."

Carter's voice sounded from the loudspeaker next to him, and at the same time, various heavy weapons and heavy robots quickly approached the rear.

Then, Carter continued: "Nick Fury, it seems that you haven't realized your mistake yet. Your biggest problem is that you like to use conspiracy and tricks too much.

That’s not to say that you can’t use conspiracy and trickery, but it can’t become the mainstream. If you want to maintain justice and world security, you need fair and aboveboard means. "

"What's wrong with me? Before I joined SHIELD, SHIELD was corrupted by Hydra. What can I do?"

Nick Fury shouted, and then he shook his head and said: "Don't waste time, Reed, do it."

"Leave it to me. It will be done in a minute. I often study the Cosmic Cube in the Defense Bureau and am very familiar with it."

Dr. Reed said confidently, and then he raised the hammer. The hammer quickly turned into a sonic instrument, with the front bell pointed directly at the defense cover.

Dr. Reed's hammer can be transformed into various instruments at will, which is more efficient than nanoparticles.

"Stop them."

Carter did not dare to underestimate Dr. Reed, and immediately asked the robots and agents to attack. Then, she turned around and asked: "Fitz, Simmons, are you done? We have no time to waste."


Fitz stuttered. He didn't really stutter, he was just too nervous.

Simmons didn't speak, concentrating on entering codes on the keyboard. Next to the two of them, there was a huge robot, with a soul gem embedded between the robot's eyebrows.

This is the trump card prepared by the Defense Bureau. According to the normal progress, it will take about half a month to complete. Now that Nick Fury has come to the door, it can only be used forcefully.

The Defense Bureau would not have been so fragile. The problem is that now most of the troops and superheroes are fighting monsters, and Scarlett is entangled and unable to teleport, resulting in a serious lack of strength in the Defense Bureau.


Carter shouted as he walked to the location of the Cosmic Cube.

Next to the Cosmic Cube, there are two devices, one is a defense shield activating device and the other is a teleportation platform.

"Hopefully Carol isn't far from Earth."

Carter activated the teleportation device, and a large amount of space energy poured out from the Cosmic Cube and gathered on the teleportation platform.

This is a teleportation device specially designed by the Defense Bureau for Captain Marvel. It can lock the space energy in Captain Marvel and teleport her back to Earth.

However, the distance cannot be too far, nor can it be in a place with relatively chaotic space.

Precisely because of this device, Captain Marvel was not summoned back before. Captain Marvel was very busy and it was too troublesome to have people come back and forth every few months.

With a dazzling light, a blond figure appeared on the teleportation platform. Carter breathed a sigh of relief and the transmission was successful.

Carter didn't know that Captain Marvel was able to teleport back smoothly because Andrew was behind it, using Dr. Reed's misfortune to influence the general trend of destiny. Otherwise, the teleportation would most likely fail.

Captain Marvel didn't waste any time. He walked out of the teleportation platform and asked straight to the point: "A ball-destroying or universe-destroying disaster?"

Carter smiled and said: "Don't worry, it's just the Earth-destroying level."

"That's great, it's just the Earth-destroying level."

Captain Marvel said seriously, and then the two of them laughed at the same time, their smiles full of bitterness and helplessness.

"Without further ado, Nick Fury and Mr. Fantastic are outside. Please help me get rid of them. At the worst, we must delay them."

Carter said: "As for the monsters, let's wait until these two guys are dealt with."

"Fury? Isn't he locked up?"

Captain Marvel was stunned. The situation was urgent, so she quickly flew towards the exit without asking any questions.

After Captain Marvel left, Carter stood in the distance waiting for Fitz and Simmons to complete their killer move. The reason why she didn't get too close was because Fitz would be nervous.

Fitz is a very good scientist, but compared to Tony, Dr. Reed and the others, his psychological quality is much worse.

"Time is too tight, many experiments have not been completed."

Carter sighed secretly. Disasters happened too frequently, and the Defense Bureau had no time to develop properly.

In the rear laboratory, Nick Fury swung his hammer and sprayed out streaks of ice light, freezing all agents and robots.

Nick Fury's eyes flashed with ferocity, and he threw the hammer out. Bang bang, the frozen agents and robots were all shattered.

"Adjustment completed."

Dr. Reed excitedly started the instrument, sound waves roared out, and the distance between the defense shields vibrated. After a moment, a gap appeared in the defense shields that was large enough for ordinary people to enter and exit.

Dr. Reed was no nonsense, sonic hammer in hand, ready to enter the laboratory.

At this moment, an energy wave roared from a distance. Nick Fury immediately stood behind Dr. Reed and blocked the energy wave with a hammer.

"Reed, go in and deal with Dr. Pym and the Pym Particles."

Nick Fury shouted, and then he said to the bright figure flying over: "Carol, long time no see. If I guess correctly, the Defense Bureau secretly developed a teleportation device, right?"

Captain Marvel was flying in the air and asked displeasedly: "Fury, let's not talk about your terrible appearance. What on earth are you doing, not only escaping from prison, but also attacking the Defense Bureau?"

"A ghost? It's not a ghost. It's to fulfill my lord's instructions and fill the world with fear."

Nick Fury said: "Carol, I used to envy your power, but now, my power is stronger than yours."


Captain Marvel was too lazy to talk nonsense and rushed straight to Nick Fury. No matter what his problem was, he wanted to beat him up first. Anyway, this guy deserves a beating.

Upon seeing this, Nick Fury swung his hammer forcefully, and an iceberg appeared out of thin air and crashed directly into Captain Marvel.

Captain Marvel was a little surprised. He raised his right hand and smashed the iceberg with a punch. The ice was scattered everywhere.

Nick Fury swung his hammer, and the broken ice turned into countless ice cones, which were densely shot at Captain Marvel.

Captain Marvel snorted coldly, and the bright energy on his body exploded in a circle, and all the ice cones were destroyed.

Before Captain Marvel could breathe a sigh of relief, the sky turned dark, and a huge ice hammer fell from the sky, pressing hard on her.

Captain Marvel's expression changed, and she hurriedly raised her hands to hold the ice hammer, but the impact of the ice hammer was so strong that even she was pressed to the ground, leaving a big hole in the masonry ground.

"This is the power of my Lord."

Seeing that he successfully suppressed Captain Marvel, Nick Fury was ecstatic. Among all the Sky Hammer Lords, he is the strongest because his Stika Hammer is the weapon of Orochi.

As for the other hammers, they were just made by Orochi for his subordinates to use.

"Fury, I decided to punch you a few more times."

Captain Marvel used her arms hard and threw the ice hammer to the side with a bang. Then she flew up and rushed towards Nick Fury, who faced him without fear.

Just like that, the two of them fought outside the defensive shield, with broken ice everywhere.

Seeing that Nick Fury could handle Captain Marvel, Dr. Reed didn't waste any time and rushed into the laboratory immediately.


When the Wasp and Ant-Man saw Dr. Reed coming in, they immediately flew left and right towards him.

At this moment, Dr. Reed raised the hammer, and sound waves roared out in layers. The Wasp and Ant-Man all flew out and hit the wall and bookcase.

"Do you think I won't be prepared for you?"

Dr. Reed smiled disdainfully. At this time, a red light shot towards him, but it was Dr. Pym who used the Pym particle gun to sneak attack.

A layer of yellow light lit up on Dr. Reed's body, and the red light fell on the yellow light and disappeared quickly.

"Pym particles are great, but they also have a weakness, which is that they can't penetrate energy."

Dr. Reed raised the hammer, but instead of hitting Dr. Pym, he fired sound waves behind him. The old Wasp who wanted to make a sneak attack, like her daughter-in-law, was thrown away by the sound waves and hit the energy shield behind.

"Sorry, I know your methods very well."

Dr. Reed aimed the hammer at Dr. Pym, and a sound wave was emitted. Dr. Pym flew backwards on the spot, and the Pym particle gun in his hand was directly shattered.


Everyone cursed in their hearts, Dr. Reed knew them too well, and all methods were useless.

Know yourself and the enemy, and you will be victorious in every battle. This old saying applies everywhere.

Dr. Reed didn't waste any time and strode into the laboratory. Soon, he found the safe, opened it with a hammer, and placed a silver-white box inside.

Upon seeing this, Dr. Pym gritted his teeth and prepared to activate the self-destruction device. At this moment, Dr. Reed aimed the hammer at the box, and a bolt of lightning emitted, and the self-destruction device in the box was instantly destroyed.

Dr. Pym was stunned for a moment, and then shouted a little crazy: "How come everyone knows that I will arrange a self-destruction device in the box?"

"You value Pym Particles more than your wife. How could you not have a self-destruct device?"

Dr. Reed lifted the box and sneered: "Actually, I have wanted to study your Pym Particles for a long time. This time I finally found the opportunity. With so many Pym Particles, I will definitely be able to reverse the formula.

Pym particles are so wonderful, Dr. Pym, you're ruining them. "

In fact, Nick Fury asked Dr. Reed to destroy the Pym particles, but Dr. Reed was unwilling. Although he was controlled by the Dreadhammer, he was still a scientist at his core.

Scott returned to his original size and complained: "Dr. Reed, when you wake up, you will die in society."

"I knew you bastards were after my Pym Particles."

Dr. Pym cursed, and Dr. Reed sneered: "What scientist doesn't want to study such a magical thing? Stop talking nonsense, please go to hell."

After saying that, Dr. Reed raised his hammer and was about to kill the old Ant-Man and his family. At this moment, a figure suddenly teleported behind him and stabbed him hard in the back with a spear.

Dr. Reed was shocked and hurriedly concentrated his energy in the back of his heart. With a bang, Dr. Reed flew straight forward, sliding on the ground and stopping only after hitting the wall.

The old Ant-Man and his family breathed a sigh of relief, looked up at the figure, and were suddenly stunned: "Fallen King Kong."

Yes, that figure is the Fallen King Kong, but it is only the size of a normal human being, and at the same time, there is a soul gem inlaid between the eyebrows.

After the death of the Fallen King Kong, the body was taken away by the Defense Bureau. The Defense Bureau used the Mind Stone to resurrect it and turned it into the Defense Bureau's trump card.

In order to prevent the Fallen King Kong from rebelling, the Defense Bureau did not activate its self-awareness, and everything about it was remotely controlled by Carter.

Carter is in the underground base, using the device designed by Fitz to remotely control the Fallen King Kong. At this point, the Defense Bureau and the military thought of going together.

There was no way, Ultron's betrayal made them full of doubts about robots.

In addition, the reason why Fallen King Kong is so small is because it uses Pym particles. In fact, it can not only become smaller, but also become larger.

"Fallen King Kong, the Defense Bureau has a lot of good stuff."

Dr. Reed climbed up, the hammer quickly transformed, and he said: "Unfortunately, you can't stop us."

"You won't know until you fight."

Carter snorted and controlled the Fallen King Kong to attack. Ant-Man, the Wasp, and the old Wasp were cooperating beside him.

In this way, the Defense Agency headquarters became a battlefield, with Captain Marvel fighting Nick Fury, and Carter fighting Dr. Reed.

The sealed place under the Pacific Ocean.

Odin held the Eternal Spear and came to the outside of the Sealing Temple with a solemn expression. After a moment's inspection, he knew that there was something wrong with the seal. He couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "Kul, you are indeed in control of those people outside."

After Dr. Banner and the others destroyed the data center, Alice followed Andrew's instructions and played the battle scene to Odin.

As soon as Odin saw the hammers used by those people, he immediately knew there was something wrong, so he immediately picked up the Eternal Spear and rushed to the bottom of the sea.

Andrew didn't tell Odin his plan, not because he was afraid that he would leak the secret, but because he was afraid that he would not be able to perform well in the next play and others would see the flaws.

"Of course I am in control, Odin. You are at least two months late."

Orochi Kuhl said with a proud smile: "Since two months ago, I have been absorbing the fear on the earth. As of today, I have completely recovered. This is why I chose to launch today."

While speaking, the Orochi stamped his right foot hard, causing the entire temple to shake. Immediately afterwards, a rune magic circle appeared to resist the Orochi's divine power.

Unfortunately, facing the Orochi in its heyday, the sealing magic circle was no match, and a lot of cracks soon appeared.

The reason why Odin was able to seal the serpent back then was because he severely injured the serpent and stripped it of all its divine power.

The strength of Orochi is higher than that of Odin. If he is safe and sound, how can it be possible to seal him with just a seal?

Odin hurriedly input his divine power into the magic circle to maintain the existence of the seal. He said: "Kul, if you stay in it, you can live for a few more years. If you run out to cause trouble, you will only be beaten to death by the mechanical demon king. He is so cruel. kind.

Maybe you don’t know who the Mechanical Demon King is, he is a very cruel Demon King..."

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