American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 448 Attacking the Headquarters

Hill was holding the Hammer of Fear and wearing a blue armor. She looked quite heroic. She smiled and said, "Scarlett, the red-haired woman, reacts quickly enough."

Scarlett asked in a deep voice: "Hill, have you been waiting for me here?"

As Scarlett spoke, the general ordered all soldiers to point their weapons at Hill.

"Yes, I have been waiting for you here. Your teleportation ability is too troublesome and must be solved."

Hill didn't take those soldiers seriously at all. She said, "Scarlett, you guys are going to lose. This world will be full of fear."

"Just you?"

Scarlett snorted coldly and activated the magic circle on her body. Dozens of fireballs appeared out of thin air and blasted towards Hill.

The military general saw this and shouted: "Shoot."

A large number of energy beams were densely shot at Hill. Hill flew into the sky and hit the air with a hammer. The air turned into a large cannonball and roared out. The fireball was hit by the air cannonball and exploded with a loud bang.


Then, Hill shouted loudly, and the air cannon exploded, turning into a shock wave that swept forward. Although Scarlett was not affected at all, all the soldiers were thrown away and fell to the ground with a crackle and howled.

"This is power, Scarlett. I used to envy you superheroes, but now, I don't have to envy you, because I have stronger power than you."

Hill laughed loudly, swung the hammer quickly, and a large tornado quickly formed, rolling up more than a dozen military vehicles nearby and roaring towards Scarlett.

What mortal doesn't yearn for the power of a superhero? Hill is no exception.


The general swayed left and right in the strong wind, his expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly led the soldiers to retreat. Nine lives would not be enough to kill him if he was caught in the tornado.

"The further you retreat, the better. Leave this place to me. In addition, report the matter to the Defense Bureau."

Scarlett shouted, and then she activated the power of King Kong, flying out like a cannonball, penetrating the tornado and punching Hill hard on the head.

Hill turned her head sideways, but to her surprise, she was still hit. She flew backwards, landed on the ground with a crash, and slid for hundreds of meters.

"What's going on? I clearly avoided it, so why did I still get hit?"

Hill, who had a dark circle on his face, was puzzled. Scarlett naturally couldn't explain, started the propeller, and rushed towards Hill again.

Hill quickly got up, pushed the hammer forward, and the air hit Scarlett hard like a wall.

At this moment, Hill was hit hard by a fist on the back and flew out again, sliding against the ground.

Fortunately, Hill had a battle armor on him, otherwise, he might have been smoothed out.

Hill stood on the ground and flew into the air. She looked at Scarlett flying over and asked in shock: "Invisibility magic?"

"To be precise, it's phantom magic."

Scarlett smiled slightly and divided her body into two, two into four, four into eight..., densely surrounding Hill in the middle.

As mentioned before, the greatest characteristic of superheroes is their ability to continue to grow, and Scarlett is no exception. Over the years, in addition to constantly improving her magic power, she has also learned a lot of new magic from Andrew.

According to Scarlet's characteristics, Andrew taught Asgard's phantom magic to her and asked her to use phantom magic to assist the power of King Kong.

To put it simply, it is a stealth sneak attack, or deflecting the opponent's sight. The reason why Hill was hit before was because what she saw was not Scarlett's real fist at all.

The principle of the phantom sword technique that Queen Frigga is proficient in is similar to this.

As a mage, all magic is for melee combat.

"It seems that I underestimated you a little, but I will only win today."

Looking at the densely packed Scarletts around him, Hill snorted coldly, swung his hammer, and the surrounding air turned into space blades, shooting towards all the Scarletts.

At this moment, a figure fell from the sky and stepped Hill into the concrete floor with a bang. It was Scarlett - the phantoms were all fake, and the real one quietly flew above Hill, catching her by surprise.

"Are you sure you will only win?"

Scarlett lowered her head, looked at Hill at her feet, and sneered: "Although you can control the air, it's just control. You are still far from a true powerhouse."

Hill was filled with shame and anger, and a powerful burst of magic power exploded. Even Scarlett was thrown away. She rolled in the air and landed firmly on the ground.

Hill flew out of the pit, with lines of energy lighting up on her body. At the same time, her magic power skyrocketed. This was her peak state.

"Scarlett, you've pissed me off completely. Go to hell."

Hill yelled angrily, swung the hammer quickly, and the surrounding air surrounded her, forming a lifelike dragon, charging fiercely towards Scarlett.

Scarlett jumped up high and punched the dragon's head hard, but was blown away by the high-speed rotating wind.

Then, the dragon's tail swept towards Scarlet like a storm, and a building was wiped out by the dragon's tail on the spot. Various debris flew everywhere like cannonballs, scaring the people in the base to scream and even scream.

Scarlett hurriedly started the propeller to avoid the dragon's tail. Then, three spiral crossbow arrows popped out of her arms and shot towards the dragon with a sonic boom.

The spiral crossbow arrows penetrated the dragon's body smoothly and shot towards Hill from different directions.

Hill snorted coldly and swung his hammer to smash three spiral crossbow arrows away.

Scarlett was not discouraged. While avoiding the dragon's attack, she continued to control the spiral crossbow to attack continuously.

Carter knew about the battle that took place in the base immediately. She cursed secretly that Nick Fury knew them too well and was just as difficult as Tony back then.

Now there's trouble. Without Scarlett, many cities don't have enough troops to resist the monsters.

The problem is, only Scarlett can teleport, and no one else has time to help her.

"Has the Wakandan Air Force set off?"

Carter asked, and the staff on the side replied: "We have set off, but there are also monsters landing in Africa, and they cannot send all their troops to support us."

"It must have been Nick Fury who did it again and asked Dr. Pym to prepare for action. In this situation, we can only use Pym particles as the trump card. Hey, wait, Nick Fury is so familiar with us, there is no reason to let him go. Dr. Pym.”

Carter thought about something, his face changed drastically, and he hurriedly shouted: "Raise alert, activate all defensive measures, damn, this is the time when the headquarters is at its weakest."

Before Carter finished speaking, a hammer broke through the wall and hit Carter. Carter rushed to the side and narrowly avoided the hammer.

Then, the hammer flew back and fell into the hands of a man in yellow clothes, who was Dr. Reed.

"It's a pity that I missed. Although I calculated the position correctly, I underestimated Director Carter's reaction speed."

Dr. Reed, who was flying in the air, said regretfully: "Female warriors and agents who have experienced hundreds of battles are indeed not simple."

"They say the Defense Bureau is better than SHIELD. Let me see, how is the Defense Bureau better than my SHIELD?"

Nick Fury snorted coldly, obviously having a lot of resentment towards the Defense Bureau. Then, he raised the Stika Hammer, and the lake water on both sides flew up and turned into two huge ice balls covered with spikes.


Nick Fury waved his hand, and two huge ice balls slammed into the Defense Agency headquarters like two cannonballs.


The agents who were about to attack were frightened and hurriedly took cover.

Boom boom boom...

The two ice balls were powerful, destroying glass and walls along the way, smashing through the Defense Bureau headquarters, and finally fell to the ground with a bang.

Nick Fury and Dr. Reed laughed loudly, rushed into the Defense Agency headquarters along the gap created by the ice ball, and flew quickly towards the laboratory at the rear.

"Stop them, their target is Dr. Pym, inform Janet, the Wasp, and Ant-Man to get them ready."

Carter took out the energy gun from the drawer and shouted: "Also, activate the Cosmic Cube to protect the rear laboratory."


The agents reacted and immediately activated the internal defense system.

At the same time, a large number of agents and robots stopped Nick Fury and Dr. Reed, and various energy beams and lasers were fired at the two people.

Dr. Reed smiled disdainfully, lengthened his arms, and used his telescopic force to swing the hammer quickly, blocking all attacks.

Then, Nick Fury swiped his hammer, and a beam of ice roared out, freezing all the robots and agents in the way into ice cubes.

Fortunately, Nick Fury was in a hurry and didn't land another blow, so the agents didn't die, but were frozen.

Behind the Defense Bureau, an energy shield firmly protects the experimental building. It is the energy shield formed by the Universe Rubik's Cube.

"Nick Fury? I have known for a long time that this guy is not a good person. When I caught him, I should have shot him directly."

Dr. Pym cursed while putting the Pym particles into the Pym particle gun that was secretly made some time ago.

The Pym Particle Gun, as the name suggests, is a firearm used to fire Pym particles. It has two modes, one to enlarge and one to reduce.

Because it has just been designed, the Pym particle gun still has many imperfections. For example, its rate of fire is relatively slow.

"Stop complaining, Hope, Scott, you are preparing for a sneak attack."

The old Wasp Janet said: "Although there is a defensive shield, it may not be safe. If Nick Fury dares to come, he must be prepared in advance."


Hope and Scott nodded at the same time. During this period, they have been protecting Dr. Pym and have not left here.

Janet thought of something and said to Dr. Pym: "Hank, don't activate the self-destruct mode to destroy the Pym particles at the last moment. They are the key to dealing with monsters."

Dr. Pym was a little embarrassed. He asked, "How did you know that I secretly installed a self-destruction device in the box containing Pym particles?"

"I don't know what your personality is? You regard Pym particles as more important than your own life."

The old Wasp shook her head, and Dr. Pym explained: "Pym particles are terrible and cannot be abused. Otherwise, the world may be destroyed."

"The world is about to end now."

Ant-Man complained, and Dr. Pym glared at him, "Even if the world is destroyed, you don't want to marry my daughter."

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