American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 444 Cooperation

"Okay, let's talk after we finish. I like these monsters. They are very durable."

Thor laughed loudly, and Mjolnir came out with dazzling lightning, hitting the head of a turtle monster hard.

The turtle monster let out a wail and hurriedly retracted its head into its shell. Then, its limbs moved rapidly and hit Thor as hard as a mountain.

"What's the use of hiding?"

Thor complained, pointed his hammer forward, and huge lightning blasted into the monster's body from the gap. The monster let out a shrill scream, and its long tail swept towards Thor heavily.

Thor nimbly avoided it, and the lightning kept bombarding the monster's body. In the end, the monster died and its body was charred black.

"Mjolnir, you seem to be very excited today and are shaking all the time. It seems that you have been holding it in for as long as I have."

Thor laughed excitedly and said, "Just in time, let's deal with these monsters together and have a good time."

"It's too embarrassing. It's better to pretend that you don't know her. Wait until the popularity subsides one day, and then use your identity as an Asgard princess to increase the popularity."

Looking at Thor talking to her hammer, Little Hela looked disgusted. She threw the Sword of the Night Sky into the sky. The Sword of the Night Sky quickly divided into hundreds of black swords in the blink of an eye.


Then, Xiao Haila waved his hand, and hundreds of black swords were shot at the three monsters gathered together at the same time.

The monsters knew how powerful the black sword was. Some evaded, and some used their carapace to resist the attack. Xiao Hela smiled disdainfully, and the black sword easily penetrated the carapace and sank into the monster's body.

The black sword is not sharp, it contains a strong aura of death. After being stabbed, the aura of death will corrode the carapace, causing it to 'die', and then it can be easily penetrated.

The alien pioneers have no idea what magic is, and they can't recover the corpse, so they haven't been able to find a way to crack the Sword of the Night Sky until now.

Then, Xiao Hela controlled the black sword to cause chaos in the bodies of the three monsters. The three monsters howled in pain. They knew that they would die if they continued like this, so they rushed towards Xiao Hela with all their strength.

Xiao Hela smiled disdainfully, shook her hand, and all the black swords exploded at the same time. The three monsters screamed and fell down at the same time, causing a huge wave.

Then, the Sword of the Night Sky reappeared in Xiao Hela's hands.

"Your weapons are good, a bit Asgardian."

Thor glanced at Little Hela in surprise, and then he threw his hammer out like a showoff, hitting a monster with a bang, and the monster fell backwards.


Thor stretched out his hand to take back Mjolnir. Little Hela couldn't stand his complacency, so she raised her hand to grab Mjolnir as it flew back.

"Hey, little girl, stop scratching."

Thor hurriedly shouted that if the others grabbed Mjolnir, they would be carried back by Mjolnir.

To Thor's surprise, Thor's hammer was firmly grasped by Xiao Hela, and she was extremely obedient, as if the hammer originally belonged to her.

"This is impossible."

Thor's jaw almost dropped. Why did Mjolnir always 'cheat' every time he came to the atrium? It was always a different person.

Mjolnir, have you ever thought about how I feel?

Then, Thor fell into the sea with a crash and became a drowned rat. There was no way, he could not fly without Mjolnir.

Others were also surprised. Little Hela could actually use Thor's hammer?

"Don't you say that only people with high moral character can lift Mjolnir? This is unscientific."

Natasha complained that the captain had a noble character and it was normal to be able to lift Thor's hammer, but little Hela, haha, this girl's heart is not ordinary.

The audience was also surprised, and then the fans cheered. The Death Witch was indeed of noble character, and could even pick up Mjolnir.

This shows that their choice was not wrong.

Little Hela wasted no time, threw Thor's Hammer into the air, and swung the Sword of the Night Sky to hit Thor's Hammer hard.

Thor's hammer shot out quickly and hit a monster in the face with a bang. The monster let out a scream, even its teeth were knocked out, and it fell into the sea with a crash.


Thor hurriedly shouted that he had never photographed Mjolnir like this before. At this moment, something happened that surprised him, no, shocked him.

After Thor's hammer hit the monster, it bounced into the air, but instead of returning to Xiao Hela's hand, it exploded with lightning.

Then, the lightning differentiated and fell around, forming five new hammers, which together with the original hammers actively besieged the monsters.

The monster was knocked back by six Thor's hammers. Xiao Hela took the opportunity to condense the giant sword and whizzed out, killing the monster with one sword.

"Mjolnir can still be used like this? Why didn't I know?"

Thor was a little confused. This posture, well, no, he hadn't unlocked this function before. Why had a stranger unlocked it?

Whose hammer is this? Mjolnir, are you worthy of me?

"This is the first time. I...well, I can't do without this hammer."

Thor hurriedly raised his hand and summoned Thor's hammer, but Thor's hammer ignored him completely and flew around excitedly under the control of little Hela.

"Mjolnir, you have never been so excited when you were around me."

Thor cursed, hurriedly swam towards Little Hela, and shouted at the same time: "Little girl, that hammer belongs to me. If you use it randomly, you may hurt yourself."

"Are you the God of Hammers or the God of Thunder?"

Xiao Hela turned around and asked. She felt that as a sister, she had the obligation to teach her younger brother.

Little Hela has met Thor in the zombie universe and is very familiar with his experience. Thor actually has great potential, but Thor's hammer limits his development.

Thor shouted: "Hammer God or Thor? Of course I am Thor, where does the Hammer God come from?"

"Since you are the God of Thunder, you can fly on your own and send out thunder and lightning on your own."

Little Hela said: "I will confiscate Mjolnir first, and I will return it to you after you can send out thunder and lightning."

"I can send thunder and lightning."

Thor hurriedly raised his hand when he heard this, and a flash of lightning flashed at his fingertips. After the last battle in London, he discovered that he could also activate thunder and lightning, and he had been practicing it. However, Mjolnir used it too skillfully, and after training, he got twice the result with half the effort. .

"What do you call thunder and lightning? What do you call sparks?"

Little Hela looked disdainful. At this moment, she thought of something and shouted to the sky: "Heimdall, you are not allowed to teleport this guy back until he becomes the God of Thunder."

Heimdall nodded silently. He couldn't afford to offend this young lady. As for Thor, well, who was Thor? Do I know him?

Thor was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said: "Little girl, Heimdall will not listen to your orders. He only listens to the orders of me, the King of Asgard."

Little Hela ignored Thor and slapped the hammer out again. Thor looked more and more distressed. Just as he was about to say something, a monster roared towards him.

Thor was shocked and hurriedly escaped. Without the hammer, his strength was greatly reduced and he was no match for the monster. He was chased and fled in all directions.

"Heimdall, teleport me and the hammer back together."

Thor shouted hurriedly, but unfortunately, Heimdall didn't respond at all. Thor yelled, is this guy lazy? Or maybe you're peeking at some girl taking a shower?

"Hell, that hammer belongs to Thor."

Steve hurried over to rescue Thor, and at the same time said through the communicator that if Thor died on Earth, it would be a big problem. Maybe the next disaster would be called Revenge of Asgard.

"Didn't I tell you that I am also an Asgardian?"

Little Hela shrugged, ignored Steve, and continued to deal with the monster.

"Are you an Asgardian too?"

Steve was stunned. It seemed that it was not that simple for little Hela to be able to pick up Mjolnir.

At the same time, under the Pacific Ocean Sea Space Channel, Nick Fury, wearing a suit of armor, was talking to several aliens who looked similar to aliens. The corpses of three monsters were lying around him.

These strange-looking aliens are the pioneers, and the monsters are created by them, and around them is a ring-shaped fortress.

The initial meeting between Nick Fury and the Herald was not pleasant, as evidenced by the corpses of the three monsters on the ground. Fortunately, after Nick Fury's 'friendly conversation', the two sides gradually turned enemies into friends.

"With your strength, you can't destroy the earth, because you don't understand what magic is. I use magic, and the one named Hel also uses magic."

Nick Fury said with mental waves that this method of communication can ignore language barriers.

The Herald said: "No matter what magic is, we will be able to study it sooner or later."

"When you figure it out, the Earth might even counterattack."

Nick Fury smiled: "We cooperate and destroy the earth together."

The pioneers looked at each other. After a while, one pioneer asked: "Aren't you from Earth? Why do you want to help us?"

"Because I am not an ordinary earthling."

Nick Fury said: "If you agree, I will give you detailed information about the superheroes on Earth. In addition, my companions and I will help you deal with humans.

I have seven companions, each as powerful as I am. "

"Seven humans as powerful as you?"

The aliens were very surprised. After discussion, they chose to agree to cooperate with Nick Fury.

Then, the alien took Nick Fury to the monster manufacturing room deep in the fortress, where a sleeping blue three-headed monster lay.

It's blue, not golden. After all, it's a replica, and it can't be exactly the same as the original.

"This is our trump card. Not only is it far more powerful than other monsters, it also has the ability to heal itself."

The pioneer said: "The DNA comes from a creature on the earth. We want to know, are there any such creatures on the earth?"

"Aliens and Earthlings actually have such a connection?"

Nick Fury was a little surprised and said: "Of course, it is the Titan Ghidorah. In addition to it, there are also King Kong, Godzilla and so on.

Don't worry, these Titans are not the same as humans. They have been hiding underground. The interior of our earth is empty. "

"Great, these monsters can make our monster army stronger."

The Herald said excitedly, Nick Fury's eyes flashed and he said: "No wonder you are so obsessed with the earth.

However, are the number of your monsters a bit low? "

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